This is a "tweet" executive order that President Trump should override. Hopefully General Kelly will help.
Fox News
President Donald Trump replaced Reince Priebus with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as White House chief of staff. He is a retired Marine Corps general.
The shift at the top of the White House hierarchy is aimed at bringing order to an administration that has been beset by infighting, as Mr. Trump seeks to notch the sort of sweeping legislative victories that he promised during the campaign but that have eluded him to this point, advisers to the president said.
“John Kelly will do a fantastic job. Gen. Kelly has been a star, done an incredible job thus far, respected by everybody,” Mr. Trump told reporters Friday.
Mr. Trump discussed bringing in Mr. Kelly with a small group of people, the senior official said. Part of the draw, the official said, was that he believes Mr. Kelly can provide effective leadership and has the respect of the West Wing, which is staffed with aides whose ideology falls across the political spectrum.
Mr. Priebus told The Wall Street Journal he submitted his letter of resignation on Thursday. In an interview later with CNN, he said Mr. Trump “obviously wanted to make a change, and I offered my resignation, and he agreed. And we moved on.”
He said he and the president discussed naming Mr. Kelly as his successor and said Mr. Trump “knows intuitively when things need to change.”
Editor Note:
President Trump should have replaced his chief of staff sooner. Because he hesitated on replacing staff that argues too much the white house staff has not been effective as it could have been.
In fact I would say it has been not great but below average.
Trump's tweets are not the way he should run his administration.
Some of his tweets are just stupid others are ok.
Someone needs to edit his tweets or he just needs to stop tweeting his thoughts before he makes more mistakes tweeting himself into a stupor that the fake news media feeds on.
I am a Trump supporter but I have never agreed with many of his tweets that just make him look less presidential and settled.
If Trump's tweets can be monitored and edited before he sticks his foot in his mouth maybe his administration can get something done other than a tweet that says:
Great, wonderful, big, huge etc etc etc.
Mr president while you are making staff changes I suggest you look into the mirror and replace the urge to tweet your thoughts that sometimes get you in hot water and make you less effective. Lets make America great again, stop the tweets!