Premature babies’ oxygen monitors intentionally were altered to provide false readings. The reason: so medical staff wouldn’t be tempted to adjust oxygen out of the babies’government study-assigned range. The government want to see if the premature babies would survive when the government set the oxygen levels and never changed them when they needed to be changed so the babies could live.
Full Disclosure: Did Government’s Experiment on Preemies Hide Risks?
Government’s Experiment on Preemies Hide Risks
The government-backed study is called SUPPORT, which stands for “Surfactant, Positive Airway Pressure, and Pulse Oximetry Randomized Trial.” The experiment was conducted at 23 academic institutions from 2005 through 2009 under the National Institutes of Health, part of the Department of Health and Human Services.
It was a national, government-funded experiment on 1,316 extremely premature infants in which their fate may as well have rested with the flip of a coin.
“Parents of the infants who were enrolled in this study were misled about its purpose,” Carome says. “They were misled to believe everything being done was in the ‘standard of care’ and therefore posed no predictable risk to the babies.”
The Oxygen Dilemma
Doctors say babies are at risk of complications even when born at 37 weeks, now considered early term. The stated goal of SUPPORT was to identify the best oxygen level for extremely preterm infants—generally those born before 25 weeks, and so especially in distress.
Medical personnel routinely give supplemental oxygen to babies who are born with immature lungs. Too much oxygen can cause severe eye damage, including a blood vessel disease and blindness called retinopathy. Too little oxygen can lead to brain damage and death.
The NIH-funded experiment used the test babies in an attempt to find the sweet spot for preemies yet to be born: the lowest level of oxygen that would preserve vision, yet be sufficient to prevent brain damage and death.
To get the answer, researchers arbitrarily assigned infants to either a high-oxygen or low-oxygen group. Because, researchers say, all oxygen levels fell within the generally accepted range, they argue the babies received the same “standard of care” as babies not in the study. None of the consent forms mentioned a risk of death from the oxygen experiment.
But it turns out there were key differences in how researchers treated babies in the study compared with those not in the study.
Normally, medical personnel constantly adjust oxygen as preemies’ conditions change, based on their individual needs. But the SUPPORT study was designed to keep infants in their randomly assigned range, despite a baby’s individual needs.
And in a decision that one government source says shocked seasoned researchers when they learned of it, the babies’ oxygen monitors intentionally were altered to provide false readings. The reason: so medical staff wouldn’t be tempted to adjust oxygen out of the babies’ study-assigned range.
“Nothing in the consent form explained the falsely reading oxygen monitors could lead to adverse decisions about care of the babies,” Carome, who directs Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, says in an interview. He calls both the study design and consent form unethical.
More of the high-oxygen babies ended up with serious vision disorders. The low-oxygen preemies were more likely to die. The results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in May 2010, sparked ethical questions and complaints. Companion studies being conducted in other countries were halted.
“The most troubling part is that numerous high-ranking officials facilitated this interference by senior NIH officials,” Carome said, “despite the fact that NIH had obvious actual, direct conflicts of interest in the research under investigation.”
During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent.
Nazi Medical Experiments
(The nazi's conducted "experiments" on people without their consent. They had no choice. Our government has also conducted "experiments" on people without their consent because they had no real knowledge of what the government
was really doing in the "experiments". The so called consent form left the details out that premature babies would have their oxygen levels set at different levels just to see if they would survive!
This is NO different than what the germans did in WWII to the jews and prisoners etc.
In effect the government offered support to murder premature babies but didn't tell the parents they were going to play with their oxygen levels to see if they would live or die.
I don't trust the government because the government can't be trusted. Bubba trusts the govnment though.) Story Reports
Here is an example of how an oxygen monitor can be changed. Oxygen monitors intentionally were altered to provide false readings by the "study group death panel".
Vita Guard Oxygen Monitor Settings Example
PDF page (74) Alarm and monitor settings
System\ Settings protection
The codes that protect the alarm defaults from unauthorized
changes must be given by the doctor to those persons only whom
the doctor judges to be adequately informed about monitoring and
their responsibility for the patient. The doctor should point out that
the code must be treated as confidential, that settings should be
changed at the doctor’s request only, and that all changes must be
confirmed by the doctor.
(The study group could have changed the default settings and not told the medical staff so they wouldn’t be tempted to adjust oxygen out of the babies’ study-assigned range.)
VitaGuard® provides the following three settings for Settings protection.
Settings protection ON
deactivates all options to change moni-tor settings. The display presents only View1, the Info display, and the
System menu.
Settings protection Limited
enables access to all views and menus. Of all the monitor settings, however, only the alarm limits can be changed.
Settings protection Off
enables all views and menus and allows changes to all monitor settings.
Information for the doctor and qualified medical staff 87 9.3 Settings in the System menu
(Settings protection Off)
When Settings protection is switched off in the System menu, the doctor can configure Vita- Guard® for specific monitoring requirements.
The above info is an example of how the babies’ oxygen monitors intentionally were altered to provide false readings. The reason: so medical staff wouldn’t be tempted to adjust oxygen out of the babies’ study-assigned range. The intervention began after birth when the infant was given to the resuscitation team. (The death panel team listed below for premature babies.)
Surfactant Positive Airway Pressure and Pulse Oximetry Trial (SUPPORT)
Who is in the "resuscitation team? (ie death panel for premature babies)
Dr. Waldemar Carlo, director of the neonatology division at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, lead site for the study.
Investigators (This is the "death panel" for pre mature babies.)
Principal Investigator: Abbot R. Laptook, MD Brown University, Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island
Principal Investigator: Michele C. Walsh, MD MS Case Western Reserve University, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
Principal Investigator: Ronald N. Goldberg, MD Duke University
Principal Investigator: Barbara J. Stoll, MD Emory University
Principal Investigator: Brenda B. Poindexter, MD MS Indiana University
Principal Investigator: Abhik Das, PhD RTI International
Principal Investigator: Krisa P. Van Meurs, MD Stanford University
Principal Investigator: Ivan D. Frantz III, MD Tufts Medical Center
Principal Investigator: Neil N. Finer, MD University of California, San Diego
Principal Investigator: Kurt Schibler, MD Cincinnati Children's Medical Center
Principal Investigator: Waldemar A. Carlo, MD University of Alabama at Birmingham
Principal Investigator: Edward F. Bell, MD University of Iowa
Principal Investigator: Kristi L. Watterberg, MD University of New Mexico
Principal Investigator: Pablo J. Sanchez, MD University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Principal Investigator: Kathleen A. Kennedy, MD MPH The University of Texas Health Science Center,Houston
Principal Investigator: Roger G. Faix, MD University of Utah
Principal Investigator: Seetha Shankaran, MD Wayne State University
Principal Investigator: Richard A. Ehrenkranz, MD Yale University
(josef mengele was an "investigator' also. The "investigators" listed above experimented on premature babies. They investigated on the best levels of oxygen to help the babies see better without concern if the babies died as a result of their "investigations" or experiments. Bubba this is what Sara Palin called a death panel. They determined by their decisions who would live or die. In this case they determined that ALL the premature babies they came in contact with would have a flip of the coin chance of living.) Story Reports