Friday, August 7, 2009
Obama Thugs Caught Attacking Citizens
Obama Thugs Caught Attacking Citizens
Obama Thugs Attack Citizens at Health Care Town Hall in Tampa
Union thugs attack citizens concerned about Obamacare
A town hall meeting to discuss President Obama’s health care reform descended into shouting and violence in a Tampa, Fla., suburb Thursday as angry opponents clashed with event organizers.
Close to 1,500 people came to Ybor City to attend the session on health care and insurance reform featuring Democratic State Rep. Betty Reed and U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor before the event exploded into a near riot.
According to local media reports, the larger-than-expected crowd gathered outside the Hillsborough County Children’s Board building, where several hundred people, mostly in opposition to government health care, began to loudly chant and scuffle with organizers posted at doorways after the auditorium filled to capacity.
A freelance videographer was roughed up in an altercation, which damaged his camera equipment and glasses, and at least one man was treated for minor injuries after a scuffle left his shirt partially torn from his body.
Thugs March to Obama’s Orders: Hit Back Twice as Hard
Time to fight back America. Hit back twice as hard. Obama is a liar and a FRAUD!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
WARNING Americans Are In Grave Danger

"I begin with the young. We older ones are used up . . . But my magnificent youngsters! Look at these men and boys! What material! With them, I can create a new world." --Adolf Hitler, Nuremberg 1933 By the time Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, 3.5 million children belonged to the Hitler Youth. It would become the largest youth group in history. Hitler gained the loyalty, trust, and passion of so many of Germany's young people.
Hitler Youth Are Similar To Obama Supporters On The Web
Obama is doing the same thing with the "youth" of America. Obama intends to rule and NOT govern. He like hitler is a mob leader who will do anything to stay in power. He is a FRAUD!
From the white house web site: "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"
Obama wants his "hitler youth" to inform on Americans. Americans should be aware of the real obama and rise up in protest to remove obama from office before he grabs more power to destroy those who oppose him. We all are in grave danger!
Emphasis added. Of course, as we’ve seen in the health care debate to date, the term “disinformation” is used by the Obama White House as a catchall to describe any opposition to the President’s push for single-payer, government-run health care — meaning the White House wants to be informed of any forwarded emails or blog posts or any “casual conversations” that could be taken as opposition to their health care overhaul plan.
The White House has, as yet, offered no explanation of what it is they plan to do with the tips on policy opposition they hope to receive from citizen informers.
Red State Says Obama Calls For Informants Just Like Hitler Did With The Hitler Youth!
If you see anybody publicly opposing President Obama’s plan to implement a government-centric overhaul of the health care system, the White House wants you to report that person (or persons) ASAP.
This is in your face type of hitler youth informant style of controlling Americans. The THUG obama is asking American's to spy and inform on others if they only oppose obama by casual conversation. This is what a dictator does. Get ready America, the revolution is comming soon.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Taitz shoots herself in the foot again but obama still is a FRAUD
Obama birth doc update: Kenya sources weigh in
Comparison with similar certificates suggests fakery, WND probe reveals
Posted: August 06, 2009
11:03 am Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
NEW YORK – The Kenyan birth document released by California attorney Orly Taitz is probably not authentic, according to WND's investigative operatives in Africa, though officials in Nairobi do not rule out the possibility President Obama may indeed have been born in their country.
WND obtained several samples of Kenyan birth certificates in use around Aug. 4, 1961, the date of Obama's birth, showing differences from the Taitz document.
I'm afraid Orly Taitz has made a mistake by posting the Kenyan birth certificate.
Her credibility has been damaged. Most of the other documents she has have been real. This is too bad. How could she have put this on the web without checking it out. From now on I will question what she does and not believe it until it is documented.
Something is very strange here. It would seem Orly Taitz is is acting incompetent. Read below what the judge said about her recent filing in court.
Claim of Obama’s Kenya birth record thrown out
August 6th, 2009, posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter
U.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Nakazato today threw out a document that was purportedly a copy of President Barack Obama’s registration of birth in Kenya. Nakazato’s action also dismissed a request that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have the Kenyan government verify the document.
Last weekend, Mission Viejo lawyer Orly Taitz filed the document, which claimed to be a registration of Obama’s birth. The filing was part of a complaint Taitz has in Santa Ana federal court - filed on behalf of Alan Keyes, Buena Park Pastor Wiley Drake and others - alleging that Obama is not U.S. born and should be removed from office.
Judge Nakazato 's comment in his "Order Striking Filed Documents from the Record" reads thusly:
WHEREAS, the documents listed below were improperly filed for the following reason(s)
Lacks proper notice (L.R. 6-1, 7-4); improper form and format (L.R. 11-3.3, 11-3.6); Counsel failed to identify her Cal. State Bar No. (L.R. 11-3.8(a)); description of motion conflicts or differs from that which counsel entered on Court's e-docket
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the documents shall be striken from the record and shall not be considered by the Court....
Orly what kind of lawyer are you? (1) improper format, (2) Failed to identify cal state bar no. (3) motion conflicts or differs fromthat which was entered on courts e-docket. Three BIG mistakes by orly taitz.
As discussed in the last Monday over net-radio on "The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen," it is time for Orly Taitz to demostrate that she is not an "agent provocateur" -- a spoiler acting to be there first with the worst, before competent attorneys (or perhaps Citizens' Grand Juries) have an appropriate chance to behave appropriately, before the courts.
Ya know I also question Taitz action in this case. It seemed half cocked. Something is wrong here. I have noticed she does act somewhat strange in that she acts like a loose cannon sometimes. Although most of her other documentation on the FRAUD obama is solid. Because of this she playes into the hands of the FRAUD obama.(Story Reports)
Obama birth doc update: Kenya sources weigh in
Comparison with similar certificates suggests fakery, WND probe reveals
Posted: August 06, 2009
11:03 am Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
NEW YORK – The Kenyan birth document released by California attorney Orly Taitz is probably not authentic, according to WND's investigative operatives in Africa, though officials in Nairobi do not rule out the possibility President Obama may indeed have been born in their country.
WND obtained several samples of Kenyan birth certificates in use around Aug. 4, 1961, the date of Obama's birth, showing differences from the Taitz document.
I'm afraid Orly Taitz has made a mistake by posting the Kenyan birth certificate.
Her credibility has been damaged. Most of the other documents she has have been real. This is too bad. How could she have put this on the web without checking it out. From now on I will question what she does and not believe it until it is documented.
Something is very strange here. It would seem Orly Taitz is is acting incompetent. Read below what the judge said about her recent filing in court.
Claim of Obama’s Kenya birth record thrown out
August 6th, 2009, posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter
U.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Nakazato today threw out a document that was purportedly a copy of President Barack Obama’s registration of birth in Kenya. Nakazato’s action also dismissed a request that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have the Kenyan government verify the document.
Last weekend, Mission Viejo lawyer Orly Taitz filed the document, which claimed to be a registration of Obama’s birth. The filing was part of a complaint Taitz has in Santa Ana federal court - filed on behalf of Alan Keyes, Buena Park Pastor Wiley Drake and others - alleging that Obama is not U.S. born and should be removed from office.
Judge Nakazato 's comment in his "Order Striking Filed Documents from the Record" reads thusly:
WHEREAS, the documents listed below were improperly filed for the following reason(s)
Lacks proper notice (L.R. 6-1, 7-4); improper form and format (L.R. 11-3.3, 11-3.6); Counsel failed to identify her Cal. State Bar No. (L.R. 11-3.8(a)); description of motion conflicts or differs from that which counsel entered on Court's e-docket
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the documents shall be striken from the record and shall not be considered by the Court....
Orly what kind of lawyer are you? (1) improper format, (2) Failed to identify cal state bar no. (3) motion conflicts or differs fromthat which was entered on courts e-docket. Three BIG mistakes by orly taitz.
As discussed in the last Monday over net-radio on "The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen," it is time for Orly Taitz to demostrate that she is not an "agent provocateur" -- a spoiler acting to be there first with the worst, before competent attorneys (or perhaps Citizens' Grand Juries) have an appropriate chance to behave appropriately, before the courts.
Ya know I also question Taitz action in this case. It seemed half cocked. Something is wrong here. I have noticed she does act somewhat strange in that she acts like a loose cannon sometimes. Although most of her other documentation on the FRAUD obama is solid. Because of this she playes into the hands of the FRAUD obama.(Story Reports)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Avoid the website at all costs

Avoid the "" website at all costs. Unless you want the US to own your computer, your network, and share all information with cops all over the world.
The disclaimer on the Cars for Clunkers website actually requires you to forfeit pretty much all your rights in the Constitution.
It might be a good idea to get that gun now.
Do not under any circumstances go to the US Government website that manages the "Cash for Clunkers" program
Some asshole in the US government, ie obama, is hoping to use technology for some pretty unexplained and disturbing purposes.
Agreeing to the disclaimer between the site and the dealer site actually makes your computer, and the network it is on the property of the US Government:
“This application provides access to the DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the U.S. Government. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, Dot, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign.”
Obama is just like hitler. He is rushing to take complete control of your freedoms.
While this does not "attack and seize and catalog and share" all the information on consumers computers, it would stand to reason that it gets all the consumer information from the dealers network of computers.
Obama is a FRAUD. A deceiver who will and is destroying America.
Obama Is A Black Forrest Gump

Main Entry: 1 stu·pid
Pronunciation: \ˈstü-pəd, ˈstyü-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French stupide, from Latin stupidus, from stupēre to be numb, be astonished — more at type
Date: 1541
1 a: slow of mind : obtuse b: given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c: lacking intelligence or reason : brutish
2: dulled in feeling or sensation : torpid: still stupid from the sedative
3: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless ,a stupid decision.
4 a: lacking interest or point ,a stupid event, b: vexatious, exasperating ,the stupid car won't start.
— stu·pid·ly adverb
— stu·pid·ness noun
(The IDIOT obama is teaching us how to act "stupidly") Stupid is as stupid does. Obama is an idiot.
President Obama's Wednesday night criticism of Cambridge, Mass., police has drawn a rebuke from the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).
The criticism comes after Obama said Cambridge police officers acted "stupidly" when they arrested Henry Louis Gates, a friend of the president's, after he broke into his own home. Gates was arrested on disorderly conduct charges, which were then dropped. The president said it highlights ongoing problems with race relations in the U.S.
Jim Pasco, executive director of the FOP's legislative office, noted that before Obama made the remarks, the president acknowledged that he was only vaguely familiar with what happened.
"That being the case, it's unfortunate that he chose to say anything," Pasco said. "He wasn't there, and he doesn't know what happened."
Pasco said it appears that Gates was the "provocateur" because he called Officer James Crowley a racist instead of producing identification as requested.
On Thursday, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs sought to walk back the president's comments.
"Let me be clear. He was not calling the officer stupid, OK?" Gibbs told reporters on Air Force One. "He was denoting that ... at a certain point the situation got far out of hand, and I think all sides understand that."
Like I said obama is an IDIOT. Obama is also a FRAUD.
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