Selma has produced the corrput fruit of obama
OBAMA 2007: This is the site of my conCEPtion. I am the fruits of your labor. I am the offSPRING of the moveMENT. So when people ask me whether I've been to Sel-muh befo', I tell 'em I'm comin' home.
("The Fruit Of Selma" has a fake social security number. Not only was "the fruit of selma" never conceived in selama as obama said he was, he also has a FAKED SS NUMBER FROM CON-necticut. Obama was milking black Americans for votes when he declared he was "the fruit of selma" and was conceived in selma. This we know. Obama also has a FAKED SS number.) Story Reports
Information about the "fruit of selma's" FAKE SS Number
The Social Security number most commonly used by Barrak Hussein Obama is one issued by the state of Connecticut, the state where Barrak Hussein Obama never resided and shows him to be 119 years old.
This coupled with the fact that Mr Obama’s grandmother, Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court Probate department and had access to the Social Security Numbers of the deceased, constitutes circumstantial evidence casting serious doubt on the legitimacy of Mr Obama and his claims of being born on U.S. territory.”
(On the eve of Election Day 2008 Madeline Dunham suddenly died. I don't believe it was just a coincidence.) Story Reports
Obama currently is using a Social Security number that was issued in Connecticut sometime between 1977 to 1979, even though Obama's earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop in Oahu, Hawaii.
There is no evidence Obama, his father or his mother ever had a mailing address in Connecticut.
A Jun 2011 government policy change is an attempt to cover up in retrospect the controversy over Obama's Social Security number by making it impossible in the future to trace where a Social Security applicant lived at the time the person applied for a Social Security number.
Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels says, "With Obama, there is obviously a case of fraud going on here. In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."
Randomizing Social Security numbers represents a fundamental change of a Social Security Administration policy dating back to the first issuance of nine-digit SSNs in 1936, in which the first three digits always have been used to designate the geographical location from which an applicant has applied for a SSN.
Since 1972, the SSA started issuing Social Security cards centrally and the area number has been used to reflect the state from which a person has applied for a SSN, as determined by the ZIP code in the mailing address of the application.
"By randomizing Social Security numbers in the future, the Social Security administration is facilitating identity theft," Daniels said.
The rationale for the change offered by the SSA is that the current numbering scheme with the first three digits designating area of issuance "limits the number of SSNs that are available for issuance to individuals by each state, such that changing the number assignment methodology 'will extend the longevity of the nine digit SSN in all states.'"
With 5.5 million numbers issued annually and 435 million numbers yet to be issued, the Social Security Administration could continue issuing numbers under the current numbering code for another 79-80 years.
Randomization of Social Security numbers also would assist illegal immigrants with the type of identity theft needed to obtain employment illegally.
"Once Social Security numbers are randomized, you have no idea from the person's Social Security number where an immigrant settled into the United States, even if they got here legally,".
President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.
The records indicate the number was issued between 1977 and 1979, yet Obama's earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at a Baskin-Robbins ice-cream shop in Oahu, Hawaii.
Obama needs to explain why he is using a Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants that was issued at a date later than he is known to have held employment.
The question is being raised amid speculation about the president's history fueled by an extraordinary lack of public documentation. Along with his original birth certificate, Obama also has not released educational records, scholarly articles, passport documents, medical records, papers from his service in the Illinois state Senate, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and adoption papers.
To verify the number was issued by the Social Security Administration for applicants in Connecticut, Susan Daniels used a Social Security number verification database. She found that the numbers immediately before and immediately after Obama's were issued to Connecticut applicants between the years 1977 and 1979.
"There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," Daniels maintained. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii.
There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly.
Does the Social Security Administration ever re-issue Social Security numbers?
"Never," Daniels said. "It's against the law for a person to have a re-issued or second Social Security number issued."
Daniels said she is "staking my reputation on a conclusion that Obama's use of this Social Security number is fraudulent."
There is no indication in the limited background documentation released by the Obama 2008 presidential campaign or by the White House to establish that Obama ever lived in Connecticut.
Nor is there any suggestion in Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," that he ever had a Connecticut address.
Also, nothing can be found in the public record that indicates Obama visited Connecticut during his high-school years.
Daniels told WND she believes Obama had a different Social Security number when he worked as a teenager in Hawaii prior to 1977.
"I doubt this is President Obama's originally issued Social Security number," she told WND. "Obama has a work history in Hawaii before he left the islands to attend college at Occidental College in California, so he must have originally been issued a Social Security number in Hawaii."
"It is a crime to use more than one Social Security number, and Barack Obama had to have a previous Social Security number to have worked at Baskin-Robbins," she insisted. "Under current law, a person is not permitted to use more than one Social Security number in a lifetime."
Another anomaly in the law enforcement databases searched by Daniels and Sampson is that the date 1890 shows up in the field indicating the birth of the number holder, along with Obama's birth date of 08/04/1961. A third date listed is 04/08/1961, which appears to be a transposition of Obama's birth date in an international format, with the day before the month.
Daniels disclosed to WND the name of the database she searched and produced a computer screen copy of the page that listed 1890 as a date associated with the 042 Social Security number.
Daniels said she can't be sure if the 1890 figure has any significance. But she said it appears the number Obama is using was previously issued by the Social Security Administration.
After an extensive check of the proprietary databases she uses as a licensed private investigator, Daniels determined that the first occurrence of Obama's association with the number was in 1986 in Chicago.
Daniels assumes, but cannot prove, that Obama took on a previously issued Social Security number that had gone dormant due to the death of the original holder.
The whole point is you can't be issued two different SS numbers in two different states. Obama worked in Hawaii and says he was born there. His SS number is from Connecticut around 1978. Obama was issued a SS numner around 1978 from Connecticut yet he NEVER LIVED THERE! The SS number obama is using is STOLEN!
This is exaclty what illegal aliens use to steal identities, FAKE SS numbers.
(1) Obama has a fake ss number
(2) Obama has no documentation that has verified his online certification of live birth.
(3) Obama has not answered the many questions asked in State and Federal courts about his identity.
(4) Is there any reason not to believe obama is an illegal alien? Story Reports
Obama Has Always Been An Illegal Alien And Still Is
Obama’s "American citizen parent", Ann Dunham, had to have been a resident of the United States for 10 years, at least five of which were over the age of 14. Dunham did not meet that requirement (of the Nationality Act of 1940, revised June, 1952) until her 19th birthday in late November of 1961, almost four months after Obama was born.
Obama was born 18 years 8 months after his mother was born. This is another reason why the SS number is FAKED. The documentation obama needed to present to get a SS number would have required a document trail. This document trail would have compromised his true identity. Obama has no valid documentation that validates his FAKE certification of live birth.
Yet there are those that defend this fact.
The US Supreme Court will not verify obama's identity nor will any federal court. The US Congress will not verify obama's identity nor will the State of Hawaii except to issue verbal statments that cannot be verified.
The DNC has verified obama's identity but the DNC will not reveal how it was done.
Kerchner V Obama Filed 1/20/2009
No one in any official capacity has fully vetted the eligibility and Constitutional qualifications of Obama to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief of our military.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) did not adequately vet and verify Obama’s Article II “natural born citizenship” by having a disinterested third party check his original long-form birth records in the vaults in Hawaii.
The DNC could have requested and obtained certified copies but never did. The DNC has not signed any affidavit that Obama is an Article II “natural born citizen” of the U.S.
Attorney Berg demanded of the DNC that it vet Obama’s Article II “natural born Citizenship” status prior to the DNC Convention but they ignored him at that time.
Nancy Pelosi merely signed an affidavit to each state certifying that Obama was nominated.
The DNC nomination affidavit was different for the State of Hawaii because Hawaii law required that article II be included that obama was a natural born citizen.
The DNC nomination affidavit from pelosi is a total fraud.
Political parties were responsible for vetting Obama in each state. Hawaii was different.
The State of Hawaii is very clear in its Statute. The candidate for president MUST qualify according to the provisions of the United States Constitution.
Okay, the DNC, by sworn Affidavit of Nancy Pelosi did swear to this. So what is the problem? The problem again is that an Affidavit was signed but NO supporting documentation accompanied the ballot application.
It appears that in order to meet Hawaii statutory requirements, Nancy Pelosi signed a notarized nomination certificate affirming that BHO was eligible to serve as president according to the U.S. Constitution, yet she apparently used no court-vetted probative contemporaneous documents to do so. However, by relying on Pelosi’s signature attesting to Obama’s constitutional eligibility, it appears that the Secretary of State of Hawaii placed Obama’s name on the ballot. Without any probative contemporaneous documents (which do not exist) as the basis of Pelosi’s certification of Obama, the nominating form is arguably a forgery.
Nancy Pelosi signed a DIFFERENT Affidavit for the other 49 States. The “other” Affidavit contained NO written clause whatsoever attesting to Constitutional eligibility of the candidate, Barack Obama.
Hawaii had the ability to require proof of “natural born” citizenship from the DNC and Obama by demanding supporting documentation.
The applicable Statute was not enforced by Hawaii.
Excerpt from South Carolina Statute:
South Carolina: SECTION 7-11-20.
Political parties must verify the qualifications of candidates prior to certifying to the State Election Commission the names of candidates to be placed on primary ballots. The written certification required by this section must contain a statement that each certified candidate meets, or will meet by the time of the general election, or as otherwise required by law, the qualifications in the United States Constitution, statutory law, and party rules to participate in the presidential preference primary for which he has filed. Political parties must not certify any candidate who does not or will not by the time of the general election meet the qualifications in the United States Constitution, statutory law, and party rules for the presidential preference primary for which the candidate desires to file, and such candidate’s name must not be placed on a primary ballot.
South Carolina DID NOT receive an Affidavit from the Democratic National Committee which included words to the effect of meeting “qualifications in the United States Constitution.” Pelosi sent the “other” Affidavit instead.
The State of South Carolina DID NOT enforce their “qualification” Statute either.
In sum, the August 14 letter from SC D state party Chair Carol Fowler Certifying the names and the eligibility of D candidates to appear on that state’s general election ballot appears to be kosher. On the other hand, that November 1, 2007 typed and hand-written memo Certifying the names and eligibility of D candidates to appear on that state’s Presidential Preference primary, signed by both Ms. Fowler and Ms. Hensley, have ‘election fraud’ written all over it.
The candidates to whose eligibility Ms. Fowler attested in that August 14 letter, did not include BO and JB as the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees for the party, but all of the ‘down ticket’ Democrats whose names the state D party wanted to appear on SC’s general election ballot, names listed on pages that were attached to her filing with the SCEC
This is how FRAUD occurred in the 2008 SC presidential election. Obama was qualified by the DNC with no supporting documentation
There was NO supporting documentation given to Hawaii or South Carolina.
Both of these states totally relied on the unverified qualification statments of the DNC.
Its just like what the Hawaii wants you to believe today. Unverified qualification statments about obama's certification of live birth certificate.
No one in the United States including the DNC can verify or prove obama is an American Citizen!!!!!!