Flight 77 United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui, Exhibit Number P200054This rejection of Ted Olson’s story by American Airlines, the Pentagon, and especially the FBI is a development of utmost importance.
Without the alleged calls from Barbara Olson, there is no evidence that Flight 77 returned to Washington. Also, if Ted Olson’s claim was false, then there are only two possibilities: Either he lied or he was duped by someone using voice-morphing technology that pretended to be his wife. In either case, the official story about the calls from Barbara Olson were based on deception. If that part of the official account of 9/11 was based on deception, should we not suspect that other parts were as well?
Without the alleged calls from Barbara Olson, there is no evidence that Flight 77 returned to Washington.
The fact is Barbara Olson made one phone call from flight #77 at 09:18:58.
The link to the FBI Prosecution Trial Exhibits Exhibit Number P200054 . Summary of Flight 77 depicting: the identity of pilots and flight attendants, seat assignments of passengers, and telephone calls from the flight This exhibit also includes information about the other three flights hijacked on September 11.
Summary of Flight 77 telephone calls Download FBI exhibit..........................................................................................
This is solid evidence Ted Olson lied. The FBI says no calls ever connected. Olson says he talked with his wife. Without the alleged calls from Barbara Olson, there is no evidence that Flight 77 returned to Washington. The FAA said flight 77 disappeared from the radar. It seems something very strange happened to flight 77 but what? What is even more strange is the government has not prosecuted olsen for perjury. Also the government proclaimed what olsen said his wife told him but denies his wife ever talked to him!!!!
(1) FAA says fight 77 disappeared from the radar.
(2) No evidence flight 77 retured to Washington.
(3) No evidence Hijackers used box cutters
(4) No evidence olson talked to his wife.
Ted Olson’s report was very important. It provided the only evidence that American 77, which was said to have struck the Pentagon, had still been aloft after it had disappeared from FAA radar around 9:00 AM (there had been reports, after this disappearance, that an airliner had crashed on the Ohio-Kentucky border). Also, Barbara Olson had been a very well-known commentator on CNN. The report that she died in a plane that had been hijacked by Arab Muslims was an important factor in getting the nation’s support for the Bush administration’s “war on terror.” Ted Olson’s report was important in still another way, being the sole source of the widely accepted idea that the hijackers had box cutters.
A plane hit the pentagon no doubt. Was it flight #77? Ted olson's story is a lie. Why?
Why has the government contradicted itself? Something is very wrong.
Ted olson was the solicitor general. The task of the Office of the Solicitor General is to supervise and conduct government litigation in the United States Supreme Court.
Don't tell me this man can't remember what his wife said in a phone call from an airplane and he just made a error.
Don't tell me this man just made a mistake. His "mistake" or bold face lie was used as a basis for legislation to prevent hijacking planes. His testimony to the FBI was a lie. So the legislation the government carved out was based on a phone call that never happened. Of course all the homeland security bills were not based on olsons phone calls. Why has this dog been left to die? Why is the US government saying olson lied?
Why is the US government lying but not investigation olson? The government continues to say what olson told them about what happened on flight #77. But this never happened. It can't be confirmed. There were never any connected phone calls. Amazing isn't it.
Read the story for yourself hereMy point is the US government lies. You can't believe the US government all the time. Don't believe all the government tells you. Check what the government tells you. Verify what the government says. I did. I found the US Government is saying two different things. It is saying olson is a liar and it is saying what he originally told them happened on flight #77. The FBI says the phone calls never connected.
Flight 77 PassengersTruly a bizarre passenger list of flight #77Well, if you look at the occupations of the passengers of Flight 77, you get a strange feeling that something is wrong with this picture:
For a random collection of passengers, this is a very impressive manifest. We use the results of Killtown's work on the passenger list, which was drawn from the canonical sources of 9/11 victims biographical information on the Internet: the numbers in square brackets are the numbers in Killtown's listing .
* a senior scientist with the US Navy, retired Army. [12] A third-generation physicist whose work at the Navy was so classified that his family knew very little about what he did each day. They don't even know exactly why he was headed to Los Angeles on the doomed American Airlines Flight 77.
* a Boeing engineer in Integrated Defense Systems; he served in the US Air Force for four years, and for the National Security Agency for 14 years. [36]
* a director of program management at Raytheon, US Army (ret.) [28] who helped develop and build anti-radar technology for electronic warfare. Raytheon's website notes that they are leaders in every phase of the Precision Strike kill chain; are the world's leading organization at Missile Defense; provides state-of-the-art technology to detect, protect and respond to terrorism and provide Homeland Defense; and that their technology forms the eyes, ears and brains of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance systems, from the Predator to the Global Hawk.
* a retired naval aviator who worked for Veridian Corp., a defense contractor, who was working with military aircraft and weapons systems [56] A Navy test pilot who worked on the development of the F18. "He had done a number of black programs -- which means top-secret," said his son. "We were given no details."
* an electrical engineer with defense contractor BAE Systems. [41] largest technical support supplier to the US Navy. BAE Systems is an industry leader in flight control systems, which are present on nearly every US military aircraft. BAE electronic warfare systems such as their jamming system are vital to the US Navy operations.
* 2 Boeing propulsion engineers: a lead Propulsion Engineer and a Project Manager with Boeing Satellite Systems, [32] and a lead engineer for Boeing Satellite Systems. [40]
* a software architect with Lockheed Martin Corp., US Army (ret.). [42] A manager in the systems and software architecture department.
* a Vice President for software development, EMSolutions and retired Lieutenant Commander, Navy. [18] He spent 20 years in the US Navy, where he developed high capacity signal processors, multi-processor application software and innovative signal processing algorithms. EMSolutions maintains a facility security clearance, and has contracts with Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and BAE Systems.
* a technical group manager at Xon Tech, a defense-related research and development firm [46] He previously worked as an engineer at the Naval Research Lab. Also a technical manager of Xon Tech [53].
* a retired Navy Rear Admiral, former Navy pilot, and retired American Airlines pilot. [24]
* a senior executive at the Defense Department. [29] A budget analyst/director of the programming and fiscal economics division who worked at the Pentagon.
* a former Navy electronics technician worked as a Department of Defense contractor with Vrendenburg Co. in Washington [57]
* managing partner and co-founder of Stratin Consulting. and retired Marine Corps Lieutenant and Vietnam War veteran [26]
* a lawyer who had worked with the Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps. [49]
* and of course, there was Barbara Olson, attorney, CNN Commentator and wife of the United States Solicitor General. [39]
The odds against this being a random group of 53 American Airlines passengers are simply astronomical! There are more top secret security clearances here than in most medium-sized cities in America.
Especially astounding in this bizarre passenger list is the preponderance of Navy personnel amongst the 4 armed services, and the tilt toward propulsion and guidance systems amongst all of the possible secret technologies. It's almost as if someone put this list together thinking that Navy personnel were expendable - or needed to be expended.
This looks like a charter flight for the military-industrial complex; it's almost as if this plane should have taken off from the Pentagon, rather than supposedly crashing into it.
So why bring this up now? Just because I read this story and want to inform others of these facts about ted olson and his never connected phone calls that were seen 24 hours a day for weeks on broadcast tv and radio. The US government has never explained why it has not explained ted olson's story of fight #77.
Do you trust your government. I don't