Diabolical hillary clinton has support of "state run national media", corporate support and the national GOP itself.
Yes this election is truly "rigged" but all their attempts to defeat trump will NOT prevail on election day!
Americans know hillary is a total fake propped up by her doctor and the news media, and will elect Donald Trump. All the meds in the world can't get her elected!
Its true people who support hillary clinton and the democrates will do anything to try to steal the election.
Many polls are manipulated to try to rig the election every other day.
A recent prime example was a fox news poll showing hillary ahead in their "poll".
The reason the fox news poll was showing her in the lead was because fox news polled more democrates than republicans!
You had to dig down to page 40 of the report to find this information.
Of course if you ask more democrates to answer poll questions it is automatically skewed toward hillary.
Fox News is NOT fair and balanced they are just unbalanced and also in the tank for hillary clinton.
Republican party headquarters is firebombed
Republican party headquarters is firebombed and a local business is daubed with Nazi graffiti in North Carolina.
Molotov cocktail was thrown through GOP office window in Hillsborough Fire scorched the interior of the building with Trump yard signs inside Vandal scrawled 'Nazi Republicans leave town or else' along with swastika outside an adjacent shop called Balloons Above Orange.
Shop owner Bennie Sparrow told Dailymail.com, 'This is the world we live in,' adding her shop is a 'good billboard to aim towards the Republicans' One GOP official called it an act of 'political terrorism' Mayor alluded to the incident as an attempt at voter intimidation, saying the 'hateful message undermines integrity in civic participation.
The republican establishment is also in bed with hillary clinton.
They are constantly working in different ways to try to make their own candidate loose.
Why? Because their are totally in need of support of their corporate and republican donors. To the republicans in name only in congress, its all about money and staying in elected office at any cost. Even at the cost of trying to make their own candidate lose the election. They know well that if Trump gets elected he will clean house which means they will be in jeopardy.
We are living in the twilight election zone.
For example they say that the national republican pary will not spend a dime for ads supporting Donald Trump.
Almost every media outlet is trying to steal the election for hillary clinton.
Even though wiki leaks has proven her to be a certified liar through their release of documented emails.
She regards middle eastern people as quote: "Sand N WORD"
If she regards middle eastern people like this how do you think she regards african americans?
She also regards anyone who doesn't support her, thats AMERICAN voters, as deplorable!
deserving strong condemnation.
"the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held"
synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable; reprehensible, despicable, abominable, contemptible, execrable, heinous, beyond the pale
Hillary clinton is diabolical!!!!!!
belonging to or so evil as to recall the Devil.
"his diabolical cunning"
synonyms: devilish, fiendish, satanic, demonic, demoniacal, hellish, infernal, evil, wicked, ungodly, unholy