Dr Rjp is incorcect about the location of John Mccains birthplace. John Mccain was born in Colon Panama outside of the canal zone.
This is a video overview of a new book to be released by Dr. Polland on his unprecedented, scientific research investigation into the greatest document fraud and media cover-up in US political history.
The U.S. Naval Hospital at Coco Solo, Panama, could not have been the "birthplace" of JS McCain III, who was purportedly born in 1936. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s "Executive Order 8981 - Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, Canal Zone," was signed December 17, 1941. It authorized the creation of the base hospital boundaries entitled, "Boundary Map of Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, Canal Zone."
The land surveys for the hospital construction had been completed in May, 1941, nearly five years after the birth of JS McCain III. The base had no hospital in 1936, so McCain could not have been born on U.S. sovereign territory, even if the base was leased.
Mccain was not born on a military base but was born in Panama outside of the canal zone.
People also have noted obama has never shown any conclusive, concrete evidence of his birth in Hawaii to neutral, objective and qualified sources to properly verify it. This is true and correct.
This video also points out the so called "birther" movement did not exist until it was created by the media using the term birther.
There is not a "birther" movement. I am not connected to any "birther" movement group or organization. I just believe obama is a FRAUD and I can prove it by the fact obama has declared his definition of what a natural born citizen is. A citizen born on US soil to parents who are US citizens at the time of birth. Obama delcared this in senate res S 511 when he signed off on John Mccains resolution. Obama admits he is a FRAUD because of the fact he also delcares his parents were not both US citizens at the time of his birth.
The "naturals" movement, as I call them, involve the vast left wing radical conspiracy to coverup the real facts about obama's natural born citizenship status.
This "naturals" movment did not exist prior to anyone questioning obama's birth place or "certificate of live birth" that has no documentation to validate it in any way.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Fannie Mae owns patent on residential cap and trade exchange
Al gore admits he owns stock in the climate exchange and also admits he wants to profit from his stock. Al Gore once again exposed as disingenuous fraud.
Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange
Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after Democrats took control of Congress.
Nov 7,2006 the US government became the controlling factor in residential stocks traded and obtained a lock on the fledgling carbon trading market, thus also giving it a major financial stake in the success of cap-and-trade legislation. This is why obama and other environmental radicals in an out of the government are hell bent on passing cap and trade legislation. The US government already controls the trading mechanism because the US government owns the trading mechanism. This means any "grren" stock bought or traded will be controlled by the "insiders" in and out of the US government. This is a massive FRAUD scheme that only a Chicago illegal alien thug like obama could have masterminded.
The US government via obama already has a vested interest in cap and trade legislation being passed to control the US population via the massive global warming/climate control FRAUD! Story Reports
Scandal revealed obama gore and goldman to control stock exchange to trade global warming credits
Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange
By: Barbara Hollingsworth
Local Opinion Editor
April 20, 2010
When he wasn't busy helping create a $127 billion mess for taxpayers to clean up, former Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Franklin Raines, two of his top underlings and select individuals in the "green" movement were inventing a patented system to trade residential carbon credits.
Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after Democrats took control of Congress. Former Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., criticized the award at the time, pointing out that it had "nothing to do with Fannie Mae's charter, nothing to do with making mortgages more affordable."
It wasn't about mortgages. It was about greenbacks. The patent, which Fannie Mae confirmed it still owns with Cantor Fitzgerald subsidiary CO2e.com, gives the mortgage giant a lock on the fledgling carbon trading market, thus also giving it a major financial stake in the success of cap-and-trade legislation.
Besides Raines, the other "inventors" are:
* Former Fannie Vice President and Deputy General Counsel G. Scott Lesmes, who provided legal advice on Fannie Mae's debt and equity offerings;
* Former Fannie Vice President Robert Sahadi, who now runs GreenSpace Investment Financial Services out of his 5,002-square-foot Clarksburg home;
* 2008 Barack Obama fundraiser Kenneth Berlin, an environmental law partner at Skadden Arps;
* Michelle Desiderio, director of the National Green Building Certification program, which trains "green" monitors;
* Former Cantor Fitzgerald employee Elizabeth Arner Cavey, wife of Democratic donor Brian Cavey of the Stanton Park Group, which received $200,000 last year to lobby on climate change legislation; and
* Jane Bartels, widow of former CO2e.com CEO Carlton Bartels. Three weeks before Carlton Bartels was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, he filed for another patent on the software used in 2003 to set up the Chicago Climate Exchange.
The patent, which covers both the "cap" and "trade" parts of Obama's top domestic energy initiation, gives Fannie Mae proprietary control over an automated trading system that pools and sells credits for hard-to-quantify residential carbon reduction efforts (such as solar panels and high-efficiency appliances) to companies and utilities that don't meet emission reduction targets. Depending on where the Environmental Protection Agency sets arbitrary CO2 standards, that could be every company in America.
The patent summary describes how carbon "and other pollutants yet to be determined" would be "combined into a single emissions pool" and traded -- just as Fannie's toxic portfolio of subprime mortgages were.
"Fannie Mae earns no money on this patent," communications director Amy Bonitatibus told the Washington Examiner. "We can't conjecture as to the cap-and-trade legislation."
But passage of the legislation would create an artificial, government-mandated, trillion-dollar carbon trading market that would drive up the price of energy, indirectly making housing more expensive.
If the proprietary emissions trading system functions like other exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, which makes most of its revenue on listing and trading fees, its owners could see extremely generous profits, especially with a patent that keeps out competition for two decades.
So Fannie Mae, a quasi-governmental entity whose congressionally mandated mission is to make housing more affordable, has been a behind-the-scenes participant in a carbon trading scheme that would do just the opposite.
In January, Europol announced that up to 90 percent of the volume in the European Union's own carbon-trading market was fraudulent, costing EU members $5 billion during the previous 18 months. That would be just the tip of the iceberg if the Congress were to make a similar mistake.
But if it does, thanks to Raines and his fellow "inventors," Fannie Mae will be laughing all the way to the (bailed-out) bank.
Fannie Mae Owns Patent On Residential Cap And Trade Exchange
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Faisal shahzad a muslim terrorist naturalized citizen can prove who he is but obama cannot

Faisal shahzad,a muslim terrorist naturalized citizen that can prove who he is but obama cannot. A muslim terrorist has more credibility as a US citizen than obama.
The time square bomber is a flop just like obama, both are DUDS!
Pakistani police told NBC News that Shahzad traveled from the United States to Karachi on July 3, 2009, returning to the United States on Aug. 8, 2009. During that time, he is believed to have traveled to Peshawar, a major city in the region bordering Afghanistan known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
(The times square bomber was trained in Karachi for about a month. The times square bomber is similar to the shoe bomber in that he lit the fuse but the bomb didn't go off. I see a similar metaphor when obama is compared to both the shoe bomber, fruit of the loom bomber and time square bomber. Obama says he is going to "lite the fuse" of economic recovery and has done so. Obama's efforts have produced a dud just like his fellow muslim brothers efforts. Obama is a dud himself, a walking talking dud of a leader. Obama is also a complete failure. There is a difference. Obama is a successful failure and his brothers are just failures.) Story Reports
The thread that is common to all recent terrorist plots is the term muslim.
Not all muslims are terrorists but all recent terrorists are muslims.
The story is his house was foreclosed on. He seemed to think this was justification for killing people in times square. Maybe this guy was just trying to send a message for help. :) msnbc and cnn will blame this on him losing his house, like this is an excuse to blow up people.
Obama can't hide behind the shield of race bating or playing the race card this time. He must acknowledge his fellow brother is a terrorist.
Monday, May 3, 2010
All It Would Take Is One Environ Mental Crazy Roustabout Or Toolpusher Willing To Set An Oil Rig On Fire

Obama,US government and Gore are in bed with each other!
Man made oil disaster creates a crisis that won't go to waste
(All It Would Take Is One Environ-Mental Crazy Roustabout Or Toolpusher Willing To Set An Oil Rig On Fire. The narrative below is just one example of how an environmental radical could have caused the oil spill in the gulf. It just doesn't smell right to me. Smells like the BO kinds of green thugs had a hand in this. Was it an accident done on purpose or a crisis obama was not willing to go to waste?
Rush Limbaugh pointed out that the explosion occurred on April 21st, the day before “Earth Day.” He also reminded us that Al Gore had previously encouraged environmental nutjobs to engage in civil disobedience against the construction of coal plants that don’t have carbon capture technology. “Eco-terrorists” exist and have done millions of dollars worth of criminal damage. Fire is one of the main tools of their evil trade. This has got to be the perfect environmental storm. Remember the obama administration is controlled by environ-mental wackos that aided obama in the passage of the "stimulus bill". Radical thugs who will do anything to please their leader BO. This will prevent further licensing of offshore drilling. This "perfect storm eco disaster" will help promote the climate change bill now in congress. Obama is a thug who will use his fellow thugs to put hit after hit on America.) Story Reports
There is a theory on a Russian website that claims North Korea is behind this. The article claims that North Korea torpedoed the Deepwater Horizon, which was apparently built and financed by South Korea.
Torpedoes would make sense for the results we see. The platform exploded, despite redundant safety features; plus, something apparently also happened on the Gulf floor at the opening of the well to prevent engineers from being able to stop the flow of oil from it. Two torpedoes launched from a submarine could cause those things to happen.
There are a number of international “suspects” who might want to do something like this. They range from Muslim terrorists to the Red Chinese, Venezuela and beyond. Remember that China and Russia are drilling out there, as well, and they would benefit from America cutting back on our own drilling.
Aha, a reference at last. The presence of a packer implies with some certainty that we're talking about a liner, not a 'tapered string'. Also (someone else might have mentioned this) I feel that shear rams might have a hard time closing on a BOP test plug, and that doing so may even cause deformation of the Dp from which it's suspended, preventing a seal of the latter within piperams, as well.
So with what we've recently learned (or at least surmised), let's compose a little scenario. But first, I want to make it clear that this is pure speculation, conjecture, and hypothesis maybe not bearing any relevance to what happened on Transocean's DWH working for BP, and therefore as such implies no fault, blame, nor negligence on the part of their equipment and personnel, nor those of any of the companies involved. In fact, let's call this scenario a fantasy situation, occuring on a non-existant well, called 'Well X'.
This is a bit long, but bear with me. I'd appreciate any feedback from others picking holes in this scenario: or could it really happen?
The deepwater (very high dayrate) rig is to temporarily abandon the well, moving off in two days, and a schedule and budget are already in place for this.
A 7" liner has been set and cemented. After the plug has 'bumped' (in fact 'latched', this being a liner), the required casing test pressure is applied for the required length of time (usually 15 minutes). This is then bled off and observed for backflow. Everything looks good. No doubt the annulus is also being observed, through the triptank maybe. That looks OK as well. At present the cement slurry is at its initial density, so that, added to the mud column, has the well under control.
The next job is to set the liner hanger packer. This may be mechanically set, with the liner hanger setting tool assembly, or hydraulically set, which involves closing the BOP and applying annular pressure. Ten attempts are seemingly made. Maybe (if it's a mechanically set packer) it just didn't set properly, and an annular pressure test proved this. Or maybe it was hydraulically-set and didn't function properly.
During this time, the cement column behind the liner is in communication with the rest of the wellbore, and is beginning to firm up. It must be recalled that during the cement curing process, there is a critical period when the slurry no longer exerts the hydrostatic pressure of its initial density, but simply that of the mix fluid, which is usually close to that of fresh water. The well can become underbalanced very easily at this point, which is why some operators like to WOC with the BOP closed.
In this instance, waiting on cement time had not been planned for, because had the liner packer functioned correctly, it would have isolated the formation mechanically from the rest of the well.
At this point, someone figures that possibly the packer failure indicates a BOP malfunction, so that will need to be tested. It is decided to POOH the liner setting tool, make up the BOP test plug, RIH and land it in the well head to test the BOP functions which are suspected to be at fault.
The clock is ticking: this unforseen work might delay the rigmove.
The liner setting tool is pulled. Maybe the crew have been instructed to POOH as fast as possible, because time is of the essence. Maybe swabbing was induced, disturbing the bond of the setting cement between the formation and the OD of the liner. Maybe gas starts to slowly migrate, without being noticed, but causing channelling within the cement.
The test plug is run, and BOP tests are performed. There is no pressure sensor in the annulus below the landed test plug, so nobody is aware that gas is now entering the wellbore, and migrating up below the plug.
The BOP tests having been completed, someone thinks that having the test plug in the hole might be a blessing in disguise. Before moving off the well, the riser must be displaced to seawater. The boat destined to receive the mud is already on location. Why not do it now, thus saving precious time and clawing back some of the delay? Then all that needs to be done is unseat the test plug, pull it above the level of the BOP, close a set of rams, test the liner top and packer, maybe set the packer as well (if that hasn't been done), and then all that will remain is setting the 'mudline' cement plug'? After all, on previous wells in the area there have been no indications of problems with the liner cement bond...
This idea is approved. In itself it doesn't represent much apparent risk. Except that unbeknown to all, gas is still percolating up below the test plug, unexpanded, and thus at full formation pressure.
After the riser displacement, the test plug is unseated, and pulled slowly upwards through the stack. All hell breaks loose. The gas at formation pressure 'sees' an open pathway to expand, and does so. The riser unloads rapidly, sending seawater over the height of the crown block, causing mayhem, confusion, and possibly damage on the rigfloor. The driller has already left his draworks joystick, thus stopping further pipe movement, so he can operate the BOP panel. Rapidly the seawater eruption is being followed by gas, so it is decided to operate the shear rams.
However, by terrible misfortune, the test plug is stopped opposite these rams, which are unable to fully close. Maybe an attempt is made to close other rams or the Hydril. But the MUX control system only operates sequentially. In other words one function must have been completed (ie ram either open or closed) before a further signal can be accepted at seabed. The shear rams are stuck half-way.
By this time, the formation fluids outside the liner are taking advantage of the riser being evacuated to gas, 'seeing' a drastic reduction in the hydrostatic pressure keeping them in place, and are rapidly rising up the wellbore, breaking down the liner cement sheath (which hasn't yet reached its full compressive strength) yet more, and bypassing the packer, which indeed was not set.
The gas at surface has meanwhile found an ignition source, causing a major explosion. This (if not killing the drill crew outright), renders them incapable of any further intervention. The lifeboats are being loaded, and the blowout is now out of control.
.................................................. ............................................
As I mentioned at the start of this mail, I am no way saying that this is what happened recently in the GOM. 'Well X' is a pure invention, but one which encompasses many of the observations and anomalies remarked upon by the many contributors to this thread. As such, is it a possible scenario?
PS By the way, and on a different subject, various people have been asking about other correspondents' qualifications. I've got nothing to hide, so here are mine. Started as a roustabout N.Sea in 1978. Worked my way up within drilling contractors to Toolpusher just by 'climbing the rungs of the ladder'. Did some office stuff as well. 'Moved sideways' in year 2000, and have worked as a consultant drilling supervisor ('Company Man') for various outfits ever since. Have no intention of either taking a shore-based position, nor retiring, come to that.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Scandal Revealed Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA
The Scandal Revealed Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece or rape the USA.
The Chicago Climate Exchange or CCX was started with the help of Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett and is partly owned by Goldman Sachs. Franklin Raines (who got a cool $90 million paycheck from Fannie Mae for bankrupting that institution) owns the patent for proprietary technology for CCX.
The Chicago THUG obama and his fellow thugs have a master plan.
If Goldman is really the bad guy, why are these people still on the job? The Goldman suit is a put up job!
• William C. Dudley, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; was a partner and managing director at Goldman
• Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; spent 18 years at Goldman
• Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Tim Geithner; former Goldman lobbyist
• Philip Murphy; nominated for ambassador to Germany; former Goldman executive
• Diana Farrell; deputy director of the National Economic Council; formerly with Goldman
• Emil Michael; White House fellow; former investment banker with Goldman
The crimminal collusion is between Barrack Obama, George Soros, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, Franklin Raines (super crooked Fannie Mae head), CCX, and Generation Investment Management (GIM-London based co-founded by AL Gore).
America WAKE UP! Dont you see what these politicians and these corrupt con artists think of us, the American people? They know that most of us are so ignorant and so stupid that they can pull off a scam like this. I mean seriously, capping and trading air??, what a SCAM! America we aren't this stupid, wake up to this corruption!!!
The Cypress Times:
Published 04/28/2010 - 4:45 p.m. CST By Bob Beauprez
Political commentator and former Colorado Congressman, Bob Beauprez (R), has gotten an insider’s look at political theater, but when the congressional hearings that took place with Goldman Sachs executives is viewed through the lens of this kind of conspiracy, it sheds a whole new light on what is really going on behind the curtain.
Glenn Beck broke the story on his April 26th television show and regardless of how you view Beck, the odds of all these connections between all of these entities, tying each back to a $15 Trillion scam are far too long to be strictly a coincidence.
Here are the players and their roles:
Joyce Foundation – A group founded in 1948 that took a sharp turn to the left after it’s founder, Beatrice Joyce Kean died in 1972.
Barack Obama – President of the United States and one time Board member of the Joyce Foundation. Largely responsible for creating the Chicago Climate Exchange by funneling money to it from the Joyce Foundation.
Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) – An exchange dealing exclusively with Cap and Trade passes, techonology, etc. It was formed largely due to Obama’s role as Board member on Joyce Foundation. Obama oversaw the funneling of money from that foundation to the CCX as well as to an entity headed by Bill Ayers’ brother.
Valerie Jarrett – Senior advisor to Barack Obama and current Board member on the Joyce Foundation.
Al Gore – Founder of London-based Generation Investment Management (GIM). London also happens to be in the same country where climategate broke. GIM owns 10% of the CCX.
Goldman Sachs – Banking giant that, like Gore, owns 10% of the CCX. Also worthy of note is that at least six former Goldman Sachs executives work inside the Obama administration while Congress puts on a dog and pony show, publicly chastising other Goldman execs about their supposed complicity in the financial crisis.
Franklin Raines – Former head of Fannie Mae. While there, Raines used taxpayer dollars from Fannie Mae to purchase cap and trade technology.
This is nothing less than the outright rape, pillage and deliberate destruction of our country.
What is ECC?
The Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC) is a start-up, national coalition of diverse groups that includes unions, labor groups, community organizations, social justice activists, development intermediaries, research and technical assistance providers, socially responsible businesses, and elected officials.
Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange
Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/Fannie-Mae-owns-patent-on-residential-_cap-and-trade_-exchange-91532109.html#ixzz0moewNm00
By: Barbara Hollingsworth
When he wasn't busy helping create a $127 billion mess for taxpayers to clean up, former Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Franklin Raines, two of his top underlings and select individuals in the "green" movement were inventing a patented system to trade residential carbon credits.
Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after Democrats took control of Congress.
Former Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., criticized the award at the time, pointing out that it had "nothing to do with Fannie Mae's charter, nothing to do with making mortgages more affordable."
It wasn't about mortgages. It was about greenbacks. The patent, which Fannie Mae confirmed it still owns with Cantor Fitzgerald subsidiary CO2e.com, gives the mortgage giant a lock on the fledgling carbon trading market, thus also giving it a major financial stake in the success of cap-and-trade legislation.
(Do you understand what this means? It means the federal government is invested in Al Gore's cap in trade scam. It means the fix is in. It means our government is totally corrupt!) Story Reports
Besides Raines, the other "inventors" are:
* Former Fannie Vice President and Deputy General Counsel G. Scott Lesmes, who provided legal advice on Fannie Mae's debt and equity offerings;
* Former Fannie Vice President Robert Sahadi, who now runs GreenSpace Investment Financial Services out of his 5,002-square-foot Clarksburg home;
* 2008 Barack Obama fundraiser Kenneth Berlin, an environmental law partner at Skadden Arps;
* Michelle Desiderio, director of the National Green Building Certification program, which trains "green" monitors;
* Former Cantor Fitzgerald employee Elizabeth Arner Cavey, wife of Democratic donor Brian Cavey of the Stanton Park Group, which received $200,000 last year to lobby on climate change legislation; and
* Jane Bartels, widow of former CO2e.com CEO Carlton Bartels. Three weeks before Carlton Bartels was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, he filed for another patent on the software used in 2003 to set up the Chicago Climate Exchange.
The patent, which covers both the "cap" and "trade" parts of Obama's top domestic energy initiation, gives Fannie Mae proprietary control over an automated trading system that pools and sells credits for hard-to-quantify residential carbon reduction efforts (such as solar panels and high-efficiency appliances) to companies and utilities that don't meet emission reduction targets. Depending on where the Environmental Protection Agency sets arbitrary CO2 standards, that could be every company in America.
The patent summary describes how carbon "and other pollutants yet to be determined" would be "combined into a single emissions pool" and traded -- just as Fannie's toxic portfolio of subprime mortgages were.
Passage of the legislation would create an artificial, government-mandated, trillion-dollar carbon trading market that would drive up the price of energy, indirectly making housing more expensive.
If the proprietary emissions trading system functions like other exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, which makes most of its revenue on listing and trading fees, its owners could see extremely generous profits, especially with a patent that keeps out competition for two decades.
So Fannie Mae, a quasi-governmental entity whose congressionally mandated mission is to make housing more affordable, has been a behind-the-scenes participant in a carbon trading scheme that would do just the opposite.
In January, Europol announced that up to 90 percent of the volume in the European Union's own carbon-trading market was fraudulent, costing EU members $5 billion during the previous 18 months. That would be just the tip of the iceberg if the Congress were to make a similar mistake.
But if it does, thanks to Raines and his fellow "inventors," Fannie Mae will be laughing all the way to the (bailed-out) bank.
Barbara F. Hollingsworth is the Examiner's local opinion editor.
The cap and trade scam revealed by gleen beck
Fannie Mae Own Patent On Residential Cap And Trade (Global Warming Scam)
Wow the illegal alien obama scams America using the government as the fake front company!
The Chicago Climate Exchange or CCX was started with the help of Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett and is partly owned by Goldman Sachs. Franklin Raines (who got a cool $90 million paycheck from Fannie Mae for bankrupting that institution) owns the patent for proprietary technology for CCX.
The Chicago THUG obama and his fellow thugs have a master plan.
If Goldman is really the bad guy, why are these people still on the job? The Goldman suit is a put up job!
• William C. Dudley, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; was a partner and managing director at Goldman
• Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; spent 18 years at Goldman
• Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Tim Geithner; former Goldman lobbyist
• Philip Murphy; nominated for ambassador to Germany; former Goldman executive
• Diana Farrell; deputy director of the National Economic Council; formerly with Goldman
• Emil Michael; White House fellow; former investment banker with Goldman
The crimminal collusion is between Barrack Obama, George Soros, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, Franklin Raines (super crooked Fannie Mae head), CCX, and Generation Investment Management (GIM-London based co-founded by AL Gore).
America WAKE UP! Dont you see what these politicians and these corrupt con artists think of us, the American people? They know that most of us are so ignorant and so stupid that they can pull off a scam like this. I mean seriously, capping and trading air??, what a SCAM! America we aren't this stupid, wake up to this corruption!!!
The Cypress Times:
Published 04/28/2010 - 4:45 p.m. CST By Bob Beauprez
Political commentator and former Colorado Congressman, Bob Beauprez (R), has gotten an insider’s look at political theater, but when the congressional hearings that took place with Goldman Sachs executives is viewed through the lens of this kind of conspiracy, it sheds a whole new light on what is really going on behind the curtain.
Glenn Beck broke the story on his April 26th television show and regardless of how you view Beck, the odds of all these connections between all of these entities, tying each back to a $15 Trillion scam are far too long to be strictly a coincidence.
Here are the players and their roles:
Joyce Foundation – A group founded in 1948 that took a sharp turn to the left after it’s founder, Beatrice Joyce Kean died in 1972.
Barack Obama – President of the United States and one time Board member of the Joyce Foundation. Largely responsible for creating the Chicago Climate Exchange by funneling money to it from the Joyce Foundation.
Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) – An exchange dealing exclusively with Cap and Trade passes, techonology, etc. It was formed largely due to Obama’s role as Board member on Joyce Foundation. Obama oversaw the funneling of money from that foundation to the CCX as well as to an entity headed by Bill Ayers’ brother.
Valerie Jarrett – Senior advisor to Barack Obama and current Board member on the Joyce Foundation.
Al Gore – Founder of London-based Generation Investment Management (GIM). London also happens to be in the same country where climategate broke. GIM owns 10% of the CCX.
Goldman Sachs – Banking giant that, like Gore, owns 10% of the CCX. Also worthy of note is that at least six former Goldman Sachs executives work inside the Obama administration while Congress puts on a dog and pony show, publicly chastising other Goldman execs about their supposed complicity in the financial crisis.
Franklin Raines – Former head of Fannie Mae. While there, Raines used taxpayer dollars from Fannie Mae to purchase cap and trade technology.
This is nothing less than the outright rape, pillage and deliberate destruction of our country.
What is ECC?
The Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC) is a start-up, national coalition of diverse groups that includes unions, labor groups, community organizations, social justice activists, development intermediaries, research and technical assistance providers, socially responsible businesses, and elected officials.
Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange
Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/Fannie-Mae-owns-patent-on-residential-_cap-and-trade_-exchange-91532109.html#ixzz0moewNm00
By: Barbara Hollingsworth
When he wasn't busy helping create a $127 billion mess for taxpayers to clean up, former Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Franklin Raines, two of his top underlings and select individuals in the "green" movement were inventing a patented system to trade residential carbon credits.
Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after Democrats took control of Congress.
Former Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., criticized the award at the time, pointing out that it had "nothing to do with Fannie Mae's charter, nothing to do with making mortgages more affordable."
It wasn't about mortgages. It was about greenbacks. The patent, which Fannie Mae confirmed it still owns with Cantor Fitzgerald subsidiary CO2e.com, gives the mortgage giant a lock on the fledgling carbon trading market, thus also giving it a major financial stake in the success of cap-and-trade legislation.
(Do you understand what this means? It means the federal government is invested in Al Gore's cap in trade scam. It means the fix is in. It means our government is totally corrupt!) Story Reports
Besides Raines, the other "inventors" are:
* Former Fannie Vice President and Deputy General Counsel G. Scott Lesmes, who provided legal advice on Fannie Mae's debt and equity offerings;
* Former Fannie Vice President Robert Sahadi, who now runs GreenSpace Investment Financial Services out of his 5,002-square-foot Clarksburg home;
* 2008 Barack Obama fundraiser Kenneth Berlin, an environmental law partner at Skadden Arps;
* Michelle Desiderio, director of the National Green Building Certification program, which trains "green" monitors;
* Former Cantor Fitzgerald employee Elizabeth Arner Cavey, wife of Democratic donor Brian Cavey of the Stanton Park Group, which received $200,000 last year to lobby on climate change legislation; and
* Jane Bartels, widow of former CO2e.com CEO Carlton Bartels. Three weeks before Carlton Bartels was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, he filed for another patent on the software used in 2003 to set up the Chicago Climate Exchange.
The patent, which covers both the "cap" and "trade" parts of Obama's top domestic energy initiation, gives Fannie Mae proprietary control over an automated trading system that pools and sells credits for hard-to-quantify residential carbon reduction efforts (such as solar panels and high-efficiency appliances) to companies and utilities that don't meet emission reduction targets. Depending on where the Environmental Protection Agency sets arbitrary CO2 standards, that could be every company in America.
The patent summary describes how carbon "and other pollutants yet to be determined" would be "combined into a single emissions pool" and traded -- just as Fannie's toxic portfolio of subprime mortgages were.
Passage of the legislation would create an artificial, government-mandated, trillion-dollar carbon trading market that would drive up the price of energy, indirectly making housing more expensive.
If the proprietary emissions trading system functions like other exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, which makes most of its revenue on listing and trading fees, its owners could see extremely generous profits, especially with a patent that keeps out competition for two decades.
So Fannie Mae, a quasi-governmental entity whose congressionally mandated mission is to make housing more affordable, has been a behind-the-scenes participant in a carbon trading scheme that would do just the opposite.
In January, Europol announced that up to 90 percent of the volume in the European Union's own carbon-trading market was fraudulent, costing EU members $5 billion during the previous 18 months. That would be just the tip of the iceberg if the Congress were to make a similar mistake.
But if it does, thanks to Raines and his fellow "inventors," Fannie Mae will be laughing all the way to the (bailed-out) bank.
Barbara F. Hollingsworth is the Examiner's local opinion editor.
The cap and trade scam revealed by gleen beck
Fannie Mae Own Patent On Residential Cap And Trade (Global Warming Scam)
Wow the illegal alien obama scams America using the government as the fake front company!
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