Now there can be No Doubt as to the fact the image of Obama's birth certificate from Obama's web site was altered when checked with a hex editor. The hex editor displays information about the image and in this case reveals the image was edited with adobe photoshop CS3 on 6/12/2008 at 8:42am
It was altered on a Macintosh.2c Using Adobe Photoshop CS3 at 08:06:12 08:42:36 as indicated in the right side column of the free hex editor I downloaded to check this out myself. Wow! whoever did this did not know about hex editors and the fact they can be used to check an image attributes. The editor also can be used to change the attributes but in this case it seems very obvious the changed attributes match what has been altered to fake Obama's certificate of birth, which IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT!.
This short video will explain why Obama's birth certificate is a fake. Notice the missing signature at the bottom and the missing embossed stamp.
Obama Birth Certificate Seal Is Missing Also
UPDATE! - Barack Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Confirmed
DNC and Obama Move to have Case Dismissed
Is this a fake birth certificate? We must ask and hope on Nov 18,2008 Andy Martin can reveal the truth about the Barack Hussein Obama.
Andy Martin Lawsuit against Obama
Andy Martin Web Site and Current Information about the Nov 18, 2008 Court date that could reveal Obama's original birth certificate
Download a FREE hex editor and check the Obama birth Certificate for yourself!
Validate what I am telling you! I verified it with this free hex editor and I also truly believe and know from examinating the jpg from his web site which is pictured above, that it is a FAKE! Just right click to download and save image as BO_Birth_Certificate.jpg and then open it up in the hex editor and look at the right side column!
Additional Information Abourt Hawwian "birth Certificates"
The primary documents used to show you are of age and a qualified native Hawaiian are:
* A certified copy of Certificate of Birth;
* A certified copy of Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, including testimonies; or
* A certified copy of Certificate of Delayed Birth.
As you can see there are 3 types..Take your pick
Certificate of Hawaiian Birth - These forms were issued to people who did not have a birth certificate recorded at the time of their birth. In order to get a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth a person had to take witnesses that could testify to the circumstances of their birth. Those testifying were usually family members or family friends. This is what Obama has said is his proof of American Natural Born Citizenship, A Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, which means a birth certificate was not recorded at the time of his birth as it says above.
An altered photoshop certificate.
Hawaiian Roots
If I'm reading this correctly Obama can apply today for a birth certificate that has never existed: If there is no standard birth certificate on file, an applicant is required to submit documentary evidence of the birth facts necessary to support of the registration of the late certificate of birth. If approved, the late birth certificate will be registered in place of the Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, which must then be surrendered to the Department of Health.
Who is Eligible to Apply for the Issuance of a Late Birth Certificate in Lieu of a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth?
Who is Eligible to Apply for the Issuance of a Late Birth Certificate in Lieu of a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth?
The Certificate of Hawaiian Birth program was established in 1911, during the territorial era, to register a person born in Hawaii who was one year old or older and whose birth had not been previously registered in Hawaii. The Certificate of Hawaiian Birth Program was terminated in 1972, during the statehood era.
Certified copies of a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth may be requested following the procedures for certified copies of standard birth certificates (see Certified Copies). The eligibility requirements for issuance of a certified copy of a standard birth certificate apply to Certificates of Hawaiian Birth. And the same fees charged for standard birth certificates are charged for Certificates of Hawaiian Birth. Copies of the set of testimony used to establish a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth may also be requested, and an additional fee is charged for each copy of the set of testimony.
Any person to whom a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth has been issued may submit a request to amend an entry, including a legal change of name, on an existing Certificate. A request to amend a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth will, however, be considered to be and treated as an application with the Department of Health for registration of a late certificate of birth in current use, unless a standard birth certificate for that person already exists in the vital records of the Department of Health. Should there be a situation of dual registration, the requested amendment will be made to the standard birth certificate on file if the required documentary evidence in support of the amendment has been submitted and evaluated to be adequate. If there is no standard birth certificate on file, an applicant is required to submit documentary evidence of the birth facts necessary to support of the registration of the late certificate of birth. If approved, the late birth certificate will be registered in place of the Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, which must then be surrendered to the Department of Health.
How to Apply for the Issuance of a Late Birth Certificate in Lieu of a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth
Upon receiving a request to amend an entry on an existing Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, the Registration Unit of the Office of Health Status Monitoring will send:
1. notification to the requestor that the amendment request is treated as an application for registration of a late certificate of birth, and
2. instructions on procedures for and submission of required documentary evidence in support of registration of a late certificate of birth.
If the amendment request is subsequently withdrawn, all documents received in support of the amendment will be returned. If the requestor elects to proceed with the application for registration of a late certificate of birth, the documentary evidence submitted in support of registration will be reviewed and evaluated for adequacy. If the application is approved, a late birth certificate will be issued and the original Certificate of Hawaiian Birth issued to the applicant must be surrendered to, for cancellation by, the Department of Health. No filing fee is charged for the late birth certificate.
Obama went to Hawaii last week but I see no need to do this in person, it seems according to this Obama can pull a birth certificate out of thin air using Hawaii birth certificate procedures.
Nov 1,2008 Newsmax headline that says, “Hawaii Declares Obama Birth Certificate Genuine.”
Read the article carefully. It states:
State officials say there’s no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.
Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said Friday that she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama’s original birth certificate.
Fukino says that no state official, including Republican Gov. Linda Lingle, ever instructed that Obama’s certificate be handled differently.
We believe that the original BC in the name Obama was sealed when Obama was adopted by Soetoro, and a new BC in the name Barry Soetoro was issued, and the Soetoro BC would be the current legal version of Obama’s BC. We believe THAT is the factual scenario he has attempted to cover up. We believe that Obama has concealed the Soetoro BC because it is direct evidence of Indonesian identity/citizenship, and Dual Citizenship presents an eligibility problem for him under Article II of the Constitution. These legal problems exist regardless of whether Obama was born in the USA (we assume he was), and regardless of whether is/was a US citizen (we assume he is).
This law suit has the most potential to reveal Barack Hussein Obama's original birth certificate
Hawaii Circuit Judge Bert I Ayabe set a November 18 hearing in Andy Martin's case to release Barack Obama's original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate and any supporting documents
(HONOLULU)(October 29, 2008) Judge Bert I Ayabe Wednesday set a hearing in the case of Andy Martin vs. Linda Lingle, First Circuit for Honolulu, No. 08-1-2147-10.
The hearing is set for November 18, 2008 at 10:30 A.M.
Hawaii Circuit Judge Bert I Ayabe set a November 18 hearing in Andy Martin's case to release Barack Obama's original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate and any supporting documents
Research has been done by Andy Martin about who "Obama" really is and it does seem very possible his conclusion are correct. Maybe we all will find out on Nov 18,2008
"Obama" was really the son of Frank Marshall Davis, a controversial leftist with a checked history in Honolulu
Patriot Brigade Talk Radio Network