In Iraq U.S. troops recovered floor plans for schools in Virginia, Texas and New Jersey from terrorist safe houses. In Afghanistan confiscated videotapes showed al-Qaeda terrorists practicing the takeover of a school. Terrorist cells inside the U.S. may be planning to use school buses as a sort of Trojan horse to infiltrate school campuses and kill innocent students and teachers. These terrorists mean business, but the liberal Democrat leaders would rather play partisan politics and appeasement than protect our country against the next deadly terrorist attack.
The most effective deterrent to such attacks is to ensure there is an armed presence within every school. They recommend armed security as well as encouraging teachers and administrators to carry firearms.
"Even one or two armed teachers in a school can make a difference," says Grossman. "One man or woman with effective fire from behind cover inside the school can hold off a group of attackers for five minutes."
That could be enough time for police, or other help, to get to the scene.
They say it's also important to be vigilant in watching for reconnaissance efforts by terrorists. They will never attack a target without probing it first, say the experts. This could involve photographs and videotape.
In March, the FBI and Homeland Security Department distributed a bulletin to law enforcement across the country warning that Muslims with "ties to extremist groups" are signing up to be school bus drivers. They also noted "recent suspicious activity" by foreigners who either drive school buses or are licensed to drive them.FBI Bulletin about muslim bus drivers
"The enemy is infiltrating us at all levels, and certainly school bus drivers are one area to look at," warned Grossman, president of Killology Research Group, an anti-terror consultancy that trains the FBI and other law enforcement. "And how about high school, middle school and elementary school cafeteria workers? Janitors? Delivery people?" Anti Terrorist Group Info
Remember every muslim is not a terrorist but every terrorist IS A MUSLIM! or at least 99% are.