History of The Tuskegee Airmen
The true story of the Tuskegee Airmen is far broader than one of just aviation and the first American Black Military Pilots and Crewmen to serve during WWII. It is one of this country's shining examples of unwavering human spirit, courage and enduring determination smack in the face of some of the most overwhelming personal odds. In an Experimental Training Program designed to fail from the start, Cadets at Tuskegee Army Air Field, Tuskegee, Alabama went through hell to earn their wings.
Cadets endured blatant disrespect, injustice and double standards throughout their training only to prove to themselves, the U.S. Army Air Corp, and their country that they most certainly could pilot aircraft if only given a fair chance. With the great support of Eleanor Roosevelt (wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, our 32nd President), not only would they become pilots, but would soon become arguably the most skilled aviators—and most feared by the German pilots who fought them—during World War II. However, that is still just part of their story.
What they didn't know at the time was that their personal sacrifice and achievements would forever break new boundaries for both the military and the entire nation. While they battled the Germans in Europe, and racism at home, it would have been difficult for them to imagine that their courage and determination to overcome adversity would soon fuel positive and far-reaching change back home.
Their example would ripple throughout the following decades and would be recognized as the birth of the Civil Rights Movement in this country. While many of these veterans came back to the States to start families, careers and go on to become community leaders, many airmen stayed on in the Military to make a career at what they did best, fly aircraft.
Of the milestones, awards and distinctions earned by the Tuskegee Airmen, they themselves define their greatest achievements as "The Four Hurrahs."
First Hurrah: Graduating from Flying School at Tuskegee Army Air Field and being assigned to the 99th Pursuit Squadron and subsequently to the 332nd Fighter Group.
Second Hurrah: The 332nd Fighter Group escorted over 200 bombing missions over Europe during World War II and established a record that would never be equaled.
Last Hurrah: Winning the 2 May 1949 "First Ever" United States Air Force Weapons Meet to become the "First Top Guns". This would not have been possible without the dedication of our Maintenance Personnel. They were the "Best" in the United States Air Force and James Harvey's Crew Chief, Staff Sergeant Buford Johnson, was the "Best of the Best".
Final Hurrah: Receiving the "Congressional Gold Medal" on 29 March 2007.
The so-called "Studies" conducted by the Army War College, depicted the Negro Soldier as lacking in "physical courage" and "psychological characteristics" which made him "Inherently Inferior" to the White Soldier. Therefore, the Negro could not fly or operate heavy equipment. However, the NAACP, the Negro Press and a couple of forward thinking Congressmen, put pressure on the War Department to form a Tactical Unit for Negroes. The War Department finally gave in and designated the 99th Pursuit Squadron to be manned by Negro Pilots graduating from Tuskegee Army Air Field. A "Designed To Fail" program was instituted for Negroes desiring to be pilots in the Army Air Corp. We overcame all of the obstacles (there were plenty) that were placed in our path, to become the "Best Fighter Group" in the Army Air Corp and subsequently the United State Air Force.
(This is a real story of racism and how the negro soldier that had real ability made real racists look like fools. Its an excellent example of individuals telling the government to go to hell. There is a big difference between real racism and made up racism or playing the "race card" of jessie jackson, al sharpton and obama.) Story Reports
“Initially, they said that I wasn’t physically qualified to fly. I, in essence, said, ‘To Hell with you, I am going to fly,’ ” Lt. Col. John Mosley with the Tuskegee Airmen said.
And fly he did — all the way into the history books. Mosley was part of the 477th Bomber Group, 318th — and failure was not an option.
“I recognized that they didn’t want me there,” John Mosley said. “And all you have to do to encourage me is to tell me that I can’t do or that I don’t want you.”
Tuskegee Airmen From Colorado Inspire Younger Generations
Red Tails (2012) HD Movie Trailer - Lucasfilm Official Trailer Fictional Account Of A True Story