(Evidence abounds obama is a FRAUD. The photo above has no state seal and it says "filed with registrar" not "accepted by registrar" with the registrar's signature. Now a verified worker in an Hawaiian election office in 2008 confirms obama has NO birth certificate.) Story Reports
Joe Kovacs WMD
"There is no birth certificate," said Tim Adams, a graduate assistant who teaches English at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. "It's like an open secret. There isn't one. Everyone in the government there knows this."
Hawaiian officials confirmed that Adams was indeed working in their election offices during the last presidential election. "His title was senior elections clerk in 2008," said Glen Takahashi, elections administrator for the City and County of Honolulu. Takahashi also confirmed Adams' time frame at the office from spring until the month of August.
A college professor who worked as a senior elections clerk for the City and County of Honolulu in 2008 is making the stunning claim Barack Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Obama does not even exist in Hawaii.
"There is no birth certificate," said Tim Adams, a graduate assistant who teaches English at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. "It's like an open secret. There isn't one. Everyone in the government there knows this."
Adams, who says he's a Hillary Clinton supporter who ended up voting for John McCain when Clinton lost the Democratic nomination to Obama, told WND, "I managed the absentee-ballot office. It was my job to verify the voters' identity."
During the 2008 campaign when the issue of Obama's constitutional eligibility first arose, the elections office was inundated with requests to verify the birthplace of the U.S. senator from Illinois.
"I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver's license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone's identity," Adams explained. "I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama]."
At the time, there were conflicting reports that Obama had been born at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, as well as the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children across town. So Adams says his office checked with both facilities.
"They told us, 'We don't have a birth certificate for him,'" he said. "They told my supervisor, either by phone or by e-mail, neither one has a document that a doctor signed off on saying they were present at this man's birth."
To date, no Hawaiian hospital has provided documented confirmation that Obama was born at its facility.
Takahashi was asked if the elections office could check on birth records, he said, "We don't have access to that kind of records. [There's] no access to birth records."
Adams responded, "They may say, 'We don't have access to that.' The regular workers don't, the ones processing ballots; but the people in administration do. I was the one overseeing the work of the people doing the balloting."
Adams stressed, "In my professional opinion, [Obama] definitely was not born in Hawaii. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that he was not born in Hawaii because there is no legal record of him being born there. If someone called and asked about it, I could not tell them that person was born in the state."
The White House has maintained a computer-generated Certification of Live Birth, or COLB, is proof enough of Obama's Hawaiian birth, even though it has no hospital or doctor's name on it. Such documents differ from a Certificate of Live Birth which includes those details.
The White House has maintained a computer-generated Certification of Live Birth, or COLB, is proof enough of Obama's Hawaiian birth, even though it has no hospital or doctor's name on it. Such documents differ from a Certificate of Live Birth which includes those details.
"Anyone can get that [COLB]," said Adams. "They are normally given if you give birth at home or while traveling overseas. We have a lot of Asian population [in Hawaii]. It's quite common for people to come back and get that."
Last month Hawaii's Republican Gov. Linda Lingle reignited Obama's origin on a New York radio show.
"It's been an odd situation," Lingle said. "This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it's one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country.
"So I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that's just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue and I think it's again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this."
Although the governor now claims she issued a news release stating Kapi'olani is Obama's birthplace, the actual release said no such thing, making no reference to Kapi'olani nor any other specific location of Obama's birth.
WND asked Adams why the governor would make such assertions if a Hawaiian hospital-generated birth certificate did not exist.
"Why would they say they've seen it and not produce it? I don't know," he said. "If they said they've seen the document, then why not produce the document? There's no need to put themselves out like that. I can't even begin to think why did that except for some kind of political expediency. I'm too far down the totem pole [to know]."
"You don't have to like President Obama," he said, "but it is sad that he's going to have to go through this public pillory by the time this all comes out, that they did cover this up; and that's sad because the first African-American man to become president shouldn't have this blight on his term in office. That's what he'll get remembered for. It's sad."
Adams says he's been telling other people his information for a long time, and he's free to talk about it publicly since he no longer has any confidentiality restrictions from his former employer, the Honolulu government. People started to pay attention this week after he was briefly interviewed by James Edwards, host of a weekly radio show on WLRM Radio in Memphis, Tenn.
The Kapi'olani Medical Center trumpeted – then later concealed – a letter allegedly written by President Obama in which he ostensibly declares his birth at the facility.
Correspondent Les Kinsolving asked Press Secretary Robert Gibbs about the letter at the July 13 news briefing, Gibbs dodged the question, refusing to confirm its authenticity while belittling Kinsolving for even posing the question.
"Do all of your listeners and the listeners throughout this country the service to which any journalist owes those listeners, and that is the pursuit of the noble truth," Gibbs lectured Kinsolving. "And the noble truth is that the president was born in Hawaii, a state of the United States of America."
(What did gibbs mean by "nobel" truth. Did obama get a "nobel" prize for the "nobel truth"? The nobel truth is obama is a FRAUD and has NO birth certificate in Hawaii. It has been confirmed by Tim Adams, "I can say without a shadow of a doubt that he was not born in Hawaii because there is no legal record of him being born there. If someone called and asked about it, I could not tell them that person was born in the state."
Adams says his office checked with both facilities, Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, as well as the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children . "They told us, 'We don't have a birth certificate for him,'" he said. "They told my supervisor, either by phone or by e-mail, neither one has a document that a doctor signed off on saying they were present at this man's birth." To date, no Hawaiian hospital has provided documented confirmation that Obama was born at its facility.) Story Reports
Adams was in Hawaii. Adam checked for obama's birth certificate. Adams checked and said obama does not have a birth certificate.
Adams has seen and confirmed obama does not have a birth certificate and is NOT a natural born citizen. Adams has confirmed obama cannot prove he was born in Hawaii using a hospital generated birth certificate. It does not exist. We know the truth know.
Its just like I have said, obama's birth certificate was fabricated out of thin air by a request from obama. Hawaii has very liberal laws about obtaining a birth certificate even if you were not born in Hawaii. There are at least 5 different ways to get a birth certificate. Obama himself could have requested a birth certificate from the Lt governor of Hawaii.
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