Letter from Gordon Smith: Why Does the Media Run From This Issue?
Letter from Gordon Smith: Why Does the Media Run From This Issue?
Dear Bill [O'Reilly],
I am a disabled vet and gave my country 20 years of service (10 years Air Force/10 years Navy) from 1969-1989.
Back in the 70’s…..I had been spit on at the San Francisco airport coming back from the Far East; I never had yellow ribbons welcoming me back home…..you get the point.
But I have NEVER been more upset and demoralized by the following people: You, Beck, Coulter & Malkin…and I could go on with lots more names….but what you all have in common is this…..for ANYONE (of us 60% of Americans) who believes in the “eligibility” issue…..we are laughed at and called pinheads.
Normally, when I watch your show, Bill….I applaud your loyalty to the “truth” and your determination to have an intelligent discussion with your guests on important issues.
But when ANYONE at Fox is even approached with the question of Obama’s birth certificate issue…..you go running for the hills.
I am a VERY good friend of the wonderful conservative radio show host, Barry Farber, in New York ( call him & ask him who I am).For the last one and half years, Barry has invited me on HIS show as a guest more than a dozen times to have an INTELLIGENT discussion of the eligibility issue. I have a feeling you probably have a modicum of respect for Barry for his intelligence, his character and his 50 years of service to the microphone. HE is a devout “birther." Does that make HIM a pinhead?
I am trying to keep this email short so it will at least be given a short burst of interest from you or your staff….but I CHALLENGE you to call me or write me and to have an intelligent discussion about Obama’s birth certificate issue. If I don’t hear from you…..I will assume one of three things
1) NOBODY reads these emails;
2) you can’t handle listening to someone who MAY know something about an issue more than you or
3) Fox has all their reporters and pundits on a muzzle and will fire them for even “talking” about this issue.
I know, Bill….you and Megan “talked” about it IN-DEPTH for 2 minutes a while back and for 1 ½ minutes of that…you insinuated that we were all pinheads….because there were some ads in the Hawaii paper declaring his birth. That is easily explained….if you would open your ears before you shout “kool-aid” or “pinhead”.
I am VERY aware of a lot of the eligibility issues that you either don’t know, or refuse to listen to……(Barry calls me his “go-to-guy” for Obama BC news items) so we don’t even have to do it on the air…..I am not trying to make any kind of name or news for myself. I am just SO sick of Fox (the network that SHOULD be all over this issue) making fools of us when you won’t look at certain facts…..yes, Bill, facts.
I am a Christian also, Bill…..and I actually pray you will answer my email. To quote a line from The Music Man “There is trouble in River City (Wash DC), Bill”
God bless you, and I hope very much to hear back from you.
Thank you for your time.
// Gordon Smith
Medford, OR.
Story Reports
Gordon I can speculate why. Several reasons come to mind especially the race bating, race card issue, ratings etc. I'm sure vast amounts of undercover pressure has been put on fox news and others. Just look at the instant firing of won williams, a Liberal, because he said he got nervous when he a muslim gets on a plane with him. Fox news along with other "news" outlets are politically correct gates of misinformation or ignored information.
Liberal state run media avoids the issue or ignores the truth as does fox news. Its not because its not a valid issue. If that were so it would go away if the facts indicate obama is a valid citizen. There are no "facts" or valid documentation that can be referenced. The issue of obama's birth is a valid issue but fox news and others avoid and ignore the facts because of ratings and advertisers politically correct insistance of avoiding the issue and pressure from various sources not to address the issue of obama's citizenship.
This is why it is such a hot topic on blogs and other media outlets like talk radio. Conservative talk radio gets it right sometimes. The local talk show I listen to gets it right 50% of the time but they even avoid some of the real facts such as:
(1) obama was a dual citizen at birth therefore he is not a natural born citizen as the Constitution requires to be president.
(2) obama has committed FRAUD because he admitted in S res 511 110th Congress 4/30/2008 that a natural born citizen is a citizen at birth that has two parents that are American citizens.
(3) obama had a mother that was an American citizen at his birth and a father that was not but a Kenyan citizen at his birth making him a dual citizen at birth and NOT a natural born citizen as he himself declares Mccain is because BOTH his parents were American citizens at the time of his birth.
(4) obama has provided no validating documentation that his certification of live birth jpeg is proof he is a US citizen because of the fact Hawaii issues colb to people born outside of Hawaii, no hopital name, no doctors name and no valid signatures on his faked online colb that has at least two versions.
S Res 511 110th Congress 4/30/2008 where obama defines the term natural born citizen and in doing so admits he is a FRAUD!
The media acts as if S Res 511 110th Congress 4/30/2008 is Kryptonite to obama and it is. It destroys the argument that obama is a valid president. Obama himself defines what a natural born citizen is in S Res 511 110th Congress 4/30/2008. Obama didn't declare Mccain was a natural born citizen because only ONE was of his parents was a US citizen at the time of Mccains birth.
Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.
Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY] - 4/10/2008
Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] - 4/10/2008
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] - 4/10/2008
Sen Obama, Barack [IL] - 4/10/2008
Sen Webb, Jim [VA] - 4/10/2008
S Res 511 111th Congress 5/11/2010 is an attempt to confuse the S Res 511 of the 110th Congress 4/30/2008 and hide the fact obama has defined the term natural born citizen therefore has committed FRAUD and TREASON as an IMPOSTER president