If democratic doners use common core math to donate using Alexa political Contributions they may end up giving nothing or the max amount of $200.00 especially if they are under 25 and were taught to do math in a this NON normal really stupid way.
Can you solve this problem.
The normal way is just to add 6 + 8.
The common core crazy way.
Change 6 to closest 10 which is 10. Then break 8 into two 4's.
then add 10 plus 4.
+ 4
So if your a common core democrate and you want to donate a total of $14 cipher this:
To donate a total of $14, $6 to one bone head and $8 to another bone head democrate change 6 to the closest 10 and then break 8 into two fours.
Now talk to Alexa:
Say this:
I want to make a politically correct donation.
I want to donate a total of $14 to two bone heads.
The first bone head gets $6 and the second gets $8.
Substitute the name bone head for a democratic clown running for president.
Alexa will then suggest you talk to siri.
Siri also spys on you.
Because Alexa and Siri often get what you say wrong you probably will end up giving your $6 and $8 to President Trump for his re-election.
Want to see your favorite 2020 candidate on the next debate stage? Now you have the option of donating to their campaign through Amazon's Alexa-enabled devices but experts caution your privacy could be at risk.
a new feature called Alexa Political Contributions, starting on
Thursday Amazon will let Americans donate to U.S. presidential campaigns
using the phrases “Alexa, I want to make a political contribution,” or
“Alexa, donate (x amount) to (y candidate).”
minimum donation is $5, and users – over the age of 18 – are able to
donate a total of $200 per campaign for an election cycle.
However, cybersecurity expert Morgan Wright – the chief security advisor
for SentinelOne, told FOX Business Americans may want to steer clear of
the new software.
“This is a treasure trove of data,” Wright said. “There are significant privacy concerns.”
Wright expressed apprehension over the use of any voice assistant – and has himself disabled all Alexa devices in his home.
this year, a report surfaced that Amazon workers listen to and
transcribe recordings. In response, the company said it only annotates
an “extremely small number of interactions” in order to improve customer
Last year, Amazon’s Alexa Echo reportedly recorded and shared a private conversations.
The transaction will be processed via Amazon Pay, using the default
payment method stored on a users’ Amazon account. An email receipt will
be sent to the donor.
Editor note:
Instead of saying “Alexa, I want to make a political contribution,” or
“Alexa, donate (x amount) to (y candidate).”
Talk to Alexa and say:
I want to throw my money away to one of the democrate clowns running for office or I want to donate to my favorite socialist or let me donate to my favorite idiot or I want to donate an amount to the democrate clowns but they must fight over my donation and debate how to use it etc etc.
If you own an Alexa Echo it is called an Echo because Amazon employees listen in to everything you do and echo what you do or say to big brother etc.
Who owns Alexa Echo's? I am not sure but let me take a guess.
30% brain dead people, 40% liberal democrats, 30% ignorant people.
(Example of how to subtract using crazy common core method.)
Suppose you buy coffee and it costs $4.30 but all you have is a $20 bill. How much change should the barista give you back? (Assume for a second the register is broken.)
You aren’t going to get out a sheet of paper and do this:

(Example of how to subtract using crazy common core method.)
Suppose you buy coffee and it costs $4.30 but all you have is a $20 bill. How much change should the barista give you back? (Assume for a second the register is broken.)
You aren’t going to get out a sheet of paper and do this:

Common core way:
Instead, you’d just figure it out this way: It’d take 70 cents to get to $5… and another $15 to get to $20… so you should get back $15.70.
Instead, you’d just figure it out this way: It’d take 70 cents to get to $5… and another $15 to get to $20… so you should get back $15.70.
(1) Write the smaller number. Count to the nearest multiple of ten.
(2) Keep counting up by 10's and 100's.
(3) Ten count up to the largest number.
- 43
+ 7 count up to the nearest 10 (Circle 7)
+ 50 count up to the nearest 100 (Circle 50)
+100 count to the largest possible hundred (Circle 100) That would be 200
+ 0 count up to the larger number (Circle 0) That would be 200
Add numbers circled.
- 430
+ 70 count up to the nearest 10 (Circle 70)
+ 500 count up to the nearest 100 (Circle 500)
+ 1000 count to the largest possible hundred (Circle 1000)
+ 0 count up to the larger number (Circle 0)
Add numbers circled.
By the time you figure this out in your head, if at all possible, your coffee would be cold and people in line would be giving you strange looks etc.
Don't forget to remember your common core crazy method is in dollars and cents.
So thats $15.70 Change back.
If the starbucks barista is also using "in your head" stupid common core method you may be charged for what the person behind you is ordering also.
Additional editor note:
If people under 25 are really using this method of figuring how much change from a $20.00 bill they should get back after spending $4.30 I can begin to understand why some of them are acting like they are brain dead.
The Common Core method is a much more difficult way to think abstractly when solving a mathematical problem.
It is an unecessary complicated way to do mathematics.
It is a political correct way of doing math!
Its like going 2000 miles to get to a destination that is only 430 miles away.
Yes you will get to the destination but waste gas and time taking the long out of the way toward your destination.
Get it, 2000 miles - 430 miles wasting 1570 miles the long way around?
This is why when I go to a drive-through and order something I have got a response as follows:
(1) I placed my order at the speaker and drove around as instructed.
(2) At the window I gave the girl $20.00 for a $4.30 order.
(3) She gave me my order and then .....
Told me to pull up to the next wait for order parking spot for my change?
(4) I responded by saying NO I gave you a $20.00 bill and I expect you to give me my change NOW, not at the wait for your order parking spot!
This really happened to me. I didn't pull up and demanded to speak with the manager.
The manager had to give me my change $15.70
The girl at the window had a "happy meal" cash register not working, OH NO, common core moment!
(2) Keep counting up by 10's and 100's.
(3) Ten count up to the largest number.
- 43
+ 7 count up to the nearest 10 (Circle 7)
+ 50 count up to the nearest 100 (Circle 50)
+100 count to the largest possible hundred (Circle 100) That would be 200
+ 0 count up to the larger number (Circle 0) That would be 200
Add numbers circled.
- 430
+ 70 count up to the nearest 10 (Circle 70)
+ 500 count up to the nearest 100 (Circle 500)
+ 1000 count to the largest possible hundred (Circle 1000)
+ 0 count up to the larger number (Circle 0)
Add numbers circled.
By the time you figure this out in your head, if at all possible, your coffee would be cold and people in line would be giving you strange looks etc.
Don't forget to remember your common core crazy method is in dollars and cents.
So thats $15.70 Change back.
If the starbucks barista is also using "in your head" stupid common core method you may be charged for what the person behind you is ordering also.
Additional editor note:
If people under 25 are really using this method of figuring how much change from a $20.00 bill they should get back after spending $4.30 I can begin to understand why some of them are acting like they are brain dead.
The Common Core method is a much more difficult way to think abstractly when solving a mathematical problem.
It is an unecessary complicated way to do mathematics.
It is a political correct way of doing math!
Its like going 2000 miles to get to a destination that is only 430 miles away.
Yes you will get to the destination but waste gas and time taking the long out of the way toward your destination.
Get it, 2000 miles - 430 miles wasting 1570 miles the long way around?
This is why when I go to a drive-through and order something I have got a response as follows:
(1) I placed my order at the speaker and drove around as instructed.
(2) At the window I gave the girl $20.00 for a $4.30 order.
(3) She gave me my order and then .....
Told me to pull up to the next wait for order parking spot for my change?
(4) I responded by saying NO I gave you a $20.00 bill and I expect you to give me my change NOW, not at the wait for your order parking spot!
This really happened to me. I didn't pull up and demanded to speak with the manager.
The manager had to give me my change $15.70
The girl at the window had a "happy meal" cash register not working, OH NO, common core moment!