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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Hillary eats soul food as black voters desert and abandon her in early voting


Hillary Eats Soul Food

Hillary eats soul food, campaigns in churches to boost lagging black turnout.

In March 2007, Clinton, quoting James Cleveland, memorably said in Selma, Ala., “I don’t feel in noways tired!”

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s tours of soul food restaurants and black churches to court black voters in recent weeks doesn’t seem to be paying off.

The turnout of black voters is down in many areas compared to 2012, including key battleground states, providing the latest evidence that the former first lady’s campaign may be circling the drain.

The black voter turnout in the key state of North Carolina is down 16 percent in early voting. It’s a similar situation in Florida, where black voters heading to the polls in person has decreased from 25 percent in 2012 to a current rate of 15 percent, despite expanded early voting opportunities.

The apparent trend of unenthusiastic black voters comes despite Clinton’s pandering to the constituency through repeated visits to soul food restaurants and black churches in those key states.

On Halloween, Clinton visited Angie’s Soul Café in Cleveland ahead of a rally at Kent State University.

The day before, Clinton was at Betty’s Soul Food in Fort Lauderdale and spoke briefly with the owner before posing for pictures with several black patrons.


Black Turnout Soft in Early Voting, Boding Ill for Hillary Clinton

African-Americans are failing to vote at the robust levels they did four years ago in several states that could help decide the presidential election, creating a vexing problem for Hillary Clinton as she clings to a deteriorating lead over Donald J. Trump with Election Day just a week away.

As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first "black" president on the ticket.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hillary Email Probe upgraded and expanded by FBI with grand jury power!


November 1, 2016

Don't Be Fooled: Hillarygate Probe Is Now a Formal Federal Criminal Investigation

By James G. Wiles (

Hillarygate Probe Is Now a Formal Federal Criminal Investigation

The NY Times and the Wall Street Journal both reported on Monday morning that an FBI warrant application to a federal judge over the weekend for permission to search Huma Abedin's emails and laptop had been granted. The application was made on the basis of the Clinton email investigation. Necessarily, that application (as required by the Constitution's Fourth Amendment) would have been supported by FBI affidavits.

This new fact is a development of immense potential significance – both for Mrs. Clinton personally and for us as American citizens. It is also unprecedented in American history.

At a minimum, it enables us to pierce the thick cloud of black ink and disinformation released over the weekend by Team Hillary and which is being widely misreported in the current news cycle.

The FBI agents had to make this warrant application because their existing Fourth Amendment search authority was on the basis of Anthony Weiner's (unrelated) suspected misconduct with an underage girl. That investigation was already a grand jury matter.

However, that grand jury's authority – which is supervised by a federal judge -- did not authorize the Bureau to pursue information which might be pertinent to the inquiry into Mrs. Clinton's use of a personal email server while she was Secretary of State. Making that application, under standard DOJ protocol, required approval from Main Justice. In this case, the assistant attorney in charge of the Criminal Division, if not the attorney general.

Since the application was made, it's safe to conclude that the Criminal Division at Main Justice authorized the warrant application. Thus, at a minimum, the senior leadership of the Justice Department is not as unanimously condemnatory of FBI director Comey's letter to Congress on Friday as media reports would lead us to believe.

It also explains why Director Comey issued his letter to Congress. The reporting tells us that the FBI's decision to make a warrant application to the supervising judge of the Weiner grand jury triggered Mr. Comey's decision to notify Congress. Having promised Congressional leaders (perhaps unwisely, since he was not required to do so) that, if the Bureau uncovered new evidence relating to Hillarygate which required further inquiry, he would so notify them, he proceeded on Friday to keep his word and do so.

Now he's being condemned by the Democrats and the MSM for not saying why. We'll get to the reason why he's not in a minute. But, first, the granting of the warrant application means several important and new things:

Hillarygate Probe Is Now a Formal Federal Criminal Investigation

1) A federal judge supervising a grand jury has now made a finding, based on FBI affidavits which present evidence gathered during the preliminary Hillary inquiry (the one which the FBI director stated had been closed back in July), that there's probable cause to believe that a federal crime was committed in connection with Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server.

We still, however, don't know what crime(s) are suspected to have been committed. Or by whom.

2) The FBI can use this new grant of grand jury authority to investigate Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server for the first time to issues subpoenaes to obtain testimony from witnesses and compel the production of documents and things. The Bureau and DOJ can, furthermore, use the judge's probable cause finding to support further warrant applications.

This means that, if DOJ authorizes it, a United States attorney now has the ability for the first time to put subpoenaed witnesses before a grand jury. There, without their lawyer in the room, they may be questioned under oath by a federal prosecutor.

If the witnesses take the Fifth – and the witness's lawyer is allowed to sit outside the grand jury room and be consulted by the witness before answering a question, they can be immunized and, if they still refuse to testify, a judge can jail them indefinitely until they change their mind.

Huma Abedin, according to prior reporting, received a grant of immunity during the FBI's preliminary investigation. During the first Clinton presidency, Clinton allies chose jail over cooperating with the federal grand jury investigating both Clintons.

We may get to see if a new generation of Clinton allies are willing to do the same.

3) The liberal media's reporting that the Hillarygate email server investigation has not, in fact, been "reopened" is totally false.


Because, not only is the probe reopened, it has been upgraded and expanded. It has been upgraded from a preliminary inquiry to a formal criminal investigation with grand jury power. That also means that, at least at the level of the federal grand jury itself, assistant U.S. attorneys assigned to that grand jury are now for the first time formally involved.

In other words: the Beast is now fully awake.

4) This weekend's development potentially escalates the threat to Mrs. Clinton. While several other procedural steps and processes are necessary, it is a federal grand jury, not the FBI, which issues indictments. The FBI -- using the the grand jury to obtain testimony, conduct searches and compel the production of documents and things - investigates crimes. The U.S. Attorneys, acting though the grand jury, charge and prosecute those persons whom the grand jury finds probable cause to believe have committed those crimes.

5) This weekend's development also means that, for the first time in American history, a candidate for President of the United States is likely now a subject/target of a federal grand jury investigation.


These facts now enable us to analyze and dispel Team Clinton's attempts to lay down a thick fog of misdirection over the scene.

Here it is: Mrs. Clinton's demand that the FBI be "transparent" is pure posturing -- spinning to the max (which Mrs. Clinton, as the most criminally investigated presidential candidate in U.S. history, well knows). Younger readers, please take note: this is not, to put it mildly, Hillary Clinton's first rodeo.

Not for the first time, Mrs. Clinton is being totally disingenuous with the voters (and the media). She is also making FBI director Comey into her personal punching bag. And she's doing it because she knows that the director can't fight back.

In this, Mrs. Clinton is simply repeating a tactic which she and her catspaw Sidney Blumenthal used to good effect during the Whitewater, Travelgate, and Monica Lewinsky investigations in the 1990s. And that tactic worked.

It’s called grand jury secrecy. Now that Hillarygate is, for the first time, a grand jury investigation, Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) prohibits the FBI and prosecutors from saying anything about "matters occurring before the grand jury." Their lips are sealed.


(My own comments StoryReports)

When hillary, the lawyer, demands FBI director Comey release all the information the FBI emails she knows he cannot because of Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e).

Now that a Federal Grand Jury is investigating her criminal activities the CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG!!!

This is what the FBI should have been doing all along but the "justice" department would not let this happen and tried to supress the investigation into the clinton foundation. This is because obama and his comrads are also going to be exposed as criminals!

NOW A FEDERAL GRAND JURY is investigation the clinton foundation, hillary's emails etc.

Hillary won't be talking to Comey in a hotel room with knowledge ahead of time about the questions.

The FEDERAL GRAND JURY will be listening to a Federal Prosecutor asking questions and getting answers from:

(1) Probably Hillary Clinton Herself, AKA "The Hilda Beast"..... (without a lawyer present but remember hillary is a lawyer so she would represent herself) (all she could do was plead the 5th)

(2) Probably Slick Willy himself Bill Clinton... (without a lawyer present but remember hillary is a lawyer so she would represent herself) (all he could do would be plead the 5th)

(3) Barack Obama, the first criminal black president...(without a lawyer present but remember obama is a lawyer so he would represent himself) (all he could do was plead the 5th)

(4) Loretta E. Lynch, who met with bill clinton in her airplane just before the first so called investigation was suppressed by her....(without a lawyer present but remember loretta is a lawyer so she would represent herself) (all she could do was plead the 5th)


The lid is off. The can of WHOOP has been opened.

Mrs. Clinton's demand that the FBI be "transparent" is just the beginning.

THE FEDERAL GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION INTO THE CORRUPTION of bill and hillary clinton WILL BECOME TRANSPARENT after THE FEDERAL GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION is completed and multiple federal indictments are filed against bill and hillary.

Obama, Lynch and the entire corrupt obama regime could also be charged with FEDERAL CRIMES!!!!

Obama, Lynch, Bill and Hillary Clinton have committed TREASON!!

Note that Obama can pardon himself. He can also pardon anyone else he wants to. This is his "ace in the hole".

Lets hope Donald Trump gets elected and the federal grand jury investigation into the corruption of bill and hillary clinton and government officials is completed as soon as possible.

Obama can't pardon a federal grand jury indictment but only a criminal conviction.

Obama can be removed from office by impeachment and conviction in the US Senate.

As long as the criminal conviction of bill and hillary occurs after obama leaves office they could both be in orange jump suits for a long time.

Trump says: DRAIN THE SWAMP!

THE FEDERAL GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION INTO THE CORRUPTION of bill and hillary clinton is the beginning of the draining of the swamp.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

We could see a repeat of the 1980 election when Ronald Reagan won in a landslide

BOOM! Dem Pollster Says Election Could be Like 1980 a 40 State Trump Landslide

Pollster: “The Dam is About to Break” on Hillary
Voters abandoning establishment candidate in droves.

Paul Joseph Watson - October 31, 2016

According to former Jimmy Carter pollster Pat Caddell, Hillary Clinton is hemorrhaging support as a result of the FBI announcement and we could see a repeat of the 1980 election when anti-establishment candidate Ronald Reagan won in a landslide.

Caddell drew comparisons to the 1980 presidential race, which was close right up until the final days before the electorate abandoned Carter and rallied around the anti-establishment candidate, leading to Reagan taking victory in a landslide.

Caddell noted that Carter’s entire campaign had been built around portraying Reagan as unqualified and “dangerous,” in a similar vein to how Clinton has demonized Trump.

Caddell explained that the polling between Reagan and Carter was close up until the final weekend when “the dam broke” and Reagan shot ahead by ten points.

Stating that he had been looking at the data regarding unfavorability ratings for both Clinton and Trump, Caddell noted that since Friday, large numbers of voters had been structurally “moving against the status quo – the incumbent who is essentially Hillary Clinton.”

As an ABC News poll found, Hillary’s unfavorability rating just hit its highest ever mark.

Caddell said that the latest information regarding the FBI re-opening its investigation into Hillary’s email scandal was the “popper” that “could open up significantly before it’s over,” meaning it would be the decisive factor that enables Trump to defeat Hillary.


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(ESPN Sports News) (Sport Hunting News) (Survival News) (Creation News)

(Medical/Health News) (Sports Odds/Spread Report) (Tech Crunch News) (Simply Recipes News)

Repeating The National And International News Media Latest Breaking News Articles "New Speak".


Research the news and don't believe everything you read. Check it out carefully. It takes effort on your part. If you just repeat the news like a parrot without really knowing the facts your just repeating gossip like "hands up don't shoot or hands up". A lie reported by local and national "news media".

The state run news media is like a parrot that just repeats what it hears.

If you are going to act like a parrot and repeat something be sure to carefully check out the facts from several sources before you "polly want a cracker".

If your "news source" is a friend, relative, neighbor, stranger, billboard, magazine, newspaper, tv, talk radio etc don't just repeat what you hear like a gossip parrot.

Breaking news is knee jerk news most of the time and is like parrot news.

Obama and Hillary are counting on you to just parrot their propaganda/talking points without ever checking out the content of your "polly want a cracker" comments! So are the "state run national news media" and the local parrot news media that are joined at the hip with the national networks.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Hidden election secret forces that could Make American Great Again

Trick or Treat its hillary halo-weener.

10/31/2016 (Clinton's Lead Shrinks To 1 Point As Voters React To The FBI's Email Bombshell — IBD/TIPP Poll)

The secret forces that could lead to a Trump election victory. (NY Post)

What if the widely swinging polls, turnout models and forecasting mechanisms are all wrong? What if the unique historical circumstances of this election — pitting the female half of a likely criminal family dynasty against a thin-skinned bull-in-a-china-shop businessman — have invalidated conventional wisdom? What if the ranks of shy voters storm the polls?

What if, far from having a lock on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. come January, Hillary Clinton’s margin-of-error lead — currently between 4 and 5 points in the RealClearPolitics average of multiple national polls — turns out to be a Potemkin village, dependent on high turnout among blacks and other minorities and on getting late deciders to turn her way?

(Potemkin village. : an impressive facade or show designed to hide an undesirable fact or condition.)

What if, in fact, the opposite happens — that Trump’s appeal to the disaffected white working class (many of them Democrats) in coal-mining and Rust Belt states outweighs the Democrats’ traditional advantages in the big cities, flipping a state like Pennsylvania from blue to red?

Welcome to the hidden election, where those who say they know what’s going to happen don’t, and those who do know will make their voices heard on Nov 8.

Donald Trump needs to take every state that Mitt Romney won in 2012 plus three battleground states — most likely PA, FL and OH — to clinch the necessary 270 electoral votes.

The WikiLeaks revelations about her campaign’s dirty tricks, the pay-to-play nature of the Clinton Foundation, the astonishing personal enrichment of the Clintons via politics and the electrifying news Friday afternoon that the FBI is reopening its investigation into her use of a private e-mail server are finally taking a toll.

Spurning the poll-based forecasts in favor of historical analysis, professor Helmut Norpoth at SUNY Stony Brook — who’s correctly predicted the last five presidential elections — gives the nod to Trump, 52.5-47.5 percent. Meanwhile, an artificial-intelligence system developed in India that takes into account data from Google, YouTube and social media says Trump’s “engagement data” points to a GOP victory.

The truth is, this is an election not just between Clinton and Trump but a whole raft of political antagonists in Barack Obama’s “fundamentally transformed” America: urban vs. rural; old vs. young; makers vs. takers; taxpayers vs. recipients; white collar vs blue collar; Harvard vs. the heartland; manipulative consultants and biased reporters vs. honest Americans who, however naively, believe that their vote really does matter.

Many have felt apathetic or disenfranchised for decades.

The question is: How many of them are there and are there enough of them to hold the GOP line and deliver the three crucial states to Trump? We’ll soon find out.


FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

The surprise disclosure that agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are taking a new look at Hillary Clinton’s email use lays bare, just days before the election, tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.

Investigators found 650,000 emails on a laptop that they believe was used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide, and underlying metadata suggests thousands of those messages could have been sent to or from the private server that Mrs. Clinton used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter.

Other Clinton-related investigations were under way within the FBI, and they have been the subject of internal debate for months, according to people familiar with the matter.

Early this year, four FBI field offices—New York, Los Angeles, Washington and Little Rock, Ark.—were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling, according to people familiar with the matter.

Los Angeles agents had picked up information about the Clinton Foundation from an unrelated public-corruption case and had issued some subpoenas for bank records related to the foundation, these people said.

The FBI field office in New York had done the most work on the Clinton Foundation case and received help from the FBI field office in Little Rock, the people familiar with the matter said.

In February, FBI officials made a presentation to the Justice Department. From the start, the Justice Department officials were stern, icy and dismissive of the case.

“That was one of the weirdest meetings I’ve ever been to,” one participant told others afterward, according to people familiar with the matter.

Anticorruption prosecutors at the Justice Department told the FBI at the meeting they wouldn’t authorize more aggressive investigative techniques, such as subpoenas, formal witness interviews, or grand-jury activity. But the FBI officials believed they were well within their authority to pursue the leads and methods already under way, these people said.


Bottom line its all about the "justice department" stopping the clinton foundation investigation!

The "justice department" did not want any information coming out about corruption in the clinton crime family foundation!

The 650,000 emails have the potential to implicate the clinton foundation, hilda beast, bill clinton, huma, obama, the justice department, FBI and the entire corrupt cabal of the obama regime.

Its a potential "who's who of coruption" !!

The state run national "news" media and social media especially are SUPRESSING the story about the 650,000 emails and the FBI reopening the corruption investigation.


Latest National And International News

Research the news and don't believe everything you read. Check it out carefully. It takes effort on your part. If you just repeat the news like a parrot without really knowing the facts your just repeating gossip like "hands up don't shoot or hands up". A lie reported by local and national "news media".

The state run news media is like a parrot that just repeats what it hears.

If you are going to act like a parrot and repeat something be sure to carefully check out the facts from several sources before you "polly want a cracker".

If your "news source" is a friend, relative, neighbor, stranger, billboard, magazine, newspaper, tv, talk radio etc don't just repeat what you hear like a gossip parrot.

Breaking news is knee jerk news most of the time and is like parrot news.

Obama and Hillary are counting on you to just parrot their propaganda/talking points without ever checking out the content of your "polly want a cracker" comments! So are the "state run national news media" and the local parrot news media that are joined at the hip with the national networks.

Latest National And International News

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Obama FCC strips away more of American freedoms by modifying FCC rules that protect broadcasters

FCC Approves Foreign Takeover of U.S. Broadcasters September 29, 2016

This new FCC rule (PDF) gives foreign interests the long sought-after tools they need to shape U.S. public opinion and to censor the opposition.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on September 29th did something worse than give up control of the Internet. They voted unanimously to put America’s entire broadcast industry on the fast track to a foreign takeover by Chinese, Russian or Muslim Brotherhood front corporations.

This new FCC rule (PDF) gives foreign interests the long sought-after tools they need to shape U.S. public opinion and to censor the opposition.

Once a foreign corporation scoops up a media business, such as a chain of radio stations, it can eliminate national and local programming and substitute its own government’s propaganda. That means that conservative talkers could find themselves off the air.

Citing the need for “change” from the old “vintage” laws, Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel declared that “laws that govern broadcast investment can get in the way.”

So, rather than respect the law and Congress, the FCC decided in a 5 to 0 vote to decree a new “rule” that effectively guts a law that protected Americans from foreign interests and their propaganda. The new rule assumes that any foreign owner of a TV or radio broadcaster will be acceptable unless someone can prove otherwise.

Congress appears to be content to be left in the dark on the subject.

An example of our blissfully-ignorant Congress was on display a couple of weeks prior to the FCC vote, when the entire FCC commission testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation in a hearing entitled, “Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission.” Even though the FCC had announced it was planning a vote on new foreign ownership rules over a year ago, during a three-hour hearing the subject was never raised by one senator.

There is much more at stake here than just capital. It’s called a free and independent press. Thanks to the FCC, soon foreign interests will be able to masquerade as your friendly neighborhood TV or radio station (the national media sold out long ago). And you can count on them waving the American flag as they do it.

The Wall Street Journal and Reuters have reported extensively on Chinese purchases of movie theater chains and Hollywood production companies, including a current bid to buy Dick Clark Productions. Chinese interests have also leased local underperforming AM radio stations in major U.S. markets such as Washington D.C. Based on the nature of those deals and their financial losses, it is clear that China’s interest in entering the U.S. media market is more to influence public opinion than to turn a profit.

So why did this happen? The current FCC commissioners are mostly lawyers and lobbyists with political connections to both political parties. These political parties depend on financial contributions from major corporations, including media corporations. They want the option of dumping their broadcast properties off on cash-heavy foreign buyers, no matter what impact it has on the public’s right to know.

The system is rigged, even in favor of the foreign interests buying up America.

This new FCC rule (PDF) gives foreign interests the long sought-after tools they need to shape U.S. public opinion and to censor the opposition.

Donald Trump said the system is rigged and its not just the political election system.

If Trump is elected we the people must demand that he puts pressure on the FCC to change these new FCC rules that allow foreign governments to control the "news media" and talk radio in the US.

This is something he must do or Americans will hear more foreign propaganda than we do now. Also talk radio will begin to be controlled by those who will twist the truth and cause more people to become ignorant of the truth.

This FCC ruling is something I was not aware of until today.

Instead of your local "swap-n-shop" radio you will begin to hear "swap-n-snitch" radio.

Obama FCC strips away more of America freedoms buy modifying FCC rules that protect broadcasters.

Both obama and hillary clinton are traitors to American. Both have violated criminal law. Both have corrupted government institutions.

Hillary emails reveal her total corruption that also involves others including obama.

The DOJ is covering for obama and hillary corruption.

If hillary wins the election we are gulag bound.


Swap N Shop (


Announcer: Swap N Shop, your on the air.

Hi, I have some firewood for sale. It has been cut and dried. I am asking $35.00 a cord. I also have some fresh cut corn for sale.

Announcer: How much are you asking for the corn?

Caller: $3.00 a dozen


Instead of hearing something about buying or selling items you will hear something like this:

Announcer: Swap N Snitch, tell us what you know.

Hi, I want to inform on someone who I suspect has not voted for clinton. This person is also dangerous because they hunt and own weapons. I don't own weapons and want them to be banned like hillary clinton.

Announcer: Can you be more specific?

Caller: Yes they live at 12 gauge st on the corner of mossberg and remington. They have a rebel flag in their pickup truck back window.

Announcer: Thank you comrad for this information.