Thursday, August 7, 2014
Ebola Cave (Kitum Cave)
The Hot Zone #1
Ebola Virus Presentation Part One
The Kitum cave is more recently famous for a very different sort of lifeform, a deadly virus. In 1980 and again in 1987 visitors to the cave contracted Marburg virus, a deadly virus very similar to Ebola. The cave Ebola and Marburg virus rose to notoriety when it was featured in bestseller "The Hot Zone." It is believed that the bats in the cave may carry the virus and that their powdered guano may act as the disease vector.
A review from Kitum cave
Visited this park in the year 2011, with a group of friends. For the adventure lovers, this is an ideal place. We toured the largest cave, Kitum. It was a bit scary at first due to the darkness and the millions of chanting bats at the entrance. But it was fun as we toured the inside chambers. Elephants visit these sites at night for salt lick, one would wonder how they make it.. but it's nature.
Security is provided so no need to worry. Got to see numerous pure springs right at their sources. A number of animals were also sighted on the way, but the highlight was the adventure in the caves.
(Tours are offered at Mount Elgon National Park of the Kitum Cave. The above person toured the cave where bats carry the virus and are immune to it. Their powdered and liquid guano is inside the Kitum Cave just waiting for stupid people to be exposed to a couple of deadly viruses.
"Millions of bats at the entrance",
"Security is provided so no need to worry") Story Reports
The Hot Zone Questions
Usually on the 7th day of being exposed to Ebola, the victim develops a severe headache. After that, the victim can get abdominal pain, fever, bloody vomit, maculopapular rash, malaise, joint and muscle pain, inflammation of pharynx, coagulopathy, chest pain, dry and sore throat, hemorrhagic diathesis, diarrhia, vomiting. The incubation period is generally from 3-18 days, however it ranges from 2 to 21 days.
As soon as an individual is infected with Ebola, the virus starts making copies of itself. A headache usually develops on the 7th day after coming into contact with the virus, and from there the symptoms get worse. The victim may spike a fever, and begin to vomit uncontrollably. The victim's face becomes a yellow mask, and the eyes turn bright red. The virus is trying to transform the body into itself, the result being liquefying flesh and virus. The victim may start vomiting black vomit, which is actually a hemorrhage.
The victim's blood begins to clot, which cut off the blood supply in most parts of the body. Eventually the clotting factors become used up, and the blood becomes clotless. The victim begins to bleed from every opening in their body. The victims usually die of hypovolemic shock or organ failure.
Kitum Cave is significant because in the 1980's two visitors to the cave contracted EBOLA Marburg virus; Charles Monet and a fifteen year old boy.
A hot virus is a lethally infective virus. Examples of hot viruses include Ebola and Marburg.
One way to stop a virus is to isolate everyone with the virus and let them die out, or cure them. Another would be to vaccinate the population at risk. The third is to eliminate the vector.
Hot Zone Questions
Marburg Virus
Marburg was the first filiovirus discovered. The Marbug virus has similar symptoms to Ebola, but the chance of surving an infection of Marbug virus is higher.
First infected: Klaus F. He cared for the monkey in the Behring Works factory and broke with the virus on August 8, 1967 and died two weeks later.
Date discovered: During the summer of 1967
Noted outbreaks:
Marburg Germany, in a factory called Behring Works, was the first to break out with Marburg, around the summer of 1967. The factory works on producing serums and vaccines using kidney cells from African green monkeys, normally shipped in from Uganda.
Kitum Cave: Monet and Peter Cardinal died of Marburg shortly after visiting the cave.
Originated in: Sub-Saharan Africa
Incubation Period: On average- seven days.
Casultly rates: One in four.
Noted victims:
Charles Monet, a French expatriate who lived in western Kenya. He became terribly sick on Jan. 8, 1980, seven days after a visit at Kitum cave on Mount Elgon. Monet went to Nairobi Hospital for treatment. He died quickly after vomitting into Dr. Shem Musoke's face.
Musoke developed symptoms for the virus nine days after treating Monet. After diagnosis was difficult for Musoke, he went under Silverstein's care. Silverstein sent Musoke's blood serum to the National Institute of Virology in Sandringham, South Africa, and to the centers for Disease Control in Atlanta Georgia, USA. The serum tested positive for Marburg.
Peter Cardinal was a Danish boy visiting his parents in Kenya in the summer of 1987, when he dies of the Marburg virus. The army keeps a strain of Marburg named after him in its freezers, because he died of Marburg after visiting Kitum cave, like Monet.Gene Johnson had a hot zone set up there in hopes of finding the virus's host.
Other people involved:
Mr. Jones, he was an inspector for the monkeys shipped from Entebbe. He said most the monkeys weren't being killed, but sent to Lake Victoria, a focus for monkey viruses. The monkeys were trapped on the Sese islands, and were being continuessly shipped.
Gene Johnson is a civilian virus hunter working for the Army. Specialist in Ebola. In the spring of 1988, following the death of Peter Cardinal, he leads an Army expedition to Kitum Cave in Mount Elgon. He tried finding the virus host, but had no luck and ended up saving a ton of gear. "Chance favors the prepared mind" The Kitum cave equipment would later come in handy for the Ebola Reston strain that breaks out in a Reston monkey house in Virginia. He was the cheif of logistics and safety for the Reston biohazard operation.
Strains studied: Musoke, Peter Cardinal
Sisters: Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston
Carriers of the disease: Monkeys. The ones sent to Germany came from locations all over central Uganda. The monkeys had been shipped from Entebbe, an export facility.
Exact Source: Unknown.....(CIA)
How it is transmitted: Believed to be passed on when bodily fluid, or excretions of an infected person come in contact with another person or monkey, usually by an opening, as in eyes or mouth, or mouth cuts and intimate forms of contact.
The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus
charles monet,
ebola virus,
hot zone,
Kitum Cave,
marburg virus,
peter cardinal,
shem musoke
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
EBOLA Origin (CIA)
Stopping the Spread of Ebola: 7 Facts to Know
If Ebola becomes a problem, here are some key facts you’ll need to know to reduce your chance of getting it.
1. It seems to start in animals and meat. Bats can have the virus WITHOUT getting sick. Then they infect other animals, who do usually get sick.
People kill the other animals and contract the virus while either preparing the meat or eating it poorly cooked. Then the virus starts spreading from person to person.
2. After exposure, Ebola can kick in early or late. After someone is infected, the symptoms start anywhere from two to 21 days later.
3. Ebola doesn’t spread like the flu. This is the only good thing I know about this awful disease.
Flu: You can be contagious before you get sick. Ebola: You’re not contagious until you have symptoms.
Flu: The virus can spread through fluid droplets in the air (like from a sneeze).Ebola: It’s theoretically possible for Ebola to spread this way.
4. Ebola is highly contagious. You can catch it by coming in direct contact with any bodily fluids, including blood, semen, urine, saliva, vomit, or feces.
5. The symptoms make prevention more difficult. Symptoms make it hard for caregivers not to come into contact with those bodily fluids.
There’s profuse vomiting and diarrhea. And the victim’s blood can’t clot. So you can’t stop bleeding from the smallest scrape, prick, or bruise. Sometimes people spontaneously bleed out the nose, mouth, rectum, or urethra.
6. Ebola is still contagious after symptoms stop or the victim dies. Ebola doesn’t stop being contagious with death or recovery. Victims’ dead bodies still carry the disease, and people who recover may continue to be contagious for up to two months or more.
7. There are ways to protect yourself. It’s essential to protect yourself at all times if you’re caring for someone who may have the disease so you don’t come into contact with the bodily fluids.
Basically, cover yourself in impermeable products from head to toe. Think goggles, mask, disposable gown, gloves, and shoe covers. If you’re using needles, use them once only and dispose of them immediately.
Also disinfect your environment. Clean any exposed furniture, walls, or floors with a disinfectant, like a chlorine bleach solution, before future use. This may not all be possible during a long-term disaster, but do the best you can.
(I don't think obamacare will cover this Bubba. Bubba it ain't know accident that this is happening now along with the influx of illegals being flown around the US. The obama regime will use this created crisis to further expand big government and take away your freedoms.
If you are on an airplane, train, bus or whatever and come in contact with an infected person who has ebola symptoms Bubba you can be infected also.
Profuse vomiting and diarrhea is a symptom. If the person is spontaneously bleeding out the nose, mouth, rectum, eyes, urethra and every other body orifice.
Be aware though the above symptoms can be from something else also.
So Bubba ask yourself this: How many planes are they going to quarantine when a person is sick? They can't and won't quarantine every plane because they don't know if the symptoms are because of ebola the flu or the food!
This means it has the potential to spead unrestricted in some cases. (My opinion.)
So I would suggest you don't fly Bubba.
Not only you can become infected in an isolated area like a plane but so can others on the plane. One infected ebola case on an airplane with 300 people that can become infected while flying with a person who is puking etc is a nighrmare. You can't ask the driver to stop so you sit there suspecting to get infected but it could be something else the person has that is making them sick, ie the airline meal etc.) Story Reports
If a pandemic is even rumored, isolate yourself from large crowds, avoid commercial travel, and head out to your bug-out-location if you have one. If you work outside the home, plan to telecommute if you can and if not, take some vacation time. Above all, use common sense and keep a level head about you.
Stopping the Spread of Ebola: 7 Facts to Know
If Ebola becomes a problem, here are some key facts you’ll need to know to reduce your chance of getting it.
1. It seems to start in animals and meat. Bats can have the virus WITHOUT getting sick. Then they infect other animals, who do usually get sick.
People kill the other animals and contract the virus while either preparing the meat or eating it poorly cooked. Then the virus starts spreading from person to person.
2. After exposure, Ebola can kick in early or late. After someone is infected, the symptoms start anywhere from two to 21 days later.
3. Ebola doesn’t spread like the flu. This is the only good thing I know about this awful disease.
Flu: You can be contagious before you get sick. Ebola: You’re not contagious until you have symptoms.
Flu: The virus can spread through fluid droplets in the air (like from a sneeze).Ebola: It’s theoretically possible for Ebola to spread this way.
4. Ebola is highly contagious. You can catch it by coming in direct contact with any bodily fluids, including blood, semen, urine, saliva, vomit, or feces.
5. The symptoms make prevention more difficult. Symptoms make it hard for caregivers not to come into contact with those bodily fluids.
There’s profuse vomiting and diarrhea. And the victim’s blood can’t clot. So you can’t stop bleeding from the smallest scrape, prick, or bruise. Sometimes people spontaneously bleed out the nose, mouth, rectum, or urethra.
6. Ebola is still contagious after symptoms stop or the victim dies. Ebola doesn’t stop being contagious with death or recovery. Victims’ dead bodies still carry the disease, and people who recover may continue to be contagious for up to two months or more.
7. There are ways to protect yourself. It’s essential to protect yourself at all times if you’re caring for someone who may have the disease so you don’t come into contact with the bodily fluids.
Basically, cover yourself in impermeable products from head to toe. Think goggles, mask, disposable gown, gloves, and shoe covers. If you’re using needles, use them once only and dispose of them immediately.
Also disinfect your environment. Clean any exposed furniture, walls, or floors with a disinfectant, like a chlorine bleach solution, before future use. This may not all be possible during a long-term disaster, but do the best you can.
(I don't think obamacare will cover this Bubba. Bubba it ain't know accident that this is happening now along with the influx of illegals being flown around the US. The obama regime will use this created crisis to further expand big government and take away your freedoms.
If you are on an airplane, train, bus or whatever and come in contact with an infected person who has ebola symptoms Bubba you can be infected also.
Profuse vomiting and diarrhea is a symptom. If the person is spontaneously bleeding out the nose, mouth, rectum, eyes, urethra and every other body orifice.
Be aware though the above symptoms can be from something else also.
So Bubba ask yourself this: How many planes are they going to quarantine when a person is sick? They can't and won't quarantine every plane because they don't know if the symptoms are because of ebola the flu or the food!
This means it has the potential to spead unrestricted in some cases. (My opinion.)
So I would suggest you don't fly Bubba.
Not only you can become infected in an isolated area like a plane but so can others on the plane. One infected ebola case on an airplane with 300 people that can become infected while flying with a person who is puking etc is a nighrmare. You can't ask the driver to stop so you sit there suspecting to get infected but it could be something else the person has that is making them sick, ie the airline meal etc.) Story Reports
If a pandemic is even rumored, isolate yourself from large crowds, avoid commercial travel, and head out to your bug-out-location if you have one. If you work outside the home, plan to telecommute if you can and if not, take some vacation time. Above all, use common sense and keep a level head about you.
Monday, August 4, 2014
EBOLA Origin (CIA)

AIDS and Ebola - Where Did They Really Come From?
This segment sets forth information indicating that the deadly Ebola virus that has emerged in Africa may be a man-made virus that was developed in Western biological warfare programs. Relying on information presented in a German television documentary and accessed in a magazine called The New African, the broadcast notes that the epidemiology of the disease makes little sense and that the institutions dealing with the disease are intimately connected to Western BW institutions. An unnamed military official is quoted as saying that a 1976 outbreak of the disease was "the first time weâve had the bug outside of the lab." (Recorded in the spring of 1996.)
Matt McGrath
15 November 2012
Growing concerns over ‘in the air’ transmission of Ebola
By Matt McGrath
Science reporter, BBC World Service
The infection is thought to get into humans through close contact with bodily fluids
Fresh Ebola outbreak in Uganda
Little chance for ebola vaccine
Canadian scientists have shown that the deadliest form of the ebola virus could be transmitted by air between species.
In experiments, they demonstrated that the virus was transmitted from pigs to monkeys without any direct contact between them.
The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa.
They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.
Ebola viruses cause fatal haemorrhagic fevers in humans and many other species of non human primates.
Details of the research were published in the journal Scientific Reports.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the infection gets into humans through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs and other bodily fluids from a number of species including chimpanzees, gorillas and forest antelope.
The fruit bat has long been considered the natural reservoir of the infection. But a growing body of experimental evidence suggests that pigs, both wild and domestic, could be a hidden source of Ebola Zaire — the most deadly form of the virus.
Now, researchers from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the country’s Public Health Agency have shown that pigs infected with this form of Ebola can pass the disease on to macaques without any direct contact between the species.
In their experiments, the pigs carrying the virus were housed in pens with the monkeys in close proximity but separated by a wire barrier. After eight days, some of the macaques were showing clinical signs typical of ebola and were euthanised.
One possibility is that the monkeys became infected by inhaling large aerosol droplets produced from the respiratory tracts of the pigs.
Pigs could act as a host and amplify the Ebola virus
One of the scientists involved is Dr Gary Kobinger from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada. He told BBC News this was the most likely route of the infection.
“What we suspect is happening is large droplets — they can stay in the air, but not long, they don’t go far,” he explained.
“But they can be absorbed in the airway and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way.”
The scientists say that their findings could explain why some pig farmers in the Philippines had antibodies in their system for the presence of a different version of the infection called Ebola Reston. The farmers had not been involved in slaughtering the pigs and had no known contact with contaminated tissues.
Dr Kobinger stresses that the transmission in the air is not similar to influenza or other infections. He points to the experience of most human outbreaks in Africa.
“The reality is that they are contained and they remain local, if it was really an airborne virus like influenza is it would spread all over the place, and that’s not happening.”
Hidden host
The authors believe that more work needs to be done to clarify the role of wild and domestic pigs in spreading the virus. There have been anecdotal accounts of pigs dying at the start of human outbreaks. Dr Kobinger believes that if pigs do play a part, it could help contain the virus.
“If they do play a role in human outbreaks it would be a very easy point to intervene” he said. “It would be easier to vaccinate pigs against Ebola than humans.”
Workers prepare to disinfect during a recent Ebola outbreak in Uganda
Other experts in the field were concerned about the idea that Ebola was susceptible to being transmitted by air even if the distance the virus could travel was limited. Dr Larry Zeitlin is the president of Mapp Biopharmaceuticals.
“It’s an impressive study that not only raises questions about the reservoir of Ebola in the wild, but more importantly elevates concerns about ebola as a public health threat,” he told BBC News. “The thought of airborne transmission is pretty frightening.”
At present, an outbreak of ebola in Uganda has killed at least two people near the capital Kampala. Last month, Uganda declared itself Ebola-free after an earlier outbreak of the disease killed at least sixteen people in the west of the country.
Between 1970 and 1975, the period the NAS-NCR scientific advisors informed DOD decision-makers that AIDS-like viruses could be readied,4 American cold war efforts focused on Zaire and Angola. Following the withdrawal of American forces in Vietnam, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger ordered the CIA to begin a major covert military operation against MPLA (communist bloc backed) "rebels" in Angola.
Zaire, indebted by over $4.5 billion to the International Monetary Fund, and headed by President Mobutu—paradoxically regarded as one of the world's wealthiest men with "a personal fortune put at $2,939,200,000 [1984 estimate] banked in Switzerland—was wooed by NATO allies during the 1970s (principally the U.S.) to be a staging area for CIA backed, Portuguese, French, and mainly South African mercenaries.
"American corporate investment, notably in copper and aluminum, doubled to about $50 million following a 1970 visit by Mobutu to the United States. Major investors included Chase-Manhattan, Ford, General Motors, Gulf, Shell, Union Carbide, and several other large concerns."
However, in 1975 Mobutu apparently turned against NATO allies and increased negotiations with China and Russia. He proclaimed his intention to nationalize foreign owned enterprises. In June 1975, following the CIA's thwarted efforts to convince the U.S. Congress to appropriate more funds for Mobutu and the Angola program. (A total of $31.7 million had already been "drawn from the CIA's FY 75 contingency fund" which was "exhausted on 27 November 1975"). Mobutu expelled the American ambassador and arrested many of the CIA's Zairian agents, placing some under death sentences.
The following year, in October 1976, the "Ebola Zaire virus" broke-out in "fifty five villages surrounding the [Yambuku] hospital" first killing "people who had received injections." Mobutu then ordered his army to "seal off the Bumba zone with roadblocks" and "shoot anyone trying to come out" so "no one knew what was happening, who was dying, [or] what the virus was doing."
Shortly thereafter, Ebola victim specimens were sent to the CDC, Special (meaning "secret" within the American intelligence community) Pathogens Branch; to Porton, England's controversial chemical and bio-logical weapons (CBW) laboratories;45 and teams of WHO and CDC researchers were dispatched to the Ebola region in Mobutu's private, American supplied C-130 Buffalo troop transport plant.
By the end of 1976, the Zairian leader had reconciled his differences with the American intelligence and corporate communities believing that Zaire would continue to reap his non-communist allies' social and economic aid. On April 4, 1977, Mobutu suspended diplomatic relations with Cuba; on April 21, reduced ties with the Soviet Union; and on May 2, he cut ties with East Germany.
(Thats right Bubba the CIA covert military operations in Zaire in 1970-1975 are the source. They mixed up some germ warfare virus and mobutu used it on the CIA backed, Portuguese, French, and mainly South African mercenaries.
Bubba the US government is the source for ebola. Now you know where the mysterious "monkey" virus came from, the CIA.) Story Reports
When did people first start getting Ebola?
Ebola first appeared in 1976. There were two simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). The Congolese outbreak occurred in a village near the Ebola River, which is how the disease gets its name.
Fruit bats in West Africa are thought to be the natural host of the virus. Ebola was introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals. In Africa, people have become infected through the handling of infected fruit bats, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainforest.
What's the incubation period for Ebola?
The time from infection with the virus to the onset of symptoms ranges from two to 21 days.
Ebola isn't transmitted through the air. You aren't going to get Ebola if an infected person sits next to you or sneezes in the same room. The disease is transmitted through contract with bodily fluids, such as blood. Health care workers are particularly at risk if they are not wearing appropriate protective equipment, such as masks, gowns and gloves.
(Ok Bubba its time to read through the lines. If an infected person coughs on you or pukes on you that is bodily fluid Bubba. Why do ya think health care workers suit up? It isn't because they are afraid an infected person might sneeze on them Bubba!) Story Reports
The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story
A highly infectious, deadly virus from the central African rain forest suddenly appears in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. There is no cure. In a few days 90 percent of its victims are dead. A secret military SWAT team of soldiers and scientists is mobilized to stop the outbreak of this exotic "hot" virus. The Hot Zone tells this dramatic story, giving a hair-raising account of the
appearance of rare and lethal viruses and their "crashes" into the human race. Shocking, frightening, and impossible to ignore, The Hot Zone proves that truth really is scarier than fiction.
(Yep that's right Bubba there has been an outbreak of the ebola virus in the US. If the tell you otherwise its a lie. There are thousands of people coming into the US and none of them are being tested for diseases. They will be put into schools with your children etc.
My advice is to take your children out of school and home school them before they get a disease that has been imported via obamabola himself.) Story Reports
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