Eileen Battisti’s Aliquippa, Pa. home was sold off after she failed to pay a $6.30 interest charge that ballooned to $235 over two years.
Associated Press
BEAVER, Pa. (AP) - A widow was given ample notice before her $280,000 house was sold at a tax auction three years ago over $6.30 in unpaid interest, a Pennsylvania judge has ruled.
The decision last week turned down Eileen Battisti's request to reverse the September 2011 sale of her home outside Aliquippa in western Pennsylvania.
"I paid everything, and didn't know about the $6.30," Battisti said. "For the house to be sold just because of $6.30 is crazy."
Battisti, who still lives in the house, said Monday that she plans to appeal to Commonwealth Court. That court earlier ordered an evidentiary hearing, which led to last week's ruling.
Joe Askar, Beaver County's chief solicitor, said the judge got the decision right, based on the law.
"The county never wants to see anybody lose their home, but at the same time the tax sale law, the tax real estate law, doesn't give a whole lot of room for error, either," Askar said.
Battisti said her husband handled the paperwork for the property's taxes before he passed away in 2004.
(This is another example of corrupt government, this time its corrupt local government. The judge is corrupt also. The solicitor said the judge "didn't have a whole lot of room for error". That is an excuse to steal a widow's home for $6.30! The judge could have ruled that the widow just pay the original $6.30 that was due also the interest charge of $235.00 due instead of selling her home. The house was sold for $116,000. Eileen Battisti's house was taken without regard to the widow living in the home. This could happen anywhere because federal, state and local governments have too much power and control over citizens.
This is a shame and disgrace. Bubba you could be next so if you owe $6.30 to the corrupt government pay it and don't give them an excuse to steal you home.) Story Reports