Saturday, October 10, 2009
My Big Brother Dann Filled His Sail And Broke The Line To Home Yesterday
My brother died today. He had various complications including a blood clot. When I arrived at the hospital he was still alive but unconscious. He had been ill for several years with crohn's disease. He had been in terrible pain at times. During the last six months he was given a new medication that did help with the pain and actually helped control the crohn's disease. He had started to feel better so he was out moving around more etc. One day he slipped on a small rug and fell. He broke his ankle which caused additional blood clots to form. My brother was an honest man. We talked and agreed on many things. Dann called me his big brother. I am 4 years older. Dann was also my "big" brother. My brother was a "fighter", he never gave up. He was very amusing at times. He was also kind and considerate. His inner strength in GOD kept him going as did his wife who took good care of him. I will miss my brother. Dann knew the things of this world are only temporary. Dann was loved by many because he was a good, kind man.
The most important thing we agreed on was the need to accept Jesus Christ as your saviour.
My brother new he was saved because he had accepted GOD's free gift of salvation and trusted Jesus as his personal saviour. My brother went to be with Jesus when he died. I will see my brother in heaven again. I love you Dann. You have found peace and are free from pain at last. May GOD be praised.
<< 2 Corinthians 5 >>King James Bible ver 6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: ver 7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
The Holy Bible (King James Version)
Lift The Wings
How can the small flowers grow,
If the wild winds blow,
And the cold snow is all around?
Where will the frail birds fly,
If their homes on high,
Have been torn down to the ground?
Lift the wings,
That carry me away from here and,
Fill the sail,
That breaks the line to home.
But when I'm miles and miles apart from you,
I'm beside you, when I think of you,
a Stóirín, a Grá.
How can a tree stand tall,
If the rain won't fall,
To wash its branches down?
How can a heart survive,
Can it stay alive,
If its love's denied for long?
Lift the wings,
That carry me away from here and,
Fill the sail,
That breaks the line to home.
But when I'm miles and miles apart from you,
I'm beside you, when I think of you,
a Stóirín,
And I'm with you as I dream of you,
a Stóirín,
And a song will bring you near to me,
a Stóirín, a Grá.
Friday, October 9, 2009

Powerful Real Comment To Heed!
Posted by Andrea Shea King at 10/09/2009 07:21:00 PM
Researcher Dr. Paula Gordon, author of Eligibility Questions. com, called my attention to something that attorney Mario Apuzzo and lead plaintiff Charles Kerchner said during my radio program last night about the Constitutional eligibility of both John McCain and Barack Obama. Something that I found of great interest. Evidently I wasn't the only one. Today she writes to me in an email:
I have now listened to all of your programs this week. Great contribution to efforts to get to the truth of these matters and to keep up with legal developments.
FYI! The last few minutes of last night’s program seemed to me to be extremely significant. I suspect that you were well aware of that as well. John Charlton has been posting on matters relating to Senate Resolution 511 as well as Linda Melin. Thought you might be interested in seeing this e-mail that I just sent to him urging him (and Linda Melin) to listen to last night’s program.
I followed the links she included, and one led to another until I got to this, which is the golden nugget, the key that explains how this usurper came to be in the White House. They knew all along he was ineligible. And they laid their groundwork well ahead of the election. Who are "they"? You'll find out.
Oh. my. God. Pour yourself a stiff one. Then read this excerpt of a post written yesterday by John Charlton at The Post & Email:
Now if one were to forge a conspiracy to get an ineligible candidate in office, as President of the United States, and were considering how to eliminate any possible legal challenge to this usurpation, it is obvious that one would have to carefully examine the D. C. Code, which has specific provisions for challenges regarding usurpation.
That is why this little know provision, of Section 1541, quoted from the acts of the 56th Congress, p. 1420, is so important.
If the candidate who ran for the other major party was eligible for office, then he could as relator immediately bring action in D.C. court against the usurper, on the eventuality that the Joint Session of Congress would unconstitutionally confirm the usurper as President.
But if the opposition candidate was also not eligible by the same requirement in Article II, Section i, paragraph 5, of the U.S. Constitution, then he could not challenge his opponent with this statute, since he would have the same defect in law.
Other requirements for such a hypothetical conspiracy are as follows:
1. Collusion of the Main Stream Media, to run flak against discussion of natural born citizen requirement.
2. Collusion of members of Congress to disregard requirements of Article II, Section i, paragraph 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
3. Collusion of Electors not to be unfaithful to unqualified usurper-to-be.
4. Collusion, at least passively, of all State Secretaries of State not to question ineligibility.
It is clear that only a joint action from the centers of power of both parties could have managed such a conspiracy. And that means that citizens should be investigating the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee actions prior to 2008.
Linda A. Melin, a citizen-researcher who blogs at Constitutionally Speaking, has gathered evidence to prove n. 2, in the above listing. The Post & Email wishes to publically praise Linda Melin for her excellent work documenting the conspiracy in this matter.
There's much, much more to learn about this. Don't stop with this. Let this be your starting point to find out how these legal minds are piecing it together, uncovering how they implemented the fix for Obama to assume the presidency. They are digging, researching, putting the pieces together. This is not a "birther" movement, as some derisively sniff. This is a crisis to our Constitution, one that has been perpetrated by those who have much at stake, everything to lose and much to gain by smoothing the way for a usurper to gain the White House. It is ugly. And dangerous. It's your worst horror movie.
The truth will come out. And when it does, ask yourself this: are you prepared to do what is necessary to save our country and remove the usurper and those who knowingly placed him there?
Dear God... pray God you are. And pray we're not too late.
Posted by Andrea Shea King at 10/09/2009 07:21:00 PM
Andrea Shea King
Request for copy of Op.No. 84-14 from the library of the Attorney General in Hawaii

Request for copy of Op.No. 84-14 from the library of the Attorney General in Hawaii
I am requesting a copy of Op.No. 84-14 from the Library of the Attorney General in Hawaii. This 48 page document sets out the procedures and policies that the State must follow when an individual seeks to amend their birth certificate or other personal records.
Thank You
Please email it to me or mail it to my address:
Why am I requesting this?
This document lays out the rules for requesting records of obama the imposter. Specifically using the corrct procedure using Op.No. 84-14 I can find out the following information as can anyone else requesting it.
I can confirm the amendment was filed using this document or confirm an 'Statement of Disagreement' is on file with the Hawaii Department of Health. An amendment to obama's original birth certificate and if the amendment was rejected and a 'Statement of Disagreement' if obama wanted to refute the fact Hawaii has REJECTED his amendment to his birth certificate.
We know he filed an amendment. We don't know yet if he filed a "Statement of Disagreement'. If he did it would seem this is one area where his shadow tactics won't work.
From the DoH website:
“An amendment includes changes, corrections, additions, deletions, or substitutions.”
Amendments are defined broadly contrary to the very narrow list also found on the DoH website. In fact, it seems that virtually any change can be termed an amendment, even clerical errors.
To Recap from my last post, I asserted the following:
“Had Dr. Fukino had answered my question with a straight-forward answer and without the extraneous points about “..born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen..,” it would have looked SOMETHING like this:
‘I…have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health…I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.’
AND, we would have seen clearly that:
1.) There ARE amendments and submitted proof: “Vital Records” (plural)
2.) The vitals records are NOT “on record in accordance with state policies and procedures”
3.) The vitals records are NOT verified to be on record by the “Registrar of Vital Statistics”
4.) The vital records and proof offered to amend are insufficient for the State Registrar and, therefore, Fukino states they are “maintained on file.”
In other words, the support to amend his birth place is pending acceptance. Furthermore, if we break her statement down further in context of the assertions made within, we see this:
“I…have seen the original vital records…verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen…“
For most people it takes ONE (singular) ‘vital record,’ an ‘original long form birth certificate,’ to verify these two things. For our President, it took more than one.”
A few people have asked whether I think an amendment exists or not. Honestly, the timing and relevance of her statement to my question alone made me pretty confident that the use of the words “original vital records” (plural) had something to do with an amendment to Obama’s original birth certificate. However, I wanted confirmation so I began to write UIPA requests for records hoping to get it.
All this means is obama the IMPOSTER is slowly being exposed as a FRAUD!
How can you help expose the imposter obama? By sending requests to Hawaii that are correct in nature so that the Hawaii doh must answer your requests. Every little piece of the IMPOSTER puzzle helps solve it quicker.
What obama doesn't want you to know. If Obama doesn't like what you are doing he can TAKE YOUR GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE AWAY.
Section 141, health choices commissionor act, the government can disenroll ANY INDIVIDUAL, and employers with $250000.00 gross income. This is how obamacare will control people and employers. This is FASCISM!
If Obama doesn't like what you are doing he can TAKE YOUR GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE AWAY! Obama will use this to coerce and control citizens of the US. This is FASCISM. This is dictatorship and complete control.
Obama will have complete control over your "health care" in that he, the government, can disenroll you from government health care. He can hang you out to dry. He will. He is a traitor and an imposter.
Betsy McCaughey Exposes Obama Healthcare Lies
If obama forces government health care on America it will enable him the IMPOSTER to control your individual life through OBAMACARE which is just a sly way to control your every move. This is FASCISM. This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This so called obamacare bill is a death mandate also for millions. This is for real. Is obama evil? YES!. Is he a destroyer, YES! Does he want to kill you through his obamacare YES!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Born in 1957 To Whom If Obama is 52 As He Says On His MySpace Page

Obama's Still Indicates to this day Oct 8, 2009 that he is 52 yrs old on his myspace page.
Than means he was born in 1957. To Whom?
Obama says he is 52 on his myspace page
Dunham and Obama were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961 Dunham was three months pregnant at the time of her marriage. On August 4, 1961, at the age of 18, Dunham gave birth to her first child, Barack Obama II.
If obama is 52 as he stated on his myspace page then guess what?
Dunham and Obama were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961.
Dunham was three months pregnant at the time of her marriage.
If he is 52 she wasn't pregnant with obama.
Did obama state his mother was 3 months pregnant at the time of her marriage to obama sr?
If obama did state this in one of his books and he did change his birth date in Hawaii, he didn't change it by much if he wants it to match up with what he indicates in his books.
Married Feb 2, 1961 3 months pregnant means obama was "concocted" around Nov 1957 right?
born Aug 8, 1961 or born in 1957 which would make him 52 as he says.
It does not add up. Why does obama continue to let his myspace page indicate he is 52?
From Wikipedia:
Was Obama born on August 4, 1961?

Okubo Janice S, Fukino Chiyome L, Mark Bennett
I emailed Janice Okubo yesterday Oct 7, 2009
I got a quick answer from her. I used almost the exact wording Leo Donofrio used and stated it was UIPA Request #1
My Request Email
From: (.......)
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009
To: Okubo, Janice S.
Subject: UIPA Request #1 From (......)
Dear Janice Okubo,
Communications Office
Hawaii State Department of Health
The following request for Government records is made pursuant to the UIPA:
I request a copy of the record (or records) which contributed to the decision of the Hawaii Department of Health (hereinafter DoH) to have indicated that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH registrar on August 8, 1961.
President Obama has made public a “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) which he alleges is an official document printed by the Hawaii DoH. That document bears the following:
August 8, 1961″.
Various public statements made by the DoH have given the appearance of authenticating that COLB as a genuine record originally generated by the DoH.
In this, my 1st UIPA request sent to your office, please understand that I am requesting access to all records maintained by the DoH which caused President Obama’s birth to have been filed with the registrar back on August 8, 1961. Therefore, for purposes of this – UIPA request #1 – I am only requesting (official copies thereof) which originally came into existence no later than August 9, 1961.
Please have your response conform to the OIP administrative rules. If you do maintain a record (or records) which came into existence prior to August 10, 1961 which contributed to the DoH declaration that President Obama’s birth had been “FILED BY REGISTRAR” on “August 8, 1961″ and you intend to deny access thereto, please make sure your response states that you are denying access. If you do not maintain any such records, you are required by the OIP administrative rules to inform me that you do not maintain any such records.
If you intend to send me official copies of the records requested herein, I prefer electronic copies sent by email to, (.......)
Very Truly Yours,
Janice Okubo
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009 4:37 AM
From: Janice Okubo
To: (email not disclosed)
Subject: RE: UIPA Request #1 From (Name not disclosed)
Size: 13 KB
Aloha Mr. (),
I am not sure I understand your request. If you are requesting vital records or records of births, deaths or marriages in the State of Hawaii, those records are protected under HRS 338-18 and therefore the UIPA does not apply to them.
Janice Okubo
How could she not understand my request? "I requested a copy of the record (or records) which contributed to the decision of the Hawaii Department of Health (hereinafter DoH) to have indicated that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH registrar on August 8, 1961." It is obvious I am not requesting actual records of births, deaths, or marriages. I didn't mention deaths or marriages. She stated "vital records" are protected under HRS 338-18. I didn't request a copy of obama's birth certificate. I requested records of how Okubo came to the decision obama was born on Aug 8, 1961. She has parsed my words and twisted the clear meaning. Okubo is telling me any record that contributed to her decision to publish her indication obama was born on Aug 8, 1961 are "vital" and off limits. A lie.
Leo Donofrio's Comments On His Blog To My Comment
IP Says:
October 8, 2009 at 5:51 PM
I emailed Janice Okubo yesterday Oct 7, 2009
I got a quick answer from her. I used almost the exact wording you used and stated it was UIPA Request #1
I believe my answer is different from yours. It is more misdirection.
If you want to see the original email I can email it to you to compare with your answer.
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009 4:37 AM
From: Janice Okubo
To: (email not disclosed)
Subject: RE: UIPA Request #1 From (Name not disclosed)
Size: 13 KB
Aloha Mr. (),
I am not sure I understand your request. If you are requesting vital records or records of births, deaths or marriages in the State of Hawaii, those records are protected under HRS 338-18 and therefore the UIPA does not apply to them.
Janice Okubo
Leo's Answer To Me
[ed. she knows what you are asking for. they cant answer the question under the statute. any answer puts them in a bad position.]
Comments On Leo's Blog
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
UIPA Request #5 From Leo C. Donofrio

The woodpecker persistance to prevail is matched by Leo Donofrio's pursuit of the elusive original obama COB if it exists.
“UIPA Request #5 From Leo C. Donofrio”
Leo will dog the Hawaii DoH with UIPA, Office of Health Status Monitoring, requests until the actual records which contributed to the DoH declaration that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH Registrar on August 8, 1961 are produced or the Hawaii DOH admits they do not maintain any such records.
If the Hawaii DOH admits they do not maintain any such records they would be admitting obama does not have an original birth certificate from August 8, 1961. A possibility as Leo Donofrio is pointing out. How is this possible you ask? Simple, it is possible the DOH has lied about obama and used the DNC certification of nomination which included the statement below to expand the scheme to hide obama's true identity. (Story Reports)
"THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the National Convention of the Democrat Party of the United States of America, held in Denver, Colorado on August 25 though 28, 2008, the following were duly nominated as candidates of said Party for President and Vice President of the United States respectively and that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution."
1.) Dr. Fukino, Director of the Department of Health on Oct. 31, 2008:
“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”
2.) Dr. Fukino, Director of the Department of Health on July 27, 2009:
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”
It is important to note Fukino said, "have seen vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health". She also added," Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen." This is pointing to the DNC certification of nomination and the non binding resolution congress sent to Hawaii on Hawaii's 50th anniversary of statehood. These too could be considered, "vital records". She didn't say she had seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in the second statement 8 months later. (Story Reports Comments)
UIPA Request #5 From Leo C. Donofrio
This morning, it dawned on me that I wasn’t aware of any previous UIPA requests to the DoH for the actual records which contributed to the DoH declaration that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH Registrar on August 8, 1961.
How could a birth have been”FILED” on “August 8, 1961″ for President Obama with the DoH “REGISTRAR” without the Registrar having been informed that he was born?
That’s not possible. Not unless clairvoyance was officially recognized by the DoH in 1961. (More secret law?)
In order for the DoH Registrar to have filed President Obama’s birth on August 8, 1961 there must be a record that came into existence no later than August 9, 1961. (I use that date to make up for any issues regarding time zone differences.)
So, I have just sent the following UIPA request to Hawaii Department of Health Director Fukino.
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 8:24 AM
From: [Leo C. Donofrio - email redacted]
Subject: UIPA Request #5 From Leo C. Donofrio
Dear Department of Health Director Fukino,
The following request for Government records is made pursuant to the UIPA:
I request to inspect and copy the record (or records) which contributed to the decision of the Hawaii Department of Health (hereinafter DoH) to have indicated that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH registrar on August 8, 1961.
President Obama has made public a “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) which he alleges is an official document printed by the Hawaii DoH. That document bears the following:
August 8, 1961″.
Various public statements made by the DoH have given the appearance of authenticating that COLB as a genuine record originally generated by the DoH.
In this, my 5th UIPA request sent to your office, please understand that I am requesting access to all records maintained by the DoH which caused President Obama’s birth to have been filed with the registrar back on August 8, 1961. Therefore, for purposes of this – UIPA request #5 – I am only requesting to inspect (and copy) records (or official copies thereof) which originally came into existence no later than August 9, 1961.
This request is not for the COLB in question as I have previously requested that record in a separate UIPA request (UIPA Request #3) forwarded to your office by myself on September 29, 2009.
Please have your response conform to the OIP administrative rules. If you do maintain a record (or records) which came into existence prior to August 10, 1961 which contributed to the DoH declaration that President Obama’s birth had been “FILED BY REGISTRAR” on “August 8, 1961″ and you intend to deny access thereto, please make sure your response states that you are denying access. If you do not maintain any such records, you are required by the OIP administrative rules to inform me that you do not maintain any such records.
I would prefer to inspect these records in person. If you intend to send me official copies of the records requested herein, I prefer electronic copies sent by email to [email redacted].
Very Truly Yours,
Leo C. Donofrio, Citizen Attorney
That a COLB has been presented to the nation by President Obama wherein his birth appears to have been filed by the DoH Registrar on August 8, 1961 could not be more public at this point.
And the DoH has given the appearance of authenticating this document. Such authentication has been relied upon by various courts and persons in the Senate and Congress. Therefore, absolutely no privacy protection is available to President Obama as to this information.
Should the requested records also contain information which has not been made public and to which a privacy interest still exists, that information can be redacted.
The law supports my request. The law is rational in that way. The strange behavior by the DoH is irrational.
If the DoH has such a record they must either grant access thereto or deny access. On the other hand, if the DoH does not maintain such a record, then – according to the OIP administrative rules, as well as the multiple statements of OIP Staff Attorney Linden Joesting – the DoH must tell me if they do not maintain such a record.
If the DoH does not maintain such a record, then they do not maintain sufficient evidence that President Obama’s birth was genuinely filed by the DoH Registrar on August 8, 1961. This would bring us back to square 1.
Leo C. Donofrio, Citizen Attorney
If we go back to "square one" as Leo says, obama will be exposed as an imposter and the Supreme Court/Congress/Quo Warranto will kick in big time to remove the imposter. There won't be much rioting if "square one" turns out to be an empty suit as I have said all along. Can't wait for the next episode of, "as the imposter squirms" from Leo Donofrio or MissTickly (aka ‘TerriK’).
TerriK Blog
Natural Born Citizen Blog Leo Donofrio
I used Leo's "template" to "carve out" some information of my own. (Story Reports)
Dear Department of Health Director Fukino,
The following request for Government records is made pursuant to the UIPA:
I request a copy of the record (or records) which contributed to the decision of the Hawaii Department of Health (hereinafter DoH) to have indicated that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH registrar on August 8, 1961.
President Obama has made public a “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) which he alleges is an official document printed by the Hawaii DoH. That document bears the following:
August 8, 1961″.
Various public statements made by the DoH have given the appearance of authenticating that COLB as a genuine record originally generated by the DoH.
In this, my 1st UIPA request sent to your office, please understand that I am requesting access to all records maintained by the DoH which caused President Obama’s birth to have been filed with the registrar back on August 8, 1961. Therefore, for purposes of this – UIPA request #1 – I am only requesting (official copies thereof) which originally came into existence no later than August 9, 1961.
Please have your response conform to the OIP administrative rules. If you do maintain a record (or records) which came into existence prior to August 10, 1961 which contributed to the DoH declaration that President Obama’s birth had been “FILED BY REGISTRAR” on “August 8, 1961″ and you intend to deny access thereto, please make sure your response states that you are denying access. If you do not maintain any such records, you are required by the OIP administrative rules to inform me that you do not maintain any such records.
If you intend to send me official copies of the records requested herein, I prefer electronic copies sent by email to, xxxxxxxxxxx
Very Truly Yours,
xxx xxxxxxx
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Abstract of record definition - legal

‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007 Abstract

‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007 Abstract

Abstract of record definition - legal
‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007 Abstract
A summary of the record of a case advising an appellate court of the underlying facts, all the steps taken to-date in the case, the decision of the trial court, and the legal issues to be decided.
An Abstract is just a SUMMARY of the real record.
Obama’s COLB Lacks Legal Veracity or No Honesty; credibility; truthfulness.
‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007 Abstract
When the State issued obama's COLB that states ‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007, we can conclude that the evidence submitted to them of the ‘proof of the facts stated within the COLB’ was insufficient, at least at that time, to warrant recording on permanent state record with the Registrar.
President Obama’s online COLB says ‘FILED BY REGISTRAR.’ The information on the President’s COLB represents information he furnished the local registrar in an application to amend his vital record information. He furnished this info likely on a blank certificate or form supplied by the local registrar. Fukino’s statement in October 2008, indicates that an original birth certificate already existed ‘on record in accordance to state policy and procedure.’ The vital records she refers to on July 27, 2009, “verifying” the President is a ‘natural-Born’ American citizen and born in Hawaii are only “maintained on file,” therefore they cannot possibly be “on record with the State Registrar:”
Once obama's filed application to amend his Birth Certificate was accepted by the State Registrar, the amended information would be pulled out, noted and endorsed. It’s impossible to tell by looking at the President’s COLB, which information is to be amended until after it’s accepted. In fact, the notation that President Obama’s COLB is ‘Filed by Registrar’ indicates the state stands by NONE of the information found on the document. Hawaii did not send obama a colb that says accepted by registrar.
Obama has a ‘reproduction of a FILE’ while other samples of Hawaiian COLBs found online are ‘reproductions of RECORDS’ that have been accepted and therefore completed with the State Registrar using the support of sufficient evidence required by the state to register the Birth Certificate on record.
Obama's colb is nothing more than a reproduction of a file that the state of Hawaii indicates does not have sufficient evidence required to be ammended and certified as "accepted by registrar." In other words it is not legal proof but just a reproduction of a file that obama supplied to the state indicating he wanted the colb ammended. Hawaii in effect said NO. You supplied fake documents or incorrect documents to us.
America elected a CON MAN for president.
I challenge you, "Barack Hussein Obama" to prove who you are. You can't. You can't use the online colb which has not been accepted by the registrar. You can't reveal your original "birth certificate" because as you know it has information on it that either can't be verified or is dubious at best. You are an imposter. If I had 100 million dollars I would bet it against your not being able to prove who you are. $10.00 gets your original birth certificate on file that Hawaii won't let you ammend and release because of bogus information you supplied to them. Congress cannot even persuade Hawaii to issue you an ammended colb after passing a non binding resolution for you. You seem to be a loser at every turn. Thats because you are an IMPOSTER!
Obama is a 'no record' empty suit with the clout of the presidency because of his veracity of deceit. Obama's legacy will be his veracity of deceit because he will be exposed as a fraud. Somehow someone or a group of people will expose obama. When obama is exposed as an imposter others who hid his origin by deception will also be exposed. Obama is about to ram through the so called health care bill but it will not stop Americans from bringing him to justice. All obama's efforts can't hide the truth forever especially now that we KNOW his colb is a fraud and can explain why.
Here’s the main problem, Hawaii Revised Statute 338-178 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the child’s birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence.
Since Hawaii issues “Certificates of Live Birth” to children not born in Hawaii and “Birth Certificates” to children who are born in Hawaii, the only way to know where Obama was actually born is to view Obama’s original birth certificate from 1961 that shows the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him.
Obama has not produced any document that has a hospital name nor doctors name. This is a BIG fact the state run media and all those who believe obama has produced evidence he is a US citizen have overlooked or ignored. The next time you talk to someone who indicates obama is legitimate ask them in which hospital was he born? Who was the doctor that signed his colb?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Obama birth certificate somewhere in Hawaii and possibly elsewhere

Front row (left to right): Auma Obama (Barack's half-sister), Kezia Obama (Barack's step-mother), Sarah Hussein Onyango Obama (third wife of Barack's paternal grandfather), Zeituni Onyango (Barack's aunt)
Back row (left to right): Said Obama (Barack's uncle), Barack Obama, Abongo [Roy] Obama (Barack's half-brother), unidentified woman, Bernard Obama (Barack's half-brother), Abo Obama (Barack's half-brother).
Zeituni Onyango (Barack's aunt), Said Obama (Barack's uncle), Ralph Dunham (Barack's uncle), Charles Thomas Payne (Barack's uncle), Sarah Obama (aunt of Barack Obama), Habiba Akumu Obama (Parental Grandmother)
These people can get a copy of obama's birth certificate. 6 people. 6 possible ways to get obama's birth certificate. Maybe an uncle would do. Maybe an aunt. Not likely but possible. I suggest writing to some of these people asking where obama was born. I doubt you would get an answer. If one did request his birth certificate under Hawaiian law that person would get a copy. Maybe one of these people allready have a copy. It is possible.
Lets see it.
More Family Members
* Stanley Dunham - maternal grandfather (1918-1992)
* Charles T. Payne - maternal great-uncle (born 1925)
* Lolo Soetoro - stepfather (1936-1987)
* Hussein Onyango Obama - paternal grandfather (1895-1979)
* Habiba Akumu Obama - paternal grandmother
* Sarah Obama - paternal step-grandmother (born 1922)
* Kezia Obama - step-mother (born 1940)
* Abo Obama - half-brother (born 1968)
* Auma Obama - half-sister (born 1960)
* Bernard Obama - half-brother (born 1970)
* Ruth Ndesandjo - Barack Obama Sr.'s third wife (born in U.S. c. 1940)
* Mark Ndesandjo - half-brother
* Zeituni Onyango - half-sister (born May 29, 1952)
Hawaii state law restricts the access to vital records to only authorized individuals. Birth and Marriage certificates may only be requested by the individual, the individual's father, the individual's mother or the individual's relatives.
Aunt on mother's side
Uncle on mother's side
Aunt on father's side
Uncle on father's side
Grandmother on mother's side
Grandfather on mother's side
Grandmother on father's side
Grandfather on father's side
State Agency
How To Order a Copy Of Obama's COLBOnly if you are one of the above. No cousins.
It also lists state agency. This is interesting. What state agency. This could mean Obama's birth certificate is also somewhere in another state agency file. A possibility.
Lets contact all revelant state agencies an ask for a copy. Once its given to another state agency is it open to the public? First come first serve?
This site also lists state agency as a possible requestor of a birth certificate. This means certain state agencies in Hawaii could have requested and received a certified copy of obama’s birth certificate.
Would the same restrictions on releasing obama’s birth certificate apply to different state agencies as anyone else obtaining a copy of obama’s birth certificate? Once a copy is on file with another agency what are the restrictions if any? Remember once information is made public about someone’s birth certificate doesn’t the law allow for it to be received by anyone on request?
Yes i’m fishing but i’m hoping to catch an imposter.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
obama has peddled a colb that has not been verified by Hawaii

The information used by obama and congress are insufficient proof, unsubstantiated, unrecorded and suspect. Hawaii will not accept it.Now we know that all we have is Obama's and Pelosi's word for it. No thanks. Hawaii will not confirm obama's documentation to amend his original colb. Why. Maybe because he doesn't have real proof of WHO HE IS, WHO HIS PARENTS ARE OR WHERE HE WAS ACTUALLY BORN! A BOMBSHELL! PROOF OBAMA IS AN IMPOSTER!Story Reports Comments
TerriK confirms through officals in Hawaii obama is an imposter because Hawaii has not confirmed his ammended colb to this date!
On July 27, 2009, Obama was not verified as ‘Constitutionally Qualified to be U.S. President’ by the standards of Hawaii’s Department of Health and Vital Statistics Registrar. Any assertions by Nancy Pelosi or anyone else must be reexamined. TerriK
THE KEY: ‘FILED by Local Registrar’ vs. ‘ACCEPTED by State Registrar’
We have two statements about two sets of vital records belonging to the President issued from Hawaii. An “original birth certificate” that is “on record in accordance to state policies and procedures” in October, 2008, AND “original vital records” that are “maintained on file,” on July 27, 2009.
• We also have a COLB presented by President Obama that indicates the information shown has been ‘Filed by Registrar.’
• However, we also have samples found online of HAWAII COLBs that say they have been ‘Accepted by State Registrar.’
President Obama’s online COLB says ‘FILED BY REGISTRAR.’ The information on the President’s COLB represents information he furnished the local registrar in an application to amend his vital record information. He furnished this info likely on a blank certificate or form supplied by the local registrar. Fukino’s statement in October 2008, indicates that an original birth certificate already existed ‘on record in accordance to state policy and procedure.’ The vital records she refers to on July 27, 2009, “verifying” the President is a ‘natural-Born’ American citizen and born in Hawaii are only “maintained on file,” therefore they cannot possibly be “on record with the State Registrar:”
And when the State issued his COLB that states ‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007, we can conclude that the evidence submitted to them of the ‘proof of the facts stated within the COLB’ was insufficient, at least at that time, to warrant recording on permanent state record with the Registrar.
President Obama has a ‘reproduction of a FILE’ while other samples of Hawaiian COLBs found online are ‘reproductions of RECORDS’ that have been accepted and therefore completed with the State Registrar using the support of sufficient evidence required by the state to register the Birth Certificate on record.
We can conclude from Fukino’s use of the phrase “maintained on file” which refers to the vital records “verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen,” the state had not recorded and indexed the information verifying the facts within. We can conclude that the State of Hawaii was unsatisfied on July 27, 2009 of those facts.
THIS IS SIMPLY OUTRAGEOUS. BREATHTAKINGLY STUPID. IT’S RECKLESS. IT’S UNBELIEVABLE. TerriK (The Person who has written Hawaii and received the answers about obama)
COINCIDENTAL & BIZARRE CONGRESSIONAL MOVES.On July 28th, did Congress sell out our Constitution with a Resolution that declared that President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961? If so, was it inadvertent, on purpose, corruption or stupidity? All of the above? Who knows with that gang of thugs?
“Looking at the dates of TerriK’s pre-release of Fukino’s written statement (July 27) and the PUBLIC release of Fukino’s written statement (July 28) seems to indicate a COORDINATED effort by the Hawaii Department of Health and Hawaii Congressmen in an attempt to “shut down” further questions of Obama’s eligibility.
As you may recall, there was a non-binding Resolution with the passage of H.RES.593 (House timeline on July 27) and S.RES.225 (Senate timeline on July 28) recognizing Hawaii’s 50th Anniversary as a US state. Also in the Resolution, among other things, was a clause that stated “the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.” (House version text).”
Could Congress have provided the ‘evidence’ to amend the President’s Birth Place?
And when the State issued his COLB that states ‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007, we can conclude that the evidence submitted to them of the ‘proof of the facts stated within the COLB’ was insufficient, at least at that time, to warrant recording on permanent state record with the Registrar.
An application can be dismissed for lack of evidence after a period of time, or a person can submit evidence to be reviewed and accepted in the SECOND STEP. In the interim, the state makes no claim that the Birth Certificate ON FILE has been found sufficient on a state registrar level. AND they should clearly state so on the Certificate if this is the case. They do. Now we all know–it’s been in front of our faces all along.
f the records that verified our president was born in Hawai’i and is a “natural-born American citizen” did not complete or end at state level registration through STEP TWO, those records are completely empty and unfounded for all legal purposes.
NRS 440.110 State Registrar of Vital Statistics.
NRS 440.120 Regulations of State Board of Health concerning registration; enforcement by State Registrar. [NOTE: This never happened for the President's online COLB, so the info found on it is NOT LEGAL.]
NRS 440.130 Preparation and distribution of forms and blanks; charge for blank certificate.
NRS 440.135 Form for reporting divorce or annulment of marriage: Preparation; contents; distribution.
NRS 440.140 Preparation and issuance of instructions; use of other forms and blanks prohibited.
NRS 440.150 Examination and supplementation of certificates. (See below)
NRS 440.160 Preservation and indexing of certificates. [Any pending application has not been indexed. Therefore, the index data won't show the whole picture. Perhaps, not even for Maya.]
NRS 440.165 Reproduction of original records and files.
NRS 440.170 Records open to inspection; use of data restricted.
NRS 440.175 Furnishing statistical data; limitation on preparation or issuance of certain documents; charging fees to homeless persons prohibited; remittance required for issuing copies.
Obama has an incomplete and unsatisfactory COLB if indications from Nevada policy are true:
In other words, The State Registrar says, “Something stinks here and I ain’t puttin’ any of it on record.”
This is it. I agree. Obama tried to ammend his "original" birth certificate but the state of Hawaii did not find his documentation satisfactory as of this date Oct 4, 2009. He has published an incomplete uncertified colb as proof he is a natural born US citizen.
Wow this is documented and makes perfect sense. Obama is hiding the fact he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN as the US Constitution requires! He did it by filing an ammendment to his original which the state has yet to verify!
Obama has been revealed as an IMPOSTER and a FRAUD!
Worst nightmare confirmed obama has peddled a colb that has not been verified by the state he says he was born in. Hawaii will not confirm obama was born there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On July 28th, did Congress sell out our Constitution with a Resolution that declared that President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961? If so, was it inadvertent, on purpose, corruption or stupidity? All of the above? Who knows with that gang of thugs?
Looking at the dates of TerriK’s pre-release of Fukino’s written statement (July 27) and the PUBLIC release of Fukino’s written statement (July 28) seems to indicate a COORDINATED effort by the Hawaii Department of Health and Hawaii Congressmen in an attempt to “shut down” further questions of Obama’s eligibility.
As you may recall, there was a non-binding Resolution with the passage of H.RES.593 (House timeline on July 27) and S.RES.225 (Senate timeline on July 28) recognizing Hawaii’s 50th Anniversary as a US state. Also in the Resolution, among other things, was a clause that stated “the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.” (House version text).”
Could Congress have provided the ‘evidence’ to amend the President’s Birth Place?
Could the evidence only be a house and senate resolution stating that Obama was born in Hawaii? Of course this is no evidence at all..only a BIG BIG COVERUP of the fact obama is an IMPOSTER!
Read this amazing article confirming obama is an IMPOSTER by Terry K
FOR ALL WE KNOW, President Obama’s application is headed right for the garbage can even with the non-binding resolution.
We have the evidence now, without accessing the President’s birth files – 1.) Dr. Fukino’s 7/27/2009 statement and 2.) President Obama’s online COLB because both state clearly they refer to Files of NO EVIDENTIAL value…Files that are maintained, but not on record… Files that are proof of nothing…SLEIGHT OF HAND.
Thank you Dr. Fukino for showing President Obama what transparency means, what ‘Open Government’ means. What honesty means. And what being forthcoming as a leader in whom people place their trust means. You didn’t need to give us the last clue! You’ve done enough.
(Story Reports Comments) I’m convinced. If only the American people new the truth. Obama tried to fake us out by filing an ammendment to his “birth certificate” and Hawaii has not confirmed his ammended colb because of lack of evidence he is a Natural Born Citizen. You have shown us the truth. Now obama can’t hide behind an “incomplete” non verified colb he says is his birth certificate. Congress under the control of the democrate has tried to coverup for the imposter obama. Thank You TerriK for revealing the FRAUD obama.
Thanks to Leo Donofrio also. You both are true patriots!
Key witness in passport fraud case fatally shot

Key witness in passport fraud case fatally shot.
The main witness to passport information stolen is dead. I don't think this was an accident do you? It is to coverup information about the imposter obama. Leo Donofrio is about to expose the imposter obama in Hawaii court. Who is in the "shawdow" of obama is who "obama" really is. AN IMPOSTER!Story Reports
A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church, the Metropolitan Police Department said yesterday. Apr 18, 2009
Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who had been cooperating with a federal investigators, was found late Thursday night slumped dead inside a car, in front of the Judah House Praise Baptist Church in Northeast, said Cmdr. Michael Anzallo, head of the department's Criminal Investigations Division.
Cmdr. Anzallo said a police officer was patrolling the neighborhood when gunshots were heard, then Lt. Harris was found dead inside the vehicle, which investigators would describe only as a blue car.
Emergency medics pronounced him dead at the scene.
City police said they do not know whether his death was a direct result of his cooperation with federal investigators.
"We don't have any information right now that connects his murder to that case," Cmdr. Anzallo said.
Police say a "shot spotter" device helped an officer locate Lt. Harris.
A State Department spokeswoman yesterday declined to comment, saying the investigation into the passport fraud is ongoing.
The Washington Times reported April 5 that contractors for the State Department had improperly accessed passport information for presidential candidates Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain, which resulted in a series of firings that reached into the agency's top ranks
One agency employee, who was not identified in documents filed in U.S. District Court, was implicated in a credit-card fraud scheme after Lt. Harris told federal authorities he obtained "passport information from a co-conspirator who works for the U.S. Department of State."
On September 12, 2009 another key witness was murdered who could also expose the imposter obama. The man federal prosecutors pressured to cooperate in the corruption probe of ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich died of an apparent aspirin overdose on Saturday, law enforcement sources said.
Christopher Kelly, 51, of Burr Ridge, was pronounced dead at Stroger Hospital at 10:46 a.m.
It is no accident "key" witness to investigations that could expose the imposter obama are dead.
Key Blagojevich adviser Christopher Kelly dead
September 12, 2009
The man federal prosecutors pressured to cooperate in the corruption probe of ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich died of an apparent aspirin overdose on Saturday, law enforcement sources said.
Christopher Kelly, 51, of Burr Ridge, was pronounced dead at Stroger Hospital at 10:46 a.m. An autopsy is scheduled for today, a Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office spokeswoman said.
Kelly was Blagojevich’s “go-to guy” who once was the mastermind of the ex-governor’s lucrative campaign fund.
Kelly’s death comes just four days after he pleaded guilty to a scheme involving $8.5 million in fraud at O’Hare Airport. It was the second conviction this year -- he still faced trial along with the ex-governor, in June. Kelly had been indicted three times since 2007 but refused to become a cooperating witness. When he pleaded guilty to the O’Hare scheme Tuesday, Kelly spoke of feeling intense pressure by prosecutors to abandon his loyalty to Blagojevich and cooperate with the feds.
Devy Kidd
Both bodies had the duty to stop the confirmation of an illegal candidate and they didn't. We the people are doing what they should have done and that is expose Obama and get the question of his dual citizenship settled in a court of law. The next critical hearing is October 5, 2009, in front of Judge David Carter in federal court, Santa Ana, California.
CASE NO. SA CV09-0082-DOC(ANx)
OCTOBER 5, 2009 at 8:30 a.m.,
Courtroom 9-D
OKUBO CAUGHT AGAIN: Admits Providing False Information Regarding DoH Maintenance Of Divorce Records.Leo Donofrio Blog (Modern day lone ranger)
OKUBO CAUGHT AGAIN: Admits Providing False Information Regarding DoH Maintenance Of Divorce Records

One Action A U.S. Citizen May Take!
If ’you’ believe that the United States Constitution was violated and Obama’s eligibility warrants a public inquiry, please consider writing, in your own words, a letter to the proper authorities, politely and respectfully asking them to bring (or permit a third party to bring) the matter before the DC District Court. You may write to Acting United States Attorney Channing D. Phillips and or Patrick J. Fitzgerald: Fitzgerald is probably the best way to go -
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
United States Attorney
United States Attorney’s Office Fitzgerald
Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division
219 S. Dearborn St., 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 353-5300
Fax: (312) 353-2067
Both parents need to be US citizens for a child to be a natural born citizen, but the parents don't have to be nbc themselves or even born in the US, just that they were US citizens at the time their child was born on US soil.Leo Donofrio
Letters to us attorney District Of Columbia
The Constitutionally proper way to challenge POTUS eligibility is via the DC Code quo warranto statute.
If every person who was troubled by Obama’s eligibility wrote a letter to US Attorney Phillips and got on the same page, perhaps there might be enough of a public outcry for the US Attorney to move on this issue. But the forces are split up and divided. Much of this has been intentional and many have been duped.
Leo Donofrio quote
An example letter to send to US Attorney Channing D. Phillps District Of Columbia Another Action a Citizen May Take.
United States Attorney Channing D. Phillips
United States Attorney’s Office
555 4th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Mr. Phillips,
I am writing to you out of great concern and fear for the future of our constitutional republic. As I’ve watched events unfold since the 2008 presidential election I’ve learned about policies and actions proposed and/or taken by the executive and legislative branches of our federal government that are in stark contrast to the authorities and limits granted to them by our Constitution.
Witnessing this usurpation of authority on a daily basis, I grow increasingly concerned over the nagging questions regarding Mr. Obama’s allegiances and his constitutional eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States and serve as Commander In Chief of the military. As you should know, I am not alone. Numerous members of our citizenry and now some of our military members are publicly questioning his eligibility to the office and his allegiance to the Constitution. Some military members are even joining legal actions in our courts questioning his authority as Commander In Chief. It appears that these legal challenges, both direct and collateral, will persist until the questions are answered.
It is especially troubling when we see that our active and retired military are becoming involved, which has the potential to disrupt the military chain of command thus risking our national security. This is a mounting crisis that could have unfathomable consequences to our republic. I have even heard and read predictions of bloodshed and civil war! This is a serious matter and hopefully you agree that this crisis must be addressed sooner than later to preserve order and to protect our Constitution and nation from further damage.
I understand from the research by Attorney Leo Donofrio that this can be addressed legally (in accordance with the Constitution and statute) and peacefully by a quo warranto action by either yourself or the Attorney General. I quote the following from Mr. Donofrio’s open letter to you dated March 19, 2009:
“Since you are the main law enforcement officer charged with enforcing the District of Columbia Code, and since you are listed in 16-3502 as one of only two people who may institute a proceeding – upon their own motion – in quo warranto to investigate any United States public office holder’s qualifications if the office concerned is within the District of Columbia. I respectfully request that you bring such an action before the District Court for the District of Columbia as soon as possible.”
I too respectfully request that you bring such an action before the District Court for the District of Columbia as soon as possible. I fully understand that such an action will be highly controversial and will focus critical attention on you and your office. However, I believe this is exactly what is needed to quell the growing public concern over the eligibility and allegiance questions. It must be understood that the action is necessary to protect and defend the Constitution.
We must know if Mr. Obama is indeed a natural born Citizen as defined by the historical perspective of the framers when they included that specific eligibility requirement in the Constitution. It appears to me that it had a specific meaning to the framers. The qualifier “natural born” means that one’s “Citizenship” is absent of ambiguity – meaning both of your parents were US citizens at the time of your birth & you were born on US soil. According to the writings of the framers of the constitution, this qualifier was put in to avoid any allegiances to any other country and at the time in particular, England. The meaning of natural born Citizen over time perhaps has been obscured but the term has never been removed or altered by constitutional amendment. As further explained by Mr. Donofrio, the 14th Amendment has no effect on the natural born citizen clause.
If it is determined that Mr. Obama is constitutionally eligible, then his title to office of President will be cleared of all doubt and our nation can move ahead. If it is proven that he is truly ineligible and is therefore usurping the office, he must be removed. Either way, the matter will be resolved. This will be in the best interest of the nation and specifically the military chain of command.
It is not my intent to convince you with more details and citations as to the constitutional ineligibility of Mr. Obama for the office of President of the United States. It is only to convince you that the matter is indeed serious and is showing signs of reaching a boiling point. My great concern is that the longer it goes unresolved the more it puts our nation at risk of severe damage. I pray that you will have the wisdom and courage to take action on this matter and protect our Constitution and nation from such damage. God help us!
Contact Link For US Attorney
Channing D. Phillips District Of Columbia
Read the Minor v Happersett case. Identitfy the "doubts" SCOTUS had regarding nbc status. There are strongly opposed opinion on what a nbc is... SCOTUS expressed doubts that people born of foreign parents could be nbc... that is the most relevant decision in US Federal law and as such it remains controlling on the issue. Leo Donofrio Quote.
Additional Information That Throws A Dark Shadow On obama
We need to determine what passport obama used to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel was forbidden to US citizens.
There was a break-in at the passport office last summer; questions should be asked to see if it involved trying to hide his passport information. A man associated with that was found dead.
There are improprieties on his Selective Service Registration and print out and evidence that seems to show an insider helped to forge his registration to make it look like he registered at 18 when he did not. As a foreign student he did not have to register at 18, but needed to look like he registered when campaigning for president.
THE FEC only verifies a candidates eligibility to participate in public funding, which, Obama did not participate in. Again no verification of his citizenship or anything. Do you remember this?
Barack Obama II knew he could not pass an eligibility investigation: He rejected using public funding when he told the voters and his fellow candidates, John McCain and others, he would limit himself to public funding. He found FEC must verify candidate's eligibility to participate in public funding.
"In the Berg v Obama lawsuit, the FEC has responded to the suit, asking to be removed from the suit as it is not the responsibility of the FEC to verify a candidates eligibility. THE FEC only verifies a candidates eligibility to participate in public funding, which, Obama is not participating in. So, we now have the FEC washing their hands of verification, as well as the FBI washing their hands.
What is Quo Warranto?
In the year 2008, the United States knowingly elected a post-1787-born President whose parents were not both U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. In Minor v. Happersett, 1874, the Supreme Court stated that there is a legitimate unanswered question, or “doubt”, as to whether a U.S.-born child of a non-citizen parent is a Constitutional natural born citizen. Until the Supreme Court answers this question, it is by no means “settled” that Barack Obama is Constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States.
The DC District Court has the authority to investigate the eligibility of a sitting President. The DC District Court received this authority from Congress when Congress passed the Federal Quo Warranto Statute in 1901 and revised it, in 1963, to its present form.
A Quo Warranto inquiry is not a prosecution. It does not accuse Barack Obama of breaking any law. The inquiry is a civil proceeding, not a criminal one. In a Quo Warranto inquiry, the DC District Court would say to Barack Obama something to this effect (loosely paraphrased):
Mr. President, you are being asked to show, beyond reasonable doubt, that you are eligible to hold the office that you are currently holding. Please be advised: 1) You bear the burden of proof. It is up to you to show that you are eligible to serve as President. 2) Constitutional questions will be heard and settled by the U.S. Supreme Court. 3) This Quo Warranto proceeding has teeth. It operates under Congressional authority. If you cannot or will not show the Court, beyond reasonable doubt, that you are eligible to be President, this Court has the power and the authority to remove you from office.
The DC District Court would determine (by jury, if necessary) the relevant facts of the case — Obama’s birthplace, his parents’ citizenship, etc. The Supreme Court would then decide the Constitutional legal issues, such as what a Constitutional natural born citizen is and whether Barack Obama is such a citizen.
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