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Friday, October 3, 2014

Politically Correct Ebola Procedures "pressure washing" the public

Dallas: Workers Spray Ebola Patients’ Vomit Off of Sidewalk with Pressure Washer and No Protective Clothing.
(This is how the obama regime CDC "contains" the virus by spreading it everywhere in the air and the street where an ebola victim puked on the sidewalk. The obama CDC should have informed Bubba and the residents of the apartment complex where the EBOLA victim puked of not coming in contact with the EBOLA puke on the sidewalk. The obama CDC should have EVACUATED and QUARANTINED people that live where the EBOLA victim puked, from the "HOT ZONE" EBOLA virus area, because they are potential EBOLA victims that can spread the disease! Instead the Obama regime CDC did NOTHING to protect the residents of the apartment where the EBOLA victim lives except tell the EBOLA family members to not leave the area!

Bubba if you are living next door to an EBOLA or Obamabola victim you are in danger. Bubba you could be a carrier if for instance you walked through the vomit, as the lady is about to in the picture, or maybe your dog came into contact with the EBOLA puke on the side walk and brought in into your apartment, or maybe your family member also walked through the EBOLA puke and brought the EBOLA virus into your apartment and spread it on the carpet etc.

Bubba when your hand took off your shoes that had the EBOLA vomit on it you walked through did you touch your face or any other surface where the virus can live for 20 DAYS???

This photo indicates the public is unaware that EBOLA is spread through bodily fluids including puke. Bubba is working and spreading the EBOLA virus everywhere just like people in africa by being in contact with the vomit of an EBOLA victim. IGNORANCE IS BLISS with some people!)Story Reports

Workers Spray Ebola Patients’ Vomit Off of Sidewalk with Pressure Washer and No Protective Clothing
(As I read and hear various "news" stories about ebola and what is being done to stop the spread of the "politically correct virus" it has become more and more of apparent that its not the purpose of the obama regime to stop the outbreak. If it was more drastic measures would be in place such as a quarantine for all of those who have arrived in the US from the hot zones in africa. Obama is "pressure washing" the public into thinking he has ebola under control. Because the ebola virus has mutated into the "politically correct ebola virus" it is beginning to appear at various ponts in the US. Ask yourself Bubba, is this because of Incompetence or is it by design.

It seems to be a design of polically correct incompetence to introduce the "politically correct ebola virus" into the US just before the election.

It is a devious scheme to hide other criminal Offences the obama regime is involved in.)
Story Reports
‘It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before [Ebola] Is Carried To Every Corner Of The World’
Missouri Doctor: ‘It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before [Ebola] Is Carried To Every Corner Of The World’
Dom Giordano
Dom Giordano talked with Dr. Gil Mobley, who believes the CDC is lying about the threat posed by Ebola and staged a protest at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson Airport to expose it.

Mobley, a doctor in Missouri, is convinced that Ebola will soon be infecting people all over the globe.

“For months, doctors in my community — since we had a meeting six weeks ago — have been convinced that the United States will be importing clusters regularly. Right now, on the continent of West Africa, there are a million people in isolation, in quarantine, because of Ebola, and ten thousand passengers leave West Africa every single day. It’s just a matter of time before this disease is carried to every corner of the world.”

He insists the CDC is underplaying the threat posed by the disease and is intentionally misleading the public.

“They said the chance of importing a cluster — just two weeks ago — was extremely small, yet we knew that it was a sure thing. And the very same day that the President echoed [Director Tom] Frieden’s sentiment at the CDC that it’s very small, that very same day, they made the misdiagnoses in Dallas and sent this infectious guy home to infect these other people.”

Mobley said it is inevitable that an Ebola crisis will break out in the United States.

“That disease is going to consume every third world country on the planet, and then we will be importing these clusters on a regular basis. I have no question that we will be able to stomp out this cluster in Dallas, but what happens when it happens on a weekly basis? Already the Dallas Health Department is overwhelmed; they’re flying people to Atlanta. I don’t care how advanced any industrialized nation is, there is a threshold where we will outstretch the resources and it becomes uncontrolled.”

No way to screen for ebola at airports

CDC issues Ebola checklist: 'Now is the time to prepare'

Ebola virus (The Hot Zone 90% Die)

What the obama regime does not want to tell you about ebola

Ebola Bio Kits Deployed to National Guard Units In All 50 States
(Note the obama regime wants you to think they are getting ready to combat ebola when in fact they are doing little to nothing to stop the spead of the ebola virus across the US. What good is the CDC when they don't even quarantine people from EBOLA VOMIT on the sidewalk and then allow Bubba to pressure wash the EBOLA VIRUS VOMIT every where????) Story Reports

"Bubba" is a term I use for the average low information type obama supporter where ignorance is bliss.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

No Way To Screen for Ebola at Airports

There’s Really No Way To Screen for Ebola at Airports (Defense One)
Patrick Tucker
No Way To Screen for Ebola at Airports
The Centers for Disease Control confirmed on Tuesday that the first case of Ebola has been confirmed in the United States.

In July, the Nigerian government announced that they had started screening passengers at international airports for signs of Ebola after a passenger showed up in Lagos suffering from the illness, which kills up to 70 percent of the people infected with it. Treatment options are extremely limited. Nigerian airport authorities began checking passengers who just arrived from Sierra Leone, currently under a state of emergency, and they began looking for fever, since an elevated temperature is considered a sign of Ebola. If the passenger is presenting with higher than normal temperatures, screeners subject the passenger to a blood test.

Thermal screenings of the international flying population at airports are not likely to yield much by way of improved safety.

Here’s why: fever can be a sign of a lot of different illnesses, not just Ebola. And thermal scanning proved to be a poor method of catching bird flu carriers in 2009 as well. So presenting with an elevated temperature at an airport checkpoint does not indicate clearly enough that the fevered person is carrying the deadly virus. More importantly, the incubation period for Ebola is two days. As many as 20 days can pass before symptoms show up. That means that an individual could be carrying the virus for two weeks or longer and not even know it, much less have it show up via thermal scan. So what good are these scanners?

“I think that thermal screeners help people feel safe,” Dr. Noreen Hynes with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health told Defense One.

The second method that the Nigerian government is taking to detect the presence of Ebola in—possibly—feverish passengers is a blood test. The presence of antibodies in the blood is a much more conclusive sign of the deadly virus. Unfortunately, subjecting hundreds or possibly thousands of passengers to a blood test for Ebola would be practically impossible in a major airport without slowing International air travel to a halt. The current method for performing one of these tests, also called a polymerase chain reaction test, can take eight hours or longer, requires results to be sent to a lab, and is prohibitively expensive in many cases.

Experts agreed that a test able to reveal the presence of Ebola on location at an airport checkpoint—and do so in a relatively short amount of time—would greatly improve authorities’ ability to stop the virus from crossing international borders.
(The bottom line Bubba is if you are in a crowd of people and the guy next to you has a fever etc you know something is wrong. Is it ebola? You don't know but it could be considering the world is just 24 hours away from an outbreak anywhere including the US.

The US airports are wide open just like the borders. The more people that become infected in the US the better your chances of getting Ebola. Remember you can get ebola from being in contact with someone who is in the late stages of the sickness.

The problem is if they got it and you don't know it and maybe you think its the flu but its not and they puke etc on you and you get the ebola virus.

I suggest you take that ebt card Bubba and buy some N95 masks and don't visit your friends or next of kin if they got the flu.)
Story Reports
CDC issues Ebola checklist: 'Now is the time to prepare'

Ebola virus (The Hot Zone 90% Die)

What the government doesn't want to tell you about ebola

Ebola Bio Kits Deployed to National Guard Units In All 50 States
In 2012, a team of Canadian researchers proved that Ebola Zaire, the same virus that is causing the West Africa outbreak, could be transmitted by the respiratory route from pigs to monkeys, both of whose lungs are very similar to those of humans. Richard Preston’s 1994 best seller “The Hot Zone” chronicled a 1989 outbreak of a different strain, Ebola Reston virus, among monkeys at a quarantine station near Washington. The virus was transmitted through breathing, and the outbreak ended only when all the monkeys were euthanized. We must consider that such transmissions could happen between humans, if the virus mutates.

Monday, September 29, 2014

What are cyber physical attacks like STUXNET?

To kill a centrifuge PDF (Industrial control systems are vulnerable.)
To kill a centrifuge PDF (The Langner Group PDF about cyber defense in and industrial environment.)
(I watched a program on PBS last night on Stuxnet. So I have read some more information about the code that infects industrial control systems. Its not a virus but it acts like a virus at the machine level. The Stuxnet code was developed by people under the control and working for a government. It was developed specifically to target Irans bomb making ability. The bad news is its been transported out of Iran and is now in the public domain.

The pdf link below explains in detail what this means for the future of cyber-physical-attacks and its not good. I took the time to read the pdf file titled: To kill a centrifuge. After reading this PDF file about the Stuxnet code I am now more aware of what cyber attacks can do. I think its good information to read and become more informed about what the real story behind the Stuxnet attack and the potential for more.

After reading this Bubba you will know our national defense against "cyber attacks" is as wide open as the borders are to illegal aliens like obama.)
Story Reports
To kill a centrifuge PDF (The Langner Group PDF about cyber defense in and industrial environment.)
Intrusion detection (Page 22 of PDF)

"From a technical point of view, the intriguing idea to detect sophisticated cyber-
physical attacks in network traffic is completely unvalidated. In this respect, the
US Department of Defense’s claim of defending the nation at network speed certainly does not extend to cyber-physical attacks.

Defending against them cannot be done in milliseconds, it requires years of organizational and architectural changes in potential target environments."

Page 23

"Basing national security on theories about adversaries’ motivations and wishful thinking on how to control them is a risky gamble."

"Cyber defense of critical national infrastructure is expected to be implemented
voluntarily by a dispersed private sector that feels little desire to address matters of national security by ill-coordinated risk management exercises that negatively affect the bottom line."

(Thats right Bubba the critical national infrastructure defense depends on the private sector BOTTOM LINE! The government is shooting you a line of bull when it says it is, "Defending the nation at network speed.") Story Reports
The Langner Group (The Langner Group is an independent cyber defense consultancy specialized in critical infrastructure and large-scale manufacturing.)

To kill a centrifuge PDF (The Langner Group PDF about cyber defense in and industrial environment.)

Zero-day attack

A zero-day (or zero-hour or day zero) attack or threat is an attack that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in a computer application, one that developers have not had time to address and patch. It is called a "zero-day" because the programmer has had zero days to fix the flaw (in other words, a patch is not available). Once a patch is available, it is no longer a "zero-day exploit". It is common for individuals or companies who discover zero-day attacks to sell them to government agencies for use in cyberwarfare.
(Keep in mind the industrial control world, where cyber physical attacks could occur, the nation's security depends voluntarily by a dispersed private sector that depends on their bottom line, $$$$. This is what the government is not telling the public and is revealed in the above PDF about STUXNET.) Story Reports

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Know how to calculate your social security benefits from scratch

When you retire and get social security benefits be prepared for the government to recalculate your retirement income out of the blue and cut off your ss check if they made a mistake such as counting your income the year you retire before you retire as income you earned after your actually retire.

You will get a notice telling you that you owe the government money because your ss was overpayed for the months you received any ss checks the first year you retired.


You retire Jun 30, 2013. You get a ss check in jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec of 2013 the first year of your retirement.

The government will require you to pay back jul-dec 2013 if your income was above $15,120 in 2013.

This is even if you did NOT earn any income AFTER you retired in JUN 2013!!!

So if you made more than $15,120 BEFORE you retired the government will cut off your checks until jul-dec benefits are paid back to them!

This is because the ss administration counted your income BEFORE your retired as your income AFTER you retired and you went over the limit that should only be counted AFTER you retired. I know it sounds so STUPID its funny.

They will tell you they over paid you because of your income.
Special rule for the first year you retire:

Sometimes people who retire in mid-year already have earned more than the
annual earnings limit. That is why there is a special rule that applies to earnings
for one year, usually the first year of retirement. Under this rule, you can
get a full Social Security check for any whole month you are retired, regardless
of your yearly earnings.

How Work Affects
Your Benefits

The ss administration should read their own pubs but you know how that goes.

I have heard that some people have run into this problem with the ss.

Lois learner and the irs scandal should make you aware of what the current regime in office is doing.

I am saying the ss administration could be used just as the irs is being used to intimidate US citizens. Especially when it it such an obvious rule violation that causes a check to be cut off because of an obvious ss blunder!
Know how to calculate your own ss benefits before you retire to double check the social security administration. The links below will guide you on your journey.

Step 1:

You need to calculate your average indexed monthly ss earnings for the last 35 years.

SS doesn't count the income the last 2 years you worked, only the 35 years before.

If you didn't work 35 years but are qualified because you have earned your 40 quarters of working just calculate the number of years you did work.

You need to know how much you have paid into ss over the years to calculate this, then use the link below to calculate the indexing factors for each year you worked.

Indexing Factors for Earnings

Examples of indexed earnings

Benefit Calculation Examples for Workers Retiring in 2014

Hey don't panic read the link below to understand it all Bubba.

How Are Social Security Benefits Calculated?
Benefit at full retirement age (the age at which you can take full benefits): Your benefit is based on a three-tiered percentage of your average indexed monthly earnings. For 2014, the benefit is calculated as follows:

(90% of your first $816 of AIME) + (32% of AIME above $816 and through $4,917) + (15% of AIME above $4,917)

The sum is your estimated monthly retirement benefit at your full retirement age (2011 calculations).


If your AIME is $5,000, your benefit is calculated as follows:

90% x $816 = $734.40

+ 32% x ($4,917 - $816) = $1,312.32

+ 15% x ($5,000 AIME - $4,917) = $12.45

Total monthly benefit = $2,059.17

Full retirement age ranges from 65 to 67 and depends on the year in which you were born. If you were born between 1943 and 1954, your full retirement age is 66.

Benefit if you retire early: If you want to retire early and take Social Security benefits before full retirement age, your monthly benefit is reduced.

Compute the effect of early or delayed retirement (Don't forget to use this if you are retiring at age 62, its important.)
Ya know its really strange how the government can use this complicated formula to figure you retirement check and yet can't follow their own rule that says it doesn't count your income regardless of your yearly income, ie the INCOME YOU MADE BEFORE YOU RETIRED THE FIRST YEAR OF YOUR RETIREMENT!

Know how to calculate your social security benefits from scratch because the government may make a "mistake" on purpose.