By Mel Barger
How do people forgive when they have endured hideous cruelty from oppressors who have no desire to be forgiven? And can there be a good outcome when such forgiveness is made?
The man who may have made the strongest case for true forgiveness was Jacob DeShazer, an airman in the famous Doolittle raid over Japan on April 18, 1942. He not only achieved it for himself, but went on to touch the lives of thousands with his message of hope and redemption.
Under the heading of “War and Forgiveness,” The Wall Street Journal on March 25 published an editorial tribute to the “heroism and remarkable forgiveness” of DeShazer, who had died ten days earlier at his home in Salem, Oregon, at age 95. “It is one of life’s safer bets that he is restimg in peace,” the Journal concluded.
Any of us who served in World War II would acknowledge DeShazer’s heroism in joining the legendary Jimmy Doolittle in that first bombing raid over Japan. As the Journal noted, “The Doolittle bombing raid was close to a suicide mission, a one-way trip to bring the war to the Japanese homeland for the first time. Coming not long after Pearl Harbor and before the Pacific island victories to come, the raid was a huge boost to domestic morale.”
Though all of the 80 men who manned the 16 North American B-25 bombers used in the raid were soldiers in the then Army Air Corps, and subject to orders, their service on this special raid was entirely voluntary. They were personally requested to serve by Doolittle, who in addition to being a lieutenant colonel was a famous racing pilot from the 1930s. DeShazer said later that he was too much of a coward to refuse Doolittle’s request.
The story of the famous raid has been told many times in both print and film. The planes and crews took off from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet in a turbulent sea and flew into history, bombing Tokyo and other major cities. Corporal DeShazer, a bombardier aboard a B-25 called Bat Out of Hell, dropped incendiary bombs on Nagoya before the plane ran out of fuel and they were forced to bail out over a Japanese-held section of China. He was soon captured and spent the next forty months as a war prisoner, beaten, starved, and tortured by his Japanese captors. His pilot, Lieutenant William Farrow, and engineer-gunner Sergeant Harold Spatz, were executed by firing squad.
The same harsh punishments were doled out to hundreds of other Allied soldiers and sailors captured in the early months of the war. Some of them were killed or died from malnourishment and brutal treatment, others barely survived to come home filled with hatred for those enemy guards who had abused and taunted them. But DeShazer’s story had a different outcome. That was the “remarkable forgiveness” noted by the Journal.
DeShazer, amid the misery of imprisonment, turned to religious teachings he had learned as a child. “I begged my captors to get a Bible for me,” he recalled in “I Was a Prisoner of Japan,” a religious tract he wrote in 1950. “At last, in the month of May 1944, a guard brought me the book, but told me I could have it only for three weeks. I eagerly began to read its pages. I discovered that God had given me new spiritual eyes and that when I looked at the enemy officers and guards who had starved and beaten my companions and me so cruelly, I found my bitter hatred for them changed to loving pity. I realized that these people did not know anything about my Savior and that if Christ is not in a heart, it is natural to be cruel.”
This was his profound spiritual awakening that would stay with him for life. Corporal DeShazer gained the strength to survive, forgave his captors without reservations, and became determined to spread Christian teachings to the people who had almost killed him.
Upon returning home, he enrolled at Seattle Pacific College (now Seattle Pacific University) and received a bachelor’s degree in biblical literature in 1948. In late December of that year, he arrived in Japan with his wife Florence, also a graduate of Seattle Pacific and a fellow missionary in the Free Methodist Church.. A few days later, he preached his first sermon there, speaking to about 180 people at a church in a Tokyo suburb. He and Florence eventually helped start 23 churches in Japan The DeShazers would spend 30 years in Japan doing missionary work. Their five children helped.
In 1950, they gained a surprising convert, a Naval officer as honored in Japan as Doolittle was in the U.S. Captain Mitsuo Fuchida, the Japanese naval flier who had led the Pearl Harbor attack and had become a rice farmer after the war, came upon DeShazer’s tract.
“It was then that I met Jesus, and accepted him as my personal savior,” Fuchida recalled when he attended a memorial service in Hawaii in observance of the 25th anniversary of the attack. He had become an evangelist and had made several trips to the United States to meet with Japanese-speaking immigrants.
DeShazer met several times with Fuchida, who died in 1976.“I saw him just before he died,” DeShazer once told The Salem Statesman Journal. “We shared in that good wonderful thing that Christ has done.”
Retiring to his native Oregon after their work in Japan, Jake and Florence lived quietly in Salem until his passing.
The slight war damage inflicted by the Doolittle raid did nothing to impair Japan’s warmaking capability. But it provoked the Japanese assault on Midway, which turned out to be a disaster for them and marked the beginning of American victories in the Pacific.
The more lasting victory, however, may have been DeShazer’s rebirth and forgiveness in the midst of hellish conditions.
Jacob DeShazer
From Pearl Harbour To Calvary
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
The robertsons are promoting A&E sales big time

Your The Duck: $400 million in this duck call.
(I would like to know what percentage of the duck dynasty profits from sales the robertson's get. I would like to know what percentage of the duck dynasty profits A&E gets. A&E is a "champion" for sodomites. A&E promotes the homo community and supports the homo community.
Because A&E is a "champion" of perversion and gets funding from duck dynasty I don't know why the robertsons would want to be yoked to A&E.
A&E is their 2nd master. A&E promotes perversion. The robertsons need to leave A&E if they don't want to help A&E "champion" perversion through profits of merchandise.
If the robertsons are not profiting from the $400 million merchandise powerhouse sales, it must be A&E. Either way the robertsons in effect are promoting perversion through the A&E back door by providing merchandise. You are the merchandise. You buy and sell A&E merchandise, that are the robertsons. A&E along with the robertsons are making merchandise of men. The duck dynasty brand of "merchandise" is everywhere for you to buy and sell. Feigned means not genuine or real. The robertsons are promoting A&E sales big time. Does this seem genuine to you?) Story Reports
What A Duck? Interview Phil Robertson
2 Peter 2:3
2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
What is a sodomite? Can a sodomite be cured?

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson on Indefinite Suspention Following Anti-Gay Remarks.
'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus Following Anti-Gay Remarks
"His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT, lesbian,gay, bi-sexual, transgender community.
(What does it mean to be a "champion" of sodomy? Why does A+E have a "strong support" for sodomy? What is sodomy? This question is answered below.) Story Reports
The Sin of Sodom
The Sin of Sodom
Serious Questions and Bible Answers about the Homosexual Movement
What is a Sodomite?
A sodomite is a person who practices sodomy--a homosexual. God's word doesn't use such terms as "homosexual," "gay," and "lesbian." Some might argue that a sodomite is nothing more than an inhabitant of Sodom, but God uses the word "sodomite" in reference to homosexuals long after the ancient city of Sodom is destroyed (1 Kings 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; 2 Kings 23:7).
Isn't it more proper to refer to sodomites as "homosexuals" and "gays?"
No, because God refers to them as "sodomites." "Homosexual" is a neutral technical term, while "gay" is a nice term that the sodomites have invented for themselves. Due to the constant brainwashing tactics of Hollywood and the Media, "gay" has been adapted by most everyone as the proper title for these people. To be "gay" is to be "merry" and "joyful." To be a "sodomite" is to be wicked and sinful (Gen. 13:13). So "gay" is certainly NOT the proper title. We are warned in Isaiah 5:20 that God is very displeased with people who apply good words to evil things: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Drunkards are not "chronic alcoholics," fornication is not "pre-marital sex," and sodomites are not "gay."
How do we know for certain that sodomy is a sin?
Because God's word declares it to be a sin, over and over again. The very first time "Sodom" occurs in the Bible God sends us a sound warning: "But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly." (Gen. 13:13) In Genesis 18:20, we are told that the sin of Sodom is "very grievous." Then in Genesis 19:4-7 we read of a case where the Sodomites seek sexual relations with a total stranger! Shortly after this incident, God destroys their entire city because He couldn't find even ten righteous people dwelling there.
Later, in the book of Leviticus, some very sharp warnings are given about sodomy. Leviticus 18:22 says, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Then Leviticus 20:13 says, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Webster defines an "abomination" as "extreme hatred" and "detestation." That's how God feels about sodomites.
Hundreds of years later we read that sodomites are in the land and they are committing "abominations" (1 Kings 14:24). King Asa, a good king over Judah, did "that which was right in the eyes of the Lord" when he "took away the sodomites out of the land" (1 Kings 15:11-12). Several years later there were still some sodomites left in the land, so King Jehoshaphat, the son of King Asa, also did that which was RIGHT in the eyes of the Lord by taking the sodomites OUT of the land (1 Kings 22:43-46). We also read that King Josiah did the "right" thing when he "brake down the houses of the sodomites" (2 Kings 22:2; 23:7).
In Isaiah 3:9, God makes reference to the boldness of the people who commit this grievous sin: "The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves." Is this not a perfect description of the modern day sodomites who parade up and down the streets demanding their rights? Ezekiel 16:49 says that PRIDE is a chief sin of the sodomites. Perhaps this is why we read about "Gay Pride" parades. Proverbs 16:18 says, " Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
Some say only the Old Testament speaks against sodomy but that the New Testament is silent about it. This is not true. The New Testament clearly condemns this sin. Romans 1:21-27 speaks about the sodomites. Paul says they are vain in their imaginations, they steal God's glory, they are foolish, unclean, vile, and against nature. In II Peter 2:6, the word "ungodly" is used in connection with sodomy. Paul said in I Corinthians 6:9 that these people would not inherit the kingdom of God.
Friend, sodomy is wicked in the eyes of God!
Don't most professionals agree that a person's sexual orientation is of biological or genetic origin?
Yes, but they're dead wrong. The majority of professional people once believed the earth to be flat. Were they right? The majority of astronomers once believed the stars could be numbered. Were they right? The majority of scientists today believe that men have evolved from monkeys. Are they right? In Genesis, the majority of the world thought Noah was crazy. Were they right? The majority thought Jesus Christ should be crucified. Were they right? Listen friend, if you're running with "the majority," then you are on a collision coarse with the Devil! IGNORE THE MAJORITY! Just trust God's word. God says that sodomy is WRONG, so it's wrong. Period.
Besides, there are many professional people in the medical field who believe that sodomy is an acquired behavior . The book, Shadow In The Land , by Congressman William Dannemeyer, cites several authors who disagree with the biological and genetic theories. The following are among them:
"Homosexuality, the choice of a partner of the same sex for orgastic satisfaction, is not innate. There is no connection between sexual instinct and choice of sexual object. Such an object choice is acquired behavior; there is no inevitable genetically inborn propensity toward the choice of a partner of either the same or opposite sex." (Charles Socarides, Homosexuality: Basic Concepts and Psychodynamics, International Journal of Psychiatry 10, 1972: 118-25)
"Whatever may be the possible unlearned assistance from constitutional sources, the child's psychosexual identity is not written, unlearned, in the genetic code, the hormonal system or the nervous system at birth." (John Monday, Sexual Dimorphism and Homosexual Gender Identity, Perspectives in Human Sexuality, 1974, p. 67 )
Doesn't the American Psychiatric Association consider sodomy to be normal?
Yes. In 1974, the APA removed homosexuality from their list of mental disorders. Naturally, the sodomites make a regular habit of informing us of this, but they fail to inform us of HOW the APA came to this decision. Beginning in 1970, the sodomites started invading the annual APA convention. Although not invited, they made it a regular habit to burst into the annual meetings like uncivilized barbarians. Once in the panel rooms they would resort to shouting and name calling, in hopes of intimidating as many people as possible. They also found it effective to appeal for pity by whining about their sad plight, which they compared to racial discrimination against blacks. By much sympathy pleading and very little factual evidence, the sodomites won the hearts of a few psychiatrists and also a panel of their own in 1973. Then after a very effective letter campaign, the sodomites had applied enough pressure to seal their victory. Finally, in a 58 to 40 vote, the APA decided to remove homosexuality from their list of mental disorders in 1974.
Why not just leave the sodomites alone and let them live their own lives?
Because God hates this sin and He doesn't want it "left alone." Sin is like a cancer: when ignored it spreads . As we've already seen from God's word, God commends those who oppose sodomy, so we too need to speak out against this abominable sin before it overwhelms us and destroys our nation like it destroyed Sodom. No, we should not HATE the sodomites, but we should firmly oppose their sin as the word of God commands us.
Can a sodomite be cured?
Man says, "No, because it isn't a disease," but God tells us there IS a cure, because there is a cure for ALL SIN. God is willing to cleanse any person of this sin and forget it forever! Some people have the strange idea that God cannot forgive certain sins, but the Bible says otherwise!
1 John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin ."
Revelation 1:5 says, "And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ."
Friend, Jesus Christ has the cure. You can ignore what the medical profession says about there being no cure for homosexuality. There IS a cure, and YOU can have it TODAY - if you'll confess to God that you're a sinner, repent of your sins (Luke 13:3), and receive His Son as your one and only Saviour. Sin is sin, whether it be sodomy, murder, stealing, lying, adultery, fornication, pride, rebellion, or anything else. All have sinned and come short of God's glory (Rom. 3:23) because all have been born with a sin nature (Rom. 5:12; Psa. 51:5). Jesus Christ shed His sinless blood and died to pay for your sins and He rose again the third day for your justification. The Bible says He'll save you if you'll RECEIVE Him as your Savior:
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" (John 1:12)
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Rom. 10:9-10)
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Rom. 10:13)
GOOD NEWS POST Good News Revaled Through Jesus Christ
The Holy Bible (KJV)
Monday, December 16, 2013
Obama irrefutable evidence of emotional imbalance and mental illness
Is Barack Obama Mentally Unstable?
Is Barack Obama Mentally Unstable? YES.
With so much of Obama’s past hidden and shrouded in secrecy, how can we find out who Barack Obama really is? There is no better way to know a person than by what he says. So let us see what is revealed about Obama by his own words, in his own book “Dreams from My Father.
On page 145 in ‘Dreams from my Father” Obama recalls a trip with his mother to a museum in Chicago.
“At the Field Museum, I saw two shrunken heads that were on display. They were wrinkled but well preserved, each the size of my palm, their eyes and mouths sewn shut, just as I should have expected. They appeared to be of European extraction: the man had a small goatee, like a conquistador; the female had flowing red hair. I stared at them for a long time (until my mother pulled me away), feeling with the morbid glee of a young boy—- as if I had stumbled upon some sort of cosmic joke. Not so much as the heads had been shrunk — that I could understand; it was the same idea as eating tiger meat with Lolo**, a form of magic, a taking of control. Rather, the fact these little European faces were here in a glass case, where strangers, perhaps even descendants, might observe the details of their gruesome fate. That no one seemed to think that odd.”
A shrunken human head that has a goatee like the shrunken head Obama observed gives Obama a thrill, a sense of “morbid glee.” How ghoulishly frightening and completely bizarre! Does any sane person think Obama’s reaction is a normal one?
What mentally balanced, stable human being enjoys seeing the shrunken heads of dead people from another race? Obama, himself, even seems to understand that there is something mentally wrong with him. Barack realizes that is abnormal to take delight in such a macabre sight. He uses the term “morbid-glee” which is almost an oxymoron. Normal people feel sadness and repulsion over morbid sights. This is unquestionably and most definitely a sign that Obama is not of a sound mind.
It is irrefutable evidence of emotional imbalance and mental illness. He says, “I stared at them for a long time” until his mother had to pull him away. So we can see Obama was transfixed and mesmerized by viewing decapitated white people.
The brutal fate and violent end of these white people gives Obama a feeling of “morbid glee.” Obama makes an analogy between seeing mutilated white people to “eating tiger meat”. What an incredible and frightening psychological revelation. A tiger in the wild is a natural enemy to man. Eating a tiger is eating your enemy. Obama makes the analogy between the sight of dead white people as “the same as eating tiger meat with Lolo.” (Lolo is an Obama’s Indonesian step father and his mother’s second Muslim husband).
Oama’s own words clearly expose that he views white people as his enemy. The “gruesome fate” of these whites was so pleasurable and satisfying to Obama that he actually describes his feelings as “a form of magic, of taking control.” Obama has deep-seated emotional problems. It is absolutely undeniable that Barack Obama is an anti-white racist
(** Lolo was Obama’s Indonesian Muslim step father and his mother’s second husband)
(Obama was a sick mentally ill kid, he still is. I think any record of obama's mental illness has been destoyed or hidden. Remember all of obama's records etc are sealed or missing. His past has been wiped clean. His mental illness records if any are hidden.) Story Reports
The truth about who obama is and his agenda for “whitie”
Is Barack Obama Mentally Unstable?
Is Barack Obama Mentally Unstable? YES.
With so much of Obama’s past hidden and shrouded in secrecy, how can we find out who Barack Obama really is? There is no better way to know a person than by what he says. So let us see what is revealed about Obama by his own words, in his own book “Dreams from My Father.
On page 145 in ‘Dreams from my Father” Obama recalls a trip with his mother to a museum in Chicago.
“At the Field Museum, I saw two shrunken heads that were on display. They were wrinkled but well preserved, each the size of my palm, their eyes and mouths sewn shut, just as I should have expected. They appeared to be of European extraction: the man had a small goatee, like a conquistador; the female had flowing red hair. I stared at them for a long time (until my mother pulled me away), feeling with the morbid glee of a young boy—- as if I had stumbled upon some sort of cosmic joke. Not so much as the heads had been shrunk — that I could understand; it was the same idea as eating tiger meat with Lolo**, a form of magic, a taking of control. Rather, the fact these little European faces were here in a glass case, where strangers, perhaps even descendants, might observe the details of their gruesome fate. That no one seemed to think that odd.”
A shrunken human head that has a goatee like the shrunken head Obama observed gives Obama a thrill, a sense of “morbid glee.” How ghoulishly frightening and completely bizarre! Does any sane person think Obama’s reaction is a normal one?
What mentally balanced, stable human being enjoys seeing the shrunken heads of dead people from another race? Obama, himself, even seems to understand that there is something mentally wrong with him. Barack realizes that is abnormal to take delight in such a macabre sight. He uses the term “morbid-glee” which is almost an oxymoron. Normal people feel sadness and repulsion over morbid sights. This is unquestionably and most definitely a sign that Obama is not of a sound mind.
It is irrefutable evidence of emotional imbalance and mental illness. He says, “I stared at them for a long time” until his mother had to pull him away. So we can see Obama was transfixed and mesmerized by viewing decapitated white people.
The brutal fate and violent end of these white people gives Obama a feeling of “morbid glee.” Obama makes an analogy between seeing mutilated white people to “eating tiger meat”. What an incredible and frightening psychological revelation. A tiger in the wild is a natural enemy to man. Eating a tiger is eating your enemy. Obama makes the analogy between the sight of dead white people as “the same as eating tiger meat with Lolo.” (Lolo is an Obama’s Indonesian step father and his mother’s second Muslim husband).
Oama’s own words clearly expose that he views white people as his enemy. The “gruesome fate” of these whites was so pleasurable and satisfying to Obama that he actually describes his feelings as “a form of magic, of taking control.” Obama has deep-seated emotional problems. It is absolutely undeniable that Barack Obama is an anti-white racist
(** Lolo was Obama’s Indonesian Muslim step father and his mother’s second husband)
(Obama was a sick mentally ill kid, he still is. I think any record of obama's mental illness has been destoyed or hidden. Remember all of obama's records etc are sealed or missing. His past has been wiped clean. His mental illness records if any are hidden.) Story Reports
The truth about who obama is and his agenda for “whitie”
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