I research news articles and comment. The deep state includes corrupt state and local officials.
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"We're starting to see progress," he declared, "and if we stick with it, if we don't flinch in the face of some difficulties," The FRAUD Obama FLINCHED in Turkey!
Take a look at this video and watch Barack Obama flinch when a 21 gun salute is fired in a ceremony in Turkey. This is different from the Barack Obama who was light-hearted about security and the secret service while he appeared on the Jay Leno show a few weeks ago. And the photo of Obama relaxing at a basketball game while he drank a beer portrays a man comfortable with himself. Why is it he flinches in the video? Has something changed?
To draw away involuntarily, usually out of fear or disgust:
An act of drawing back in an involuntary or instinctive fashion:
This FRAUD tells America not to flinch in the face of difficulties. The POS obama as you can see flinches. Mr FRAUD don't tell America not to flinch if you can't stop from flinching!
Replacing God Nancy Morgan RightBias.com April 7, 2009 While speaking in Ankara, Turkey this week, President Obama made an astonishing proclamation. He claimed, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation." Instead, he said, "We are a nation of citizens", essentially assigning fealty to 'the state' over fealty to God. The world listened, and nodded.
Back home in the U.S., Newsweek editor Jon Meacham welcomed The End of Christian America: "The decline and fall of the modern religious right's notion of a Christian America creates a calmer political environment and, for many believers, may help open the way for a more theologically serious religious life."
I guess its settled. God is now outdated, at least among our political and media elite. In their world view, what they sneeringly call the religious right is now merely a fringe group. America itself has evolved to a higher plane. A more progressive plane, if you will.
The overwhelming majority of Americans who profess faith in God are being told that the times have changed. Christianity, our ruling elite inform us, is only one of many religions, all of which are equal.
In case we don't get it, President Obama, while abroad, expressed a deep appreciation for the Islamic faith while, here at home, he appointed a gay-rights activist to the federal government’s faith-based initiative. Said activist described Pope Benedict XVI and certain Catholic bishops as “discredited leaders.” Get it?
The election of Barack Obama has ushered in a new era in the war for hearts and minds in America. Obama, representing the left, believes that man, not God, is omnipotent, thus paving the way for man (Obama) to take control of every facet of life in America. Obama and the government know best. They are now in charge.
President Obama is asking for your blind faith, the faith usually reserved for God. Without any record of achievement, he asks that you believe in him, that you follow his dictates. That you allow him to lead us from the wilderness.
What Obama is doing has been done before. Successfully. In the former Soviet Union, churches operated only with permission of the state. In China, the crackdown continues on underground churches. The 'state' knows it must have supremacy over God in order to effectively rule (subjugate) its citizens.
Pol Pot knew this. Lenin knew this. Mao Tse Tung knew this. Any dictator who conquers a country through force knows this. And Obama knows this.
In order for the state to be supreme, fealty to God, to family and to communities, must be replaced with fealty to the state. This strategy is now being implemented in America, with increasing success.
The traditional family, the backbone of our nation, is being redefined as we speak. The institution of marriage is being undermined by the creeping acceptance of gay marriage. Faith in God is being replaced with faith in Mother Earth.
Its no mistake that the Obama administration is jumping aboard the environmental bandwagon. They recognize the basic human desire to believe in a cause or ideal greater than ourselves.
By making the environment the new religion, all those higher feelings may be directed and manipulated by the state. And all that money, formerly called tithing, may now be directed towards supposed efforts by the government to 'save the planet.' In other words, God can't save the planet, only man can.
Liberalism frees man from pesky moral restraints and abolishes sin in favor of the celebration of self. Guilt may now be assuaged by advocating for environmental purity. Best of all, total redemption is available for those who care enough to become 'carbon neutral.'
In order for this to work, government has to get God out of the way. And they're doing a bang-up job. The ACLU has terrorized cities across the country with threats of lawsuits for allowing the barest hint of religion into state policy.
The secularist media portrays anything smacking of Christianity as totally beyond the pale. Newspapers, magazines and television are of one mind, depicting any show of faith in God as a fringe mentality, as unseemly as picking one's nose in public.
God is now passe, at least according to those elites who set the agenda in our country. Environmentalism is the new religion for all right thinking people. And if you don't agree, well, it doesn't matter. Obama won, haven't you heard? He has claimed a mandate, and, so far, no one is challenging it. We voted for it. We got it.
Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for RightBias.com She lives in South Carolina
Article may be reprinted, with attribution
.................................................................................... Story Reports Comments .................................................................................... The POS said, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation." Instead, he said, "We are a nation of citizens". The POS Obama, while abroad, expressed a deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, while here at home, he appointed a gay-rights activist to the federal government’s faith-based initiative. The POS Barack Obama has ushered in a new era in the war for hearts and minds in America. Obama, representing the left, believes that man, not God, is omnipotent, thus paving the way for man (Obama) to take control of every facet of life in America. The POS Obama and the government know best. They are now in charge. The POS Obama is asking for your blind faith, the faith usually reserved for God. Without any record of achievement, he asks that you believe in him, that you follow his dictates. That you allow him to lead us from the "wilderness". The POS Obama administration is jumping aboard the environmental bandwagon. They recognize the basic human desire to believe in a cause or ideal greater than ourselves. By making the environment the new religion, all those higher feelings may be directed and manipulated by the state. And all that money, formerly called tithing, may now be directed towards supposed efforts by the government to 'save the planet.' In other words, God can't save the planet, only man can.
God is now passe, at least according to those elites who set the agenda in our country. Environmentalism is the new religion for all right thinking people. And if you don't agree, well, it doesn't matter. The POS Obama won, haven't you heard? He has claimed a mandate, and, so far, no one is challenging it. You voted for the POS. You got the POS.
On April 2, 2009, the work of July 4, 1776 was nullified at the meeting of the G-20 in London. The joint communiqué essentially announces a global economic union with uniform regulations and bylaws for all nations, including the United States. Henceforth, our SEC, Commodities Trading Commission, Federal Reserve Board and other regulators will have to march to the beat of drums pounded by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), a body of central bankers from each of the G-20 states and the European Union.
The mandate conferred on the FSB is remarkable for its scope and open-endedness. It is to set a “framework of internationally agreed high standards that a global financial system requires.” These standards are to include the extension of “regulation and oversight to all systemically important financial institutions, instruments, and markets…[including] systemically important hedge funds.”
Note the key word: “all.” If the FSB, in its international wisdom, considers an institution or company “systemically important”, it may regulate and over see it. This provision extends and internationalizes the proposals of the Obama Administration to regulate all firms, in whatever sector of the economy that it deems to be “too big to fail.”
The FSB is also charged with “implementing…tough new principles on pay and compensation and to support sustainable compensation schemes and the corporate social responsibility of all firms.”
That means that the FSB will regulate how much executives are to be paid and will enforce its idea of corporate social responsibility at “all firms.”
The head of the Financial Stability Forum, the precursor to the new FSB, is Mario Draghi, Italy’s central bank president. In a speech on February 21, 2009, he gave us clues to his thinking. He noted that “the progress we have made in revising the global regulatory framework…would have been unthinkable just months ago.”
He said that “every financial institution capable of creating systemic risk will be subject to supervision.” He adds that “it is envisaged that, at international level, the governance of financial institutions, executive compensation, and the special duties of intermediaries to protect retail investors will be subject to explicit supervision.”
In remarks right before the London conference, Draghi said that while “I don’t see the FSF [now the FSB] as a global regulator at the present time…it should be a standard setter that coordinates national agencies.”
This “coordination of national agencies” and the “setting” of “standards” is an explicit statement of the mandate the FSB will have over our national regulatory agencies.
Obama, perhaps feeling guilty for the US role in triggering the international crisis, has, indeed, given away the store. Now we may no longer look to presidential appointees, confirmed by the Senate, to make policy for our economy. These decisions will be made internationally.
And Europe will dominate them. The FSF and, presumably, the FSB, is now composed of the central bankers of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States plus representatives of the World Bank, the European Union, the IMF, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Europe, in other words, has six of the twelve national members. The G-20 will enlarge the FSB to include all its member nations, but the pro-European bias will be clear. The United States, with a GDP three times that of the next largest G-20 member (Japan), will have one vote. So will Italy.
The Europeans have been trying to get their hands on our financial system for decades. It is essential to them that they rein in American free enterprise so that their socialist heaven will not be polluted by vices such as the profit motive. Now, with President Obama’s approval, they have done it.
.................................................................................... Dick Morris
This economic crisis is too useful for Obama to want it to end. When Rahm Emanuel — and later Hillary Clinton — spoke of never letting a good crisis “go to waste,” many people were shocked. But now Obama seems to embody the corollary: that the crisis should continue until he has thoroughly milked it to reshape American politics, society and the economy. Like Faust, he seems to wish that this “given moment” will “endure forever.” Unlike Faust, however, he will not lose his “life and soul” to such a wish. He’ll sacrifice ours instead.
First came the “stimulus package.” With only about $185 billion of its $800 billion in spending to be spent in 2009, Obama clearly never intended the spending to be about stimulus but wanted the need for a stimulus to trigger the spending he wanted anyway.
Then came the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funding, often forced down banks’ throats. Now comes word that even as banks want to return the money, the Treasury is making them keep it. One source at a TARP bank reports that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is insisting that banks go through their “stress test” before refunding the TARP money. As Stuart Varney speculates, in The Wall Street Journal, Obama wants the banks to keep the money so he can enforce his regulations on them.
Now comes Geithner’s plea for extra regulatory powers and Obama’s concession to global economic regulation at the G-20 summit. Both moves are game-changers for any major American business. Geithner wants the power to take over any business — presumably in any field — whose failure would imperil the national economy. Today it’s banks, brokerage houses, car companies and insurance firms. Tomorrow? Who knows?
And Obama agreed to agree on international “high standards” for the regulation of all “systemically important” companies to be promulgated by the new global Financial Stability Board (FSB). The United States, occupying one of 20 chairs on the FSB board (21 if we count the EU), will come to a consensus with other central bankers from the G-20 nations on what these regulations should say. Then the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Reserve and the other regulatory arms of the U.S. government will impose them on our economy.
(Some have objected that Congress needs to be consulted, but as long as the agreements are “voluntary” and the U.S. agencies are merely “asked” to impose the regulations, no further grant of congressional authority is needed. But, of course, there will be nothing voluntary about the administration’s demand that the agencies implement the coming FSB directives, no matter how intrusive they may be.)
And, finally, there is Obama’s delegation of a total overhaul of the tax code to a commission headed by Paul Volcker with a mandate to report back in December of this year.
So with the tax code totally changing, Europe about to formulate regulations for our economy, the U.S. government empowered to take over any large company, the deficit and spending reaching unbelievable levels and the feds insisting on continued control of banks, what businessman in his right mind is going to invest in anything? How could even the most foolish optimist pull the trigger on a business investment without knowing the tax consequences, the regulatory framework and the policy of the banks on lending?
But Obama knows all this. He knows that his steps will delay economic recovery. But he wants these changes, not as means to an end, but as the end itself. And he is determined to get them passed and set in stone while the rubric of “crisis” justifies his doing so.
He is not unlike a leader who takes his country into war, knowing that by “wagging the dog” he can reinforce his power.
But ultimately, does Obama care if he is reelected? Doesn’t he know that he needs a good economy to extend his mandate to eight years? Yes, of course he does. But he probably figures that he can turn the economy around as Election Day 2012 draws nearer and reap all the credit then. In the meantime, no good crisis should ever go to waste.
It is obvious obama is using the created crisis to ram his socialist communist agenda through congress and world summits by, as Morris says, making the crisis work in his favor. With only about $185 billion of its $800 billion in spending to be spent in 2009, Obama clearly never intended the spending to be about stimulus but wanted the need for a stimulus to trigger the spending he wanted anyway. Obama is a piece of SHIT!
America has elected a piece of SHIT! A ventriloquist DUMMY who has disgraced the office of the president. I do respect the office of the president of the US. I have NO respect for a piece of SHIT that bows to a saudi king. Obama has no respect for the office of the president but a ventriloquist dummy can only do what his master wishes. The action appeared especially awkward since among the dozens of world leaders and their spouses, handshakes abounded, but there appeared to be no other bowing in the room. I remember bush kissed and held the saudi kings hand. I thought that was very queer also. My guess is that muslim Obama was enthused to be meeting muslim royalty. Name one thing about the anglo-saxon, western civ world that he admires, adores or supports? He’s either an atheist like most leftists or a closet muslim. Either way he’s the worst president America has ever had. He’s a republic killer.