Friday, August 19, 2016
Can the presidential election be hacked?
Can the presidential election be hacked?
Hack Yes!
A majority of states use some kind of combination of electronic voting and a type of paper trail, but there is no standard nationwide. In most states the data that are used to determine who won an election are processed by networked, computerized devices. There are almost no locations that exclusively use paper ballots. Some states allow direct from home voting over the internet. Others employ electronic voting machines that produce no paper trail, therefore there is nothing to count or recount and no way to ensure that what a voter intended is what was recorded and transmitted.
Some systems produce a paper ballot of record, but that paper is kept only for a recount; votes are recorded by a machine such as an optical scanner and then stored as electronic digits. The counting of the paper ballots of record is exceedingly rare and is almost never done for verification in the absence of a recount demand.
The verification systems in place in most states can check only two things well.
First, they can provide a basis for comparing the number of people who showed up and were allowed to vote at a location with the voter total reported at the end of the day by that precinct. Thats the piece of paper you many see posted on the door where you vote.
Second, they can compare the total votes for a candidate reported by each precinct to the state capital against the number that the capital says it received from each location.
The ways to hack the election are straightforward and are like the computer system attacks that you hear about every day in the private sector and on government networks in the U.S. and elsewhere. Malware can be implanted on voting machines. Almost none of these machines have any kind of malware detection software like those used at major corporations and government agencies. Even if they did, many of those cybersecurity tools are regularly defeated by today’s sophisticated hackers.
It could happen. There is nothing to stop it from happening in many parts of the country, and there is not even an effort to see if it is happening.
American voters will have no way to know if they can trust the results of the election, unless it is a landslide, so large that it seems unlikely that the winning margin was purely the result of malicious activity.
In any close election, because we have not done the simple things that could protect the integrity of our democratic process, there will be room for doubt.
(Keep in mind george soros has an operative that owns a foreign company that counts the electronic votes.)
Soros operative buys an Election Firm: Smartmatic, SGO, Malloch-Brown
Jul 12, 2015
Soros Board Member Chairs Firm Running Online Voting
George Soros (A deceiver.)
Time it takes to rig a voting machine? 7 minutes
A Princeton professor is reigniting the debate around potential election-rigging in U.S. elections, by reportedly showing it is possible to hack some voting machines in as little as seven minutes.
Time it takes to rig a voting machine? 7 minutes
Fraction Magic Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers (Parts 1 -6)
This report summarizes the results of our review of the GEMS election management system, which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes in the United States.
The results of this study demonstrate that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can be applied across large jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds.
Visit Parrot News Report (Read the news don't just parrot it!)
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Two black teenagers accused of killing a good samaritan

Two black teenagers accused of killing a good Samaritan
Two teenagers are accused of fatally shooting a man who stopped to help them get a vehicle out of a ditch late Monday in North Charleston.
The Charleston County Coroner’s Office identified the victim as Chadwick Garrett, a 45-year-old North Charleston resident. He died around 11:35 p.m. at the scene near Durant Avenue and North Jimtown Drive.
Deon Antonio Frasier, 17, and Michael Odell Anthony Dupree-Tyler, 19 — both of the Reserve at Ashley River Apartments, 6520 Dorchester Road — face murder charges in connection with the shooting. Frasier is also charged with possession of a firearm during a violent crime.
A magistrate judge could not set bail on the charges at a bond hearing Tuesday night.
Arrest affidavits state that around 11 p.m. Monday, Garrett agreed to help the teens pull a 2016 Dodge Durango out of a ditch for $20. A witness, who is not named in the documents, told North Charleston police that after he removed the vehicle from the ditch and inquired about the money owed, Frasier pulled out a gun and fired multiple shots.
(This is an example of pure evil. A man stops to help 2 others and then they kill him and take his money.
There was another incident in this state that was similar. A man picked up a person walking along the road that needed a ride. He gave him a ride then was murdered for no reason.
In SC you can carry a concealed weapon. I think this is important to do.
In the above cases both seemed like people who just needed some help.
My point is you never know about helping people on the roadside.
My advice is don't because you may become a victim.)
Repeating The National And International News Media Latest Breaking News Articles "New Speak".
The above article if reported in the "state run national news media" will be reported in a political correct way as not to offend someone.
The North Charleston Post and Courier is local news and has revealed that the accused killers were black.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Paisano's Italian Restaurant mimics the Black Lives Matters Movement
Paisano’s Under Fire
Paisano's Italian Restaurant (NM) mimics the Black Lives Matters Movement
KOAT-TV reported Monday that Paisano’s in Albuquerque is selling “black olives matter” shirts and hats after making national headlines for putting the phrase on a sign outside the restaurant.
Paisano’s owner Rick Camuglia said he emblazoned the phrase on the restaurant's main sign to sell a new recipe: a tuna dish with black olive tapenade.
Camuglia posted pictures of the dish and the sign on Facebook, drawing complaints he was being insensitive and trivializing a movement aimed at trying to stop police shootings of black residents.
Camuglia insisted he was not trying to stir racial tensions and was only trying to sell food.
He said that people from all over the world has called his restaurant to show him support.
He said that he put the slogan on hats and T-shirts because people who supported the restaurant wanted to by a souvenir of sorts from the restaurant.
Camuglia also told the station that business is booming.
Paisano's Italian Restaurant (Albuquerque, NM)
In the early 1970's, Joseph Camuglia opened Paisano's Italian Restaurant. Paisano's began with a limited menu featuring pizza and hearty Italian sandwiches on freshly baked bread, but soon grew to offer a complete Italian menu specializing in traditional preparations of fresh pasta, veal, fish, poultry and beef. Everything served is created in our on-premise kitchen from scratch.
Don't forget to tip the pizza delivery guy.
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Paisano's Italian Restaurant (NM) mimics the Black Lives Matters Movement
KOAT-TV reported Monday that Paisano’s in Albuquerque is selling “black olives matter” shirts and hats after making national headlines for putting the phrase on a sign outside the restaurant.
Paisano’s owner Rick Camuglia said he emblazoned the phrase on the restaurant's main sign to sell a new recipe: a tuna dish with black olive tapenade.
Camuglia posted pictures of the dish and the sign on Facebook, drawing complaints he was being insensitive and trivializing a movement aimed at trying to stop police shootings of black residents.
Camuglia insisted he was not trying to stir racial tensions and was only trying to sell food.
He said that people from all over the world has called his restaurant to show him support.
He said that he put the slogan on hats and T-shirts because people who supported the restaurant wanted to by a souvenir of sorts from the restaurant.
Camuglia also told the station that business is booming.
Paisano's Italian Restaurant (Albuquerque, NM)
In the early 1970's, Joseph Camuglia opened Paisano's Italian Restaurant. Paisano's began with a limited menu featuring pizza and hearty Italian sandwiches on freshly baked bread, but soon grew to offer a complete Italian menu specializing in traditional preparations of fresh pasta, veal, fish, poultry and beef. Everything served is created in our on-premise kitchen from scratch.
Don't forget to tip the pizza delivery guy.
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