Supreme Court will possibly ask "where's the birth certificate" on March 4.
The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled another "conference" on a legal challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, but officials there are not answering questions about whether two justices given their jobs by Obama will participate.
The court has confirmed that it has distributed a petition for rehearing in the case brought by attorney John Hemenway on behalf of retired Col. Gregory Hollister and it will be the subject of a conference on March 4.
In January the court denied, without comment, a request for a hearing on the arguments but the attorney at the time had submitted a motion for Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, who were given their jobs by Obama, to recuse.
The Supreme Court acknowledged the "motion for recusal" but it changed it on official docketing pages to a "request" and it reportedly failed to respond to the motion.
Attorney Hemenway:
"We have not exaggerated in presenting the question of the constitutional rule of law being at stake in this matter," Hemenway wrote in a petition for rehearing before the high court. "A man has successfully run for the office of president and has done so, it appears, with an awareness that he is not eligible under the constitutional requirement for a person to be president.
"Despite a vigorous campaign that he has conducted to make 'unthinkable' the very idea of raising the issue of his eligibility under the Constitution to 'be' president the issue has not gone away,".
"Instead it has steadily grown in the awareness of the public. Should we be surprised that he shows no respect for the constitutional rule of law? What else would we expect?"
"The real question here is one of getting members of the judiciary to take seriously the oath that they swore to protect and preserve the Constitution," Hemenway wrote in his petition for rehearing. "To continue to avoid the issue will destroy the constitutional rule of law basis of our legal system when it is under vigorous assault as surely as if the conscious decision were made to cease preserving and protecting our founding charter."
Hemenway's arguments came in the petition for rehearing that followed the decision last month by the court not to hear the arguments. However, he pointed out in the petition for rehearing that the U.S. Supreme Court appears to have broken its own rules in his case by failing to respond to a pending recusal motion.
That circumstance is enough, he argues, for another hearing to be held on the case, and this time without participation by the two justices appointed to the court by Obama.
"Rule 21 (4) of the court requires that any motion shall have an opposition to it filed, if one is to be filed, 'as promptly as possible considering the nature of the relief sought … and, in any event, within 10 days of receipt.' Thus by January 14, 2011, when petitioners' petition was denied without comment, the respondents had failed to respond to the motion," Hemenway wrote.
"Therefore, as a matter of due process of the court, petitioners suggest that the court should have on that day considered the possibility that the motion had been conceded by respondents with an examination of the consequences of that failure," the brief explains.
"If petitioners are entitled to have their motion for recusal as conceded because of lack of a timely opposition, as petitioners contend is the case, then the court was obliged to make sure that the Justices Sotomayor and Kagan did not participate in the decision. Yet there was no statement that they did not participate," the brief states.
The brief further argues that because of the lack of a response or acknowledgment by the court, the court should have considered "the law of nations on matters of citizenship such as the phrase in question here as placed in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, namely, the requirement that a president 'be' a 'natural born citizen.'"
The argument continued, "Thus, it would seem, with all due respect, that if the court is required to and does treat the petitioners' motion for recusal as conceded the court would be required to consider the intent of the Framers of the Constitution in choosing the Article II phrase 'natural born citizen.'
"That is, of course, assuming that the majority of its members still believe that the intent of the Framers is essential to the constitutional rule of law in this country," the filing said.
In the original petition to the high court, the pleadings noted that if Obama is not constitutionally eligible, it will create a crisis.
"If proven true, those allegations mean that every command by the respondent Obama and indeed every appointment by respondent Obama, including the appointment of members [Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor] of this and every other court, may be only de facto but not de jure [by right of law]," stated the pleading.
"Further, his signature on every law passed while he occupies the Oval Office is not valid if he is not constitutionally eligible to occupy that office de jure," it continued.
"Thus, it is not hyperbole to state that the entire rule of law based on the Constitution is at issue. Moreover, it would indicate that the respondent Obama ran for the office of president knowing that his eligibility was at the very least in question," it continued.
Elgin earlier confirmed that Hemenway, as the attorney of record, got the notice from the court that the certiorari petition was denied without comment. But he said there was nothing from the court on the motion for recusal.
The order on Jan. 18 from the high court simply listed case 10-678, Hollister, Gregory S. v. Soetoro, Barry, et al as "denied" with no explanation.
It appears from the court's documentation that Kagan and Sotomayor participated in the "conference," the meeting at which Supreme Court justices determine which cases they will take. On other cases there are notations that Kagan or Sotomayor did not participate, and the Hollister case is without any such reference.
Although proceedings are not public, it is believed that a case must earn four votes among the nine justices before it is heard.
"Scalia stated that it would be heard if I can get four people to hear it. He repeated, you need four for the argument.
The Supreme Court was considered to have a 4-4 conservative-liberal split, with one swing vote on most issues. On the conservative side generally was Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Samuel Alito, Scalia and Thomas. Justice Anthony Kennedy often is the swing vote. The liberal side frequently included Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter and John Paul Stevens.
(All we need is four justices to agree to hear the case against the fraud obama. If it happens it will be the beginning of the end for the hoax called obama.) Story Reports
The answer is obama has no long for birth certificate.
Obama only has an index notation with his name and sex.
This index notation was generated in 2007 when his campaign request Hawaii make up a "birth certificate" out of thin air.
If you are a US citizen Mr obama, prove it.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sixty Seven Million "Birthers" can't be wrong and ask, WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?

Astonishing number of citizens don't believe "president's" story of his origin
55 million are registered Republicans.
28 Million don't believe obama was born in the US. (Public Policy Polling)
42 million are registered as independents.
Maybe 15 million of these voters also don't believe obama was born in the US. (estimate)
This means there are at least 67 million "birthers" who think obama is a FRAUD.
The "state run media" would have you believe only "nuts" would question the origin of obama.
Origin is a better word than birth.
Sixty Seven Million ask the question: WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?
Sixty Seven Million get NO answer from obama except, "I can't go around with my birth certificate plasted on my head."
Obama told the truth probably for the first time when he made that stupid statement.
Evidence indicates obama has no long form birth certificate, only an index record notation in Hawaii with his name and sex.
Obama's lack of any records of any kind including his 'UN NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP' are only a SIDE SHOW to the main attraction which is he is NOT a US citizen or he could and would validate his origin.
Sixty Seven Million "birthers" can't be wrong.
Obama knows the first time a court requires his origin to be probated he will be forced to explain his origin. Obama lacks documentation of his origin an must hide this fact.
The usurper elected "president" CANNOT validate his US citizenship.
If obama could answer Sixty Seven Million people with a valid long form hospital generated birth certificate indicating the hospital and doctors name; he would validate his origin.
Now you know the rest of the story as Paul Harvey use to say.
Obama's whole history "smells' like something is rotten.
The rotten something is BO himself and his undocumented origin. Obama IS an ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Obama Continues His Campaign To make 'Unthinkable' The Issue Of His US Citizenship To Hide The Fact He Cannot Produce Valid Documentation Verifying His US Citizenship
(The reason obama has not released the long form is because it does not exist. I am an origin originator investigator, a dedicated "birther", that has determined, as others have, that obama has only an index notation as proof of his origin.
This index notation was generated around Jun 6, 2007 when obama requested a short form colb from Hawaii. Obama's birthday is Jun 6, 2007. This is the date his online colb was generated out of thin air. This explains why obama doesn't go around with his colb pasted on his forehead.
Obama's number one priority is to keep his origin anonymous. He must continue to hide any and all documentation about his origin. Origin is a better term for "obama" than birth because there is NO EVIDENCE than can be verified where "obama" was born.
It is a probable hypothesis that obama is the originator of his own online "certification of live birth". The fake online "certification" has a bleed through date of Jun 6, 2007. Why did obama use as proof of his US citizenship before Jun 6, 2007? If it was an original long form hospital generated "certificate of live birth" why did obama request a new "certification of live birth" from Hawaii that is only generated or requested for those who: don't have an original birth certifcate, or are born outside of Hawaii.
Jun 6, 2007 is a very important date. It seems it was the day obama faked his origin. It was the day he faked his "birth". Obama's "birthday" is Jun 6, 2007. Obama has NEVER claimed the online colb as his.
The "Certification of Live Birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii.
The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny.
(Thats because obama know he is "screwed" if that cat gets out of the bag he only has an index notation of his name and sex as documentation for his online certification of live birth that can't be validated.)
Other documentation not yet available for Obama, and will never be released, includes his kindergarten records, his Punahou school records, his Occidental College records, his Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, his Harvard Law School records, his Harvard Law Review articles, his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, his passport, his medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records.
Is the any reason for SIXTY SEVEN MILLION people NOT to believe obama is an ILLEGAL alien?
In other words there is NOTHING that validates obama's US citizenship. There are many people including Michael Reagan, Bill O'reilly and others who would tell you not to get into the minutiae of details that expose the UNCONSTITUTIOAL President obama. They want you to IGNORE THE FACT obama CANNOT VALIDATE HIS US CITIZENSHIP.
The nut cases that believe the origin of the universe was just a spontaneous burst of something from nothing are the same type of people who want you to believe obama's origin originated from a spontaneous notation in the index record in Hawaii.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Obama exhibits the symptoms of a fraud

Nidal Hassan, the Fort Hood shooter was on Obama's Homeland Security Transition Team! An example of obama fraud.
The act of fraud is seldom observed. Symptoms and indicators of fraud are discoverable and observable. If symptoms of fraud are observed, many frauds can be detected at an early stage and either stopped or prevented. Fraud over time tends to grow larger and larger, so early detection is a preferable method to stop fraud.
Fraud symptoms include:
Inconsistent, vague or implausible responses or behaviour by an individual can represent fraud sysmptoms.
Lifestyle changes are often the easiest of all symptoms to detect. Although looking at bank records, investment records, and tax return information are difficult to access; property records, UCC filings, and other records are easy to check to determine whether there are assets that have been purchased or liens that have been removed. Unusual behavior is seen through an individual's recognizable behavior pattern to attempt to cope with the stress. Their guilt leads to fear, fear leads to stress, and stress leads to behavior changes.
Personal Characteristic Red Flags
Rationalization of contradictory behavior
Lack of a strong code of personal ethics
A wheeler-dealer personality
Lack of stability
A strong desire to beat the system
A criminal or questionable background
Characteristics of the Top-Management Fraud
(The following characteristics match obama almost exactly)
Tend to have highly material personal values.
Success to them means financial success, not professional recognition.
Tend to treat people as objects, not individuals and often as objects for exploitation.
Are highly self-centered.
Are often eccentric in the way they display their wealth or spend their money.
They tend to be conspicuous consumers and often boast of the things they have acquired, the friends they have in high office, and all the fine places they have visited.
Speak about their cunning achievements and winnings more than their losses.
Appear to be reckless or careless with facts and often enlarge on them.
Appear to be hard working, almost compulsive, but most of their time at work is spent scheming and designing short cuts to get ahead or beat the competition.
May gamble or drink a great deal.
Buy expensive gifts for their families usually to compensate for spending so little time with them.
Are hostile to people who oppose their views.
They feel exempt from accountability and controls because of their station or position.
Create a greet deal of turnover among their subordinates and often set off one subordinate against the other.
Play favorites among subordinates, but the relationship can cool very quickly because a subordinate often falls from grace after one mistake, even an insignificant one.
Manage by crisis more often than by objectives.
Demand absolute loyalty from subordinates, but they themselves are loyal only to their own self-interests.
Indicators of Possible Fraudulent Activities
Unsupported or unauthorized records, balances, or transactions.
Conflicting or Missing Evidential Matter or Missing documents. Unavailability of other than photocopied documents. Alterations on documents (e.g. back dating),Duplications, Questionable handwriting on documents. Denied access to records or facilities. Unusual delays in providing requested information. (Obama also matches this fraud profile.) Story Reports
Understanding Symptoms/Red Flags of Fraud
Understanding symptoms of fraud is the key to detecting fraud. A symptom of fraud may be defined as a condition which is directly attributable to dishonest or fraudulent activity. It may result from the fraud itself or from the attempt to conceal the fraud.
No proper documentation.
Lack of documentation.
(Fraud symptoms can be from the fraud itself or THE ATTEMPT TO CONCEAL THE FRAUD. Obama is a fraud who is daily attempting to conceal the fact he has committed fraud. His symtoms include NO proper documentation of his birth origin. Obama continues to refuse to disclose any documentation about his origin.) Story Reports
Obama continues to conceal the evidence of his birth origin. Obama refuses to release any documentation validating his online certification of live birth which he has never claimed was his own 'birth certificate'.
Obama knows the first time his fake colb is probated in a court of law he will be forced to validate his US citizenship.
This is what obama fears most because he cannot validate his US citizenship.
Obama has no documentation to back up his online jpeg as evidence of his US citizenship.
If obama did have ANY documentation that could be validated to prove he is a US citizen he would release it. He cannot because obama knows he is a fraud "president".
Where's the long form birth certificate from a hospital in Hawaii mr obama?
There is NO long form birth certificate from a hospital in Hawaii.
Obama only has an index notation of his name and sex.
This is obama's only documentation of his US citizenship and it can't be validated by anyone.
More information is needed such as hospital name, doctors name, parents signatures, doctors signature, registrar signature etc.
Obama is a no record or zero
I want to know where's the birth certificate

There is NOTHING that validates obama's US citizenship
Bill O'Reilly slammed the "birther" story Monday night, 07-27-09, on his show, saying that he had investigated the theory last year and debunked it.
But although he questioned why CNN's Lou Dobbs was still discussing the theory on the air, O'Reilly disagreed with those who would like to see Dobbs kicked off the air, defending his free speech rights in a spirited discussion with the Southern Poverty Law Center's president Richard Cohen.
In his "Talking Points Memo" segment, O'Reilly said:
"That theory has been around for a while. The Factor investigated, found out it's bogus. But Mr. Dobbs is still engaged...
Again, we found out that President Obama was born in Hawaii.. we were sent the documents. And what are you gonna do? I don't know why it's still around..."
(Bill O'Reilly has "the documents" the Governor of Hawaii abercrombie was searching to prove obama was born in Hawaii.
O'reilly says he was "sent the documents". He asks the question, "And what are you gonna do?"
The question is, what are you gonna do o'reilly? Will you help governor abercrombie in his quest to find the "missing documents" he an all of America want to see?
How can you get documentation from Hawaii when no one else in America can including the governor of Hawaii?
Does your documentation include a simple index record notation?
The index data regarding President Obama is:
Birth Index
Obama II, Barack Hussein
Hawaii "vital records"
This information is open to the public but it only indicates obama applied for a birth certificate in 2007. The online colb is the only thing the obama campaign, not obama, has claimed as evidence he is a US citizen.
Does your documentation include a newspaper birth announcement that has an address where obama's "parents" NEVER lived but where his "grandparents" lived? The birth announcement is bogus.
There is no evidence obama's "parents" EVER lived togeather in Hawaii, NONE.
What are you documents mr o'reilly?
If you have any "documents" that proves obama is not an illegal alien why don't you give them to the public and the governor of Hawaii?
Did you get the factcheck "documents". If that is what you are referring to you don't have any evidence obama is a US citizen that can be verified. A certification of live birth cannot be verified with NO hospital name, No doctors name, No doctors,parents or registrar signatures.
You mr o'reilly are helping to coverup obama's true origin just like Hawaii, factcheck, obama and all the other media that can not prove obama is a valid US citizen.
All you can do is indicate you have documents or like the state of Hawaii, has seen the vital documents.
All spin from Mr o'reilly in the "no spin zone".
I want to know where's the birth certificate?
I'm talking about a long form hospital generated certificate of live birth that contains the hospital name, doctors name, parents names, registrar name and signatures.
I want to see an actual birth certificate from Hawaii for obama that CAN be verified with more that just the spin of a press release or a verbal announcement.) Story Reports
There is NOTHING that validates obama's US citizenship. No public records of any kind that can be used to valid obama's true origin. Obama is like a mannequin. At least a mannequin has a serial number.
There is NOTHING that validates obama's US citizenship
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