(Only 572 people have been suckered into selecting an obama care medicine plan in South Carolina. Around 5 million have lost there health care plans because of obama care. Thats 5 million policies which are individual and family policies. So its not just 5 million people who have lost their doctors and health care plans its more like 20 or 30 million when you add in 2,3,4,5 etc family members!!!! Thats just in the first 30 days of obamacare. MILLIONS more will LOSE their health care plans and doctors!!!! Obama said everybody could keep their health care plan if they wanted to. Thousands in SC have ost their health care and millions nationwide. Obama lies like a little boy. Thats because he is a boy in a mans body. He thinks like a boy/child. Picture yourself asking a boy a question who is a hibitual lier. Ask him, can I keep my health care when obama care kicks in? He will say, yes you can or yes we can or something indicating you don't have to worry about losing your health care plan or doctor.) Story Reports
Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Brutally Low
Ben Shapiro
On Wednesday, the Obama administration finally released its first numbers for Obamacare health insurance exchange enrollment dating from October 1 to October 31. The numbers were not pretty: just 106,185 people “selected a Marketplace plan” using the exchanges.
The federal health care exchange signed up less than 27,000 people. Meanwhile, nearly 7 million people are expected to lose the insurance plans President Obama said they could keep. So far, five million have lost their insurance.
The state numbers were far from encouraging. Overall, the states signed up 79,391 people.
The Department of Health and Human Services attempted to spin the numbers as a victory.
The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life
Hitler's T4 Program PDF article A MUST READ!!!!!!!
The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life
Hitler's T4 Program Revived In Obama's Health-Care `Reform'. You will have no recourse because the government can't be sued nor will there be any appeal after a committee determines you are unworthy or life. This is what national health care is all about. Yes there are "death care" panels. In effect "killing off old people" its not crazy or stupid to say that because your health care would be determinded by one of several panels, with no appeal. I WOULD CALL THIS A DEATH PANEL!!
On Page 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get! Obamacare benifits will be reduced to cut costs. You will be put in a cue. You will be in a waiting line for care. If you are a certain age a formula is used to determine your "health care". YES ITS IS A 10 MEMBER "DEATH PANEL" that will make cuts to obamacare and determine if you are worthy of life. THIS IS CALLED A DEATH PANEL! At a certain age you will not be considered WORTHY OF CARE/LIFE. Other people who are of a certain age will be subjuct to regulations that can change at ANY TIME!
VETERANS at va clinics and hospitals are ALSO subject to obamacare!!! VA CARE IS OBAMCARE. Are you shocked???
Hitler's T4 Program PDF article A MUST READ!!!!!!!