Click Photo For Closer LookSoetoro DIVORCE Record This also indicates Barry Soetoro was adopted by Lolo Soetoro. Barry's name was changed from Obama to Soetoro when he was adopted as indicated in his school record. Proof positive "Obama" is a fraud and a liar.
Obama commits purgery on ATTORNEY'S REGISTRATION AND
This is purgery and fraud. Why hasn't obama been indicted?
Obama's Big Gamble Odd's Shifting Time To Call His BluffThis registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi school in Jakarta, Indonesia, shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name Barry Soetoro into the Catholic school made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy's religion as Islam.The image above is a LEGIT copy of Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro’s school registration in Indonesia. The image is credited to Tatan Syuflana, an Indonesian AP reporter and photographer, who took said image in 2007.
First, let us translate the information found in the certificate:
1. Nama murid (The name of the pupil): Barry Soetero
2. Tempat dan tanggal lahir (The place and date of birth): Honolulu, 4-8-1961 (August 4, 1961)
3. Bangai: a. Warga negara (Citizenship): Indonesia
b. Ketarunan asing (Foreign?): (blank)
c. Saku bangra (The pocket?): (blank)
4. Agama (The religion): Islam
5. Alamat murid (Address of the pupil): M*** Dalson? R001/R003
6. Dari sekolah mana (dipiadahkan) dan kelas becapa (From what school (dipiadahkan?) and the class becapa): ?????
7. a. Diterima disekedah inl tgl. (Date Accepted): 1-1-1968 (January 1, 1968 )
b. Ditermpatkan dikelas (Grade): I (First grade)
8. a. Nama grang tua Alah/Ibu (The name of the parents Mr/Ms): L. Soetoro M A (Lolo Soetoro)
b. Pekerdjam (???)
(name ibu dsi, haaja djika ajah sudah meninggal) (Name of the mother ??? if died)
c. Alamat (The address): M*** Dalson? R001/R003
9. a. Nama wali (The name of the guardian): (blank)
(hanja diisi, djika orang tua murid tak ada, sudah man’nggal alah karena hal lain)
(??? was filled up, ??? parents of the pupil were not available, already ???? ???? because another thing )
b. Pekerdjaan (???): (blank)
c. Alamat (The address): (blank)
10. Meninggalkan sekolah ini. (Left this school) : (blank)
a. Belam tamat. Keluar dari kelas (?? was finished. Outside from the class): (blank) tanggal (The date)
b. Temat, menerima idjarah tanggal (??, recieved ??? the date): (blank) No. (blank)
c. Melandjutkan sekolah ke (?? the school to): (blank)
11. Keterangan lsim (Information ???): (blank)
It is likely that Obama's step-father Lolo Soetero indeed adopted the young Obama and made him an Indonesian citizen. That seems to be what the document says.
From what we now know of the extensive "family" arrangements between Soetero and Mrs. Soetero-Dunham-Obama, if Soetero actually adopted Barack Obama, then the fact of his birth in Hawaii is meaningless or irrelevant. He would have had to apply to become a naturalized citizen after being adopted.
There is no question that parents can change a child's citizenship, and allow him to be adopted by a foreign individual. Once a child is adopted, the old citizenship is terminated and the adoptee becomes a citizen of his or her new country. Thus, in a practical sense, a mother or father can "choose" their child's citizenship if they permit an adoption by a non-U.S. citizen.
The school record raises a rebuttable presumption that Obama was adopted by Soetero and became a citizen of Indonesia. Obama is therefore not eligible under the U. S. Constitution to be a candidate or hold the office of president.
So what does this mean? Well, aside from the fact that Obama has serious legal issues regarding his illegibility to become President of the United States, it also confirms something that most of us already knew; Obama is a BOLD FACED LIAR.
His lies are not only confined to the fact that he told the Illinois Supreme Court that he never had “any other aliases” (i.e. Barry Soetoro), but also to the many years that he has been pandering this falsehood to the American people through his speeches, official statements, “Fight the Smears” website, and other official Obama documents. Needless to say, if the Illinois Supreme Court applies its own rules, Obama has to be IMMEDIATELY disbarred.Per the now confirmed school registration document (above), we can now FIRMLY declare that Obama was in fact (at some point) a practicing Muslim and that he also possessed (or his family claimed that he possessed) Indonesian citizenship. These factor don’t say anything by themselves, since being either a Muslim or an Indonesian are NOT “evil” things, by any stretch of the imagination, but they do expose the fact that Obama’s entire premise for running for President has been predicated on a falsehood. He is a FRAUD and a LIAR!
An article from a South African website refers to this registration page.
Jakarta - The "little curly-haired one" is well remembered by his Indonesian teacher Israella Darmawan.
It was in 1968 when Barack Obama joined her class, and she likes the idea that he soon might become the world's most powerful person.
"We hope and pray that he will become the best US president of all time," says Darmawan.
Darmawan was Obama's teacher while he attended the Catholic St Francis of Assisi school in Jakarta's up-scale Menteng district.
Darmawan, 64, who retired last year, now only returns to her former school to tell current pupils about their famous alumnus.
She takes a faded book from a shelf, the school register dating back to 1968.
"Barry Soetoro"
Under registration number 203 it reads in large-lettered handwriting: "Barry Soetoro." ...
We have Charles, Margaret and Jack Payne, all of their children and grand children. Any living relative can sign a request for release of BO's original BC. I hope that in this whole family there is one honest, decent person, that cares about the truth and the Constituion of this country and signs a rquest to get a copy of BO's BC. Maybe one of these Obama kin will expose Obama for the FRAUD he is. No doubt Obama aka Barry Soetoro has contacted his kin and told them to not request a copy of his original COB.
Additional Information About Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room.
One explanation is that Obama's mother Ann Dunham, flew to Kenya in 1961 with Obama's father to meet his family. According to some news reports, Ann Dunham, was not accepted well by her husband's family because she was white:
"Obama's family did not take to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama very well, because she was white, according to Sarah Obama. Shortly after she arrived in Kenya Stanley Ann decided to return to Hawaii because she later said, she did not like how Muslim men treated their wives in Kenya. However, because she was near term the airline would not let her fly until after the birth of her baby. Obama's grandmother said the baby—Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.—was born in Kenya and that shortly after he was born, Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii."
However, by the time she wanted to leave Kenya, it was during the late stages of her pregnancy. She was not able to board a plane because the airlines wouldn't allow women so close to birth to fly. It is instead believed, that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya as his grandmother apparently stated. Then, after he was born, his mother returned with him to Hawaii where his birth was REGISTERED on or about August 8th, 1961, in the public records office in Hawaii.
There is also a discrepancy in what hospital Barack Hussein Obama was born in, even if he was born in Hawaii. Reports by his own sister in two separate interviews state that he was born at two different hospitals -- Kapiolani Hospital and Queens Hospital--in Honolulu.
News Flash: Info on how to possibly get Obama's Kenyan birth certificate.Kenyan BC- please contact this London office as I have done and get Obama's BC if he has one from his birth in Kenya.
Before Kenya's independence on 12/12/1963, people born in Kenya were supposed to have their births registered by the then British Colonial Govt. If a birth occurred in a hospital, it was automatically registered, if born at home more often than not it was not registered; until later when people had to have some form of identification or required passports. Then the birth would be late registered provided the registrar was satisfied on the identity of the person & the person would consequently obtain a Birth Certificate. The records of all Births & Deaths before or after independence are kept by the Department of Civil Registration, Sheria House, P O Box 30021 - 00100Nairobi, Kenya. Telephone 0254 020 2227461. If you require this office to do a serach for Mr Obama's birth registration record, you have to contact our London office at Foreign & Commonwealth Office at email; Telephone no 020 7 008 0186 Mon to Frid 10am to 12noon. You will be advised concerning procedures & payable fee for this service.
Winnie Kinyua
Passport/registration Officer
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