Saturday, May 18, 2013
An email sent to a congressman about the FRAUD and deception of obama
An email sent to a congressman about the FRAUD and deception of obama.
2 congressmen, Mike Kelly and Jim Renacci, are requesting treasury secetary Jack Lew to release documents detailing the process and methodology the authomotive task force used to shut down general motors dealerships in 2009 during the automotive industry "crisis".
I am asking you sir to also join in this quest but to not only seek the information about general motors dealerships, also seek information about chrysler dealerships that were forced into bankrupcy by the obama task force.
Hundreds of chrysler dealerships were closed when the were not failing at all. Some of these dealerships were replaced with democrate cronies.
This is how obama used the power of the government again for political reasons. Obama should be in jail along with those who committed these crimes.
Please note that 82 former Chrysler dealers had seeked justice because of the improper use of TARP funds by the obama regime.
Leo Donofrio Lawyer representing the 82 former chrysler dealers.
"Our case relies on the record of the entire bankruptcy proceeding which unequivocally exhibits that – while dealer restructuring was a future goal of New Chrysler – all key witnesses, including Old Chrysler’s CEO and Fiat executive Alfredo Altavilla, testified that neither the US Government nor Fiat ever requested dealer restructuring as a condition precedent to the deal closing. The record is crystal clear on that issue. Judge Gonzalez changed Alfredo’s answer in his Rejection Opinion by an act of judicial ventriloquism."
This is clear evidence that the obama regime used the power of the government to force dealerships into bankrupcy for political reasons. This is illegal and obama should be held accountable along with his dept heads using the irs to help obama get reelected by intimidation!
“Judge Gonzalez who – by failing to correct his own fraudulent statement in Footnote 21 of the June 19, 2009 Rejection Opinion – has now elevated his transgression to intentional fraud.”
“Where the witness clearly answered, “No”, the Judge has changed the answer to “Yes”.”
It is very obvious the former chrysler dealers should have not been burned. Dealer restructuring as a condition precedent to the deal closing was never needed nor requested.
“The record of the case clearly shows that Old Chrysler was the only party directly responsible for ripping the livelihood from our clients.”
Unconstitutional use of TARP funds by the government is also obvious.
“But for the improper use of TARP funds, the Government would not have gifted Chrysler to Fiat and our clients would not have had their businesses ripped from them.”
“The entire case against the rejected Chrysler dealers revolved on one simple answer given by Fiat Executive, Alfredo Altavilla, when he was cross-examined by Dealer Counsel during the hearing to decide the fate of Chrysler. Every other witness testified that neither the US Government nor Fiat requested that Old Chrysler reject the 789 Dealer franchise contracts.”
“Without a request by the lender (the US Government) or the purchaser (Fiat), there was no sound business judgment in Old Chrysler killing off 789 franchises.”
“The American people paid the ENTIRE 20 plus billion dollar purchase costs just to hand it over to Fiat for free.”
“Zippo nada zilch was paid by Fiat who were therefore in no position to demand 40,000 American jobs be lost and 789 dealerships be gutted. Fiat didn’t make that insane demand and the testimony above clearly shows this to be true.”
(Obama paid fiat 20 plus billion dollars to buy chrysler. Obama through his czar required 40,000 American jobs be lost and 789 dealerships be gutted. Judge gonzo is covering for obama. Obama is a communist who is destroying the US economy on purpose. This is a prime example. Obama kills 40,000 jobs, borrowers 20 billion and gives it away to fiat.
Now thats what I call “spreading the wealth around”!) Story Reports
Stop Obama before its to late please! Investigate this also!
Chrysler Dealers and Quo Warranto
Judge Gonzalez Now Guilty Of Intentional Fraud In Chrysler Case. Leo Donofrio Former Chrysler Lawyer in 2010
(We now begin to see why Leo lost the bankrupcy case of the former chrysler dealers. The former chrysler dealers had their dealerships taken away by the obama czars and the automotive task force of the obama regime.
These dealerships as the above record indicates had every right to keep their dealerships. The obama czar 'task force" made sure they lost their dealerships so they could be given to democratic supporters of obama!!!!
Obama via the "automotive task force" used the power of the government to strip away property of American citizens for POIITICAL REASONS!!!
This is what a dictatorship does!
The corruption is not just in the IRS hounding Americans but it in agency after agency of the obama regime.
Obama and his fellow thugs should be in jail.) Story Reports
Leo Donofrio and Steve Pidgeon represent 76 former Chrysler dealers.
(Take time to read the Leo Donofrio archives and become aware of the corruption via barack hussen obama.)Story Reports
How can it be that obama is still in office?????????????????
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.) repeatedly pressed the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax-exempt status of specific conservative nonprofit organizations in letters to the IRS
Democratic senator carl levin pressured IRS to investigate nonprofits
Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.) repeatedly pressed the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax-exempt status of specific conservative nonprofit organizations in letters to then-IRS commissioner Doug Shulman and director Lois Lerner in 2012.
Levin said he was concerned nonprofit organizations were abusing their tax-exempt status and engaging in partisan politics and requested information from the IRS on 12 organizations.
“Organizations are using Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(4) to gain tax exempt status while engaging in partisan political campaigns,” wrote Levin in one letter on July 27, 2012. “Making the problem worse is that the IRS knows there is a problem because of the public nature of the activity but has failed to address it.”
He asked whether the 12 organizations “applied for [tax-exempt status]; and if so … received the described exemption for political activity from the IRS.”
Levin’s list contained nine conservative groups, including Club for Growth, Americans for Tax Reform, and Americans for Prosperity. It also included two liberal groups and one centrist group.
The IRS officials were reportedly already aware that the agency had been targeting conservative groups for special scrutiny during the time Levin was corresponding with Shulman and Lerner.
The IRS acknowledged on Friday that agency officials singled out conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.
Democratic senator pressured IRS to investigate nonprofits
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin says there will be an investigation into IRS targeting of Tea Party groups
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin said the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will look into IRS targeting Tea Party groups for tax audits.
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin says there will be an investigation into IRS targeting of Tea Party groups
(Carl levin asked the irs to investigate conservative tea pary groups in 2012. Now Carl levin says there will be an investigation into the irs targeting the tea party.
The IRS targeted the tea party groups because scum like him and other obama thugs pressured the irs to help obama get reelected.
Obama and carl levin are scum. This type of scum is hard to remove but this type of scum will cause the death of America if it is not stopped from spreading!) Story Reports
Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.) repeatedly pressed the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax-exempt status of specific conservative nonprofit organizations in letters to then-IRS commissioner Doug Shulman and director Lois Lerner in 2012.
Levin said he was concerned nonprofit organizations were abusing their tax-exempt status and engaging in partisan politics and requested information from the IRS on 12 organizations.
“Organizations are using Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(4) to gain tax exempt status while engaging in partisan political campaigns,” wrote Levin in one letter on July 27, 2012. “Making the problem worse is that the IRS knows there is a problem because of the public nature of the activity but has failed to address it.”
He asked whether the 12 organizations “applied for [tax-exempt status]; and if so … received the described exemption for political activity from the IRS.”
Levin’s list contained nine conservative groups, including Club for Growth, Americans for Tax Reform, and Americans for Prosperity. It also included two liberal groups and one centrist group.
The IRS officials were reportedly already aware that the agency had been targeting conservative groups for special scrutiny during the time Levin was corresponding with Shulman and Lerner.
The IRS acknowledged on Friday that agency officials singled out conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.
Democratic senator pressured IRS to investigate nonprofits
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin says there will be an investigation into IRS targeting of Tea Party groups
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin said the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will look into IRS targeting Tea Party groups for tax audits.
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin says there will be an investigation into IRS targeting of Tea Party groups
(Carl levin asked the irs to investigate conservative tea pary groups in 2012. Now Carl levin says there will be an investigation into the irs targeting the tea party.
The IRS targeted the tea party groups because scum like him and other obama thugs pressured the irs to help obama get reelected.
Obama and carl levin are scum. This type of scum is hard to remove but this type of scum will cause the death of America if it is not stopped from spreading!) Story Reports
IRS pressured pro-lifers not to protest a pro-choice organization that endorsed President Obama
IRS denied tax-exempt status to pro-lifers on behalf of Planned Parenthood
IRS officials refused to grant tax exempt status to two pro-life organizations because of their position on the abortion issue, according to a non-profit law firm, which said that one group was pressured not to protest a pro-choice organization that endorsed President Obama during the last election.
“In one case, the IRS withheld approval of an application for tax exempt status for Coalition for Life of Iowa. In a phone call to Coalition for Life of Iowa leaders on June 6, 2009, the IRS agent ‘Ms. Richards’ told the group to send a letter to the IRS with the entire board’s signatures stating that, under perjury of the law, they do not picket/protest or organize groups to picket or protest outside of Planned Parenthood,” the Thomas More Society announced today. “Once the IRS received this letter, their application would be approved.”
Planned Parenthood endorsed Obama in 2008 and 2012.
The IRS also pressured another pro-life group about its religious activities. “The IRS withheld approval of an application for charitable tax-exempt recognition of Christian Voices for Life, questioning the group’s involvement with ’40 Days for Life’ and ‘Life Chain’ events,” according to the law firm. “The Fort Bend County, Texas, organization was subjected to repeated and lengthy unconstitutional requests for information about the viewpoint and content of its educational communications, volunteer prayer vigils, and other protected activities.”
The IRS admitted last week to that some members of the agency targeted Tea Party groups for discriminatory reviews of their applications for tax-exempt status. The Justice Department has initiated a criminal investigation into the matter.
IRS denied tax-exempt status to pro-lifers on behalf of Planned Parenthood
In February 2010, the Champaign Tea Party in Illinois received approval of its tax-exempt status from the IRS in 90 days, no questions asked. That was the month before the Internal Revenue Service started singling out Tea Party groups for special treatment. There wouldn't be another Tea Party application approved for 27 months. In that time, the IRS approved perhaps dozens of applications from similar liberal and progressive groups, a USA TODAY review of IRS data shows. As applications from conservative groups sat in limbo, groups with liberal-sounding names had their applications approved in as little as nine months. With names including words like "Progress" or "Progressive," the liberal groups applied for the same tax status and were engaged in the same kinds of activities as the conservative groups.
IRS Spared Liberal Groups as Tea Party Languished, More Conservative Orgs Targeted Than First Thought
(Obama promotes a culture of intimidation and corruption. It is because obama and his regime are corrupt. Jerome Corsi called the obama regime a "thugocracy".
When the leaders are corrupt and devoid of any sense of justice or truth you get a government out of control that searches for anyone who expresses their voice against the corruption and criminal activity.
America is under the control of thugs who will do anything to stay in power. The evidence is now comming out that obama won the last "election" buy doing everything in his power to stop Americans in various tea parties from doing what is legal.
The Mark Levin Radio Show
Listen To The Mark Levin Show
Thursday morning’s Tea Party press conference addressing the IRS targeting scandal, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said President Barack Obama’s and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s decision to ask for acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller’s resignation was not presented honestly to the American people.
Bachmann was responding to a question from her colleague, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), who was jokingly acting as a member of the media at the press conference. “Michele, I got a question. Is this all fixed since the president let someone go he brought on board six months ago?” Gohmert asked.
“My colleague, Rep. Louie Gohmert, has just joined your ranks,” Bachmann responded. “He asked if yesterday the president engaged in damage control 101... So, what we saw again, was one more canard coming out of the White House, where they said that they were asking for the resignation and it looked like this was going to be a big shakedown by taking down the head, Steven Miller, of the IRS."
Bachmann said this was not the case as "Mr. Miller was scheduled to resign anyway and leave the IRS anyway.” She added that the American people have not been given accurate information about the IRS scandal thus far.
“Again, the American people have not been told the truth,” she said. “What we need to know is what did the White House know and when did they know it.”
Obama won't answer these questions!
Beyond the classic question, “What did the Administration know and when did it know it?”, a myriad of questions remain unanswered. Here are just a few:
Who inside the IRS hatched the plan to target conservatives and what, if any, connections do they, their associates, or superiors have to the Obama White House, campaign team, or other political organizations?
Who at the IRS leaked confidential tax documents to the progressive-leaning journalism group ProPublica, an action which the IRS official manual says can result in up to five years in prison and fines of up to $5,000?
Who are the two “rogue” individuals disgraced former IRS Commissioner Stevens said went “off the reservation” and acted “overly aggressive” and what, if any, connections do they have politically? If, as the Inspector General report alleges, political motivations were not driving the targeting of conservatives, then what was? Also, what “discipline” did the two rogue agents receive?
Did IRS agents coordinate with Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) or his staff to “go after them [conservative groups],” as he told the New York Times, following Levin’s letters to then-IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman and Director Lois Lerner?
Did Sen. Max Baucus (D-MO) or his staff communicate or coordinate with IRS agents after Baucus wrote this September 28, 2010 letter instructing then-Commissioner Douglas Shulman to have his “agency survey major 401(c)(4), (c)(5) and (c)(6) organizations to determine whether they are acting as conduits for major donors advancing their own private interests”?
What communications took place between IRS agents and the following senators and their staffs following the delivery of this jointly written letter demanding the IRS crack down on “abuse of the tax code by political groups focused on federal election activities”: Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO ), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM), Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), and Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)?
What communications existed between Obama reelection campaign co-chair Joe Solomonese, whom the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) alleges received its confidential tax returns, and IRS agents?
What portion of Obama’s 79% increase in audits of charities were of conservative groups?
If political motivations were not driving the selective targeting of 500 conservative organizations, then why were a similar number of liberal groups not harassed?
What role did IRS Rulings and Agreements Division Director Holly Paz, who in 2008 donated $2,000 to Obama, play in ratcheting up IRS investigations, as she promised she would in June 2012?
LISTEN TO MARK LEVIN 6 PM - 9PM EST Most of the time he is right.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
You elected obama so what did you expect?

(Obama supports the gays and acts like a thug. He is a fraud who cannot produce a valid birth certificate. I said valid. A birth certificate than has not been cut and pasted in a pdf file.
Our government has a "leader" who is a criminal. I can only hope that the house of reps will impeach the fraud and expose his hatred for the Constitution and the American people.) Story Reports
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Time Out
ROGER WHITTAKER and his guest David Gates (of rock group Bread) taped a special for CBC Television in 1977 titled "All My Best - Roger Whittaker" from an album of the same name featuring his hits. Born in Nairobi, Kenya, his family was originally from England. He is a singer/songwriter/musician whose easy listening music made him popular all over the world.
(Some people concentrate on what the idiots in washington dc say or do. If it wasn't for the idiots in washington we all could enjoy life and not concern ourselves with what the idiots in washington have done or will do next. I think I need a time out. People in the US are in need of gainful employment. Some can't find employment because of their records. Some can't find employment because there is none to be found. Yesterday someone knocked on my door and asked if he could cut my grass. I asked him how much do you charge. He responded and I hired hime to cut my grass. He did a good job. After he was through I talked with him about jobs. He said he had been looking for a job but could not get one. I suspected it was because of some problem in the past. I noted he was dressed in pants that droop in the back like I see many black people wear. I ask him how old he was. To my surprise he said he was 40 years old. I though 40 years old and dressed like a kid no wonder you can't find a job. I later found out that he did have a good job until he started selling drugs and got a record. I asked myself how many people like this guy are on welfare because they messed their life up. I suspect many. I looked at him and thought of the fraud in the white house and how he uses these type of people to his advantage and their disadvantage. What a world.) Story Reports
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Imperial Wizard Obama
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party, targeting of conservatives also.
An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting "Tea Party" and "patriot" groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas.
The additional guidelines created by the agency were part of a timeline, obtained by Fox News, from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, which is looking into the controversial IRS practice. IRS officials apologized Friday for the scrutiny, but new information suggests senior leaders were apprised of the effort as early as 2011 despite public denials from the top.
Republican lawmakers have vowed to investigate and hold hearings, calling the revelations deeply troubling.
"The conclusion that the IRS came to is that they did have agents who were engaged in intimidation of political groups," Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers told "Fox News Sunday." "I don't care if you're a conservative, a liberal, a Democrat or a Republican, this should send a chill up your spine. It needs to have a full investigation."
The internal IG timeline shows a unit in the agency was looking at Tea Party and "patriot" groups dating back to early 2010. But it shows that list of criteria drastically expanding by the time a June 2011 briefing was held. It then included groups focused on government spending, government debt, taxes, and education on ways to "make America a better place to live." It even flagged groups whose file included criticism of "how the country is being run."
By early 2012, the criteria were updated to include organizations involved in "limiting/expanding government," education on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and social economic reform.
Taken together, the findings of the IG and the initial admissions by the IRS Friday are fueling complaints from Republicans on Capitol Hill.
Evidence that the IRS was flagging such groups in 2011 was included in a draft inspector general's report obtained Saturday by Fox News and other news organizations and expected to be released in full later this week.
That information seemingly contradicts public statements by IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, who told congressional investigators in March 2011 that specific groups were not being targeted.
Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins on Sunday also called the IRS activities chilling and said she was disappointed that President Obama had not condemned the actions.
"This is truly outrageous and it contributes to the profound distrust that the American people have in government," Collins told CNN's "State of the Union." "It is absolutely chilling that the IRS was singling out conservative groups for extra review. And I think that it's very disappointing that the president hasn't personally condemned this."
At about the same time, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney released a statement saying: "If the inspector general finds that there were any rules broken or that conduct of government officials did not meet the standards required of them, the president expects that swift and appropriate steps will be taken to address any misconduct."
Michigan Republican Rep. Dave Camp, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said Friday his committee will hold a hearing on the issue.
The IRS said Friday that it was sorry for what it called the "inappropriate" targeting of the conservative groups during the 2012 elections.
Lois G. Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt organizations, said the practice was initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati and was not motivated by political bias.
But on June 29, 2011, Lerner found out that such groups were being targeted, according to the inspector general's report.
She was told at a meeting that groups with "Tea Party," "Patriot" or "9/12 Project" in their names were being flagged for additional and often burdensome scrutiny, the report states.
The 9/12 Project is a group started by conservative TV personality Glenn Beck.
Collins also said she does not believe the activity was limited to "a couple of rogue IRS employees."
"After all," she added, "groups with `progressive' in their names were not targeted similarly."
IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party, targeting of conservatives also
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary
Imperial wizard- obama
Klaliff- biden
Klokard- holder
Kludd- obama mufdee
Kligrapp- hillery
Kladd- DNC
Klargo- holder "justice" dept
Klexter- unions
Night Hawks- "state run media"
(Its obvious the obama gestapo, better known as the irs, has been doing his dirty work. It is true the "klan" has changed uniforms and now wear suits.) Story Reports
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Cell Phone Addiction And Nomophobia
Think you’re addicited to your smartphone? Turns out that cellphone addiction might be contagious.
According to a new study conducted by the University of Michigan, people are more likely to pull out their phone when someone around them does the same.
In the study, researchers watched groups of students, documenting their cellphone use every 10 seconds. Overall, students were on their phones 24% of the time they spent with a friend, and were 39.5% more likely to use their phone when the person they were sitting with had done so in the previous 10-second interval.
Researcher Daniel Kruger said he believes the pattern may be attributed to social inclusion. If the person you’re sitting with is checking Twitter or texting other friends, then you're likely to do so as well in order to avoid feeling excluded.
That effect is intensified in younger adults who might habitually check their phones. When those who are already addicted to their phones use the devices while spending time with others, cellphone usage increases even more.
Researchers said the results could differ slightly in older adults who don’t use their phones as often.
Dr. Waterman of Morningside Recovery
The term nomophobia (no mobile) was first termed in 2008 by a U.K. survey. Nomophobia is used to describe the intense anxiety some individuals experience at losing, or the thought of losing, their cell phone. In 2008, the U.K. survey concluded that 13% of the sample surveyed suffered from nomophobia. A follow-up survey conducted last year finds that the rate has risen up to 66% of those surveyed.
4 warning signs associated with cell phone addiction:
•An excessive compulsion to check your phone
•Using your phone at inappropriate place and during inappropriate times (i.e. the movie theater in church, on a date, a public restroom, etc.)
•Experiencing extreme anxiety over losing your phone (nomophobia)
•Neglecting face to face interaction because you are glued to your phone
The first step to determine an appropriate treatment is to assess the level of impairment caused by the patient’s fear, says Waterman.
“We tell patients we’re going to remove their phone for an extended period of time, usually at least the first 10 days if they are in an inpatient program, because they need to be less distracted by external communication,” says Waterman…”
Nomophobia: Is your cellphone addiction covered?
Waterman suggests that people with less serious cases of nomophobia try these strategies:
Become self-aware and monitor the frequency with which you check your phone.
Commit to putting your phone down and turning it off for a specific amount of time while you focus on other priorities such as your relationships, exercise or meditation.
If you feel anxious or have an urgent need to check your phone, try using healthy coping skills such as deep breathing, redirecting your attention to the people around you or busying yourself with exercise.
Ask other people to help you by taking your phone away for specific time periods.
"If you can't let go of your phone, then this could be a sign that your life is out of balance, but there's nothing wrong with using your phone a lot as long as that's not causing you any problems," Waterman says.
Excessive mobile phone use may be hazardous to health
“Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to headache, sleep disturbance, lack of concentration, memory loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and increased risk of brain cancer,” Hasanuzzaman said adding that mobile towers in the neighbourhood can also cause various health problems including severe headache, sleep disturbance, body pain and memory loss. “The more severe health effects as a result of the excessive use of mobile phones include infertility, miscarriage, neurodegenerative disorders, heart problems and cancer,” he added.
Children are more vulnerable due to their developing immune system and thinner skulls which allow radiation to penetrate deeper. Women also run the risk of health problems like hormonal imbalances, miscarriages, breast and ovarian cancer, as they spend more time at home speaking on mobile phones and get exposed to radiation, medical experts said.
(The point here is excessive cell phone use is an addiction. Everyday I see people walking, sitting etc staring at their cell phones or talking, talking, talking or texting, texting, texting etc.
Cell phone usage is an impersonal form of communication that is 'unhuman".
People sit and text each other and don't talk.
I predict if this continues that someday people will not communicate by talking face to face but will only communicate through a device that does their communicating for them.
Even now people are losing their personal communication skills via the cell phone.
People yak all the time in some cases. Excessive talk about anything except something that is of value.
People use the cell phone and ignore other people including their own children and family.
My advice is to throw away you "smart" phone that is controlling your life.
Yes I said CONTROLLING YOUR LIFE! Its is if you constantly use it. Using a cell phone is a waste of time and an excellent way to live your life in a VIRTUAL WORLD!!!) Story Reports
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