The appropriate constitutional position for the Senate to take would be that the House investigates; the House calls witnesses within their investigation; the House assembles articles of impeachment; and the Senate is the trier of fact from those articles.
Editor Note
The US Senate voted 51 to 49 not to allow witnesses in the FAKE impeachment trial of President Trump.
The house of representatives assembled their FAKE articles of impeachment in a corrupt way that allowed the democrates to keep Republicans from calling their own witnesses or even allowing Republicans to cross examine the democrates witnesses that were deposed in the basement of the house of representatives by schiff who asked questions of a witness that were to be used in the FAKE impeachment hearings prepairing them for the public FAKE impeachment hearings staged by schiff and nadler.
In all previous impeachments by the house of representative witness testimony was bipartisan and the other party to a lawsuit at a deposition the testimony outside of the courtroom before trial was agreed to by the house of representatives by both political parties.
Republicans could only refute the democrate impeachment witnesses in the short house impeachment hearings. They were NOT allowed to call ANY witnesses of their own.
The house of representative impeachment hearings were a total kangaroo court which was led by nadler and schiff.
Nadler and Schiff tried to persuade 4 republican senators to vote for witnesses to be called in the US Senate.
This is in addition to their Unconstitutional FAKE articles of impeachment that they were presenting all they while focused on making their case for more witnesses to promote their FAKE articles of impeachment.
The house impeachment managers made a very poor case for impeachment and also managed to INSULT the Republican senators on several occasions during their monotonous explainations of why President Trump should be impeached.
Because the house of representatives 2 articles of impeachment were FAKE and lacked substance the house of representative impeachment managers objective was to try to get the US Senate to call witnesses before the US Senate trial.
This is why nancy pelosi waited about 1 month before sending the 2 FAKE articles to the US Senate.
Pelosi, nadler and schiff knew it was critical that their FAKE impeachment articles be bolstered by additional testimony of more hand picked witnesses.
Their plan was to use the FAKE news media to leak information allowing the house managers to argue for the need of additional witnesses.
This is exactly what happened but their ultimate goal failed.
The FAKE news media on cue leaked information about people whom they thought would extend the US Senate trial and allow the house managers to further their goal of calling more witnesses deceiving US Senators and the public.
The nancy pelosi schiff show of the articles of impeachment was shut down on Jan 31, 2020.
Only 2 Republicans - Pierre Delecto ie Senator romney, and Senator collins voted in favor of the motion for more witnesses.
The 51 to 49 vote thwarted Democrats’ ongoing effort to hear from current and former Trump administration officials such as acting White House Chief of State Mick Mulvaney and former National Security Advisor John Bolton.
Mitt Romney, Pierre Delecto, admits he's operating a secret Twitter account, revealing his real thoughts about President Trump, the deplorables, and everyone else, posting as — are you ready — Pierre Delecto.
"Pepe le Pew" leaves a stink where ever he goes as does Pierre Delecto - mitt romney.
Senator romney thinks President Trump supporters are deplorables.
After a series of defeated Democrat amendments, the Senate evening procedural session ended at 8:00pm with the following outcome:
- Monday: 11:00am closing arguments by House Managers and Defense (two hours each for a total of four hours); then the senate, regular session, floor speeches begin.
- Tuesday: 11:00am full day of floor speeches. Each Senator limited to ten minutes.
- Tuesday: 9:00 pm State Of The Union Address
- Wednesday: 4:00pm – A final vote on the articles of impeachment.
- Wednesday Evening President Trump is acquitted by the US Senate
Additional Bonus Editor Note
The 2020 State of the Union Address is scheduled to be given by the 45th President of the United States,Donald Trump, on February 4, 2020, in the chamber of the United States House of Representatives at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. It will be addressed to the 116th United States Congress.
President Trump will also directly address the democrates in the house of reprsentatives who have tried to remove him from office using FAKE articles of impeachment.
The look on the faces of the democrates in the house especially the house impeachment managers will be at a minimum like watching a slapstick comedy.
Nancy pelosi will be squirming as she tries to hide her hate for President Trump.
Her demeanor should be interesting to observe in the background.
She along with the entire democrate house of representatives will now be on "trial" in the court of public opinion.
President Trump will be the "prosecutor".
The FAKE news media, deep state operatives that leak misinformation, and those in congress who have been party to lies and deception will be the defendants.
The jury will be the citizens who vote in the Nov 2020 election.
WE THE PEOPLE will vote to CONVICT nancy pelosi and the US House Of Representatives democrates and REMOVE THEM FROM OFFICE!!
Don't forget in late spring or summer nancy pelosi's and her democates chickens will come home to roost.
Deep state in total panic as Durham’s investigation confirmed to have transitioned to CRIMINAL phase… indictments imminent
For more than two years, President Trump has repeatedly attacked the Russia investigation, portraying it as a hoax and illegal even months after the special counsel closed it.
Now, Mr. Trump’s own Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into how it all began… Justice Department officials have shifted an administrative review of the Russia investigation closely overseen by Attorney General William P. Barr to a criminal inquiry, according to two people familiar with the matter.
The move gives the prosecutor running it, John H. Durham, the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to impanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges.
The illegal coup against Trump was initiated by Hillary Clinton and the criminal deep state
Our analysis of events unfolding over the last few months concludes that interviews with alleged “Trump dossier” author Christopher Steele revealed explosive new evidence that the entire intelligence community coup effort against President Trump was initiated by a Hillary Clinton-funded smear document (the dossier) which wasn’t authored by Steele at all.The entire operation has always been a deep state coup attempt to reverse the 2016 election by any means necessary. The effort failed, the deep state traitors have been identified and they are about to face justice.
Two key names to watch in all this are Christopher Steele and Joseph Mifsud. As Conservative Treehouse explains
Nancy pelosi and the democrates in congress are trying to protect themselves from Durham’s Criminal investigation.
Criminal Grand jurys could produce indictments that name pelosi and other democrates in Congress in the near future.
Pelosi and democrates in congress await their fate as do others who have committed crimes worthy of fines or jail time.
The deep state also awaits their fate and trying to thrawart President Trump's efforts to DRAIN THE DEEP STATE SWAMP.
There efforts so far are failing even though they persist in their efforts to remove the "prosecuter" who is President Trump.
The house impeachment managers deny that joe biden used coercion to
force Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ‘in six hours’
“I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden said during a meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations.
The house of representatives are accusing President Trump of EXACTLY what the democrates have done, using US Money in a Quid pro quo that was a criminal activity!