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This Is The Face Of Fraud And Corruption In Florida 2018 |
Rick Scott files suits against Palm Beach, Broward Counties
It has been over 48 hours since the polls closed and Broward and Palm Beach Counties are still finding and counting ballots – and the Supervisors – Brenda Snipes and Susan Bucher – cannot seem to say how many ballots still exist or where these ballots came from, or where they have been.
Senator Rubio, in his barrage of broadsides against Snipes earlier in the day, pointed to the "slow drip" of tens of thousands of additional ballots that were reported throughout the day Thursday, most of which were favorable to several Democratic candidates.
Rubio said those late disclosures violated Florida election law, which necessitates that mail-in and early voting ballots be counted within 30 minutes of polls closing.
Rubio and Scott both made it clear they have no confidence in Snipes' integrity.
A U.S. Senate seat & a statewide cabinet officer are now potentially in the hands of an elections supervisor with a history of incompetence & of blatant violations of state & federal laws," Rubio wrote, linking to a Miami Herald article describing several scandals that have gripped Broward County’s Elections Department.
Earlier this year, a judge found that Snipes had illegally destroyed ballots in a 2016 congressional contest, leading the secretary of state's office to assign election monitors to supervise her.
In 2016, Brenda Snipes’ office posted election results half an hour before polls closed – a violation of election law," Scott said. "That same year, her office was sued for leaving amendments off of ballots.
In 2014, Brenda Snipes’ fellow Democrats accused her of individual and systemic breakdowns that made it difficult for voters to cast regular ballots. All Floridians should be concerned about that.
Without providing legally sufficient justification, Rubio said, Democrat-controlled Broward and Palm Beach counties on Wednesday afternoon continued to report new ballots, cutting into Scott's already-thin lead and flipping the state's agriculture commissioner race to Democrats.
Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher told Fox News that Palm Beach is still counting about 2,000 mail-in ballots where voters circled or highlighted (by drawing an arrow pointing at the candidate’s name) their choice, instead of filling in the appropriate bubbles.
Rubio said those late disclosures violated Florida election law, which necessitates that mail-in and early voting ballots be counted within 30 minutes of polls closing.
Broward election supervisors ongoing violation of Florida law requiring timely reporting isn’t just annoying incompetence," Rubio wrote. "It has opened the door for lawyers to come here & try to steal a seat in the U.S. Senate & Florida Cabinet."
Florida law dictates that if the margin in any race hits 0.25 percent or lower, a manual recount of any ballots set aside from the machine recount will be ordered -- reminiscent of the scene in the 2000 presidential election, when the country was gripped by images of poll workers counting votes deciphering hanging chads by hand.
Rick Scott files suits against Palm Beach, Broward Counties
Editor Note
Late disclosures violated Florida election law, which necessitates that mail-in and early voting ballots be counted within 30 minutes of polls closing.
Why are these two florida counties still counting ballots if Florida law mandates mail-in and early voting ballots be counted within 30 minutes of the polls closing.
This is obvious corruption by Broward and Palm Beach Counties Supervisors – Brenda Snipes and Susan Bucher.
A Florida judge found that Brenda Snipes had illegally destroyed ballots in a 2016 congressional contest, leading the secretary of state's office to assign election monitors to supervise her.
This reminds me of a story of sexual harasment at the USPS.
A worker had been found guilty of sexual harasment of female postal workers 5 times.
He was allowed back on the working floor each time because of supervision and union efforts to help him keep his job.
The last time he was allowed on the workroom floor it was required that he have 24/7 supervision by a supervisor following him like a dog watching him as he worked at the post office.
He should have been fired but because of union efforts he was not.
Brenda Snipes should have been removed as a Broward County election official.
She was not and is still allowed to supervise the counting of ballots while being monitored by election monitors following her like a dog watching her.
Snipes like the sexual preditor perp in the post office are allowed to continue there efforts because THEY ARE NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!
Lawyers love hanging chads and corrupt democrat officials who allow them to steal an election using fraud.
Obvious election corruption and fraud is allowed to continue.
This cannot be allowed to continue.