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News Flash Debra Brix works for Bill Gates. University of Washington Model is based on Italy deaths, worse case scenario, and is incorrect for the United States!!!
We are all being duped by the media and the government on Corna Virus Death Rate Predictions!
President Trump is being duped by Debra Brix and Dt Fauci! (They studied under Professor Irwin Cory the worlds foremost authority).
Dr Brix Duped President Trump into panicing all of America. Dr Brix and Dr Fauci are now duping America using the University of Washington Model which is based on Italy's death rates and inflates projections for the USA and is FALSE!!!
Corona Virus Dupe 2020 Podcast By Professor Doc Episode 1 32 Min 42 Sec
Corona Dupe 2020 MP3
Click on above link to hear my first Professor Doc Podcast or Right Click on link to download MP3
In my first Professor Doc Podcast I explain what is going on with the Corona Virus Hype and why it did not "smell right" to me from the start. I explain who has and is deceiving America. I explain who is behind the Dr Brix and Dr Fauci show.
After repeatedly mocking President Trump for suggesting on March 19 that hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for coronavirus, media organizations have begun acknowledging that the drug -- now approved for emergency use to treat coronavirus by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- may be useful after all.
On March 19, Trump had touted anecdotal evidence that the antimalarial drug chloroquine could be used as a treatment for coronavirus during a White House briefing, calling it a possible "game-changer."
In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has approved the drug on an emergency basis, even though various media reports had mocked Trump's suggestion.
Hydroxychloroquine, which is already available commercially in the United States, is commonly used to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
The president on Friday, 3/28/2020 stressed the need for speed, alluding to disagreements with infectious-disease specialist Anthony Fauci.
(This is evidence President Trump knows Fauci has an agenda that is not totally in the best interest of Americans.)
This thing according to the government might not be over until a Corona virus vaccine is developed. Dr Fauci has said the Corona Virus crisis won't end until there are no new cases and not deaths 4/2/20. THIS IS A LIE.
If the government follows Fauci's advice the United States will continue to drift back toward the Stone Age because the US economy can't wait until a Corona Virus vaccine is developed a year from now.
Dr Fauci is actually mixing some good advice with a mix of witch doctor advice!
CDC propagandist Anthony S. Fauci, MD received major funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—who also funded the Coronavirus patent holder The Pirbright Institute (UK)
Facui just recently received $100 million grant from Gates. The Gates Foundation is also a major funder of The Pirbright Institute (UK) with DARPA, The Wellcome Trust (UK), DARPA, WHO, EU, DERA The Pirbright Institute (UK) is the patentee of the CORONAVIRUS U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 Is Anthony S. Fauci, MD running damage control for the British Pirbright Institute (Merial China), DARPA, EU, WHO, British DERA, Wellcome Trust and the Coronavirus outbreak? THIS IS A SHOCKER!!!!!!Did Fauci disclose his Coronavirus conflict of interest to President Trump?
Is Fauci lying to President Trump? Here is definitive proof that Anthony S. Fauci, MD and Bill Gates are engaged in a massive conflict of interest re. the Coronavirus outbreak and Gates’ association with the Pirbright Coronavirus patent? Kelly Davio. (Oct. 28, 2019). NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Collaborate to Develop Gene-Based HIV Treatment. American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC). https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2019-10-28-NIH-Bill-and-Melinda-Gates-Foundation-Collaborate-to-Develop-Gene-Based-HIV-Treatment-by-Kelly-Davio-American-Journal-of-Managed-Care-(AJMC)-Oct-28-2019.pdf Also, https://www.ajmc.com/newsroom/nih-bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-collaborate-to-develop-genebased-hiv-treatment See BACKGROUND RESEARCH: AFI. (Jan. 30, 2020). Coronavirus traced to the British Crown. Americans for Innovation. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/01/coronavirus-traced-to-british-crown.html AFI. (Feb. 20, 2020). Coronavirus uncovers Rothschild Lord Pirbright as key to the 140-yr. secret monopoly of the Pilgrims Society. Americans for Innovation. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/02/coronavirus-uncovers-rothschild-lord.html ARE WE BEING MINDLESSLY DRIVEN INTO A GOVERNMENT MANDATED DEPRESSION ... to stop a bug that will end up with a death rate slightly higher than a bad flu season? That's what was predicted by the heads of the CDC, NIH and NIAID in this Feb 28 editorial (see https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387?query=RP). When they eventually admit that COVID-19 has a death rate in the range of a bad flu season, remember that the heads of our three big government health agencies KNEW THAT ALL ALONG, and put it in writing way back on Feb. 28, before they stood back and allowed the stock market, the economy and thousands of businesses to be decimated. (Click the link above and save it. Then go back and read it when this is all over. And never forget that they knew.) CURRENT US CORONA DEATH RATE: 14.6/million US FLU DEATH RATE, 2017-18 SEASON: 20/million So ... where was the hysteria then? Granted, the US corona death rate will no doubt go up. But still ... we spent an entire winter with a flu death rate 2x what the corona death rate is right now. So ... where were the shutdowns? The social distancing? The face mask/hand sanitizer demand and shortages? (See here for the CDC flu death stats quoted above: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/flu.htm)
Catherine Huff https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/.../exclusive-dr.../...

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Birx's Connections with the Clinton Foundation and Obama…
EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Birx's Connections with the Clinton Foundation and Obama Unfortunately Indicate Conflicted LoyaltiesHer past unfortunately provides the answer.
Dr. Deborah Birx comes across as the calming voice of reason while encouraging Americans to default on their life savings. She encourages Americans to stay at home and away from the coronavirus that is killing 80 year olds with pre-existing medical conditions. The fact that fatalities from the virus are almost non-existent in the working class has no bearing on Dr. Birx’s recommendations.In spite of the fact that the death rates from the coronavirus to date are a fraction of the numbers from this year’s flu season, Dr. Birx suggests we all stay home and shut down the economy together. Dr. Birx previously said all of the flu models predicted somewhere between 1.6 and 2.2 million deaths if the government did not mitigate. But we all know that these are large and excessive numbers difficult to validate. Dr Birx said some models predicted half of the United States would be infected. Of course these predictions are based on wild exaggerations. In the next two months as the coronavirus numbers are tallied at a much lesser mortality rate Americans will not be so happy about losing their jobs and their life savings due to the dire predictions of the lady with the scarf, Dr. Birx. (Dr. Birx mentioned the Christopher Murray study. You can read it here.) Dr. Birx is still promoting between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths in the US from the coronavirus:
The White House coronavirus response coordinator said Monday that she is “very worried about every city in the United States” and projects 100,000 to 200,000 American deaths as a best case scenario.Of course the doctor knows that these predictions cause panic throughout the US and the world. Unfortunately the data comes nowhere to supporting these predictions. With the elderly and sick being the primary targets for the disease, this is difficult to believe. Individuals under the age of 70 without other medical conditions are at a very low rate of dying from the disease. What the media is not telling us is that Dr. Birx has a storied past closely aligned to the Clintons and Obama. Dr. Birx’s husband is former Bill Clinton advance man Paige Reffe.
This relationship with Democrats and the Clinton’s is something that the good doctor is unable to separate from. When you see the corona virus task force or anything else on tv you are watching the Dr Birx and Dr Fauci show. This show is about hyping the media using Corona Virus prediction models that are based on Italy's death rates. Both Dr Brix and Dr Fauci are in bed with bill gates and the clintons. Dr Brix and DR Fauci must be working for the deep state. They are actually putting out FAKE news about the Corona Virus that has killed the US economy!!! It is hard for me to understand how President Trump does not know this or allows Dr Brix and Dr Fauci to continue to deceive the American public with hyper predictions using inaccurate models predicting what the Corona Virus will due in the US and US States.
President Trump knowingly or unknowingly is allowing Dr Brix and DR Fauci to kill the US Economy for the "good" of the US population? People who are in states that can go back to work because the Corona Virus is not as big a threat as advertised by Dr Brix and Dr Fauci along with president Trump should go back to work if they can. People can shop and work at wall mart packed like sardines but people can't attend church because of the Corona Virus makes NO sense! Go To streamzones.com Install The FREE Roku Channel Corona Virus News.
Blancolirio Youtube Channel |
So who is to blame for this current mess. (1) FAKE news media hype about the corona virus (2) Government federal, state and local using initial corona virus death predictions that were wrong as the federal government has admitted! (3) Who is going to pay the price for mass media/government manufactured Corona Virus Crisis. ALL of America. All of us. Because they have killed the US economy and put a majority of people out of work! First they put us out of work and expect us to thank them for sending us a check because we are out of work. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU!!!! Oh by the way if you go to walmart or some other store and use the self check out without using gloves this would be an excellent way to get the Corona Virus or the FLU Virus etc. If the person checking you out handles your groceries and they are not wearing gloves and then you touch the groceries this is another great way to get the Corona Virus or the FLU Virus etc. WEAR GLOVES WHEN YOU GO TO THE GROCERY STORE, PHARMACY, GAS STATION, BIG BOX HARDWARE STORE OR ANYWHERE WHERE PEOPLE TOUCH WHAT YOU ARE BUYING. If you don't have gloves use a zip lock bag. IF YOU WEAR JUST A MASK INTO WALMART AND NO GLOVES YOU MIGHT AS WELL NOT BE WEARING A MASK AT ALL! streamzones.com We all need these 3 things when we leave our home. A back pack or fanny pack containing - gloves or zip lock bags, mask and hand sanitizer. Make this your bug out bag. ZIPLOCK GLOVE if ou don't have any other disposable gloves when going to walmart, pumping gas etc.