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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Why Do You Hate Obama?

Barack Obama's personal plea backing Chicago's 2016 Olympic bid backfired when the city was eliminated in the first round of voting. Obama is an epic FAILURE. The people's faces that believed in him reflect his failure. They trusted in a FRAUD to deliver.

Why Do You Hate Obama, is it because he is a black man?

This is what a black guy asked me. Why are you always talking about obama in a negative way? Don't you think that the economy obama is trying to get under control was given to him by bush?

I said, "I don't hate obama." I disagree with his policies. I see you are trying to make this discussion about race. With you its about race because you identify with obama because you are black. With me its not about race its about obama's ability to lead and present policies that make the economy prosper. To him anyone who disagrees with obama must hate obama. To me this is racist. He is telling me I am a racist that hates obama if I disagree with obama about anything. This is a diversion from the failure of obama.

Everything about obama is negative when the economy is in the news. Obama talks about the unemployment rate going down .2 of 1% and plays that up as if thats all that matters and ignores the 10% rate still there. To him its improving if it goes down .2 percent.

What matters is the 10% or greater national unemployment rate. What counts is the action being taken or not taken by the government to help the unemployment situation. Is obama responsible? Yes. Because his policies now are what controls the economy, not what happened a year ago. Its what obama is doing. He is totally failing.

Obama has only made things worse by creating a climate for businesses that require them to take a wait and see what the heck the government is going to spring on America next.

The problem with the unemployment rate and the economy is OBAMA. OBAMA is the reason we are in a recession that has not improved. Small and large businesses don't know what obama and his inept crew are going to do next. This is only one reason we are still in a recession.

Another reason is obama talks about raising taxes through his total government control "health care bill". This talk alone is killing any growth in the US economy.

Another reason is obama again proposing a "global warming/climate change bill/law that will vastly increase the tax on businesses and individuals if passed.

Obama is doing everthing he can to increase taxes and kill the incentive for businesses to grow and therefore the economy to recover.

No its NOT about race. Its all about the fact I or someone else does not like or disagrees with the first "black" president because he makes illogical decisions and plans.

It is because the first "black president" has appointed czars that are or have been communist party members as obama was at one time and as far as I know still is.

No I don't like obama. Its not because he is a "black man" its because of his policies. He is inept and unable to lead this country. Obama is a FRAUD. Obama is a media creation fashioned after tiger woods for mass comsumption. The difference is tiger woods has produced. Obama has not produced but unlike tiger woods is a media creation only.

I say obama is only a media creation that has not produced anything he has stated he would accomplish. Obama makes excuses for his failures. The state run media covers up for the "first black president" and his failure to lead or produce tangible results America can see.

Tiger woods is a real talent but as we have learned not the person the media would have us believe. Tiger's talent is real and has produced documented results.

Obama's talent is not real and has not produced documented results as he claims.

Obama talks but does not produce. Obama leads by teleprompter. Obama is a failure.

Will I give obama a pass as others might do just because his is a "black man". No.

Can I find anything obama has done that I agree with? Yes.

Before obama was nominated he signed a resolution describing himself as ineligible to be president.

Obama admits he is not a natural born citizen by affirming a natural born citizen must have parents that were both US citizens at birth. Senate resolution

I agree with his acknowledgment that a "natural born citizen" is a citizen that was born with parents that were US citizens.

“Because he was born to American citizens, there is no doubt in my mind that Senator McCain is a natural born citizen,” said Leahy. “I expect that this will be a unanimous resolution of the Senate.”

Obama was a co sponsor of a Senate resolution affiriming that John Mccain was a "natural born citizen". Yet by doing this obama also affirms he is NOT a "natural born citizen" because his parents were not both US citizens at his birth. His mother was a US citizen. His father was a Kenyan citizen.

Therefore obama has by affirming and signing this resolution on "natural born citizenship" stated he agrees Mccain is a natural born citizen but also agrees he is not.

Obama can't have it both ways. This is the one thing obama has done I agree with.


Does this mean I hate obama, NO. It means I think obama is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

I challenge any liberal democrate supporter to explain to me how obama can state he is a natural born citizen when he stated in the senate resolution a natural born citizen must have 2 parents that are US citizens at birth. I want to see you spin this one. It is obvious obama is a LIAR! It is "overlooked" by the media and his supporters because the truth does not matter to them unless it supports obama. They ignore or spin anything else.

Has the state run media ignored this fact? Yes. Has Congress ignored this fact? Yes

Has the Supreme Court ignored this fact? Yes

Have the people that voted and supported obama ignored this fact? Yes

I have not ignored this fact. I read what obama cosponsored and signed. I know what he agreed to. I know what he stated on his web site "fight the smears" and in his books about his Kenyan citizenship until age 21.

Obama A kenyan Until age 21 Fight The Smears...IE "defend the lies by fighting the truth"

A smear is slanderous defamation.

Defamation is the damaging of someone's good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them.

If something said about obama is true and a fact it is not defamation.

It is a fact obama cosponsored the Senate resolution for Johm Mccain.

Its is a fact obama claims to be a Kenyan citizen until age 21.

I have provided the links that provide the documention that can be verified.

I in effect am fighting the smears of obama's web site "fight the smears'.

Obama's web site should be called "defend the lies by fighting the truth"

I know obama is a FRAUD and IMPOSTER.

Obama committed fraud in Arizona before taking office by swearing he was a natural born citizen Obama commits fraud in Arizona


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Insane obama administration and insane TSA

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

TSA releases their own security manual on the web and says its not a problem?

"The security of the traveling public has never been put at risk. And that document that was posted was an out-of-date document," said Secretary Napolitano.

The TSA says five people have been suspended and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Wednesday told Congress travelers should not worry.

Napolitano is a liar and an idiot. The public is put at risk by her agencies security breach.

"I don't believe any portion of this document needs to be in public domain. The question has to be why was this handled in such an irresponsible manner? Why was this material not protected?" said Jackson-Lee.

Congress woman jackson is also an idiot. So we have 2 idiots saing 2 different things. One says it should have not been released but protected. That much is correct. The other woman napolitano says there is nothing to worry about.

Obama's idiot Napolitano was appointed by him and he is her boss. She reports to obama. Obama must take responsibility for the idiot he appointed and approves of.

Take a look at the index of the SCREENING MANAGEMENT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Transportation Security Administration.

It is obvious this manual has information in it the general public should not know. It is obvious its publication on the web by the TSA, the agency charged with Americans security, has put Americans at extreme risk from attack from terrorists.

Our oun govenment puts us at risk though its stupid crazy action of publishing how they protect Americans from terrorists. It seems the TSA is trying to help the terrorists. Obama is in charge of the person who is in charge of the TSA. Don't tell me obama is not to blame for the people he appointed.
Revision: 3
Date: May 28, 2008
Implementation Date: June 30, 2008 Screening Management SOP

1. PURPOSE, DEFINITIONS, AND ACRONYMS................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3. ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.4. DOCUMENT CONTROL AND AVAILABILITY.......................................................................................... 1-5
1.5. APPROVED SCREENING METHODS .......................................................................................................... 1-7
1.6. PROHIBITED ITEMS ..................................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.7. PERMITTED ITEMS....................................................................................................................................... 1-7
2. PERSONNEL STAFFING, DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................... 2-1
2.1. STAFFING....................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2. TRANSPORTATION SECURITY OFFICER (TSO) DUTIES ....................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1. X-RAY EXAMINATION OF ACCESSIBLE PROPERTY................................................................. 2-2
2.2.2. PHYSICAL SEARCH, ETD INSPECTION, OR LCS OF PROPERTY.............................................. 2-2
2.2.3. HHMD OR PAT-DOWN SCREENING OF INDIVIDUALS .............................................................. 2-2
2.2.4. WTMD SCREENING OF INDIVIDUALS .......................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.5. ETP SCREENING OF INDIVIDUALS................................................................................................ 2-3
2.2.6. EXIT LANE MONITOR....................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.7. EDS SCREENING OF CHECKED BAGGAGE.................................................................................. 2-3
2.2.8. TRAVEL DOCUMENT CHECKER (TDC)......................................................................................... 2-3
2.3. LEAD TRANSPORTATION SECURITY OFFICER (LTSO) DUTIES ......................................................... 2-3
2.4. SUPERVISORY TRANSPORTATION SECURITY OFFICER (STSO) DUTIES ......................................... 2-3
2.6. GUIDELINES FOR MARKING CHECKED BAGGAGE .............................................................................. 2-6
2.8. PRIVATE SCREENING AREA....................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.9. STERILE AREA.............................................................................................................................................. 2-7
2.10.INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED ACCESS INTO THE STERILE AREA....................................................... 2-7
2.11.INDIVIDUALS WHO REFUSE SCREENING OF THEIR PERSON............................................................. 2-8
2.12.INDIVIDUALS WHO REFUSE SCREENING OF ACCESSIBLE PROPERTY ........................................... 2-8
2.13.TRANSPORTING CHECKED BAGGAGE WITHIN A SCREENING LOCATION..................................... 2-9
3. SCREENING EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1. WALK-THROUGH METAL DETECTOR (WTMD)...................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1. WTMD CALIBRATION TEST ............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.2. WTMD DAILY OPERATIONAL TEST.............................................................................................. 3-3

3.1.3. MOVING, REPLACING, OR ADJUSTING THE WTMD.................................................................. 3-3
3.2. HAND-HELD METAL DETECTOR (HHMD) TESTING.............................................................................. 3-4
3.3. X-RAY SYSTEM OPERATIONAL TESTING ............................................................................................... 3-4
3.4. EXPLOSIVES TRACE DETECTION (ETD) .................................................................................................. 3-4
3.4.1. ETD CONTAMINATION CONTROL................................................................................................. 3-5
3.5. EXPLOSIVES DETECTION SYSTEM (EDS)................................................................................................ 3-5
3.6. EXPLOSIVES TRACE PORTAL (ETP).......................................................................................................... 3-5
3.7. LIQUID CONTAINER SCREENING (LCS) ................................................................................................... 3-5
3.7.1. TEST STRIP CONTAMINATION CONTROL ................................................................................... 3-5
3.8. EQUIPMENT RECORDKEEPING.................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.9. THREAT IMAGE PROJECTION (TIP) SYSTEMS........................................................................................ 3-7
3.9.1. TIP TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 3-7
3.9.2. TIP USER ID REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 3-7
3.9.3. FALSE TIP ALARM RESOLUTION REQUIREMENTS................................................................... 3-7
3.9.4. TIP ACCESS PRIVILEGES AND ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS.............................................. 3-8
3.9.5. TIP SYSTEM ACCESS BY THE STSO............................................................................................... 3-8
3.9.6. SAFEGUARDING TIP REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................... 3-8
ATTACHMENT 3-1: WTMD TEST CERTIFICATE............................................................................................. 3-9
4. SPECIALIZED AND ALTERNATIVE SCREENING PROCEDURES ........................................................... 4-1
4.1. DIPLOMATIC POUCHES ............................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2. CHECKPOINT SCREENING DOCUMENTATION....................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1. INDIVIDUAL IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS................................................ 4-2
4.2.2. CHECKPOINT SIGN-IN LOGBOOK.................................................................................................. 4-3
4.3. SPECIALIZED CHECKPOINT SCREENING PROCEDURES...................................................................... 4-3
4.3.1. ARMED OR UNARMED LEOs ENTERING THE STERILE AREA................................................. 4-4
4.3.3. ARMED U.S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.................................................................................... 4-4
4.3.4. PRISONERS UNDER ESCORT........................................................................................................... 4-5
4.3.5. INDIVIDUALS UNDER PROTECTIVE ESCORT ............................................................................. 4-5
4.3.6. FEDERAL FLIGHT DECK OFFICERS............................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.7. FEDERAL AIR MARSHALS............................................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.8. EMERGENCY PERSONNEL .............................................................................................................. 4-6
4.3.9. ARMED SECURITY GUARDS (NON-LEO) ENTERING THE STERILE AREA............................ 4-7
4.3.10.SCREENING U.S. GOVERNMENT CLASSIFIED MATERIAL....................................................... 4-7
4.3.11.SCREENING COURTESIES FOR FOREIGN DIGNITARIES........................................................... 4-8
4.3.12.AIRCRAFT OPERATOR FLIGHT CREW........................................................................................ 4-10
Revision: 3
Date: May 28, 2008
Implementation Date: June 30, 2008 Screening Management SOP

4.3.13.TSA PERSONNEL............................................................................................................................. 4-11
4.3.14.OPPOSITE GENDER SCREENING .................................................................................................. 4-12
4.3.15.SELECTEE SCREENING .................................................................................................................. 4-12
4.3.16.INDIVIDUALS SEEKING EXEMPTION FROM SELECTEE STATUS......................................... 4-13
4.3.17.GATE SCREENING OF SELECTEES............................................................................................... 4-14
4.3.18.SCIENTIFIC AND OTHER SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT.............................................................. 4-14
4.3.19.EXERCISE OF FSD DISCRETION ................................................................................................... 4-15
4.4. UNPREDICTABLE SCREENING PROCESS (USP).................................................................................... 4-15
4.4.1. SCHEDULING USP ........................................................................................................................... 4-15
4.4.2. TYPES OF USP SEARCHES ............................................................................................................. 4-17
4.5. ALTERNATIVE SCREENING PROCEDURES FOR CHECKED BAGGAGE .......................................... 4-17
4.6. DECLARATION AND TRANSPORT OF FIREARMS IN CHECKED BAGGAGE................................... 4-18
ATTACHMENT 4-1: SPECIALIZED SCREENING PROCEDURES (LEO)...................................................... 4-20
ATTACHMENT 4-2: SPECIALIZED SCREENING PROCEDURES (NON-LEO)............................................ 4-21
ATTACHMENT 4-3: APPROVAL FOR ESCORT SCREENING COURTESIES.............................................. 4-22
CREDENTIAL............................................................................................................................................... 4-25
ATTACHMENT 4-7: UNITED STATES CONGRESS IDENTIFICATION ....................................................... 4-26
5. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2. BAGGAGE AND ACCESSIBLE PROPERTY HANDLING AND LIFTING................................................ 5-2
5.3. EDS AND X-RAY SAFETY........................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.4. SAFE HANDLING OF LIQUID CONTAINER SCREENING (LCS) DEVICE............................................. 5-3
5.5. SAFE HANDLING OF EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS...................................................................................... 5-4
5.6. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND GLOVES........................................................................... 5-4
6. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (HAZMAT)........................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR HAZMAT................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2. DISCOVERY OF HAZMAT AT THE SCREENING CHECKPOINT............................................................ 6-1
6.3. NOTIFICATION OF HAZMAT AT THE SCREENING CHECKPOINT ...................................................... 6-2
6.4. DISCOVERY OF HAZMAT IN CHECKED BAGGAGE............................................................................... 6-3
6.5. SCREENING OF HAZMAT IN CHECKED BAGGAGE............................................................................... 6-3
6.6. HAZMAT REGULATIONS (HMR) EXCEPTIONS ....................................................................................... 6-4
ATTACHMENT 6-1: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REFERENCE DOCUMENT............................................... 6-5
Revision: 3
Date: May 28, 2008
Implementation Date: June 30, 2008 Screening Management SOP

ATTACHMENT 6-2: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCOVERY RECORD..................................................... 6-7
7. OPENING AND CLOSING THE SCREENING LOCATION........................................................................... 7-1
ATTACHMENT 7-1: OPENING THE SCREENING CHECKPOINT................................................................... 7-2
ATTACHMENT 7-2: CLOSING THE SCREENING CHECKPOINT................................................................... 7-3
APPENDIX 1: EMERGENCY EVACUATION SCREENING.................................................................................. 1
APPENDIX 2: TRAVEL DOCUMENT AND ID CHECKS....................................................................................... 1
APPENDIX 3: AMBER ALERT RESPONSE.............................................................................................................. 1
APPENDIX 4: PROHIBITED/PERMITTED ITEMS LIST....................................................................................... 1


Remember Napolitano said, "The security of the traveling public has never been put at risk. And that document that was posted was an out-of-date document," said Secretary Napolitano. The TSA says five people have been suspended and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Wednesday told Congress travelers should not worry.

What d__n good is it to suspend 5 people after the TSA has told the terrorists how to blow up planes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you feel real secure knowing obama and napolitano are in charge of your security and don't think the fact the TSA security manual procedures were published on the web BY THE TSA is any problem at all. Its the same insane crap over and over. DO you believe this? If you do then sleep well.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Watermelon Marxists -- green on the outside and red on the inside

Watermelon Marxists -- green on the outside and red on the inside
Watermelon Marxists

Posted by: Hosquatch
Dec 08, 03:45 AM

Obama the Usurper's every act since January 20th has been treasonous. When he illegally took the oath of office, he lied when he swore to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Obama is hellbent, and working at breakneck speed, to dismantle and destroy the economic infrastructure of America before the comatose American masses wake up, to find themselves penniless and hopeless.

The EPA's declaration yesterday that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant is the key to YOUR demise. Obama just took control of every aspect of YOUR life. The tentacles will envelope you gradually, but once you realize they are there, it will be too late. You BREATHE OUT carbon dioxide PRODUCED BY YOUR BODY every time you take a breath. Everything you do involves carbon dioxide. You can now be legally regulated. You are now a slave to Obama and his fellow communists...if you allow this to stand. Arise NOW and STOP THIS...or submit forever!

Everyone needs to call the EPA administrators office to complain about this. Her name is Lisa Jackson, she is the EPA administrator, her number is: 202 564 4700.

Love it: 'Watermelon Marxist'. Why didn't we think of this before? Obama is, literally, the embodiment of a Watermelon Marxist. Pushing green co2 regulation that obama will use to control America. They will accuse us of being racist anti-communists. If someone identifies a watermelon with obama so what. It is a perfect metaphor.
“The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state… Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property… You must, therefore, confess that by "individual" you mean no other person than the bourgeois, than the middle-class owner of property. This person must, indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible.” Karl Marx

A figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.

Obama and a watermelon are unlike yet they have something in common. The watermelon as stated is green on the outside. Obama projects a "green" attitude toward environmental issues and a "green" approach to leadership. The red interior of the watermelon is hidden from view until it is exposed. Obama's red interior is also hidden from surface view. Red is the color of socialism and communism. Obama advocates socialist polices and is destroying America as we know it through his socialist programs. So to state the obama is a "watermelon marxist" is a perfect metaphor. If someone plays the race card and equates a watermelon with obama just because he claims to be a black man this would be racist and not a metaphor. Its all about how an implied comparison is equated. Obama is a "watermelon marxist" green on the outside and the color of communism on the inside. (Story Reports)

List Of Obama's Communist Czars.

Richard Holbrooke
Afghanistan Czar
Ultra liberal anti gun former Gov. of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use.

Ed Montgomery
Auto recovery Czar
Black radical anti business activist.Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks.Univ of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty.ACORN board member.Communist DuBois Club member.

Jeffrey Crowley
Homosexual. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays.

Alan Bersin
Border Czar
Former failed superintendent of San Diego .Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton.Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno "" to keep borders open to illegals

David J. Hayes
California Water Czar
Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, "Progress Policy"?.No training or experience in water management.

Ron Bloom
Car Czar
Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear.Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business.Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned.How did this happen?

Dennis Ross
Central Region Czar
Believes US policy has caused Mid East wars.Obama apologist to the world.Anti gun and pro abortion.

Lynn Rosenthal
Domestic Violence Czar
Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.Vicious anti male feminist. Supported male castration.

Gil Kerlikowske
Drug Czar
Devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal,Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle.Believes no American should own a firearm.Supports legalization of drugs

Carol Brower
Energy and Environment Czar
Political Radical Former head of EPA – known for anti-business activism.Strong anti-gun ownership. SOCIALIST on Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for “global governance” and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.

Joshua DuBois
Faith Based Czar
Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism""seek a separate black nation..Anti gun ownership lobbyist.

Cameron Davis
Great Lakes Czar
Chicago radical anti business environmentalist.Blames GeorgeBush for "Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink."?No experience or training in water management.Former ACORN Board member

Van Jones
Former Green Jobs Czar (since resigned).
Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Partywho said Geo Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes.MARXIST, said whites are poisoning blacks, said transformation from "suicidal gray capitalism to econ-capitalism to the complete redistribution of wealth."?Black activist with strong anti-white views.

Daniel Fried
Guantanamo Closure Czar
Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists.Believes America has caused the war on terrorism.

Nancy-Ann DeParle
Health Czar
Former head of Medicare / Medicaid.Strong Health Care Rationing proponent.She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.

Vivek Kundra
Information Czar
Born in New Delhi, India.Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails.

Todd Stern
International Climate Czar
Anti business former White House chief of Staff- Strong supportrer of the Kyoto Accord.Pushing hard for Cap and Trade.Blames US business for Global warming.

Dennis Blair
Intelligence Czar
Ret Navy. Stopped US guided missile program as "provocative"?.Chair of ultra liberal "Council on Foreign Relations"? which blames American organizations for regional wars.

George Mitchell
Mideast Peace Czar
Fmr. Sen from Maine Left wing radical.Has said Israel should be split up into "2 or 3 " mediumer more manageable plots"?. Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual.

Kenneth Feinberg
Pay Czar
Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY.Lawyer who got rich off the 911 victims payoffs.

Cass Sunstein
Regulatory Czar
Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the "common good"?.Rules against personal freedoms many times ""like private gun ownership. Says animals should be able to sue people. Anti-hunting..

John Holdren
Science Czar
Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist.Claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training.OK to abort a child until the age of two. Thinks TREES should be able to sue humans.

Earl Devaney
Stimulus Accountability Czar
Sspent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico .Author ofstatement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico .

J. Scott Gration
Sudan Czar
Native of Democratic Republic of Congo. Believes US does little to help Third World countries.Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations.

Herb Allison
Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions ofpeople to lose their life savings.

John Brennan
Terrorism Czar
Anti CIA activist.No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs.Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military

Aneesh Chopra
Technology Czar
No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist.Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan.

Adolfo Carrion Jr.
Urban Affairs Czar
Puerto Rican.Anti American activist and leftist group member in Latin America .Millionaire "slum lord"? of the Bronx , NY.Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart"? deals with labor unions.Wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing and health care

Ashton Carter
Weapons Czar Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed.Supports
UN ban on firearms ownership in America .No Other "policy"?

Gary Samore
WMD Policy Czar
Former US Communist. Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other "policy"?.

Kevin Jennings
As a teacher when a 15 year year said he was having sex with an older man, instead of turning in the man "the law for a teacher, he asked how it was going and suggested they use condoms. Held a conference with the MAXIMUM age of 18 to teach homosexual issues like fisting.? Wrote the intro to the book, "Queering Elementary Education."? Has repeatedly praised and claims to be inspired by Harry Hay, early supporter of NAMBLA, (Noth American Man Boy Love Association).

Because obama appoints his "own kind" other metaphors can and should be used to equate obama with his own appointed czars. Obama is a milktoast president. Milktoast is toasted bread dipped in milk. Obama projects himself in front of his teleprompter like a piece of toast, ie a rigid and staunch supporter of gun ownership rights etc. But obama is a piece of worthless milk toast as revealed by his communist and homosexual czars he controls and appointed to further his "hidden dark agenda". HOAX AND CHANGE instead of "hope and change"(Story Reports)

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Stimulus Matrix

Leo Aka Neo

The film, "The Stimulus Matrix", describes the near future in which reality as perceived by humans is actually the "Obama Stimulus Matrix": a simulated reality created by the sentient liberal political machines in order to pacify and subdue the human population, while their bodies' heat and electrical activity are used as an tax source. Upon learning this, citizen lawyer "Leo" is drawn into a rebellion against the thug political Chicago machine, involving other people reading his blog "" who have been freed from the "dream world" and into reality. The film contains many references to the cyberpunk and hacker subcultures; philosophical and religious ideas; and homages to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Hong Kong action cinema, Spaghetti Westerns, dystopian fiction, and Japanese animation.

The future is now. Reality as preceived by many is actually the "State Run Media" matrix. The "stimulus" or "matrix" is a simulated reality created by the sentient machine of ie, liberal politicians and the state run mass media, in order to pacify and subdue the American population, while their bodies heat and electrical activity are used as a tax base for future matrix or "stimulus" expansion. Upon learning this, citizen lawyer, "Leo" was drawn into a rebellion against the liberal machines, involving other people who have read "Leo's" blog and have been freed from the "dream world" into the reality of what a natural born citizen is and what obama is not.


Citizen lawyer Leo D. Donofrio leads a secret life as a poker player under the alias "Leo", and wishes to learn the answer to the question, "What is the Stimulus Matrix?" Cryptic messages appearing on his computer monitor and encounters with three sinister agents lead him to a group led by the mysterious underground hacker and blogger Mr X, a man who offers him the chance to learn the truth about the Stimulus Matrix: swallow a red pill and learn the truth or swallow a blue pill and return to the world as he knows it. Leo accepts by swallowing the offered red pill, and subsequently finds himself on a concert stage, his body connected by wires and tubes to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods. The connections are severed, and he is rescued by Mr X and taken aboard his yacht, the Nebuchadnezzar. Leo's neglected physical body is restored, and Mr X explains the situation.

Mr X informs Leo that the year is not 1999, but estimated to be closer to 2009, and that humanity is fighting a war against the thug liberal machine created in the early 21st century. The sky is not covered with greenhouse gases created by the humans in an attempt to cut off the machines' supply of solar power. Global warming is a myth created by the liberal machine to tap into the vast tax base of unsuspecting Americans. The liberal machines responded by using human beings as their tax source in conjunction with the "state Run Media" later taxing countless people in ways not imagined and harvesting their bioelectrical energy and body heat to produce a vast new tax base to fund obama socialism.

The world which Leo has inhabited since birth is the Obama Stimulus Matrix, an illusory simulated stimulus reality construct of the world as it was in 2009 developed by the thug liberal machine to keep the human population docile in their captivity and insure continued election by liberal socialists. Mr X and his crew are a group of free humans who blog and "unplug" others from the Stimulus Matrix and recruit them to their resistance against the machines. The "crew" produces various blogs and posts within the Matrix explaining that barack obama is not a natural born citizen but is a fraud. They are able to use their understanding of its nature to bend the laws of propaganda within the stimulus simulation, giving them superhuman abilities. Mr X believes that Leo is "the One", a man prophesied to end the fruad presidency of barack obama through his limitless control over the Matrix using bloggers to defeat liberal lies.

Leo is trained to become a leader of the blog group. A socket in the back of Neo's skull, formerly used to connect him to the Stimulus Matrix, allows knowledge to be uploaded directly into his mind. In this way, he learns numerous legal disciplines, and demonstrates his legal skills by sparring with Mr X in a virtual reality "construct" environment similar to the Stimulus Matrix, impressing the blog crew with his speed and knowlege. Further training introduces Leo to the key dangers in the Stimulus Matrix itself. Injuries suffered there are reflected in the real world; if he is killed in the Matrix, his physical body will also die. He is warned of the presence of IRS Agents, fast and powerful liberal sentient computer programs with the ability to take over the virtual body of anyone still directly connected to the Stimulus Matrix, whose purpose is to seek out and eliminate any threats to the stimulus simulation. Mr X is confident that once Leo fully understands his own abilities as "the One", barack obama will be no match for him.

The blog group enters the Stimulus Matrix and takes Leo to meet the Oracle, aka Sarah Palin, the woman who has predicted the eventual emergence of the One. She tells Leo that he has "the gift" of manipulating the Stimulus Matrix, but that he is waiting for something, possibly his next life. From her comments, Leo deduces that he is not the One. She adds that Mr X believes in Leo so blindly that he will sacrifice his life to save him.

Returning to the blog which serves as a safe "exit" from the Matrix, the group is ambushed by Agents and SWAT teams. Agent Smith corners Leo but Mr X pins him down and gives everyone the order to get out. Mr X allows himself to be captured so that Leo and the others can escape. They later learn that they were betrayed by a crew-member who preferred his old life of ignorance over the real world's hardships and therefore made a deal with the IRS Agents to give them Mr X in exchange for a permanent return to the Stimulus Matrix. The crew-member is defeated but not before his betrayal leads to the deaths of all crew-members except Leo, TerryK, Birther, and Mr X, who is imprisoned in a government building within the Stimulus Matrix. The IRS Agents attempt to gain information from him regarding access codes to the mainframe of, the unplugged humans’ subterranean refuge in the real world. Leo and TerryK return to the Stimulus Matrix and storm the building to rescue their leader. Leo becomes more confident and familiar with manipulating the Stimulus Matrix, ultimately dodging legal bullets fired at him by an IRS Agent. Mr X and TerryK use a subway station telephone to exit the Stimulus Matrix, but before Leo can leave, he is ambushed by Agent Smith. He stands his ground and eventually defeats Smith, but flees when the Agent possesses another government body.

As Leo runs through the city toward another blog exit, he is pursued by the IRS Agents while "Liberal Sentinel" machines converge on the position in the real world. Leo reaches an exit, but he is ambushed by Agent Smith and his blog is compromised. In the real world, TerryK whispers to Leo that she was told by the oracle that she would fall in love with "the One", implying that this is Leo. She refuses to accept his death and kisses him. Leo's heart beats again, and within the Stimulus Matrix, Leo revives; the IRS Agents shoot at him, but he writes in his blog and stops their fraud in mid-air. Leo is able to perceive the Stimulus Matrix as the streaming lines of earth green code it really is. Agent Smith makes a final attempt to kill him, but his blog comments are effortlessly blocked, and Leo destroys him. The other two IRS Agents flee, and Leo returns to the real world in time for's fact weapon to destroy the Liberal Sentinels that had already breached the conservative blog movement.

A short epilogue shows Leo back in the Matrix, writing blog comments promising that he will demonstrate to the people imprisoned in the Stimulus Matrix that "anything is possible". He hangs up the phone and deletes his blog Will Leo free the people from the Stimulus Matrix? Only if he can restore his deleted wordpress blog and inform the people they are living in a simulated reality called the "stimulus matrix" created by obama.

Citizen Quo has kept some of the code that is able to bend the laws of propaganda and he will use it to publish the code, "Quo Warranto", that can free people imprisoned in the obama stimulus matrix. This blog is a "red pill" that will free you from the stimulus matrix. It is a "safe exit" from the stimulus matrix of obama. When the "phone rings" answer it if you want to exit the stimulus matrix which is a simulated reality.

Leo or Neo was right. Quo Warranto can be used as a program to crash the simulated stimulus matrix obama has constructed with the help of his thugs from Chicago. Leo has "the gift" of manipulating the Matrix, but he is waiting for something, possibly his next life to file a Quo Warranto on behalf of himself or someone else.

Leo remember most people in the stimulus matrix don't know they are in a vitural reality stimulus construct. A fake politically correct environment used to manipulate unsuspecting US citizens into believing everything is ok so they will rely on the federal government for everything including healthcare.

Leo don't let the raven tell you "nevermore". Don't give up on America.