I research news articles and comment. The deep state includes corrupt state and local officials.
Some links are out of date on this blog and information on some of these links has changed.
1803 posts are too many to go through and change a link that is bad or has been purchased by someone other than me.
The Information on links I no longer own or control, I am not in no way responsible for what is on the link. Just beware.
Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov. elections
In October of this year, one month prior to the November midterm elections, a special army unit known as 'Consequence Management Response Force' will be ready for deployment on American soil if so ordered by the President. (FRAUD President)
The special force, which is the new name being given to the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry, has been training at Fort Stewart, Georgia and is composed of 80,000 troops.
According to the Army Times,
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.
The key phrase is 'may be called upon to help with civil unrest.'
This afternoon a local radio talk show host reported that he had been in contact with a member of the military. This military source stated that the armed forces have been alerted to the strong possibility that civil unrest may occur in the United States this summer, prior to the midterm elections of 2010.
The source described this as 'our long, hot summer of discontent' that could be eerily reminiscent of the summer of 1968 when riots broke out in many of our largest cities.
However, the summer of 2010 could well be much worse due to the players involved. In 1968 the major players were war protesters. This time, the outrage simmering beneath the surface of American society involves a broad cross-section of the heartland, and most of them are heavily armed.
It is highly unlikely that these citizens would ever initiate armed conflict of any kind. In their view, gun rights are for self-defense--and for defense against tyrannical government, which our Founders regarded as the most dangerous force on earth.
However, it has become clear that other groups may well initiate violence in order to start an 'incident' that would give Obama and a rogue Congress a reason to implement martial law, confiscate the citizens' guns, enforce curfews, and suspend all future elections until such time as it is deemed 'safe' to proceed with human liberty as encapsulated in the right to vote.
Tea Party members, for example, have been warned in recent days that members of Andy Stern's SEIU union and members of the organization formerly known as ACORN plan to infiltrate Tea Party gatherings in order to incite some sort of incident that could result in armed conflict.
In addition, all indications point to a humiliating defeat for the Democrats and Obama in November. Not only will the House in all likelihood transfer to Republican control, but it is increasingly possible for the Democrats to lose the Senate as well.
And there are Leftwing groups in this country that would use whatever means necessary to prevent that from happening.
ACORN has already gone underground, changing its name so as to fly beneath the radar screen. How many people will the group register to vote illegally?
And with Obama's plan to naturalize between 10 and 20 million illegal aliens, a brand new voter base for the Democrats will be in place prior to November.
Add to this the growing unrest over continued high unemployment, the coming spike in interest rates and inflation, and the still-boiling outrage over the manner in which Obama and the Democrats shoved ObamaCare down the throats of the citizens, and all of the ingredients are present for a major F-5 tornado to sweep across the heartland.
To what extent would soldiers use deadly force during such 'civil unrest' should the Consequence Management Response Team be utilized? During the anti-war riots of the 1960s they killed student protesters. What about now?
The military source cited by the radio host today was asked this very question. He would merely say that the culture of the U.S. military is changing--half support Obama and the other half are dead-set against him.
His conclusion? There is no way to know for sure if they would obey an order to open fire on ordinary citizens.
(Americans need to defend themselves against the "half" that support obama if need be. Obama the imposter I believe will stop at nothing to keep his power as President. My last blog post exposed obama as a FRAUD who actually explains why he is a fraud because of the senate resolution that declared Mccain a natural born citizen. This document is public knowledge and is solid evidence obama is a total FRAUD) Story Reports
"Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States."
[The US Senate proclaimed that John Mccain was a natural born citizen because he was born to Americans citizens, {PLURAL}, citizens means his father and mother were American citizens. S. RES. 511 Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.
April 10, 2008
Mrs. MCCASKILL (for herself, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. OBAMA, Mr. COBURN, Mrs. CLINTON, and Mr. WEBB) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. OBAMA signed a senate resolution that declared what a natural born citizen is. Obama agreed that a natural born citizen must have both parents as US citizens at the time of birth.
Obama only has one parent that was a US citizen at the time of his birth, his mother.
This is a signed senate document, S. RES. 511, that obama cosponsored.
Obama became an imposter for president the day he entered the state primary for president.
Obama became a FRAUD the day he entered the presidential primaries because he had previously cosponsored and signed a resolution, S. RES. 511, stating a natural born citizen must be born of two US citizens at birth.
This is real evidence that cannot be refuted.
Obama in effect defined what the US Constituiton says about a natural born citizen. S. RES. 511 is obama's statement of what a natural born citizen is. If obama believes his own resolution he knows for a fact he is not a natural born citizen but a FRAUD! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The other side of the "obama coin" is the fact barry obama was a dual citizen at birth. His mother an American his father Kenyan. This means he was not a natural born citizen at birth. Obama is a fraud president. The DNC certified him in all 50 states as qualified under the Constitution of the US. The in your face evidence has been produced by barry obama himself when he declared he was a kenyan citizen until age 23 on his web site. He is saying i'm an IMPOSTER!
People argue what is a natural born citizen? People are not informed.
A natural born citizen only matters if you are nominated and elected president.
Many US citizens are natural born citizens. Many US citizens are not.
Many US citizens a native born and some are naturalized.
The US Constitution does not specifically say what a natural born citizen is.
The framers of the Constitution did however make it very evident what a natural born citizen is.
The Framers of the United States Constitution specified the following criteria that one must meet in order to be eligible to be President (in Section 1 of Article II):
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
What is meant by the phrase natural born Citizen in this context? Specifically, what attributes must a United States Citizen have in order to be considered natural born?
Factors employed (explicitly or implicitly) in the United States Constitution to gauge the degree to which one belongs to the United States:
# Whether or not one was born in the United States. # Whether or not one is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. # The number of years one has been a Citizen of the United States. # Whether or not one's place of domicile is in the United States. # The total number of years one has lived in the United States. # Whether or not one is a member of a specified category of Citizens.
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions. A given person is a natural born Citizen of the United States if and only if:
1. The person was born in the United States, 2. Both parents of the person were Citizens of the United States when that person was born, and 3. The person has been a Citizen of the United States, since birth.
(Note: Here, and in the United States Constitution, the phrase Citizen of the United States means a person domiciled in the United States, for whom rights, privileges and immunities are set forth in the United States Constitution.)
Barack H. Obama is not an exception to the US Constitution. He was born to parents who had dual citizenships. His mother an American and his father a Kenyan. Obama was a dual citizen at birth not a natural born citizen as the US Constitution requires. Because of this obama is a FRAUD president that should have never been nominated for president. Story Reports