This document is invalid. It does not display a certificate number or state seal. This document cannot be validated. It does not indicate date accepted by registrar but date filed by registrar. The document obama has produced has never been accepted by the registrar but only filed by registrar. If it was valid obama could confirm he had his original long form certificate of live birth ammended.
Obama is claiming by displaying this fake certification of live birth that he was born in Hawaii. Nothing can be verified about his claims. His mother and father can't be verified. The hospital where he was born can't be verified. The registrar that did not accept his fake certification of live birth cannot be verified. The doctor attending his birth can't be verified. This is because only the long form certificate of live birth can be verified.
Obama has paid his lawyers millions to keep his long form under seal in Hawaii. All Americans must question why he has done this. All Americans must question why the document he has produced has no document number and no state seal. All Americans must question why obama has not answered the questions about where he was born.

This is a valid certification of live birth. It has a certificate number and state seal. Obama's does not. These are not insignificant details. Without these two details displayed the document is invalid. It is so obvious.
It is not an original birth certificate.
It is a certificate of live birth (COLB) which was issued some time afterward, and is no more than an affidavit. Hawaii has long allowed this practice when births were in fact in other countries. The only verification done by Hawaii is that there was a birth, and it was live. That’s not the issue, however. The real issue is where he was born. Obama had the original document sealed, and that’s why everyone is saying he has not provided proof of his citizenship, which is correct. Americans must provide their birth certificate when they join the service, get married, apply for a driver’s license, and get their first job. Why is the president-elect immune from this law?
Other key evidences here that this is not an original document are the “OHSM 1.1 (Rev 11/01) LASER” footnote on the bottom left margin, signifying the a laser copy (document version 1.1) made by the Office of Health Systems Management in November 2001. This implies there was an earlier document. But there is something more subtle — a stamp on the reverse side, inked through the paper backwards. If you flip it horizontally and enlarge it, you can see the stamped date.
This stamped date would likely be the date of a requested copy. So basically, this is a copy (2006) of a copy (2001) of an affidavit (date?) of a possibly valid original. Sound complicated? It gets worse…much worse…
“A Certification of Live birth is nothing more than stating, not proving you were born, it does not prove your citizenship status or anything else.”
Two sides of the official story states that Obama was born in either Kapiolani Medical Center or The Queen’s Medical Center in Hawaii.
If obama would produce his original long form certification of live birth we would know even if obama doesn't know what hosptial he was born in.
He’s a socialist/communist deceiving the American sheeple, and convincing them that he knows what’s best for them, and that the American electoral system still plays fair. He’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing, the jackal in the henhouse, waiting and poised to pass through bill after bill stripping America away of its resources, its rights and its very soul itself.
Barry Saetoro, the president who dares to lie about even his own name.
February 04, 2010
President Obama today at the National Prayer Breakfast raised the issue of his own eligibility for office – saying that people shouldn't be questioning his "citizenship."
Talking about the issue of "civility," he said, "Now, I am the first to confess I am not always right. Michelle will testify to that. But surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith, or, for that matter, my citizenship."
Barry you are almost never right, in fact you are almost always wrong.
Your policy of deceiving America by not producing a vaild certificate of live birth and not the certification of live birth your web site says is proof you are NOT a valid US citizen.
Your policy of displaying a picture only of your certification of live birth and nothing else is enough to make any sane person question who you are.
Your US citizenship is in question because you have not provided any valid way to confirm your citiznship.
The certificate of live birth does not contain any information that can be validated.
I know you are a FRAUD. Many other Americans know you are a FRAUD also. You can't prove who you are. You have not proved who you are.
Logical fallacies
Lawyers learn about the logical fallacies in law school.
Logic is a tool to help people arrive at dependable conclusions. Logic is related to such disciplines as epistemological protocol, scientific methodology, and rules of evidence.
Like most tools, logic can be used for good or evil. Lawyers will sometimes use what they learned about logical fallacies to create false impressions rather than reveal the truth.
This is exactly what obama has done and is doing.
Propagandists and PSYOPS agents are very skilled at using logical fallacies to influence “target audience's value systems, belief systems, emotions, motives, reasoning, and behavior”.
How do they twist the truth and attempt to pollute your mind?
The false syllogism
A syllogism ("conclusion," "inference"), (usually the categorical syllogism) is a kind of logical argument in which one proposition (the conclusion) is inferred from two others (the premises) of a certain form. An example of an accurate syllogism is:
Major premise: All of obama's statements are valid.
Minor premise: Obama is valid.
Conclusion: Obama tells the truth.
Major premise: All of Hawaii's birth certificates are valid.
Minor premise: Obama's has presented a certification of live birth.
Conclusion: Obama's must be valid just because Hawaii has issued one.
Slavery was work and slavery was evil, therefore all work is evil. It is more moral to be on welfare.
Vietnam War was a bad war, therefore all wars are bad wars.
Fortunately, most of Obama’s Logical fallacy PSYOPS agents aren’t very skillful.
The trademark personal insult, name calling, ridicule, and ad hominem attacks characterize the debate style of Obama’s people That tactic has worked quite well on the ignorant and those who value feeling more than reason. Uninformed people voted for Obama. This is not new, transformational politics. This is the rise of a New American Fascism.
Often the best tactic is to ignore such low class debate tactics and simply say your piece without bothering to interact with ignorance and rudeness.