Dallas: Workers Spray Ebola Patients’ Vomit Off of Sidewalk with Pressure Washer and No Protective Clothing.
(This is how the obama regime CDC "contains" the virus by spreading it everywhere in the air and the street where an ebola victim puked on the sidewalk. The obama CDC should have informed Bubba and the residents of the apartment complex where the EBOLA victim puked of not coming in contact with the EBOLA puke on the sidewalk. The obama CDC should have EVACUATED and QUARANTINED people that live where the EBOLA victim puked, from the "HOT ZONE" EBOLA virus area, because they are potential EBOLA victims that can spread the disease! Instead the Obama regime CDC did NOTHING to protect the residents of the apartment where the EBOLA victim lives except tell the EBOLA family members to not leave the area!
Bubba if you are living next door to an EBOLA or Obamabola victim you are in danger. Bubba you could be a carrier if for instance you walked through the vomit, as the lady is about to in the picture, or maybe your dog came into contact with the EBOLA puke on the side walk and brought in into your apartment, or maybe your family member also walked through the EBOLA puke and brought the EBOLA virus into your apartment and spread it on the carpet etc.
Bubba when your hand took off your shoes that had the EBOLA vomit on it you walked through did you touch your face or any other surface where the virus can live for 20 DAYS???
This photo indicates the public is unaware that EBOLA is spread through bodily fluids including puke. Bubba is working and spreading the EBOLA virus everywhere just like people in africa by being in contact with the vomit of an EBOLA victim. IGNORANCE IS BLISS with some people!)Story Reports
Workers Spray Ebola Patients’ Vomit Off of Sidewalk with Pressure Washer and No Protective Clothing
(As I read and hear various "news" stories about ebola and what is being done to stop the spread of the "politically correct virus" it has become more and more of apparent that its not the purpose of the obama regime to stop the outbreak. If it was more drastic measures would be in place such as a quarantine for all of those who have arrived in the US from the hot zones in africa. Obama is "pressure washing" the public into thinking he has ebola under control. Because the ebola virus has mutated into the "politically correct ebola virus" it is beginning to appear at various ponts in the US. Ask yourself Bubba, is this because of Incompetence or is it by design.
It seems to be a design of polically correct incompetence to introduce the "politically correct ebola virus" into the US just before the election.
It is a devious scheme to hide other criminal Offences the obama regime is involved in.) Story Reports
‘It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before [Ebola] Is Carried To Every Corner Of The World’
Missouri Doctor: ‘It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before [Ebola] Is Carried To Every Corner Of The World’
Dom Giordano
Dom Giordano talked with Dr. Gil Mobley, who believes the CDC is lying about the threat posed by Ebola and staged a protest at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson Airport to expose it.
Mobley, a doctor in Missouri, is convinced that Ebola will soon be infecting people all over the globe.
“For months, doctors in my community — since we had a meeting six weeks ago — have been convinced that the United States will be importing clusters regularly. Right now, on the continent of West Africa, there are a million people in isolation, in quarantine, because of Ebola, and ten thousand passengers leave West Africa every single day. It’s just a matter of time before this disease is carried to every corner of the world.”
He insists the CDC is underplaying the threat posed by the disease and is intentionally misleading the public.
“They said the chance of importing a cluster — just two weeks ago — was extremely small, yet we knew that it was a sure thing. And the very same day that the President echoed [Director Tom] Frieden’s sentiment at the CDC that it’s very small, that very same day, they made the misdiagnoses in Dallas and sent this infectious guy home to infect these other people.”
Mobley said it is inevitable that an Ebola crisis will break out in the United States.
“That disease is going to consume every third world country on the planet, and then we will be importing these clusters on a regular basis. I have no question that we will be able to stomp out this cluster in Dallas, but what happens when it happens on a weekly basis? Already the Dallas Health Department is overwhelmed; they’re flying people to Atlanta. I don’t care how advanced any industrialized nation is, there is a threshold where we will outstretch the resources and it becomes uncontrolled.”
No way to screen for ebola at airports
CDC issues Ebola checklist: 'Now is the time to prepare'
Ebola virus (The Hot Zone 90% Die)
What the obama regime does not want to tell you about ebola
Ebola Bio Kits Deployed to National Guard Units In All 50 States
(Note the obama regime wants you to think they are getting ready to combat ebola when in fact they are doing little to nothing to stop the spead of the ebola virus across the US. What good is the CDC when they don't even quarantine people from EBOLA VOMIT on the sidewalk and then allow Bubba to pressure wash the EBOLA VIRUS VOMIT every where????) Story Reports
"Bubba" is a term I use for the average low information type obama supporter where ignorance is bliss.