Dr Tony Beam
Dr. Tony Beam
Director of Christian Worldview Center at North Greenville University.
It's Time to Nail Our Colors to the Mast
They say confession is good for the soul so at the risk of sounding whiny I want to confess that I am physically and mentally exhausted. In fact, last week the thought crossed my mind to toss in the towel with my writing and my radio show and simply concentrate on my responsibilities at North Greenville University.
My weariness is not from my schedule, although doing the radio show requires my getting up at the crack of dawn and my responsibilities at North Greenville often see me working well into the evening. No, the source of my weariness is the pressure I feel from all sides to compromise or at least moderate my stand in both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Man.
It seems everywhere I turn I read the opinions and hear the voices of well-respected, well-educated evangelicals who say we must change our message because the world doesn’t like us much. I hear we need to back off our defense of marriage and our insistence on protecting the sanctity of life because the world has moved on to a different agenda. Unbelievers think Christians are narrow-minded, mean, and too political. What we need, the voices say, is a complete image makeover so we can convince the world that in the battle of good and evil we are the good guys. We need to raise the white flag in the culture war since we lost long ago and focus on how we can connect with people who are concerned about global warming and the politics of change.
Clemson University Professor Dr. Dave Woodard, writing in the new book Why We Whisper he co-authored with U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, (R-SC) said,
“In the late twentieth century, the authority of political power became wedded to the secular-progressive worldview, a philosophy that replaced absolute truths with grand abstract narratives and unfounded pronouncements. This new worldview asserts that since there is no public truth, the only thing that matters is private truth. As Americans lost their right to disagree with secular- progressive beliefs, they were forced to bear the costs, often extreme, of the new standards of behavior. These resulting costs of our deteriorating culture are now borne by Americans who cannot complain without being berated and being labeled racist, sexist, homophobic, intolerant, and ignorant.”
Woodard speaks of the privatization of truth that demands people who have a well developed Christian worldview and a strong set of traditional values never raise their voice above a whisper in the public arena. It is ok for us to speak openly, within the safe confines of our houses of worship but we must moderate our message in the public sphere so we can avoid the growing list of negative labels that are attached to us by the media when we dare to raise our voices in the marketplace of ideas.
Apparently, it isn’t just evangelicals who are buying into this need to change. Right now, because of three consecutive key losses in three state congressional races that should have been automatic wins for the party, the national Republican leadership is calling for a “re-branding” of the Republican image. It is unpopular to talk about abortion, the defense of traditional marriage, the myth of global warming, and the importance of a strong national defense in the face of the threat of international terrorism. So we are told what is needed is for conservatives to moderate their message and enlarge their tent so more people will like us.
Rather than sticking to what we believe is true and passionately arguing for the traditional values that have made America great, we need to move to the middle and join those who would take us down a completely different path. A path to a new, more progressive America where the real issues are the crisis of climate change, the lack of universal health care, and the need to help our enemies understand us better.
I was almost ready to join the march to the middle for no other reason except I was growing weary of seeming to be out of step with the masses. But then I received a timely reminder from an unlikely source of what is really needed in our world today. Every morning as I prepare for the airing of Christian Worldview Today I read something called the radio “prep sheet.” It is a list of celebrity birthdays, cultural trivia, historical events for the day, and so on that can be used as filler in the course of the show. One of the filler items was a trivia question asking where the term “nail your colors to the mast” originated. It is a naval term used in battle. Every navel vessel flies the flag (the colors) of their county in battle. When the captain of the ship realizes the battle is lost he gives the order to “strike the colors” to indicate surrender.
Nailing the colors to the mast means no surrender. It means the captain and crew are ready to fight until the ship goes down.
Reading this, I immediately thought of the words of Jesus in Luke 9:62, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” I decided to nail my colors to the mast, stay in the battle, and keep my trust in the Master of the sea.
(This is exactly what christian patriots must do. If we as Americans are to save our republic from a complete communist/socialist/marxist police state we must do what the crew and captain of a ship does when they will not surrender to the enemy. We must not surrender to government tyranny.
The enemy of the people's freedom has become our own government.) Story Reports
Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.
George Washington
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
George Washington
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington
Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.
George Washington
The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves.
George Washington
The enemy of the people's freedom has become our own government. Martial law is in effect as soon as obama signs the ndaa of 2012
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 in section 1031 authorizes the US military to "kidnap" or kill "a person" or ANY US CITIZEN WITHOUT THE INDIVIDUALS OR INDIVIDUAL BEING ALLOWED TO QUESTION OR DEFEND ANYTHING. NO CHARGES, NO TRIAL NO OPPURTUNITY TO CONFRONT THE ACCUSERS.
Section 1031 is worded to explain this is needed in a time of war to detain terrorists in America. This section gives several examples of terrorists.
All these examples can be ignored because the US military CAN "kidnap", not arrest A PERSON or ANY PERSON WITH OUT ANY CHARGES OR TRAIL, and keep them in detention forever.
The communist obama regime specifically requested that this ILLEGAL UNCONSTITUTIAL mandate be put into the bill.
It allows the federal government and military to indefinitely imprison American citizens without charge or trial, inside or outside of the United States.
Sections 1031 and 1032
This violates the 5th, 6th, 7th Amendment, and the Posse Comitatus Act.
5th Amendment: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law"
6th Amendment: The right to a speedy and public trial
7th Amendment: The right of trial by jury)
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The NH Supreme Court will hear the Obama ballot-access case filed on behalf of numerous NH Legislators
The NH Supreme Court will hear the Obama ballot-access case filed on behalf of numerous NH Legislators.
Taitz v Gardner - Obama NH Ballot Access Challenge - Supreme Court of New Hampshire
Taitz v Gardner - Obama NH Ballot Access Challenge - Supreme Court of New Hampshire
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
H.R. 3676 introduced 12/15 to amend NDAA, "U.S. citizens may not be detained without all the rights of due process
H.R. 3676 introduced 12/15 to amend NDAA, "U.S. citizens may not be detained without all the rights of due process..."
H.R.3676 - To amend the detainee provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 to specifically state that United States citizens may not be detained against their will without all the rights of due process afforded to citizens in a court ordained or established by or under Article III of the Constitution of the United States.
Email your U.S. Representative and ask them to sign on as a Co-sponsor to H.R. 3676.
contact your Representative
Government and state reconnaissance of individual households to find out if they are hoarding food and/or weapons is ongoing
Government and state reconnaissance of individual households to find out if they are hoarding food and/or weapons is ongoing. Not good. The local government claims that they have good intentions – I don’t believe it. You cannot trust the government and the Feds. They are not doing any of this out of concern for you.
Oathkeepers states it flatly and correctly:
“Deprivation of food has long been a weapon of war and oppression, with millions intentionally starved to death by fascist and communist governments in the 20th Century alone.
Accordingly, we will not obey or facilitate orders to confiscate food and other essential supplies from the people, and we will consider all those who issue or carry out such orders to be the enemies of the people.”
If those who carry out such orders to confiscate food are enemies of the people, then that same label also fits anyone in the government compiling lists of Americans who store food. There is no legitimate reason for the Department of Homeland Security to compile such lists. Al Qaida suicide bombers are not known to store powdered milk and buckets of wheat. Nor are they known to store away dehydrated carrots and instant potatoes, or fruit punch mix for the kids. But the Mormons are known to do so, and so are many other Americans who have the common sense and maturity to take personal responsibility for ensuring that their families will have food, come what may.
It is part of Mormon Church religious doctrine to store food for hard times and emergencies, with a recommendation that each family store a year’s worth of basic dry goods along with three months worth of store-bought canned and boxed foods. To facilitate that practice, the Mormon Church runs its own food storage canneries selling powdered milk, wheat, flour, rice and beans, sugar, salt, and various other dry goods either in bulk 50 lb bags or in #10 cans for long term food storage (up to 30 years for some items). These Church canneries also often sell food storage items to non-church members, seeing it as both morally right and prudent to help their neighbors store food, whatever their faith. The cannery in Tennessee that was “visited” by federal agents follows that practice of helping the general public become better prepared.
This is said to have occurred in the National Guard:
He just got home from a EDRE (emergency deployment readiness exercise) at the armory. He said that during the exercise 3 companies of infantry were polled by questionare about the drill and it’s purpose. One of the questions was, will you as a member of the Nat. Guard use lethal force against the American public if ordered to do so? One of the men stepped forward and refused to take the poll and explained that it was a moral judgement on his part and that he could not do so. He then placed his weapon on the ground and fell in behind the formation. Devon said it was like a waterfall, Every member layed their weapons on the deck and fell in beside the one lone specialist. This included ALL NCO’s, STAFF NCO’s and SENIOR NCO’s. The only people left in front of the original formation was 3 Capt’s. 2 Lt’s and the BN Commander who was so upset he started having chest pains from yelling and screaming about court martials and disbandment of the unit into other units.
The Specialist who first layed down his weapon was held in county jail by the Bn CMDR, awaiting a hearing under the UCMJ. He was there for a few hours and has been released. An investigation is being conducted into those who started the poll and no charges against the soldiers are being filed.
Again, this is unconfirmed, and we are working on confirming it. Please keep that in mind. But this is certainly the kind of mass, whole-unit stand-down that may well become necessary, especially in light of the treason of the US Senate, which voted 93-7 to authorize military detention and trial of U.S. citizens — claiming the power to apply the laws of war to the American people in the same way as they are used on a conquered, enemy population, like Iraq or Afghanistan. While National Guard units can, and have been used for riot control without violating their oath, we suspect that this survey was asking them about whether they would do something far worse than just keep the peace during riots. We will do our best to get to the bottom of this, and provide all details once confirmed.
If accurate, this is reminiscent of the stand-down during Katrina by SSGT Joshua May’s Utah National Guard Unit, where the whole unit let their commander know, in a peremptory refusal, that they would not participate in any gun confiscation.
Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider
Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider
I’ve been in law enforcement for the past 18 years. I have attended a variety of training over those years. During the 1990s, most training I attended was community-oriented, sponsored by local agencies or private companies specializing in police training. Themes common to training of the past included topics such as Constitutional rights, community partnerships, youth-oriented programs and problem-oriented policing.
During the past several years, I have witnessed a dramatic shift in the focus of law enforcement training. Law enforcement courses have moved away from a local community focus to a federally dominated model of complete social control. Most training I have attended over the past two years have been sponsored by Department of Homeland Security (DHS), namely the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
No matter what topic the training session concerns, every DHS sponsored course I have attended over the past few years never fails to branch off into warnings about potential domestic terrorists in the community. While this may sound like a valid officer and community safety issue, you may be disturbed to learn how our Federal government describes a typical domestic terrorist.
These federal trainers describe the dangers of “extremists” and “militia groups” roaming the community and hiding in plain sight, ready to attack. Officers are instructed how to recognize these domestic terrorists by their behavior, views and common characteristics. State data bases are kept to track suspected domestic terrorists and officers are instructed on reporting procedures to state and federal agencies. The state I work in, like many others, have what is known as a “fusion center” that compiles a watch list of suspicious people.
So how does a person qualify as a potential domestic terrorist? Based on the training I have attended, here are characteristics that qualify:
Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
Survivalist literature (fictional books such as "Patriots" and "One Second After" are mentioned by name)
Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
A recent training session I attended encouraged law enforcement agencies to work with business owners to alert police when customers appear to be stockpiling items. An example was given that a federal agent was monitoring customers at a well known hunting and fishing retail outlet and noting who was purchasing certain items. This is something to remember the next time you purchase a case of ammo at one of these popular outdoor sports retail stores.
Methods of developing evidence of terrorist activity from virtually any search have also been discussed. Various common materials which may be associated with homemade explosives are listed, such as lengths of pipe, gunpowder, matches, flammable liquids and fireworks. Officers are told when these items are found, they can be listed as “bomb making materials”. The training even goes so far as to instruct officers that the items are cleverly disguised as legitimate, such as gasoline stored near a lawn mower, pipes stored in a shop building or gunpowder stored with reloading materials.
One course I attended used the example of a person employed as a plumber being the target of a search warrant. In this example, the officers were told how to use his employment as a plumber as further evidence of terrorism. The suspect’s employment would be described as an elaborate scheme to justify possessing pipes and chemicals so as to have bomb making materials readily available. Based on this example, all plumbers are potential pipe bomb makers. All gun dealers are plotting to provide arms to gangs or terrorists. All pest control companies are preparing mass poisonings. By using this logic, simply having the ability to do something criminal automatically makes the person guilty of plotting the crime. With all the various methods of manufacturing methamphetamine, it would also be easy to claim that a disassembled clandestine drug lab was located during the search. In other words, it is easy to frame anyone for possessing bomb making materials (or other crimes) if the officer knows what items to list in the report and how to link these items to terrorism.
Another common tactic used in DHS sponsored training is the slander of certain ideologies by linking an erroneous characteristic to a particular group. Here are some examples:
These groups hold the anniversaries of certain dates as significant such a Ruby Ridge, Waco and Hitler’s birthday
They oppose abortion, support gun rights and are affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan
They are fearful of big government, espouse support for the Constitution and want to kill police officers
These groups collect firearms, survivalist books and explosives
These extremists read books such as Patriots, One Second After and The Anarchist Cookbook
They are religious zealots, reading the book of Revelation, speak of the second coming of Christ and plan mass murders to summon the end of the world
These people grow their own food, raise livestock and plot attacks on commercial food production facilities
Do you see how this tactic works? List common characteristics of libertarian/conservative minded people, then throw in a slanderous accusation. If A and B apply, then you should automatically presume C applies as well. If they were disturbed by the incidents at Ruby Ridge and Waco, then obviously they must celebrate Hitler’s birthday. Officers are being conditioned to assume criminal and terroristic views when politically-incorrect views are observed. As simple-minded and ridiculous as this line of thinking is, there are some officers who unfortunately buy into this.
Another training session I attended two years ago discussed the dangerous of people who have strong views of the U.S. Constitution. One trainer made the statement that “these people actually believe the Second Amendment gives them the personal right to own a gun.” Of course, the trainer failed to mention that our Founding Fathers, as well as recent Supreme Court rulings, verify this view as being completely accurate. The obvious attempt here was to suggest to officers that the Second Amendment does not apply to individual gun ownership and to be suspicious of anyone who holds such a view. It was also stressed to be cautious of anyone who quotes the Constitution and even worse, actually possesses a copy of this radical document. Incredibly, in the United States of America today belief in our founding legal principles is now grounds for being labeled a domestic terrorism. Imagine how they would respond to some of the known statements of Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry or George Mason concerning the issue of individual liberty and limited government. It is true that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.
There are several things that we, the patriotic, self-sufficient defenders of liberty can do to counter this effort. First, get involved in local elections. Elect county sheriffs who will not fall for such propaganda nor go along with oppressive federal agendas. Elect city council members who will not tolerate such behavior by their city police department. Elect state representatives who will hold state agencies accountable for participating in such tactics. Bring these issues up during elections, demand a public statement on their position on such propaganda and a promise to stand against these efforts while in office.
Second, get to know your local law enforcement officers. It is much more difficult for DHS to brainwash officers against people they personally know. When you are viewed as a neighbor, friend or fellow Christian, these officers are far less likely to submit your name to a terrorist watch list or view you as a potential terrorist. We want local officers to be personally offended when they hear members of their community slandered in such ways.
Third, always be friendly and courteous when speaking to your local officers. Even if that officer has fallen for this propaganda, be sure not to resemble the negative stereotypes labeled to us. After the fifth, sixth or maybe tenth time he deals with one of us, he or she may come to realize we are of no threat to law enforcement or anyone for that matter. Eventually, the officer may attend one of these training sessions, hear the propaganda and say to himself, “This isn’t true, I’ve dealt with many people like this, they are God-fearing, liberty loving Americans, they are not the enemy!”
I hope you find this information useful. Please remember that there are many people in law enforcement that have not, and will never, fall for DHS propaganda. Some of the most patriotic defenders of liberty and believers in self-sufficiency can be found in law enforcement. Officers like me will continue to do our part to fight tyranny from within while the general public can do its part by electing liberty-minded candidates to office and educating their friends and neighbors about issues important to all of us.
Oathkeepers states it flatly and correctly:
“Deprivation of food has long been a weapon of war and oppression, with millions intentionally starved to death by fascist and communist governments in the 20th Century alone.
Accordingly, we will not obey or facilitate orders to confiscate food and other essential supplies from the people, and we will consider all those who issue or carry out such orders to be the enemies of the people.”
If those who carry out such orders to confiscate food are enemies of the people, then that same label also fits anyone in the government compiling lists of Americans who store food. There is no legitimate reason for the Department of Homeland Security to compile such lists. Al Qaida suicide bombers are not known to store powdered milk and buckets of wheat. Nor are they known to store away dehydrated carrots and instant potatoes, or fruit punch mix for the kids. But the Mormons are known to do so, and so are many other Americans who have the common sense and maturity to take personal responsibility for ensuring that their families will have food, come what may.
It is part of Mormon Church religious doctrine to store food for hard times and emergencies, with a recommendation that each family store a year’s worth of basic dry goods along with three months worth of store-bought canned and boxed foods. To facilitate that practice, the Mormon Church runs its own food storage canneries selling powdered milk, wheat, flour, rice and beans, sugar, salt, and various other dry goods either in bulk 50 lb bags or in #10 cans for long term food storage (up to 30 years for some items). These Church canneries also often sell food storage items to non-church members, seeing it as both morally right and prudent to help their neighbors store food, whatever their faith. The cannery in Tennessee that was “visited” by federal agents follows that practice of helping the general public become better prepared.
This is said to have occurred in the National Guard:
He just got home from a EDRE (emergency deployment readiness exercise) at the armory. He said that during the exercise 3 companies of infantry were polled by questionare about the drill and it’s purpose. One of the questions was, will you as a member of the Nat. Guard use lethal force against the American public if ordered to do so? One of the men stepped forward and refused to take the poll and explained that it was a moral judgement on his part and that he could not do so. He then placed his weapon on the ground and fell in behind the formation. Devon said it was like a waterfall, Every member layed their weapons on the deck and fell in beside the one lone specialist. This included ALL NCO’s, STAFF NCO’s and SENIOR NCO’s. The only people left in front of the original formation was 3 Capt’s. 2 Lt’s and the BN Commander who was so upset he started having chest pains from yelling and screaming about court martials and disbandment of the unit into other units.
The Specialist who first layed down his weapon was held in county jail by the Bn CMDR, awaiting a hearing under the UCMJ. He was there for a few hours and has been released. An investigation is being conducted into those who started the poll and no charges against the soldiers are being filed.
Again, this is unconfirmed, and we are working on confirming it. Please keep that in mind. But this is certainly the kind of mass, whole-unit stand-down that may well become necessary, especially in light of the treason of the US Senate, which voted 93-7 to authorize military detention and trial of U.S. citizens — claiming the power to apply the laws of war to the American people in the same way as they are used on a conquered, enemy population, like Iraq or Afghanistan. While National Guard units can, and have been used for riot control without violating their oath, we suspect that this survey was asking them about whether they would do something far worse than just keep the peace during riots. We will do our best to get to the bottom of this, and provide all details once confirmed.
If accurate, this is reminiscent of the stand-down during Katrina by SSGT Joshua May’s Utah National Guard Unit, where the whole unit let their commander know, in a peremptory refusal, that they would not participate in any gun confiscation.
Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider
Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider
I’ve been in law enforcement for the past 18 years. I have attended a variety of training over those years. During the 1990s, most training I attended was community-oriented, sponsored by local agencies or private companies specializing in police training. Themes common to training of the past included topics such as Constitutional rights, community partnerships, youth-oriented programs and problem-oriented policing.
During the past several years, I have witnessed a dramatic shift in the focus of law enforcement training. Law enforcement courses have moved away from a local community focus to a federally dominated model of complete social control. Most training I have attended over the past two years have been sponsored by Department of Homeland Security (DHS), namely the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
No matter what topic the training session concerns, every DHS sponsored course I have attended over the past few years never fails to branch off into warnings about potential domestic terrorists in the community. While this may sound like a valid officer and community safety issue, you may be disturbed to learn how our Federal government describes a typical domestic terrorist.
These federal trainers describe the dangers of “extremists” and “militia groups” roaming the community and hiding in plain sight, ready to attack. Officers are instructed how to recognize these domestic terrorists by their behavior, views and common characteristics. State data bases are kept to track suspected domestic terrorists and officers are instructed on reporting procedures to state and federal agencies. The state I work in, like many others, have what is known as a “fusion center” that compiles a watch list of suspicious people.
So how does a person qualify as a potential domestic terrorist? Based on the training I have attended, here are characteristics that qualify:
Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
Survivalist literature (fictional books such as "Patriots" and "One Second After" are mentioned by name)
Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
A recent training session I attended encouraged law enforcement agencies to work with business owners to alert police when customers appear to be stockpiling items. An example was given that a federal agent was monitoring customers at a well known hunting and fishing retail outlet and noting who was purchasing certain items. This is something to remember the next time you purchase a case of ammo at one of these popular outdoor sports retail stores.
Methods of developing evidence of terrorist activity from virtually any search have also been discussed. Various common materials which may be associated with homemade explosives are listed, such as lengths of pipe, gunpowder, matches, flammable liquids and fireworks. Officers are told when these items are found, they can be listed as “bomb making materials”. The training even goes so far as to instruct officers that the items are cleverly disguised as legitimate, such as gasoline stored near a lawn mower, pipes stored in a shop building or gunpowder stored with reloading materials.
One course I attended used the example of a person employed as a plumber being the target of a search warrant. In this example, the officers were told how to use his employment as a plumber as further evidence of terrorism. The suspect’s employment would be described as an elaborate scheme to justify possessing pipes and chemicals so as to have bomb making materials readily available. Based on this example, all plumbers are potential pipe bomb makers. All gun dealers are plotting to provide arms to gangs or terrorists. All pest control companies are preparing mass poisonings. By using this logic, simply having the ability to do something criminal automatically makes the person guilty of plotting the crime. With all the various methods of manufacturing methamphetamine, it would also be easy to claim that a disassembled clandestine drug lab was located during the search. In other words, it is easy to frame anyone for possessing bomb making materials (or other crimes) if the officer knows what items to list in the report and how to link these items to terrorism.
Another common tactic used in DHS sponsored training is the slander of certain ideologies by linking an erroneous characteristic to a particular group. Here are some examples:
These groups hold the anniversaries of certain dates as significant such a Ruby Ridge, Waco and Hitler’s birthday
They oppose abortion, support gun rights and are affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan
They are fearful of big government, espouse support for the Constitution and want to kill police officers
These groups collect firearms, survivalist books and explosives
These extremists read books such as Patriots, One Second After and The Anarchist Cookbook
They are religious zealots, reading the book of Revelation, speak of the second coming of Christ and plan mass murders to summon the end of the world
These people grow their own food, raise livestock and plot attacks on commercial food production facilities
Do you see how this tactic works? List common characteristics of libertarian/conservative minded people, then throw in a slanderous accusation. If A and B apply, then you should automatically presume C applies as well. If they were disturbed by the incidents at Ruby Ridge and Waco, then obviously they must celebrate Hitler’s birthday. Officers are being conditioned to assume criminal and terroristic views when politically-incorrect views are observed. As simple-minded and ridiculous as this line of thinking is, there are some officers who unfortunately buy into this.
Another training session I attended two years ago discussed the dangerous of people who have strong views of the U.S. Constitution. One trainer made the statement that “these people actually believe the Second Amendment gives them the personal right to own a gun.” Of course, the trainer failed to mention that our Founding Fathers, as well as recent Supreme Court rulings, verify this view as being completely accurate. The obvious attempt here was to suggest to officers that the Second Amendment does not apply to individual gun ownership and to be suspicious of anyone who holds such a view. It was also stressed to be cautious of anyone who quotes the Constitution and even worse, actually possesses a copy of this radical document. Incredibly, in the United States of America today belief in our founding legal principles is now grounds for being labeled a domestic terrorism. Imagine how they would respond to some of the known statements of Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry or George Mason concerning the issue of individual liberty and limited government. It is true that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.
There are several things that we, the patriotic, self-sufficient defenders of liberty can do to counter this effort. First, get involved in local elections. Elect county sheriffs who will not fall for such propaganda nor go along with oppressive federal agendas. Elect city council members who will not tolerate such behavior by their city police department. Elect state representatives who will hold state agencies accountable for participating in such tactics. Bring these issues up during elections, demand a public statement on their position on such propaganda and a promise to stand against these efforts while in office.
Second, get to know your local law enforcement officers. It is much more difficult for DHS to brainwash officers against people they personally know. When you are viewed as a neighbor, friend or fellow Christian, these officers are far less likely to submit your name to a terrorist watch list or view you as a potential terrorist. We want local officers to be personally offended when they hear members of their community slandered in such ways.
Third, always be friendly and courteous when speaking to your local officers. Even if that officer has fallen for this propaganda, be sure not to resemble the negative stereotypes labeled to us. After the fifth, sixth or maybe tenth time he deals with one of us, he or she may come to realize we are of no threat to law enforcement or anyone for that matter. Eventually, the officer may attend one of these training sessions, hear the propaganda and say to himself, “This isn’t true, I’ve dealt with many people like this, they are God-fearing, liberty loving Americans, they are not the enemy!”
I hope you find this information useful. Please remember that there are many people in law enforcement that have not, and will never, fall for DHS propaganda. Some of the most patriotic defenders of liberty and believers in self-sufficiency can be found in law enforcement. Officers like me will continue to do our part to fight tyranny from within while the general public can do its part by electing liberty-minded candidates to office and educating their friends and neighbors about issues important to all of us.
Congress has ignored the 5th 6th and 7th ammendments to the US Constitution
(Every federal agency under the communist control of the obama regime is expanding their regulatory powers using every method possible to enslave America.
Section 1031 is worded to explain this is needed in a time of war to detain terrorists in America. This section gives several examples of terrorists.
All these examples can be ignored because the US military CAN "kidnap", not arrest A PERSON or ANY PERSON WITH OUT ANY CHARGES OR TRAIL, and keep them in detention forever.
The communist obama regime specifically request that this ILLEAL UNCONSTITUTIAL mandate be put into the bill.
It allows the federal government and military to indefinitely imprison American citizens without charge or trial, inside or outside of the United States.
Sections 1031 and 1032
This violates the 5th, 6th, 7th Amendment, and the Posse Comitatus Act.
5th Amendment: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law"
6th Amendment: The right to a speedy and public trial
7th Amendment: The right of trial by jury) Story Reports
George Russell
Experts take their definition from an Obama Administration executive order of October, 2009, entitled Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance. It defines sustainability in sweeping fashion as the ability “to create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.”
The major focus of the EPA thinking is a weighty study the agency commissioned last year from the National Academies of Science. Published in August, the study, entitled “Sustainability and the U.S. EPA,” cost nearly $700,000 and involved a team of a dozen outside experts and about half as many National Academies staff.
In an American context, the study says sustainable development “raises questions that are not fully or directly addressed in U.S. law or policy.” Among them: “how to define and control unsustainable patterns of production and consumption and how to encourage the development of sustainable communities, biodiversity protection, clean energy, environmentally sustainable economic development, and climate change controls.”
The experts say they found the legal authority for EPA to foster sustainable development without further congressional approval in the wording of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, or NEPA. The study says the law, the cornerstone of U.S. environmental policy, declared that the “continuing policy of the Federal Government” is to “create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.”
(In fact, the study quotes selectively from that portion of NEPA. What that section of the Act says in full is that “it is the continuing policy of the Federal Government, in cooperation with State and local governments, and other concerned public and private organizations, to use all practicable means and measures, including financial and technical assistance, in a manner calculated to foster and promote the general welfare, to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.)
The study offers up new tools for EPA to do the job. As opposed to environmental impact assessment, the study encourages the use of “sustainability impact assessment” in the evaluation of the hundreds and thousands of projects that come under EPA scrutiny to see whether they are moving in the proper direction
“Environmental impact assessment tends to focus primarily on the projected environmental effects of a particular action and alternatives to that action,” the study says.
Sustainability impact assessment examines “the probable effects of a particular project or proposal on the social, environmental, and economic pillars of sustainability”—a greatly expanded approach.
One outcome: “The culture change being proposed here will require EPA to conduct an expanding number of assessments.”
As a result, “The agency can become more anticipatory, making greater use of new science and of forecasting.”
The catch, the study recognizes, is that under the new approach the EPA becomes more involved than ever in predicting the future.
“Forecasting is unavoidable when dealing with sustainability, but our ability to do forecasting is limited,” the document says.
One forecast it is safe to make: the study shows whatever else the new sustainability mission does for EPA, it aims to be a much, much more important—and powerful-- federal agency than it is, even now.
(Every federal agency under the communist control of the obama regime is expanding their regulatory powers using every method possible to enslave America.
Section 1031 is worded to explain this is needed in a time of war to detain terrorists in America. This section gives several examples of terrorists.
All these examples can be ignored because the US military CAN "kidnap", not arrest A PERSON or ANY PERSON WITH OUT ANY CHARGES OR TRAIL, and keep them in detention forever.
The communist obama regime specifically request that this ILLEAL UNCONSTITUTIAL mandate be put into the bill.
It allows the federal government and military to indefinitely imprison American citizens without charge or trial, inside or outside of the United States.
Sections 1031 and 1032
This violates the 5th, 6th, 7th Amendment, and the Posse Comitatus Act.
5th Amendment: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law"
6th Amendment: The right to a speedy and public trial
7th Amendment: The right of trial by jury) Story Reports
Section 1031 is worded to explain this is needed in a time of war to detain terrorists in America. This section gives several examples of terrorists.
All these examples can be ignored because the US military CAN "kidnap", not arrest A PERSON or ANY PERSON WITH OUT ANY CHARGES OR TRAIL, and keep them in detention forever.
The communist obama regime specifically request that this ILLEAL UNCONSTITUTIAL mandate be put into the bill.
It allows the federal government and military to indefinitely imprison American citizens without charge or trial, inside or outside of the United States.
Sections 1031 and 1032
This violates the 5th, 6th, 7th Amendment, and the Posse Comitatus Act.
5th Amendment: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law"
6th Amendment: The right to a speedy and public trial
7th Amendment: The right of trial by jury) Story Reports
George Russell
Experts take their definition from an Obama Administration executive order of October, 2009, entitled Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance. It defines sustainability in sweeping fashion as the ability “to create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.”
The major focus of the EPA thinking is a weighty study the agency commissioned last year from the National Academies of Science. Published in August, the study, entitled “Sustainability and the U.S. EPA,” cost nearly $700,000 and involved a team of a dozen outside experts and about half as many National Academies staff.
In an American context, the study says sustainable development “raises questions that are not fully or directly addressed in U.S. law or policy.” Among them: “how to define and control unsustainable patterns of production and consumption and how to encourage the development of sustainable communities, biodiversity protection, clean energy, environmentally sustainable economic development, and climate change controls.”
The experts say they found the legal authority for EPA to foster sustainable development without further congressional approval in the wording of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, or NEPA. The study says the law, the cornerstone of U.S. environmental policy, declared that the “continuing policy of the Federal Government” is to “create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.”
(In fact, the study quotes selectively from that portion of NEPA. What that section of the Act says in full is that “it is the continuing policy of the Federal Government, in cooperation with State and local governments, and other concerned public and private organizations, to use all practicable means and measures, including financial and technical assistance, in a manner calculated to foster and promote the general welfare, to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.)
The study offers up new tools for EPA to do the job. As opposed to environmental impact assessment, the study encourages the use of “sustainability impact assessment” in the evaluation of the hundreds and thousands of projects that come under EPA scrutiny to see whether they are moving in the proper direction
“Environmental impact assessment tends to focus primarily on the projected environmental effects of a particular action and alternatives to that action,” the study says.
Sustainability impact assessment examines “the probable effects of a particular project or proposal on the social, environmental, and economic pillars of sustainability”—a greatly expanded approach.
One outcome: “The culture change being proposed here will require EPA to conduct an expanding number of assessments.”
As a result, “The agency can become more anticipatory, making greater use of new science and of forecasting.”
The catch, the study recognizes, is that under the new approach the EPA becomes more involved than ever in predicting the future.
“Forecasting is unavoidable when dealing with sustainability, but our ability to do forecasting is limited,” the document says.
One forecast it is safe to make: the study shows whatever else the new sustainability mission does for EPA, it aims to be a much, much more important—and powerful-- federal agency than it is, even now.
(Every federal agency under the communist control of the obama regime is expanding their regulatory powers using every method possible to enslave America.
Section 1031 is worded to explain this is needed in a time of war to detain terrorists in America. This section gives several examples of terrorists.
All these examples can be ignored because the US military CAN "kidnap", not arrest A PERSON or ANY PERSON WITH OUT ANY CHARGES OR TRAIL, and keep them in detention forever.
The communist obama regime specifically request that this ILLEAL UNCONSTITUTIAL mandate be put into the bill.
It allows the federal government and military to indefinitely imprison American citizens without charge or trial, inside or outside of the United States.
Sections 1031 and 1032
This violates the 5th, 6th, 7th Amendment, and the Posse Comitatus Act.
5th Amendment: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law"
6th Amendment: The right to a speedy and public trial
7th Amendment: The right of trial by jury) Story Reports
Monday, December 19, 2011
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death Patrick Henry

(At Least 72 FEMA Camps Are Ready To Put You Into Detention Now.)
(Section 1031 of the NDAA of 2012 authorizes the military to hold or imprison ANY PERSON in the United States without a trial or arrest warrant. This means it doesn't matter if you are accused of being a terrorist or anything else. Because the Military can KIDNAP you and not arrest you means you can be KIDNAPPED by the military for ANY REASON at ANY TIME and detained/held/killed for ANY REASON.
Section 1031 list various reasons for the authorization of military force. The reasons don't matter because the military does not have to give you an American Citizen ANY REASON FOR YOUR BEING KIDNAPPED BY THE MILITARY!!!!!!!!!
Do you understand now?
You will only understand if you are not slowly boilng in a pot like a frog. The frog doesn't perceive the imminent danger of his demise. The frog can be equated to an American who only watches and listens to the state run media cnn,nbc,cbs,abc,pbs etc. He is not aware of any danger. Think "out of the POT!") Story Reports
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders
http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifThe National Defense Act Also Authorizes Americans To Be Held In FEMA Camps Listen To This Radio Show Explaining What Congress Is Doing To Turn America Into A Police State!
Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider
By James Wesley, Rawles
Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider
I’ve been in law enforcement for the past 18 years. I have attended a variety of training over those years. During the 1990s, most training I attended was community-oriented, sponsored by local agencies or private companies specializing in police training. Themes common to training of the past included topics such as Constitutional rights, community partnerships, youth-oriented programs and problem-oriented policing.
During the past several years, I have witnessed a dramatic shift in the focus of law enforcement training. Law enforcement courses have moved away from a local community focus to a federally dominated model of complete social control. Most training I have attended over the past two years have been sponsored by Department of Homeland Security (DHS), namely the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
No matter what topic the training session concerns, every DHS sponsored course I have attended over the past few years never fails to branch off into warnings about potential domestic terrorists in the community. While this may sound like a valid officer and community safety issue, you may be disturbed to learn how our Federal government describes a typical domestic terrorist.
These federal trainers describe the dangers of “extremists” and “militia groups” roaming the community and hiding in plain sight, ready to attack. Officers are instructed how to recognize these domestic terrorists by their behavior, views and common characteristics. State data bases are kept to track suspected domestic terrorists and officers are instructed on reporting procedures to state and federal agencies. The state I work in, like many others, have what is known as a “fusion center” that compiles a watch list of suspicious people.
So how does a person qualify as a potential domestic terrorist? Based on the training I have attended, here are characteristics that qualify:
Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
Survivalist literature (fictional books such as “Patriots” and “One Second After”)
Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
(I would say that many people have the above "characteristics". I exercise my right to freedom of speech. I am a member of the NRA. I have read survivalist literature and have watched some survivalist shows on tv. I believe in storing up some supplies for a rainy day. An obama communist socialist economic collapse is comming. I believe the bible. I have expressed my destain for what congress has done. I know home schooling is good for children. I have quoted the US Constitution. I do think there is a new world order on the way thanks to the evil members of various factions. So do i qualify?) Story Reports
A recent training session I attended encouraged law enforcement agencies to work with business owners to alert police when customers appear to be stockpiling items. An example was given that a federal agent was monitoring customers at a well known hunting and fishing retail outlet and noting who was purchasing certain items.
This is something to remember the next time you purchase a case of ammo at one of these popular outdoor sports retail stores.
Methods of developing evidence of terrorist activity from virtually any search have also been discussed. Various common materials which may be associated with homemade explosives are listed, such as lengths of pipe, gunpowder, matches, flammable liquids and fireworks. Officers are told when these items are found, they can be listed as “bomb making materials”.
The training even goes so far as to instruct officers that the items are cleverly disguised as legitimate, such as gasoline stored near a lawn mower, pipes stored in a shop building or gunpowder stored with reloading materials.
(Is there any doubt now that the obama regime is trying to set you up for a military "kidnapping" as he has requested in the NDAA of 2012? Obama is cleverly disguised as an American citizen but he is not. Obama himself has been painted as a legitimate president but he is not.) Story Reports
One course I attended used the example of a person employed as a plumber being the target of a search warrant. In this example, the officers were told how to use his employment as a plumber as further evidence of terrorism. The suspect’s employment would be described as an elaborate scheme to justify possessing pipes and chemicals so as to have bomb making materials readily available. Based on this example, all plumbers are potential pipe bomb makers. All gun dealers are plotting to provide arms to gangs or terrorists. All pest control companies are preparing mass poisonings.
By using this logic, simply having the ability to do something criminal automatically makes the person guilty of plotting the crime. With all the various methods of manufacturing methamphetamine, it would also be easy to claim that a disassembled clandestine drug lab was located during the search. In other words, it is easy to frame anyone for possessing bomb making materials (or other crimes) if the officer knows what items to list in the report and how to link these items to terrorism.
Another common tactic used in DHS sponsored training is the slander of certain ideologies by linking an erroneous characteristic to a particular group.
These groups hold the anniversaries of certain dates as significant such a Ruby Ridge, Waco and Hitler’s birthday
They oppose abortion, support gun rights and are affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan
They are fearful of big government, espouse support for the Constitution and want to kill police officers
These groups collect firearms, survivalist books and explosives
These extremists read books such as Patriots, One Second After and The Anarchist Cookbook
They are religious zealots, reading the book of Revelation, speak of the second coming of Christ and plan mass murders to summon the end of the world
These people grow their own food, raise livestock and plot attacks on commercial food production facilities
Do you see how this tactic works? List common characteristics of libertarian/conservative minded people, then throw in a slanderous accusation. If A and B apply, then you should automatically presume C applies as well.
If they were disturbed by the incidents at Ruby Ridge and Waco, then obviously they must celebrate Hitler’s birthday. Officers are being conditioned to assume criminal and terroristic views when politically-incorrect views are observed. As simple-minded and ridiculous as this line of thinking is, there are some officers who unfortunately buy into this.
(A Politically incorrect view would be to indicate obama is not a US citizen.) Story reports
Another training session I attended two years ago discussed the dangerous of people who have strong views of the U.S. Constitution. One trainer made the statement that “these people actually believe the Second Amendment gives them the personal right to own a gun.” Of course, the trainer failed to mention that our Founding Fathers, as well as recent Supreme Court rulings, verify this view as being completely accurate. The obvious attempt here was to suggest to officers that the Second Amendment does not apply to individual gun ownership and to be suspicious of anyone who holds such a view.
It was also stressed to be cautious of anyone who quotes the Constitution and even worse, actually possesses a copy of this radical document.
Incredibly, in the United States of America today belief in our founding legal principles is now grounds for being labeled a domestic terrorism.
Imagine how they would respond to some of the known statements of Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry or George Mason concerning the issue of individual liberty and limited government. It is true that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.
There are several things that we, the patriotic, self-sufficient defenders of liberty can do to counter this effort. First, get involved in local elections. Elect county sheriffs who will not fall for such propaganda nor go along with oppressive federal agendas. Elect city council members who will not tolerate such behavior by their city police department. Elect state representatives who will hold state agencies accountable for participating in such tactics. Bring these issues up during elections, demand a public statement on their position on such propaganda and a promise to stand against these efforts while in office.
Second, get to know your local law enforcement officers. It is much more difficult for DHS to brainwash officers against people they personally know. When you are viewed as a neighbor, friend or fellow Christian, these officers are far less likely to submit your name to a terrorist watch list or view you as a potential terrorist. We want local officers to be personally offended when they hear members of their community slandered in such ways.
Third, always be friendly and courteous when speaking to your local officers. Even if that officer has fallen for this propaganda, be sure not to resemble the negative stereotypes labeled to us. After the fifth, sixth or maybe tenth time he deals with one of us, he or she may come to realize we are of no threat to law enforcement or anyone for that matter. Eventually, the officer may attend one of these training sessions, hear the propaganda and say to himself, “This isn’t true, I’ve dealt with many people like this, they are God-fearing, liberty loving Americans, they are not the enemy!”
Please remember that there are many people in law enforcement that have not, and will never, fall for DHS propaganda. Some of the most patriotic defenders of liberty and believers in self-sufficiency can be found in law enforcement.
The general public can do its part by electing liberty-minded candidates to office and educating their friends and neighbors about issues important to all of us.
(I would add don't be silenced by the threat of being labeled by the federal government if you speak out about the corruption that is taking place in the ferederal government.
Do continue to be aware and make others aware of the federal governments efforts to take away your freedoms and ignore the US Constitution.) Story Reports
Remember what Patrick Henry said: "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
"There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come."
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death Patrick Henry
FEMA Camps: Seeking Contractors and Personnel to Staff and Confine
For years, America’s crept closer to totalitarian rule. Notably, the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act eased surveillance and death penalty restrictions, eroded habeas protection, and smoothed the way for repressive measures to follow.
Post-9/11, they proliferated. Constitutional protections have been systematically eliminated. FY 2012 NDAA provisions destroy fundamental Bill of Rights ones, including Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment due process rights.
The Fifth Amendment says, “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury..”
Moreover, no one shall “be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb….be compelled (to bear) witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law….”
The Fourteenth Amendment says, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are” US citizens.
“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of (US) citizens..nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law….”
Overall, America’s Constitution protects against unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious laws not based on rule of law principles.
Supreme Court rulings affirmed Bill of Rights protections. In November 2008, Justice Anthony Kennedy sided with a majority ruling, saying:
“After carefully considering the relevance of the 10 inviolable rights that comprise the ideological foundation on which our nation is built, the court finds that these basic freedoms remain important for the time being, and should not be overturned.”
“Until such time as it can be definitively proven that citizens no longer require the protections provided by the Bill of Rights, it shall remain the principal legal guidance for the United States of America.”
Under Obama and the 112th Congress, inviolability no longer holds. Tyranny replaced it. America’s no different than other totalitarian states. As a result, no one challenging state power is safe.
Denouncing imperial lawlessness can be criminalized. So can defending right over wrong. Constitutional protections no longer apply.
People power alone can restore them. There’s no other way.
Section 1031 Subtitle D -Detainee Matters
(15) (b) says a covered person ia (A person). You need to be aware that "A person" is any person in outside or inside the United States.
Section 1031 (c) (1) Detention under the law of war without trial
Section 1032 (1) (2) armed forces of the United States shall hold a person described in paragraph (2)
Paragraph (2) covered persons- The requirement in paragraph (1) shall apply to any person whose detention is authorized under section 1031.
(Section 1031 of the NDAA of 2012 authorizes the military to hold or imprison ANY PERSON in the United States without a trial or arrest warrant. This means it doesn't matter if you are accused of being a terrorist or anything else. Because the Military can KIDNAP you and not arrest you means you can be KIDNAPPED by the military for ANY REASON at ANY TIME and detained/held/killed for ANY REASON.
Section 1031 list various reasons for the authorization of military force. The reasons don't matter because the military does not have to give you an American Citizen ANY REASON FOR YOUR BEING KIDNAPPED BY THE MILITARY!!!!!!!!!
Do you understand now?) Story Reports
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Martial Law Being Established in America
Martial Law Being Established in America
Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America
Leading GOP candidate Ron Paul has warned in recent interviews that the amendments passed in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) are not only dangerous, but authorize the establishment of total martial law inside the United States. Not only does the bill, in sections 1031 and 1032, declare the unconstitutional right to detain Americans indefinitely without trial, but it authorizes an Internet offensive and online Pentagon takeover under the pretext of cybersecurity and stopping online piracy.
Yes, America has been declared a battlefield, and average Americans portrayed as potential enemies.
CALL TO ACTION: Help Get This Vital Video Warning Out to All Americans, and Every Patriot Who Can Help Stop This Tyrannical Takeover Before It’s Too Late
Please send this video to all your contacts, friends, families and strangers to warn them that martial law and a total federal takeover is at stake. ONLY YOU can prevent the total destruction of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and American way in this time of global consolidation and rule by a collective of allied bankers, military, industrial and globalist powers.
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