White House Visitor Record Of Al-Harbi Suspected Saudi Terrorist

White House Visitor Record Of Al-Harbi Suspected Saudi Terrorist

A photo collage of Saudi National Ali Al-Harbi in the hospital and it includes two photos of Michelle Obama visiting him (h/t: Shoebat):
On Tuesday Apr 23, 2013 , responding to Sen. Chuck Grassley, Napolitano admitted that, at least during the time Alharbi was questioned, the Saudi national was put on a “watch list.”
Considering the al-Qaeda connections that Walid Shoebat uncovered about Ali Al-Harbi and all the stuff that Glenn Beck is uncovering about him, it’s curious that he would get a visit by the First Lady of the United States.
Suspected Saudi Terrorist Al-Harbi Visited White House Many Times And Moochelle Visited Harbi In Hospital. The above is in your face records of obama's collusion!
Within 48 hours, however, after two hours of questioning and a nine-hour raid of the Saudi citizen’s apartment in which computers and email records were seized, he was being described by authorities only as a “witness” who had suffered injury. Later, authorities insisted he was not even a witness.
During that time, President Obama met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal in a meeting that was not on Obama’s public schedule, and Secretary of State John Kerry held a meeting with the Saudi foreign minister that was abruptly closed to press coverage.
Todd Starnes of Fox News reported that before the bombing, Alharbi had been flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.
The Blaze reported Wednesday that Alharbi was admitted to the U.S. under a “special advisory option,” which is usually reserved for visiting politicians, VIPs or journalists.
(What this means is obama is giving permission for his fellow sunni muslims to enter the US through the "back door". This is enough evidence for obama to removed from office for TREASON!) Story Reports
Big Sis admits Saudi on terror watch list WND
“Innocent” Saudi has ties to several Al-Qaeda Terrorists
A couple of weeks ago Walid Shoebat warned America about the very serious problem of Saudi infiltration; many of these Saudi nationals are criminals and terrorists.
“Innocent” Saudi has ties to several Al-Qaeda Terrorists
By Shoebat Foundation
Glenn Beck: We know the Saudi national was involved in the bombing
Glenn Beck says there were 3 people involved in the bombing and Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national, is the third:
“While the media continues to look at what the causes were of these two guys, there are, at this hour, three people involved,” he said. “The first one is the one we are going to address.”
Beck proceeded to highlight the background of the Saudi national first identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, noting that the the NTC issued an event file calling for his deportation using section 212, 3B which is proven terrorist activity.
“We are not sure who actually tagged him as a ’212 3B,’ but we know it is very difficult to charge someone with this — it has to be almost certain,” Beck explained. “It is the equivalent in civil society of charging someone with premeditated murder and seeking the death penalty — it is not thrown around lightly.”
“Wednesday at 5:35 p.m. the file is altered,” Beck said. “This is unheard of, this is impossible in the timeline due to the severity of the charge….You don’t one day put a 212 3B charge against somebody with deportation, and then the next day take it off. It would require too much to do it.”
“There are only two people that could revoke the deportation order — the director of the NTC could do it after speaking with each department, the FBI, the ATC, etc. — which is impossible to do in such a short period of time, — or, somebody at the very highest levels of the State Department could do it. We don’t have any evidence to tell you which one did it,” Beck said.
Glenn Beck: We know the Saudi national was involved in the bombing
(Its obvious that obama the sunni muslim had the file altered of the saudi national after he met and bowed down to the saudi ambassador. This makes obama a TRAITOR and an operative who will make sure America is not defended. Obama should be arrested and removed from office at once. He is truly the enemy from within!) Story Reports
Could the "Red Dawn" Type Of Scenario Actually Occur?
The simple matter of fact is that China is a super weapon.
China is where the cyber-attack will come from.
All of these hackers that are part of Lulzsec, Anonymous ,ect. are part of the Chinese governments attempt to find any all weak points in the defense infrastructure of the worlds Internet. Such groups often make their claims of attacking websites to find vulnerabilities that can then be exploited in a mass cyber-attack.
Since the U.S. Government does maintain links to every single server and Internet connection in America but cannot maintain surveillance on each system but has to randomly surveil various grids on a monthly basis a coordinated attack by Chinese cyber-terrorists could implant viruses that would self propogate within the server network to launch continual DDOS attacks. Such a DDOS attack would randomly occur in one server turn itself off after a set time and launch an attack elsewhere. These DDOS attack programs would remain in the computer and server and would build upon one another to the point of each network and server receiving multiple DDOS attacks across the net. Even if one network was shut down and another network accessed the propogating DDOS worm would infect the PC as soon as it made the connection to the new network thus spreading the virus to the new server which would then propogate back to the user PC thus creating a permanent DDOS attack that would bounce around the entire network.
The Chinese have over 1 million members in there military that are trained in the cyber arts to create such a virus.
With most of America's intelligence and communication coming in the form of an Internet connection of one type or the other such an attack would cripple Americas ability to launch a counter-strike against a Chinese invasion that would first come by air and then by sea.
So those who discount such an event from happening do not live in the real world, do not understand Internet technology and only believe what they are told to believe....just like the Communist Chinese are.
(Be aware that an "attack" doesn't have to just be from an external source. It could be from an internal source, especially a source who from the beginning wanted to destroy the US through deception. I think you know who I mean.) Story Reports
The sheriff in read dawn 2 who had two sons, was forced to compel them to give up, said through the bull horn:
"Boys I want you to do what I would do. I want you to go to war to stop this piece of shit or die trying".