Developing Self-Reliance (1951) I don’t think this is taught any longer, if it was the democrats and obama regime would be out of luck.

Do african americans think like former slaves?
Ken Raymond
Are There Any Similarities found in the Mindsets of Southern Slaves and Todays African-American Americans?
Many within the African-American community continue to talk about a phenomenon called the slave mentality.It's a very controversial topic thats discussed during African-American forums, in African-American media outlets, and at just about any gathering where the attendees are all African-American.
The reason is likely because both blacks and whites feel very uncomfortable talking about this in racially mixed company especially and when you consider America's history of slavery. But is it real? I believe it is and a clear definition is needed.
But this mindset that needs to be examined and understood by all, but especially by those in the African-American community if certain issues are to be dealt with.
I think the most qualified people to define the term are people who were former slaves themselves—Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman.
Both Douglass and Tubman escaped slavery and spent their lives helping others do the same. As outstanding members of the Abolitionist Movement, they contended with the slave mentality on a regular basis. And they walked among those that had this mindset. That makes Douglass and Tubman leading authorities on the subject.
What is the Slave Mentality?
Frederick Douglass documents his experience with other slaves in his autobiography, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass." And among the many things he says, we find this statement:
"I have found that, to make a contented slave, it is necessary make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and as far as possible, to annihilate his power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery; he must be made to feel that slavery is right."
Harriet Tubman, who led many slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad, said this about the slave mentality
"I freed a thousand slaves. I would've freed a thousand more, if they only knew they were slaves".
Based on Douglass and Tubman's experience, we can define the slave mentality as follows: A person conditioned to quietly, and without objection, accept harmful circumstances for themselves as the natural order of things. They're also conditioned to accept their master's view and beliefs, about themselves, and strive to get others, within their group, to accept the master's view. I think this definition summarizes a slave's way of thinking. But is this phenomenon thriving in African-Americans today? If so, where is it clearly seen?
Do People with Enslaved Minds Act Alike?
Nowhere is it seen more clearly seen than in the relationship between the African-American community and the Democrat Party. Let’s take a closer look and see if our definition accurately applies.
For decades, black people have supported the Democrat Party at every level of government. As a result, the Democrats have maintained control of inner cities across America . And, until the 2010 elections, they maintained control of many state governments.
But let's examine the results of this alliance. According to the U.S. Department of Justice Department of Criminal Statistics, African-Americans account for more than 45 percent of all murder victims in 2007. And about 90 percent of those murders are committed by other African-Americans. And this trend has been going on for decades.
And consider the trend of the African-American population itself, which is in full reverse! Statistics from the U.S. Department of Health show that three out of five African-American pregnancies, in New York , end in abortion. And nationally, African-Americans account for 36.4 percent of all abortions but account for only 13 percent of the country's population.
On the education front, many African-American children, in junior high and high school, are unable to read at their grade level. This has been going on for a long time also. And with the Democrats in charge of education, the literacy rate for African-Americans has been on a downward spiral.
African-Americans never express their dissatisfaction Democrats in general. In fact, African-Americans reward them by voting them back into office each election year.
This behavior meets our definition of the slave mentality, in which African-Americans appear to accept harmful circumstances quietly and without objection.
Slaves also nurtured a concept that told them they were completely dependent on their slave owners. They believed they couldn't survive without them. And no one can dispute that the same thinking was planted in the minds of African-Americans by the Democrats since the Lyndon Johnson era. And whenever the government talks about cutting programs, many black people don't believe they'll survive.
Based on all of this, we can conclude that many within the black community make decisions according to the judgment of a slave. But is this type of judgment exclusive to black people? No, it is not. The slave mentality is the result of conditioning that's been learned and passed down from generation to generation. And since it was the black race that was enslaved in America , this mindset is easily found in their descendants. However, if you look and compare eastern European races to their ancestors that experienced the same thing historically, it's very likely that you'll see the same behavior.
Black people must find the courage to assert their independence and individuality in the face of their peers and their slave masters. While living in Maryland , Douglass was constantly warned, by other slaves, to stop reading for his own safety. Other slaves told Douglass that he must sound and act like them. As a slave, Douglass was also denied reading and writing material by law. But he used rocks, lumber, and anything that would make, or leave, a mark as his pen and paper.
Douglass understood that other slaves were concerned for his welfare, but knew that he couldn't accept his master's view of him. Douglass accepted God's view. And after he found the inner strength to resist his peers and his master, he educated himself and became a free man.
Today, that translates into African-Americans asserting their independence from Democrats, who were the supporters and practitioners of slavery.
Black people must also resist the self-destructive aspects of their culture even when other African-Americans, like Al Sharpton, say they must accept them.
(This article begins to explain why certain black people are chained to the democrate party. It also explains how black people can free themselves from their "master" the federal and state governments. Blacks need to resist the democrate party view of who their are. Blacks are VICTIMS! Victims produced and maintained by such as the obama regime and his fellow criminals in government and elsewhere. Fredrick Doughlass was a former black slave who knew he was a victim of his master's view of him.
Harriet Tubman said: "I freed a thousand slaves. I would've freed a thousand more, if they only knew they were slaves." That hits the nail on the head. Many black people don't know or want to know they are "slaves" of the state because of the democrate welfare state. Harriet Tubman would tell black people today that they are chained to the federal government through the democrate party and many do not realize that the democrate party and the regime in power are their "masters".) Story Reports