An Exceptionally Simple Theory...My theory: G=MX (Gravity = Matter times the rotation of sub atomic particle fields) The earth rotates in a counter clockwise rotation. The earth and all the planets move in a counter clockwise rotation around the sun. The sun moves around the galaxy in a totally different direction. One spin within another spin within a counter spin. The counter spin of the sun moving through the galaxy causes sub atomic particles to rotate in kaleidoscope patterns that can only be mathematical theories of the ever evolving kaleidoscope patterns which generate sub atomic gravity fields which link togeather to form the unseen but felt force of gravity. The force of gravity is caused by them sum of the sub atomic kaleidoscope gravity fields generated by their constant movement. The attraction of a neg to a pos causes a force to be generated when combined in the sub atomic universe of spin adds up to one big force which pulls us toward this force. This subatomic force is balanced when a satellite is moving at the speed the curvature of the earth is moving. In summation gravity is but the rotation of sub atomic particles combined force. Matter helps create this force because of the subatomic movement of matter...hince outerspace has less gravity but still has gravity but less of a direct force than a larger body of matter such as the earth, which has six times the gravity of the moon. Matter rotates and generates gravity fields, the larger the matter the more the sub atomic particles that rotate.
The Magnetic push and pull of sub atomic particles generates the force known as gravity. It is the movement of postive or negative electrical particles which generates the sub atomic magnetic fileds of attraction or repulsion. BINGO!
This is my theory of gravity. Bill Rains Phd in BS from the university of BS.
A surfer dude with no fixed address may be this century's Einstein.
A. Garrett Lisi, a physicist who divides his time between surfing in Maui and teaching snowboarding in Lake Tahoe, has come up with what may be the Grand Unified Theory.
That's the "holy grail" of physics that scientists have been searching for ever since Albert Einstein presented his General Theory of Relativity nearly 100 years ago.
Even more remarkable is that Lisi, who has a Ph.D. but no permanent university affiliation, solves the problem without resorting to exotic dimensions, string theory or exceptionally complex mathematics.
A successful Grand Unified Theory would use a series of equations to show how the four fundamental forces of nature — gravity, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces — relate to each other.
Electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, which controls radioactivity, were linked more than 30 years ago, and some progress has been made with linking them to the strong nuclear force, which binds protons together in the atomic nucleus.
But gravity has always been an outlier. Not only have all attempts to link gravity to the other three forces failed, but physicists still can't agree on what gravity actually is or how it works.
Lisi solves this by using the E8 lattice, an eight-dimensional structure visualized earlier this year in a widely circulated paper.
He noticed that several of the equations used to describe the lattice matched those he'd come up with trying to resolve the four fundamental forces.
"The moment this happened my brain exploded with the implications and the beauty of the thing," Lisi tells New Scientist magazine. "I thought: 'Holy crap, that's it!'"
By mapping known subatomic particles, plus 20 imaginary ones, onto the 248 points of the E8 lattice, and then rotating the lattice in a computer model, Lisi shows how the particles elegantly combine to form three of the four forces.
The imaginary ones combine to form gravity, for which subatomic particles have only been theorized.
"Some incredibly beautiful stuff falls out of Lisi's theory," David Ritz Finkelstein of Georgia Tech tells New Scientist. "I think that this must be more than coincidence and he really is touching on something profound."
But Professor Marcus du Sautoy of Oxford tells Britain's Daily Telegraph that "there seem to be a lot of things still to fill in."
For his part, Lisi self-mockingly calls his finding "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything," and downplays the suggestion that it may be the Grand Unified Theory.
"The theory is very young, and still in development," he tells the Daily Telegraph. "Right now, I'd assign a low (but not tiny) likelihood to this prediction."
He hopes the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, currently being built on the Swiss-French border will find some of his 20 imaginary gravity-related particles.
"This is an all-or-nothing kind of theory — it's either going to be exactly right, or spectacularly wrong," Lisi tells New Scientist. "I'm the first to admit this is a long shot. But it ain't over till the LHC sings."