I research news articles and comment. The deep state includes corrupt state and local officials.
Some links are out of date on this blog and information on some of these links has changed.
1803 posts are too many to go through and change a link that is bad or has been purchased by someone other than me.
The Information on links I no longer own or control, I am not in no way responsible for what is on the link. Just beware.
Presidential Election Results:
Donald J. Trump Wins
Nov. 9, 2016
218 Hillary Clinton 279 Donald J. Trump (270 to win)
Hillary Clinton, speaking Friday sept 10, 2016 at a big-ticket fundraiser in New York City, said half of Donald Trump’s supporters could be categorized into a “basket of deplorables,” implying that his backers hold “irredeemable” views on issues of race, gender and religion.
“To just be grossly generalist, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call ‘the basket of deplorables,’” Clinton told donors gathered at a Manhattan restaurant. “Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that, and he has lifted them up.”
“He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million,” she continued, referencing Trump’s campaign hire of Breitbart News’ Steve Bannon. “He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.”
The Democratic nominee noted that “some of those folks -- they are irredeemable, but they are not America.”
IBD/TIPP's final numbers put Trump up by 1.6 points in a four-way race. As of 2 a.m. Wednesday morning, Trump was up by about 1 point in the popular vote. (The actual vote outcome will likely change as votes continue to be counted over the next several weeks.)
Not one other national poll had Trump winning in four-way polls. In fact, they all had Clinton winning by 3 or more points. For the entire run of the IBD/TIPP poll, we showed the race as being far tighter than other polls. This isn't a fluke. This will be the fourth presidential election in a row in which IBD/TIPP got it right.
(Hillary's labeling of American voters backfired in the general election. Her additional comment that Americans were "deplorables" that were "irredeemable" was the foot in her mouth icing on the cake.
Silent Americans voted to send hillary home to bake cookies!!!!)
The final national poll from the IBD/TIPP, the pollster with the highest rated accuracy the last 3 election cycles predicts a Trump Victory.
2004, 2008 and 2012 IBD outranked Pew, ABC, NBC, Fox news, and Rasmussen among many other pollsters with the top ranking and average margin of error of less than one percent.
Trump Victory #ElectionDay
BREAKING : Most Accurate Poll in Last 3 Election Cycles Predicts Trump Victory #ElectionDay
Breaking News By TruthFeedNews November 7, 2016
The final national poll from the IBD/TIPP, the pollster with the highest rated accuracy the last 3 election cycles predicts a Trump Victory.
2004, 2008 and 2012 IBD outranked Pew, ABC, NBC, Fox news, and Rasmussen among many other pollsters with the top ranking and average margin of error of less than one percent.
In their final poll prior to Election day, IBD/TIPP has Trump ahead 43% to 41% in a nail biter. While winning the popular vote would not in itself guarantee a Trump victory, if IBD / TIPP is once again accurate and Trump has a 2% or greater margin in the popular vote, it would far more likely than not he would also catapult above the 270 electoral votes needed to secure the Presidency.
What Explains The Wide Range Of Poll Results Between IBD/TIPP And Others?
One of the strangest presidential campaigns in modern U.S. history, the polls in part reflect both the confusion and the division in America.
Trump Holds 2-Point Lead Over Clinton, 45% to 43% As Election Day Arrives: IBD/TIPP Poll
Tracking polls are exactly what they suggest: A reading of likely voters based on near-term data. It says how the election would probably turn out, based on that day's data gathering. It is not a prediction.
IBD/TIPP is fairly transparent. The typical poll is intended to have between 750 and 900 respondents, a random sample of registered voters. Those are then further winnowed by identifying likely voters, as opposed to just registered voters, through both targeted questions and demographics of the respondents.
TechnoMetrica, IBD's polling company, conducts the survey by telephone. It uses both landline and cellphones, with about 35% coming from landlines and 65% coming from cellphones. All of the interviews are done live — no "robocalls" or other dodgy techniques that might bias the outcome.
The numbers are not reported raw. They are adjusted to match the presumed registration percentages of the political parties. That way no party is systematically underrepresented. The same is done for race, gender, region, and party affiliation.
This ensures a more accurate end result than simply relying on raw poll responses. On party affiliation, the presumed mix is as follows: Democrats 37% of likely voters; Republicans a bit over 29%; and independents at 34%.
In the end, that latter category may be key. IBD/TIPP in its latest poll has Trump ahead among independents and "other" by 41% to 32%. That's much wider than most other polls, and one possible explanation for why the poll differs from others.
My comments:
(Polls can't take into account the corruption, cheating and deception of the democrates and hillary clinton. She will scratch and screech like a wild cat to try to steal the election. This alone will contribute to more votes for her but of course, fraudulent/dishonest vote counts.
Will hillary's and her corrupt campaign be able to steal the election results?
Only time will tell. In about 15 hours we should begin to know.
Look for hillary to possibly lead in early results because of corruption reporting of voting and the state run national news media aiding and abetting her efforts to win the election by FRAUD.)
I still predict Donald Trump will win the presidential election despite all of the efforts of corruption and voter fraud by hillary.)
22 Hillary Clinton emails declared 'top secret' by State Dept in Jan 2016 (FBI says she is not guilty of intent, A LIE!)
Day 20 Results: Nov. 7, 2016
Trump Lead Widens To 2, His Biggest Yet, Despite 'November Surprise':
Don't be fooled hillary clinton is still under investigation. The clinton foundation corruption is still being investigated.
Comey as I suspected is covering for hillary by trying to portray the idea hillary has been cleared.
22 Hillary Clinton emails declared 'top secret' by State Dept. The state dept in Jan 2016 nailed hillary as a criminal because they revealed she had sent and received top secret and secret emails on her unsecured home server. Yet FBI director comey says he found no evidence of intent of criminal activity twice. A lie!
Searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State.
Ddocuments span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.
22 Hillary Clinton emails declared 'top secret' by State Dept.
A batch of just over 900 messages released contains 11 deemed 'secret'.
The furor over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account grew more serious for the Democratic presidential front-runner in Jan 22, 2016 as the State Department designated 22 of the messages from her account “top secret.”
It was the first time State has formally deemed any of Clinton’s emails classified at that level, reserved for information that can cause “exceptionally grave” damage to national security if disclosed.
The latest batch of emails spans a wide array of subjects, including policy on North Korea and Haiti and Guantánamo. Some appear to have been delayed in the review process because they involved key players in other parts of the government, including White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, who was a National Security Council official at the time many of the emails were sent. Many are so heavily redacted the subject of the exchanges can’t be determined.
The messages deemed "secret" also vary widely. One from Feb. 25, 2012 appears to discuss U.S. drone operations in Pakistan.
One "secret" message from Sullivan to Clinton refers to then-NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and was sent on Aug. 24, 2011, around the time of the fall of Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi's government in Tripoli. All details in the message are redacted, but the notations added to it suggest it contains information on intelligence sources or methods.
Another “secret” message involved former Mideast negotiator Dennis Ross and came at a time of U.S.-Israel tension amidst widespread reports that Israel might act militarily against Iran's nuclear program. The Sept. 23, 2012 exchange is heavily redacted, but includes Clinton writing to Ross: “Does EB know what you are doing [with] I’m?” The first initials could refer to then-Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
The State Department also announced Friday that 18 emails between Clinton and Obama are being withheld from disclosure.
“Such presidential records shall remain confidential to protect the president’s ability to receive unvarnished advice and counsel,” Kirby said.
Experts say the withholding of such Obama-Clinton messages is likely to involve invoking the “presidential communications privilege,” which is a form of executive privilege.
However, Kirby insisted that executive privilege is not being asserted and said the messages will eventually be public.
(Note obama lied and said he only found out about hillary's private server in the news, yet obama was using a fake name to email her secret messages to her unsecured private server.)
One of the emails deemed “top secret” Friday was one of two the intelligence community inspector general identified as such over the summer in a letter sent to Congress, Kirby said. “The other one was returned to the State Department as not possessing any intelligence community equities,” Kirby said.
However, that message was not released Friday. Another State Department official said later Friday that while one message flagged as classified by the intelligence community was released last year, the second of the two messages deemed “top secret” is still “moving through the interagency review process.”
Another source told Politico that the email was flagged by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and was thought to contain sensitive intelligence about North Korea.
Last July, 2015 the FBI opened an "investigation" into how classified information ended up on Clinton’s server. FBI officials have declined to discuss it, although FBI Director James Comey has said it would be conducted without regard to political implications. (Another lie.)
(Note the 2015 investigation found that hillary did not have "intent" to disclose classifed information.
This is a lie. The state deptartment has disclosed that top secret and secret emails were sent to hillary's private unsecured server. 22 Hillary Clinton emails declared 'top secret' by State Dept.
FBI director comey was under pressure from the obama "justice department" to clear hillary in the so called FBI investigation into her private server emails.
The "justice department did not need to put very much pressure on comey a former lawyer who had worked for the clintons in the past to tell the American people the lie that classified emails were not found on her server.
When FBI director says hillary clinton did not violate federal law he is lying and violating federal law himself by covering for her.
How do I know this? How can you know this?
BECAUSE THE STATE DEPARTMENT has VERIFIED hillary clinton sent and receiver top secret and secret email on her private unsecured server in her home!
We don't know what all the emails contained but we DO KNOW THAT 22 of THEM WERE TOP SECRET!
This fact alone make FBI comey a criminal also by stating hillary has been cleared of sending classifed emails!)
FBI director comey is corrupt. The obama justice dept loretta lynch is corrupt. Obama is corrupt.
The FBI under the direction of the justice dept under the direction of obama is covering up hillary clinton's criminal activity.
They must do this because of their own criminal activity.)
The state department has in effect indicated hillary clinton has committed criminal acts.
(The FBI, justice dept, obama and the "state run national news media" all indicate hillary is not guilty of sending top secret and secret emails, but hillary's own state department has released information indicating she has sent top secret and secret emails through her unsecured private email server in her home.
Hillary clinton is a criminal and the FBI, justice dept, obama and the "state run national news media" are telling you she isn't.
Who are you going to believe? The state department release of criminal activity by hilary or hilary?)
ITS UP TO YOU AMERICA. Are you going to elect Donald Trump Or the criminal Hilary Clinton?