When a disaster strikes the time to prepare is GONE!! Non Hybrid, Heirloom, Non GMO Seeds
Survival Seed Bank
GROW A VICTORY GARDEN with HEIRLOOM SEEDS When obama and his thugs come to your house to inspect your garden be sure to tell them "Give me Liberty Or Give Me Death".
HR2751 Replaced S510 on Dec 19,2010 in a tricky dicky, covert, manipulated, stealth power grab by the government.
HR 2751 Will Control What You Eat Via An Unconstitutional Law
Read about the smuggled food in your back yard garden here in HR 2751 SEC 309
(a) In General- Not later than 180 days after the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall, in coordination with the Secretary of Homeland Security, develop and implement a strategy to better identify smuggled food and prevent entry of such food into the United States.
(Did ya get that? Homeland security and the Secretary shall implement a strategy to better identity SMUGGLED FOOD and PREVENT entry into the UNITED STATES! Smuggled food is any food the government says you can't grow.) Story Reports
b) Notification to Homeland Security- Not later than 10 days after the Secretary identifies a smuggled food that the Secretary believes would cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals, the Secretary shall provide to the Secretary of Homeland Security a notification under section 417(n) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 350f(k)) describing the smuggled food and, if available, the names of the individuals or entities that attempted to import such food into the United States.
(c) Public Notification- If the Secretary--
(1) identifies a smuggled food;
(2) reasonably believes exposure to the food would cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals; and
(3) reasonably believes that the food has entered domestic commerce and is likely to be consumed,
the Secretary shall promptly issue a press release describing that food and shall use other emergency communication or recall networks, as appropriate, to warn consumers and vendors about the potential threat.
(d) Effect of Section- Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of the Secretary to issue public notifications under other circumstances.
(e) Definition- In this subsection, the term ‘smuggled food’ means any food that a person introduces into the United States through fraudulent means or with the intent to defraud or mislead.
(Did ya get that also? ANY FOOD a person INTRODUCES into the US through fraudulent means or with the intent to defraud or mislead. All a farmer or backyard gardener would have to do for his food to be classified as "smuggled food" would be grow something he or she DIDN'T HAVE PERMISSION FROM THE GOVERMENT TO GROW.
This means your backyard garden is considered SMUGGLED FOOD if "the fruit of selma" has not given you permission to grow food in your own backyard!) Story Reports
The Law Of Intended Consequences HR 2751 Government Control Of US Grown Food
Americans are now officially doomed, because I am sure that President Obama will sign the Food Safety Modernization Act into law.
Your government has taken away YOUR right to grow YOUR own food on YOUR own land, to save YOUR own seeds and to exchange YOUR produce with YOUR friends and neighbors!
Soon you will be treated like marijuana growers, if you grow tomatoes or salad on your own land.
H.R. 2751:
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act On Sunday, December 19, the text of S. 510 replaced the original text of H.R. 2751, and the bill passed by voice vote. H.R. 2751, originally the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act, passed the House in June 2009 and was a "vehicle" for the passage of S. 510 in a House-originating bill because S. 510 was a revenue-raising bill. All revenue-raising bills must originate in the House.
(NaturalNews) The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2751 yesterday with a 216 to 144 vote (yes, many members of the House did not even vote). The so-called Food Safety Modernization Act now heads to the President, "the fruit of selma", to be signed into law.
When witnessing such a moment in history when the federal government greatly expands its power over an entire industry, it’s important to understand the Law of Intended Consequences. Virtually everything bad that happens after a bill gets passed is due to this Law of Inintended Consequences.
On the surface, the intention behind the food safety bill seems innocent enough: Let’s all protect the food supply and prevent people from getting sick due to e.coli and salmonella exposure. But the reality of the result that emerges from the law is quite different.
Get ready for more dangerous, pesticide-ridden food from south of the border.
Because the S.510 / HR 2751 food safety bill places an enormous new burden on U.S. farmers — yes, even small farms that are supposedly “exempt” — it’s going to drive many farmers out of business.
It will also erect new barriers to farmers entering the food production business, and this is especially true for the small local farmers who grow food for local co-ops, farmers’ markets and CSA organizations (Community Supported Agriculture).
What we’re going to see from all this, then, is the following:
• A reduction in the available SUPPLY of fresh local produce.
• A loss of local farming know-how and food sustainability.
• The financial failure of CSAs, food co-ops and small local markets.
• The loss of countless jobs that were related to local food production.
• An INCREASE in the price of local food, especially organic food.
Food safety bill does nothing to address food imports
At the same time these huge regulatory burdens are thrust upon U.S. farmers, there are no new regulations required for food grown outside the United States.
This means that food coming into the USA from Mexico, Chile, Peru or anywhere else does not have to meet S.510 food safety regulations at all. The FDA, after all, doesn’t inspect greenhouses in Mexico or grape farms in Chile which export their products to the United States.
(Its obama aka "the fruit of selma" continued destruction of the US economy.) Story Reports
Furthermore, many dangerous chemical pesticides that have been banned in the USA are legal to use elsewhere, and foods treated with those pesticides are perfectly legal to import into the United States. So instead of buying food grown in the United States on small, organic farms, more U.S. consumers are going to be buying food grown elsewhere that’s treated with extremely toxic pesticides.
Here are some of the intended consequences of all this:
• An INCREASE in the importation of fresh produce from other countries.
• A worsening of the agricultural trade imbalance between the U.S. and other nations.
• An INCREASE in the pesticide contamination of fresh produce sold at U.S. grocery stores.
• An INCREASE in agriculture jobs in Mexico, Chile, Peru and elsewhere, even while agriculture jobs are lost in the USA.
• A DECREASE in the overall safety of the food supply because now the proportion of foods imported from foreign countries with little or no regulatory oversight will greatly expand compared to U.S. grown foods.
In effect, then, what Congress has done is impaired the competitiveness of U.S. farms, shifted farming jobs out of the country, increased the pesticide residues in fresh produce sold in U.S. grocery stores and harmed local food security and sustainability by driving small, local farmers out of business.
Such is the nature of the Law of Intended Consequences. And such is the nature of just about everything that Big Government tries to do when it threatens to “solve problems” by expanding its regulatory control over almost any industry.
The whole purpose of the food safety bill in the first place was to destroy small farmers and centralize food production power in the hands of a few wealthy corporations. It is certainly going to be the effect.
What Congress has done with this food safety bill, in effect, is to cripple America’s food production know-how and poison the population with far more dangerous pesticide-ridden produce that will now be imported from other countries instead
This bill should have been called the “Mexico Farming Jobs Act” because it’s going to shift countless jobs south of the border as farms in the USA realize they simply can’t operate under the immense burden of FDA regulatory tyranny.
(Get ready for more crap in your salad thanks to the fruit of selma.) Story Reports
The government claims to be making your food safer even though the real impact of the new law will be to make your food far more dangerous while destroying U.S. farming jobs.
(This is the tricky dicky way obama and his fellow devils in congress work. They just put wording in bills to disguise their true intentions. In this case its the destruction of US grown local food production.) Story Reports
Get ready for skyrocketing food prices in 2011 – 2013
With the passage of this food safety bill, I am now publicly predicting skyrocketing food prices over the next two years. We will see fresh, local produce become increasingly more expensive and more difficult to acquire. Many local farmers will shutter their businesses, and farming know-how will be lost for perhaps a generation. The damage that will be done to America’s food security and agricultural base is incalculable.
Such is the price we shall all pay for allowing our representatives in Washington to once again violate our Natural Right to grow food and exchange it for goods or cash with our neighbors. The reason this Natural Right was never even mentioned in the US Constitution, by the way, is because the right to grow your own food without government interference is such an obvious “Natural Right” (a God-given right, or a right that is self-evident) that our forefathers never imagined such a right would be infringed by the federal government.
Or if a right were ever infringed by the federal government, our forefathers were certain that the citizens of the United States of America would exercise their other Constitutional rights to nullify the attempted overreaching authority of the federal government and thereby restore their freedoms.
Sadly, such a solution does not work when the majority of the population is lulled into a false sense of freedom by a government that deliberately lies to them on a daily basis. Freedom does not exist with the vast majority of the population has no interest in defending it.
(Obama supporters have been tricked and lulled into a false sense of freedom by the Hitler type retoric of obama via his teleprompter.) Story Reports
Vegetable gardeners can learn something from marijuana growers
Better buy yourself some heirloom seeds while you have the chance.
(My brother Dann also told me about these seeds. Heirloom seeds can be used to plant a crop the next year. Ordinary Seeds that you buy at the store cannot be used for this purpose. They are only good for 1 year and MONSANTO has fixed them to be that way.) Story Reports
Plant your stealth garden and cover it with camouflage so the government can’t see it and order you to destroy it. Soon, backyard vegetable gardeners will need to operate like marijuana growers and start hiding their food from government’s prying eyes.
No doubt the U.S. federal government will start using spy satellites to identify “unregistered gardens” that will be targeted for termination. Soon, small farmers may even be raided by armed FDA agents who terrorize their operations and seize cabbages. Seriously.
It sounds crazy today, I know. But a decade ago, no one thought the government would ever outlaw raw cow’s milk and arrest ranchers for selling milk to their neighbors, and that’s now happening on a regular basis.
FDA bureaucrats and "the fruit of selma", are parasites who feed on taxpayer dollars and lend nothing of value to society.
Is there a solution?
1. Every American should start RIGHT NOW to plant an organic garden…
2. … and practice civil disobedience the way Gandhi did.
3. If the government raids your property, then you should be prepared for that by forming groups, that will sue the government for violating your constitutional rights.
4. If all legal options fail, then we need to remind the US government of the second amendment.
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
- Thomas Jefferson
I'm a clinger that is clinging to my gun, how about you? Remember obama made fun of Americans that owned guns and bibles etc.
“All those who voted for S.510 — which includes the entire U.S. Senate, Republicans and Democrats alike — are traitors to the freedoms upon which America was founded.”
Power grab by the fruit of selma aka barack obama and his fellow thugs
As For My House