I research news articles and comment. The deep state includes corrupt state and local officials.
Some links are out of date on this blog and information on some of these links has changed.
1803 posts are too many to go through and change a link that is bad or has been purchased by someone other than me.
The Information on links I no longer own or control, I am not in no way responsible for what is on the link. Just beware.
"If Obama was not born in the United States, there exists a possibility that Obama could be an illegal alien". Mario Apuzzo
The fact is obama has admitted he IS NOT a natural born citizen in Senate Resolution S 511. April 30, 2008. Obama has admiited he is an IMPOSTER president. All orders from obama are illegal. All laws signed by obama are illegal also.
Obama became a FRAUD the day he entered the presidential primaries because he had previously cosponsored and signed a resolution, S. RES. 511, stating a natural born citizen must be born of two US citizens at birth. It is not only a possibility, it is a probability that Obama is not a natural born citizen and also an illegal alien. Story Reports
What is important, is the law that was in effect at the time of Barack Obama's birth to his parents. The law in 1961. Not the law 10 years later or now.
A petition for writ of certiorari has been filed with the high court in the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision to uphold the dismissal of a case brought by attorney Mario Apuzzo on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James Lenormand and Donald H. Nelsen Jr.
The case alleges Congress failed to follow the Constitution, which "provides that Congress must fully qualify the candidate 'elected' by the Electoral College Electors."
Named as defendants are Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives, former Vice President Dick Cheney and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The case alleges Congress failed to follow the Constitution, which "provides that Congress must fully qualify the candidate 'elected' by the Electoral College Electors."
Apuzzo said Obama not only has not proven, as required under the Constitution, his status as a "natural born citizen," but "he has hidden all his early life records including his original long-form birth certificate, early school records, college records, travel and passport records needed to prove he is even a born citizen of the United States."
Barack Hussein Obama has not yet conclusively proven that he was born in the United States. His father was never a United States citizen nor was he even a permanent resident. Obama sr and obama jr both became Kenyan citizens when Kenya got its independence in 1963.
"Obama was born a British subject/citizen to a British subject/citizen father and a U.S. citizen mother. Obama's father was not a U.S. citizen and never intended to be one. Obama's father was never even an immigrant to the USA nor was he even a permanent legal resident. Obama's father was a foreign national sojourning in the USA to attend college. Obama is still a British subject/citizen to this day because he has never renounced that citizenship. According to this lawsuit, Obama was born a dual-citizen with dual allegiance and loyalty and is therefore not constitutionally eligible to be the president and commander-in-chief of our military," Kerchner explained.
The lawsuit simply seeks a trial on the merits "to determine the true facts of Obama's legal identity and exact citizenship status and to require Obama to prove to the courts that he is eligible for the federal office he sits in per our Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, which states: No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
Apuzzo also said, "Whether he is legitimate is also vital in maintaining the proper chain of command in our military and in giving legality to all military orders … Since the president signs all acts passed by Congress into law, it is vitally important that the president be legitimately in power so as to give those laws domestic and international legality."
Other documentation not yet available for Obama includes his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records.
Justice Clarence Thomas, in an appearance before Congress, previously said the court has been "evading" the Obama eligibility issue.
(I agree with Chuck, obama is nothing but a failure. A successful failure. Obama is a traitor to America and the enemy within.) Story reports
Chuck Norris WND
Failure is obama's greatest accomplishment.
The fact is, Obama entered office with no executive experience, and his business plan to get our economy out of hock has been a miserable failure. The failure was on purpose.
At that town hall-type CNBC meeting last week obama defended his economic policies while being hammered by citizens from every stratum of our economic society.
The chief financial officer of AmVets, a veterans organization, who was also respectively an African-American woman, Mrs. Velma Hart, stood to her feet to address the president. By the time she was done, you could hear a pin drop.
Mrs. Velma Hart told BO:
"I'm one of your middle-class Americans, and quite frankly I'm exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for. I'm deeply disappointed with where we are right now. I have been told that I voted for a man who said he was going to change things in a meaningful way for the middle class. I'm one of those people. And I'm waiting sir, I'm waiting. I – I don't feel it yet. … I'm a mother. I'm a wife. I'm an American veteran, and I'm one of your middle-class Americans. … My husband and I have joked for years that we thought we were well beyond the hot dogs-and-beans era of our lives. But, quite frankly, it is starting to knock on our door and ring true that that might be where we are headed again."
She even silenced pro-Obama comedian news commentator Jon Stewart on his "Comedy Central" show a few days later. Having shown the clip of Mrs. Hart's diatribe, Stewart labeled her "Obama's kryptonite" and the "perfect Obama zapping machine." Lacking for pro-Obama comic material, Stewart gave evidence to her words by playing a video string of broken promises from the very mouth of Obama over the past couple years.
He then likened Mrs. Hart's representative disappointment of Obama to the purchase and disenchanting reception of an overly exaggerated infomercial product.
Most telling, however, was what sounded like Stewart's own concluding contrite and sincere confession of displeasure with Obama:
"I guess what I'm saying, Mr. President is, I don't know who's to blame: You, for making this s--t look so good, or us for believing it."
Within the past 15 months BO has made his ecnomic s--t look good and many Americans have believed him.
* The national unemployment rate is now at 9.7 percent, essentially unchanged from a year earlier.
* At this moment, 13 states have a 10 percent or higher unemployment rate – with Nevada leading the way at 14.1 percent, followed by Michigan at 13.1 percent California at 12.4 percent, Rhode Island at 11.8 percent and Florida at 11.7 percent.
* In August, 27 states recorded unemployment rate increases. In July, it increased in only 14 states.
* In August, employers took 1,546 mass layoff actions involving 150,192 workers.
* The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris concludes that the U.S. unemployment rate will not fall to pre-recession levels until at least 2013.
* One in 10 homeowners face foreclosure – with 9.9 percent of homeowners behind at least one mortgage payment.
* The U.S. Commerce Department reported that new home sales fell 12.4 percent in July, the slowest pace on record dating back to 1963.
* The National Association of Realtors said existing home sales from June 2010 dropped a record 27.2 percent to an annual rate of 3.83 million units, the lowest level since May 1995.
* Foreclosures are up 4 percent, with more than 300,000 filings for foreclosure each of the last 17 months – and a record 24.5 percent increase in foreclosures in July alone.
* Of the $1.4 trillion of commercial real-estate debt coming due by the end of 2014, roughly 52 percent is attached to properties that are underwater.
* In 2009, a record number of one in seven people in the U.S. (roughly 45 million) were considered in poverty – the highest single-year increase since the government started calculating poverty figures in 1959.
* Forty-five percent of 401k participants who took a hardship withdrawal in 2009, also took another one in 2010.
* And as I pointed out in Part 1 of my economic series, according to the Bureau of Public Debt, as of Aug. 20, 2010, after just the 19 months of Obama's four-year term, the public debt has grown to $8.8333 trillion, an increase of $2.5260 trillion.
* And according to the Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, analysis released on Sept. 7, by the end of the current fiscal 2010 year, which ends with the closure of this month, there will be another deficit of at least $1.3 trillion – what the CBO labeled, "the second-largest shortfall in the past 65 years," second to last year's deficit of 9.9 percent of GDP.
I heard glenn beck on the radio interviewing someone about the real reason obama loathes America. Glenn beck asked the author to talk about the 'birther thing". The author concluded that it is a fact obama was born in Hawaii just because a notice was printed in an Hawaiian paper at the time his "birth certificate" was generated. He said the birth certificate thing was a diversion from the real facts about why obama was trying to destroy free enterprise in America.
Glenn beck nor the author acknowledged that anytime a certification of live birth was generated it automatically was printed in the newspaper. Neither man talked about the fact a certification of live birth could have been requested for a birth outside of Hawaii because of Hawaiian law.
Beck nor the author talked about the fact obama's certification of live birth cannot be verified or validated by the information on the document itself. No hospital or doctors names. No signatures of any kind.
Glenn Beck is smart enough to know obama's jpeg "birth certificate" CANNOT be verified or validated by the information on the document. The question is why is beck ignoring this fact? Beck is good with facts and numbers. The fact that beck is ignoring the facts about obama's certification of live birth tells me Glenn Beck doesn't pass the SMELL TEST about the ILLEGITIMATE "president" obama.
To me beck's obsession with ignoring the birth issue of obama by degrading "birthers" or anyone who questions obama's illegitimate certification of live birth is more than just strange.
Beck, like obama, wants you to believe obama has a legitimate certified and verified "birth certificate".
Beck and obama in this case are both LIARS.
Beck ignores the fact obama's certificate of live birth has NOT been certified or verified by ANYONE. Beck and others point to the Hawaiian officials who have stated their opinion about obama's "birth certificate". Its just their opinion without any verification or certification. Their verbal statements are not worth anymore than a used car salesman selling you a lemon and telling you it is guaranteed "AS IS" which means there is no guarantee of any kind.
The question is why does beck ignore the truth about obama's certification of live birth?
He is to smart to think it is legitimate. He is to smart to think those whose question the FRAUD birth certificate are just harping on an illegitimate issue. This means Glenn Beck is also part of the coverup about obama's eligibility requirements for president.
Beck pounds obama about various crimminal deceptions and reveals obama as a FRAUD yet he ignores the facts about obama's eligibility requirements for president. Beck ignores also the fact the DNC Failed to Certify Obama as Eligible in 49 States
My conclusion is beck is covering up for obama and his eligibility requirements for president.
This fact alone makes me question Glenn Beck and his modus operandi
Not only should American's question anything that comes out of obama's mouth but we should also question anything that comes out of the mouth of Glenn Beck who is covering up the facts about obama and his eligibility requirements for president. .........................................................................................
Hawaii's local Democratic Party refused to include the certification on its paperwork that obama was qualified under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.
Only one state – Hawaii – was sent a document from Nancy Pelosi in 2008 certifying that obama was qualified under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.
The DNC never certified constitutional eligibility for Barack Hussein Obama, despite their many claims of proper vetting and certification, all of which we now know to be false
Two documents were prepared by Democrats to certify Obama as their nominee for president. One contains language affirming his constitutional eligibility, filed in Hawaii where state law requires the specific language, and another omits the language, filed in the remaining 49 states.
Democratic Party documents posted online from the 2000, 2004 and 2008 elections reveal the change in wording that Hawaii Democrats adopted when Obama was their candidate.
In 2008, the words missing include "the provisions of the United States Constitution."
By omitting the above words, the Democractic Party of Hawaii (DPH) was signaling the following: 1. DPH is merely certifying that Obama is legally qualified to serve as president by virtue of the ballots of the Democratic Parties of the 50 states. The DPH is not certifying that Obama is legally qualified to serve as president under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution! 2. The DPH is also saying that Obama and Biden are NOT the chosen candidates of the state of Hawaii.
The Hawaii Democratic Party actually ignored their protocols in 2008 in order to specifically NOT certify Obama's eligibility as they had done for candidates in the past. ........
Passport records for Obama’s mother most likely included information about obama's documentation of citizenship. A claim was made that passport applications through 1968 were destroyed in the 1980′s after the retention period was changed from 100 years to 15 years for 5-year passports and 20 years for 10-year passports.
This is another obvious coverup of obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president. Beck ignores this also.
In an affidavit filed in the Strunk case to see passport records for Obama’s mother, a claim was made that passport applications through 1968 were destroyed in the 1980′s after the retention period was changed from 100 years to 15 years for 5-year passports and 20 years for 10-year passports.
In 1981 the GAO published recommendations for the passport office which have been used to support the claims in the Strunk case, because the GAO did recommend that retention periods be shortened. But the report actually reveals things that are VERY problematic to the claims in the Passport Office’s alleged “cable” which claimed the passport applications had been destroyed.
Hawaii law (HRS 338-17) says that an amended birth certificate is not prima facie evidence. The probative value of an amended BC is determined when it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body. Until that happens the amended BC has no more legal weight than Monopoly money. Even if Nancy Pelosi or anybody within the DNC or Hawaii Democratic Party had ASKED to see Obama’s documents (which the HDOH confirms none of them ever has), they could not legally determine his birth facts because they are not administrative or judicial. Likewise, Chiyome Fukino could not make an announcement declaring what Obama’s birth facts are because there is no procedure whereby his birth certificate would be presented to her AS EVIDENCE.
WND has reported that among the documentation not yet available for Obama includes his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records. Obama hides all these records because it hides his NON ELIGIBILITY to be president.
Glenn beck has ignored and covered up these facts also for obama. Story Reports
GLENN: Okay, hang on. Before you go on, when I read this in the article, I immediately looked at Pat and I said, this will connect with people if you say the Story of Stuff. The left, have you seen the Story of Stuff? The left has done the Story of Stuff and we went over that like 18 months ago. That America is consuming all of the world's resources, that America has stolen things from other countries. So this is not a first of all, will you deny the Birther thing?
(Skip in transscript)
GLENN: You have to go to a Manchurian Candidate.
GLENN: At birth.
GLENN: Right. Now listen, if you, if you want to look at Barack Obama and make sense of his policies, you cannot. For instance, last week the federal government okayed a billion dollar loan to Mexico to drill for oil in the Gulf where we have where we've stopped drilling. Why are we loaning them a billion dollars to drill where we can't? Deep sea, I told you this about five months ago. We've made a gigantic loan to Brazil so they can go and do deep sea drilling off the coast of Brazil. What was it, twice as deep as what we had a problem with? And we shut down all of our oil rigs? Now, why would we take our money and give it to Brazil and give it to Mexico to do the things that we are telling that a president is telling us is too dangerous for the environment to do?
D'SOUZA: This is absolutely critical and in fact I think even Obama's own supporters are misunderstanding him. They think he's a conventional liberal. They think he a he like Al Gore: He thinks the planet is too hot, he thinks that energy consumption for the world is too high, he wants to decrease it across the board. But then we see no, he doesn't. He wants to decrease energy consumption by us while increasing energy availability and consumption by them. In other words, he wants to decrease the wealth of the colonizers, the rich West, and increase the availability of wealth and energy. That's why he proposes huge global transfers of wealth from the wealthy west to the rest. So this anticolonial key opens the lock. We have a lot of other arguments and they're like hammers. They bang around at Obama, they try to fit him into some theory and then there is the rage. The reason I call the book The The Roots of Obama's Rage is that this isn't ideology, this isn't something he picked up in college, flirted with as sort of a quasi Marxist. This is rooted in his own deep personal history. He's a little bit like the guy in the Schwarzenegger movie who comes home and his whole family has been massacred and he becomes a man on a mission. He's got to go back, he's got to settle scores, he's got
GLENN: See, I have to
D'SOUZA: This is Barack Obama.
(Glenn Beck is quoted above as saying obama was a Manchurian Candidate at birth if you question obama's birth certificate authenticity. Not exactly glenn. Obama is a manchurian or FAKE president not just because of his FAKE certificate of live birth. Obama was not illegitimate at birth because he was a Manchurian Candidate at birth. This is becks attempt to coverup the fact obama is an illegitimate president. He protrays the certificate of live birth obama has presented to the world as fact and portrays "birthers" as those who think obama was illegitimate because he was conceived as a Manchurian Candidate at birth.
Obama's birth and the Manchurian Candidate "president" he now is are two different issues. Obama's birth record has never been verified for the public to see. The fact obama is a "Manchurian Candidate" has been verified by obama himself. Glenn beck knows this yet covers up the most important fact about obama that he is an illegitimate president because his birth has NEVER been verified by the American public!. It leads to the question is beck a Manchurian commentator?) Story reports