Dan Way
If the President, only appoints, and the Senate confirms, just one IPAB member, that sole unelected office with have complete, unfettered, and unilateral authority to cut Medicare by way of a process that was intentionally designed to tie the hands of Congress.
If the Senate fails to appoint any members to IPAB (something that is probably more likely than not given recent history), the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), who is appointed by the President, would be responsible for developing Medicare cuts. Presumably, the HHS Secretary will work in close consultation with the White House. If Congress fails to override the Secretary’s cuts, they become law. Alternatively, if Congress does override the Secretary’s cuts, all the President would have do is veto Congress’ bill, and the HHS proposal that the President helped design would become law. Either way, the scales are tipped in the President’s favor.
Troubling Things You May Not Know About IPAB or the obamacare "death panel"
Troubling Things You May Not Know About IPAB President Obama’s Secret Rationing Board Given Enormous Power, No Accountability
Buried in Section 3403 of ObamaCare is a powerful board of unelected bureaucrats, the so-called “Independent Payment Advisory Board” (IPAB), whose sole job will be to save money by restricting access to health care for Medicare beneficiaries. IPAB is required to achieve specified savings in years where Medicare spending is deemed “too high,” according to the Democrats’ health care overhaul.
While few Americans are aware that this ObamaCare rationing board even exists, it embodies the very thing Americans feared most about the law – unaccountable Washington bureaucrats meeting behind closed doors to make unilateral decisions that should be made by patients and their doctors. A review of IPAB’s powers make clear that the American people have every reason to be concerned. Tomorrow, the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health will convene to hear from stakeholders about the impact this ill-conceived rationing board will have on Medicare beneficiaries and their health care providers. These are just a few of the items that may come up for discussion:
The Democrats did not prevent IPAB from rationing health care. The Democrats claim they “prevent” IPAB from including recommendations to ration health care. However, the Democrats chose not to define what they meant by “ration,” and such a definition does not appear anywhere in the Medicare statute. So, rationing is in the eye of the IPAB beholder. IPAB would be free to cut reimbursement rates for procedures and services that IPAB deems “unnecessary” to levels so low that no physician would provide the care.
The Democrats’ rationing board will threaten seniors’ access to care. Medicare is already known for its low reimbursement rates (e.g., Medicare physician payment rates are 20 percent lower than what they receive from private health plans), which have forced many physicians to stop accepting new Medicare patients. IPAB is specifically tasked with cutting provider rates even further. Countless physician groups have warned these cuts will force many to stop seeing Medicare patients. Because TRICARE reimbursement rates are directly tied to Medicare, health care for military personnel will be impacted by these cuts as well.
Democrats require seniors and Americans with disabilities to pay for IPAB to cut their Medicare benefits. IPAB’s annual operating budget is raided from the Medicare trust funds. This means that IPAB’s generous member salaries ($165,300 for members and $179,700 for IPAB’s chairperson in 2012) will be paid directly out of the trust funds used to pay Medicare beneficiaries’ health care claims. IPAB staff will also be paid out of the Medicare trust funds (up to $145,700 per employee in 2012). So will all travel expenses and stipends. What a deal!
Democrats gave IPAB blanket authority to operate in secret. There is no requirement in the Democrats’ 2,200+ page health care law that requires IPAB to hold public meetings or hearings, consider public input on its proposals, or make its deliberations open to the public.
IPAB may become the most corrupt entity in Washington. ObamaCare states that IPAB “may accept, use, and dispose of gifts or donations of services or property.” This provides a not so subtle invitation for lobbyists to lavish the unelected and unaccountable IPAB members with cash, meals, cars, vacations, or even houses!
Democrats provided the President with unchecked power. Here are a couple of disturbing scenarios:
The President uses recess appointments to avoid congressional approval for his IPAB nominations, so the President stacks the deck. If Congress opposes IPAB’s recommended Medicare cuts, the House and Senate would have to pass an identical bill to override and replace the IPAB cuts. However, the President may unilaterally decide that IPAB’s cuts are “better” and veto the legislation passed by Congress. If Congress fails to secure the required supermajority vote to override the President’s veto, then the unelected IPAB’s Medicare cuts become law, over the objections of a majority of elected Congressional officials.
If the Senate fails to appoint any members to IPAB (something that is probably more likely than not given recent history), the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), who is appointed by the President, would be responsible for developing Medicare cuts. Presumably, the HHS Secretary will work in close consultation with the White House. If Congress fails to override the Secretary’s cuts, they become law. Alternatively, if Congress does override the Secretary’s cuts, all the President would have do is veto Congress’ bill, and the HHS proposal that the President helped design would become law. Either way, the scales are tipped in the President’s favor.
The Democrats may have anointed a Medicare “king.” All that’s required to send IPAB’s Medicare cuts to Congress (and perhaps later become law) is a majority of IPAB members present at the time a vote is called. If the President only appoints, and the Senate confirms, just one IPAB member, that sole unelected office with have complete, unfettered, and unilateral authority to cut Medicare by way of a process that was intentionally designed to tie the hands of Congress. Is the “Godfather of Rationing,” Don Berwick, available?
Nothing prevents IPAB from going beyond its mandate and recommending a package of proposals that cut Medicare even deeper than what Democrats have asked IPAB to do. More troubling, if Congress is unable to override such a proposal, it would become law.
Obamacare Lawsuit Challenges Legality of ‘Death Panel’9th Circuit will hear case testing IPAB and separation of powers
(Obamacare death panel will be operated in secret by guess who Bubba, dr death himself obama. Obama will nominate the members. He has allready started to prescribe obola by allowing obola victims to get into the US without restriction. The nurse that was exposed to obaola called the CDC and told them she had an elevated temperature so the obama CDC ask her what it was, she told them and the obama CDC said sure go ahead an fly on a plane.
The obama CDC did not stop the potential spread of ebola, in fact obama, aka dr death, is allowing the CDC to spread ebola.) Story Reports
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
Talk show host Russ Cassel has died but his mark on people lives on.

(Russ Cassell WORD 106.3 FM died on 10/11/2014. His radio show is on 8am-12pm mon thru fri.
All this week 10/13-10/17 2014 WORD will be replaying some of his shows.
If you have never listened to Russ Cassell on WORD its not to late.
I would suggest you listen to his pod casts, its worth the time and effort.) Story Reports
The show on 10/10/2014 is Russ's last show.
Russ Cassell's last broadcast hour 1 10/10/2014 (RUSS DISCUSSES PURPLE PENGUINS.)
Russ Cassell's last broadcast hour 2 10/10/2014 (RUSS DISCUSSES THE TODD GURLY SUSPENSION.)
Russ Cassell's last broadcast hour 3 10/10/2014 (RUSS DISCUSSES GAY MARRIAGE.)
Russ Cassell's last broadcast hour 4 10/10/2014 (RUSS DISCUSSES ASSISTED SUICIDE.)
Russ Cassell Pod Casts
(Be sure to listen to this show. It was Russ Cassell at his best!)
A prayer Russ Cassell Offered on 9/19/14 Hour 1 At the live Woodruff Flag Rally.
I would like to just take a moment. And offer a prayer. If you're so inclined and you would like to join me. Of those here -- live on site just come up around here and can we just take a moment. To give thanks to the one who makes all of this possible. All of this possible. And get the glory where it is deserved yeah that is to our lord god. So would you join me for a moment home.
Heavenly father the first of all we pray that your will will be done on earth as it is and haven't. Because that's what Jesus instructed us to. So we pray that your will will be done today. And every day and all for your glory. The only father we thank you for this country. We thank you for allowing. Everything. And all that we enjoy in the United States of America. We realize and we acknowledge right here today. That it would not be possible. If it were not for you. We -- and our pledge toward. We are one nation under god. Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Lord we pray. That -- always be. What we have in America. -- you know much better than we do the challenges that we face. You know because you know all you know much better than we do that challenges that we face not just here but all around the world.
Your holy word the Bible tells us. That these days would come. And we see different indications lord every single day. Something that we have always known many of us in our hearts and souls. That your word is the truth. We also pray dear lord. Did you help our leaders. We pray that she will help them know the truth. We pray that they will find courage. To stand. Which you. And to make our country a better place. We pray that you give all of our leaders. -- Encourage. We also -- your lord right here today. That you'll watch over and protect. Our brave men and women in the military. We pray for them right here bright at this moment in -- South Carolina. That you'll keep them safe. There is some foreign places. On this planet. Who knows what they're facing right now. We pray that you will comfort them. We pray that you will protect that. We pray that you will give them peace. We also pray for their families. The families back here. Who dear lord right now are very worried about their local it's. We have wives we have husbands we have children. We have family. Who are fearful. For the safety of their loved sports. We ask you dear lord. To give them peaks. We asked them -- dear lord. To make sure that they are strengthened.
During these difficult times. And their lord we also pray. For the leaders here in -- South Carolina. We pray that every day as they watch over this city and other cities like -- ball across the country. That -- would be with. And you will give them wisdom and discernment. As they face their very difficult tasks. We -- pray for the children. Here and would. As they go to school every day. That -- you will let them know just how precious. They -- you lord and to all of us. -- finally we prayed. That Jesus will return soon. You told us that he would. We look forward to that day terrible.
We know that there are better days ahead you've told -- so. As we face increasing challenges here on this earth. We know. And we're uplifted by the fact that. -- the only true peace. That will ever be known. Is with. You're return. And I haven't established on earth. For ever and ever. Again lord -- we're saying -- to be able to do this today. We're thankful for all the folks listening on the radio. Many of them who don't agree. But we hope you'll reach out to them and touch them. And give them discernment. About you. We realize. What is required for them to know you. -- we know that that. Simply takes admitting that. That were wrong. Many times. We are simple but were born in dissent but we know. That we can be lifted out of -- through faith and trust. In you. So -- with a -- as we continued today thank you for this beautiful day. We ask all of this but. In the name of Jesus.
Russ Cassell died 22 days after praying this prayer. "the only true peace. That will ever be known. Is with. You're return."
Russ was looking forward to being with the Lord soon.
Russ Cassell was like the Ronald Reagan of talk radio.............
Russ Cassell was the upstate's Paul Revere talk show host........
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