The US Constitution is a contract that has been broken or breached and should be nullified by WE THE PEOPLE!
Michael Lotfi
The Constitution is a contract, finding its roots in the concept of a social contract, an agreement by individuals to create a society where they can live together, mutually benefiting each other. Such a contract recognizes the conditions of the society, natural rights, functions of the government, and the pooling of powers for the purpose of protecting the society.
Once the social contract is accepted, the society determines what their defined territory is. This establishes a right of birthplace, a feature not necessarily present in a society with no territory, such as one that is nomadic.
The social contract’s development, in order to create a system of governance, often includes a written contractual agreement known as a constitution. In the case of the United States, the Constitution in 1787 created a federal government.
The contract between the States and the new federal government established the governmental institutions, offices, procedures, duties, parameters, limits, and authorities for the new federal government, while also establishing a few prohibitions to the States in an effort to ensure the new federal government could function without interference in the duties granted to it. Through the principles established in the Constitution, the new government was then able to create laws, a defense force, a system of taxation, and the other aspects of government necessary for the proper functioning of a central governmental system.
The U.S. Constitution, while creating the framework of the federal government, also was written in a way to only allow the federal government to exercise the powers delegated to it by the States through the contract known as the Constitution.
Whenever the federal government acts in a manner outside the authorities granted as expressly enumerated in the Constitution, the central government is acting illegally, breaching the contract it was established through.
(Did ya get the point bubba? The central government known as congress, supreme court, and the executive branch all are acting illegally! The contract called the US Constitution has been breached. Breach of contract is a legal cause of action in which a binding agreement or bargained-for exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties to the contract
The problem is the kangaroo supreme court and other courts have seen fit to uphold the breach of contract with the American people.)Story Reports
A lawless gov't, not the Constitution, needs nullified
Michael Lotfi (Another view)
Since Marbury v. Madison in 1803, the American government has been run lawlessly. Some call the Constitution ineffective.
Americans must ask themselves: Is the Constitution ineffective, or do we have a lawless, disobedient federal government? If the answer is the latter, which it is, then Americans should see little refuge in additional amendments, which the lawless, disobedient feds will simply continue to ignore.
Two emerging fronts seen as remedy to unconstitutional federal usurpation of power have arrived at the forefront of American politics. On one end is Levin’s constitutional convention, and on the other end is nullification.
Michael Maharrey The 10th Amendment Center
James Madison nullification of Constitution Federalist 46
In most cases, the people fail to focus the power of the state or local governments to stop federal usurpation.
We call the process nullification, and James Madison gave us the blueprint for stopping federal overreach before the Constitution was even ratified. Madison acknowledged anti-federalist fears that the new general government would try to exercise undelegated powers. And he assured them that the power of the states could keep the tendency in check in Federalist 46.
So, what are the “means of opposition?”
1. Disquietude of the people – This would include protests and petitions generated at the grassroots level. Madison expected the people would throw a fit when the feds usurped power – even using the word “repugnance” to describe their displeasure. That’s a pretty strong word. And inevitably, disquietude leads to action – first at the local level, then bubbling up to the state level. That leads to the next step.
2. Refusal to co-operate with the officers of the Union - Noncompliance. We preach it every day at the Tenth Amendment Center. Madison apparently knew what we know today. The feds rely on cooperation from state and local governments, as well as individuals. When enough people refuse to comply, they simply can’t enforce their so-called laws.
Consider 20 states operating legal medical marijuana programs. Sure, the feds can make some lives miserable with DEA raids, but no matter what they do, they will never get that genie back in the bottle. Legal medical marijuana is here to stay. A recent report shows the feds now labor with marijuana eradication in California because the state refuses to pitch in like it once did.
And Look at the feds struggling to implement Obamacare. Thirty states refusing to go along and set up the insurance exchanges threw quite the monkey wrench in the process. According to a Western Center for Journalism report, the GAO says vital parts of the computer systems running the exchanges remain unfinished. The government has no way to know who’s even eligible for federal subsidies, and no system exists to monitor insurance plans for compliance with the mountains of new regulations.
“It’s so complex and byzantine that the government is struggling to implement the law,” wrote Western Center for Journalism reporter Floyd Brown.
The GAO indicates the exchanges won’t be up and running by October as required by the law.
Noncompliance works. And it can happen at both the state and local level.
3, The frowns of the executive magistracy of the State - Here Madison envisions governors formally protesting federal actions. This not only raises public awareness; executive leadership will also lead to the next step – legislative action. Prior to passage of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, Gov. Garrard delivered a powerful message condemning the Alien and Sedition Acts and calling on legislative action.
4. Legislative devices, which would often be added on such occasions -What exactly does Madison mean by “legislative devices?” He doesn’t make that clear. But we know they include resolutions, because he and Thomas Jefferson penned the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in response to the draconian and unconstitutional Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. Together, these Principles of ’98 formalize the doctrine of nullification.
But do legislative devices stop at non-binding resolutions? Clearly not, because Madison said these measures would create “difficulties” and “impediments.” Seventeenth century dictionaries list “obstruction” as a synonym for impediment. In other words, these legislative devices would serve to block the operation of unconstitutional power. This infers actions including formal, binding prohibitions of state or local cooperation, and outright interposition: “to intervene or place an agency between two positions.”
The personal liberty laws passed by northern states to thwart the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 serve as the best historical example of “legislative devices.”
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 made a farce of due process, allowing for the arrest of a suspected runaway slave based on the word of the “property owner.” He simply had to swear an affidavit attesting to his “ownership” of the person in question, and he was allowed to drag that man or woman back South into slavery. The accused wasn’t even allowed to present evidence in his own defense. The act was meant to protect the “property” of slave holders, but many free blacks found themselves accused of escaping slavery and faced the prospect of living out their life on a plantation. And northerners understood that even an accused runaway should remain innocent until proven guilty, and enjoy basic due process rights.
Instead of simply submitting to federal authority and quietly participating in constitutionally dubious and morally repugnant fugitive-slave roundups, northern lawmakers aggressively resisted the fugitive slave acts. Officials in these states did everything within their power to thwart enforcement, including denying federal agents the use of jails, and even impeaching state officials who lent support to fugitive-slave claimants. The Michigan legislature passed a law guaranteeing habeas corpus rights and a jury trial to any accused runaway, all in defiance of federal “law.” Some states went as far as to subject anybody attempting to remove a accused fugitives from the state without following the prescribed state procedure to kidnapping charges. And there were documented cases of arrests of federal agents.
Madison said these actions would oppose, in any State, difficulties not to be despised; would form, in a large State, very serious impediments; and where the sentiments of several adjoining States happened to be in unison, would present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter.
Madison clearly expected the states to serve as a check on federal power. He laid out the blueprint. And when the people of states have followed it, they’ve found success. But sadly, states seldom follow Madison’s prescription. Why? Because the people don’t demand it. Too often, they grovel in marble hallways along the Potomac and beg federal officials to stop abusing their authority, instead of demanding that they stop. The power ultimately lies in us – the people.
(I agree if the American people don't rise up via the James Madison solution to federal abuse of power the obama regime will continue to inslave Americans and turn America into a (Plantation of slaves).) Story Reports
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Obamacare For Education
Brilliant analysis of Common Core by Kenneth Ye Farragut High School student.
(Common Core Is Automated Factory "Education". It is similar to the chinese entrance exam. Common core will change America into a chinese sweat shop. Common core is one size fits all. The Common Core kills innovation. The test based standards are run by for profit companies. Obama and bush have a common core and its to turn America into commune of automated stripped of freedom state run one size fits all SLAVES! Common core is obamacare for education and obama is the "instructor", a bully with zero tolerance for common sense.) Story Reports
Valerie Strauss
Eight problems with Common Core Standards
Eight problems with Common Core Standards
In education, of course, what it’s assumed that everybody should be required to know is called “the core.” Responsibility for teaching the core is divvied up between teachers of math, science, language arts, and social studies.
Variously motivated corporate interests, arguing that the core was being sloppily taught, organized a behind-the-scenes campaign to super-standardize it. They named their handiwork the Common Core State Standards to hide the fact that it was driven by policymakers in Washington D.C., who have thus far shoved it into every state except Alaska, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas, and Virginia.
This was done with insufficient public dialogue or feedback from experienced educators, no research, no pilot or experimental programs — no evidence at all that a floor-length list created by unnamed people attempting to standardize what’s taught is a good idea.
It’s a bad idea. Ignore the fact that specific Common Core State Standards will open up enough cans of worms to keep subject-matter specialists arguing among themselves forever.
Consider instead the merit of Standards from a general perspective:
One: Standards shouldn’t be attached to school subjects, but to the qualities of mind it’s hoped the study of school subjects promotes. Subjects are mere tools, just as scalpels, acetylene torches, and transits are tools. Surgeons, welders, surveyors — and teachers — should be held accountable for the quality of what they produce, not how they produce it.
Two: The world changes. The future is indiscernible. Clinging to a static strategy in a dynamic world may be comfortable, even comforting, but it’s a Titanic-deck-chair exercise.
Three: The Common Core Standards assume that what kids need to know is covered by one or another of the traditional core subjects. In fact, the unexplored intellectual terrain lying between and beyond those familiar fields of study is vast, expands by the hour, and will go in directions no one can predict.
Four: So much orchestrated attention is being showered on the Common Core Standards, the main reason for poor student performance is being ignored—a level of childhood poverty the consequences of which no amount of schooling can effectively counter.
Five: The Common Core kills innovation. When it’s the only game in town, it’s the only game in town.
Six: The Common Core Standards are a set-up for national standardized tests, tests that can’t evaluate complex thought, can’t avoid cultural bias, can’t measure non-verbal learning, can’t predict anything of consequence (and waste boatloads of money).
Seven: The word “standards” gets an approving nod from the public (and from most educators) because it means “performance that meets a standard.” However, the word also means “like everybody else,” and standardizing minds is what the Standards try to do. Common Core Standards fans sell the first meaning; the Standards deliver the second meaning. Standardized minds are about as far out of sync with deep-seated American values as it’s possible to get.
Eight: The Common Core Standards’ stated aim — “success in college and careers”— is at best pedestrian, at worst an affront. The young should be exploring the potentials of humanness.
7.8 million working part time and more to come.
2013 weakest job growth in years.
Hugh surprise to economists. (It was a surprise to them but not us.)
Only 62.8% are in the job market.
92 MILLION people not in labor force in Dec 2013.
Obama wants another 10 month unemployment extention.
Americans living lives of quiet desperation.
Some Americans have a proud scowl of arrogance and disdain when they look at you thanks to obama because he is their soul sugardaddy. It is the look of selfishness, pride. Condescending pride of the achievements with whom they are closely associated and their race. They put their trust in barack obama an empty suit.
What a contrast!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
State Run Media Drives By christie To Hide News About Gates Book Etc

The State Run News Media Ass Wants You To Follow Their Carrot Lead
This is what you call leading the public by their nose. The Gov christie news has exposed state government out of control as is the national government.
I don't think it was an accident it came out the day after the obama regime was telling Americans biden was not an idiot.
Gov christie almost walked hand in hand with obama on the beach after the hurricane totally licking obama's boots, remember.
Obama and christie are too peas in a pod. Both are liars.
The state run media wants you to focus on what they tell you to focus on. The state run media does not want you to focus on the obama regime and his corruption. They want you John Q. Public to follow the carrot like an ass!)Story Reports
Common Core Is Automated Factory "Education"
Brilliant analysis of Common Core by Kenneth Ye Farragut High School student.
(Common Core Is Automated Factory "Education". It is similar to the chinese entrance exam. Common core will change America into a chinese sweat shop. Common core is one size fits all. The Common Core kills innovation. The test based standards are run by for profit companies. Obama and bush have a common core and its to turn America into commune of automated stripped of freedom state run one size fits all SLAVES!) Story Reports
Valerie Strauss
Eight problems with Common Core Standards
Eight problems with Common Core Standards
In education, of course, what it’s assumed that everybody should be required to know is called “the core.” Responsibility for teaching the core is divvied up between teachers of math, science, language arts, and social studies.
Variously motivated corporate interests, arguing that the core was being sloppily taught, organized a behind-the-scenes campaign to super-standardize it. They named their handiwork the Common Core State Standards to hide the fact that it was driven by policymakers in Washington D.C., who have thus far shoved it into every state except Alaska, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas, and Virginia.
This was done with insufficient public dialogue or feedback from experienced educators, no research, no pilot or experimental programs — no evidence at all that a floor-length list created by unnamed people attempting to standardize what’s taught is a good idea.
It’s a bad idea. Ignore the fact that specific Common Core State Standards will open up enough cans of worms to keep subject-matter specialists arguing among themselves forever.
Consider instead the merit of Standards from a general perspective:
One: Standards shouldn’t be attached to school subjects, but to the qualities of mind it’s hoped the study of school subjects promotes. Subjects are mere tools, just as scalpels, acetylene torches, and transits are tools. Surgeons, welders, surveyors — and teachers — should be held accountable for the quality of what they produce, not how they produce it.
Two: The world changes. The future is indiscernible. Clinging to a static strategy in a dynamic world may be comfortable, even comforting, but it’s a Titanic-deck-chair exercise.
Three: The Common Core Standards assume that what kids need to know is covered by one or another of the traditional core subjects. In fact, the unexplored intellectual terrain lying between and beyond those familiar fields of study is vast, expands by the hour, and will go in directions no one can predict.
Four: So much orchestrated attention is being showered on the Common Core Standards, the main reason for poor student performance is being ignored—a level of childhood poverty the consequences of which no amount of schooling can effectively counter.
Five: The Common Core kills innovation. When it’s the only game in town, it’s the only game in town.
Six: The Common Core Standards are a set-up for national standardized tests, tests that can’t evaluate complex thought, can’t avoid cultural bias, can’t measure non-verbal learning, can’t predict anything of consequence (and waste boatloads of money).
Seven: The word “standards” gets an approving nod from the public (and from most educators) because it means “performance that meets a standard.” However, the word also means “like everybody else,” and standardizing minds is what the Standards try to do. Common Core Standards fans sell the first meaning; the Standards deliver the second meaning. Standardized minds are about as far out of sync with deep-seated American values as it’s possible to get.
Eight: The Common Core Standards’ stated aim — “success in college and careers”— is at best pedestrian, at worst an affront. The young should be exploring the potentials of humanness.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Complete disarmament of the American people
Complete disarmament of the American people
Complete disarmament of the American people
The UN Arms Trade Treaty that has been identified by observers as a flagrant threat to the second amendment and which Barack Obama is determined to sign has its roots in a 1961 State Department memorandum which explains how the United Nations will oversee "complete disarmament" of the American people under the ruse of preventing war. The UN Arms Treaty has caused so much controversy because it outlines a plan to target "all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons," according to Forbes' Larry Bell.
Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also warns that the agreement "is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control."
A letter sent last month by 130 Republican House members to President Obama argued that the treaty should be rejected because it infringes on the "fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms". The letter adds that "...the U.N.'s actions to date indicate that the ATT is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights."
Using the rhetoric of the threat post by terrorists, insurgents and "international crime syndicates," the UN is busy trying to imply that all weapons are somehow involved in illegal activity on a global scale and should therefore be controlled and regulated by a global authority.
This is precisely the same language used in a 1961 U.S. State Department briefing which outlined a long term agenda to carry out a "Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World."
Invoking the threat of nuclear warfare, the document spells out a plan to create a "United Nations Peace Force" that would "enforce the peace as the disarmament process proceeds."
While the document initially focuses on scrapping nuclear weapons, it later makes it clear that the only groups allowed to own weapons of any kind would be governing authorities, "for the purpose of maintaining internal order," and the UN "peacekeeping" force itself, which would require "agreed manpower."
"The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes," states the document. While the memorandum outlines a broader mandate to destroy national sovereignty, eviscerate national armies and institute the UN as the planet's supreme authority with a world army, the document serves as a stark reminder that the plan for the United Nations to oversee the abolition of the second amendment has been in the works for decades.
As Bell points out in his Forbes article, the threat of the Obama administration relying on a UN treaty to do what successive administrations have tried but failed to accomplish -- taking a huge bite out of the second amendment -- is by no means far fetched.
After all, a plethora of UN treaties and international agreements have already stripped the United States of its sovereignty and its power to decide its own laws. The power to authorize U.S. involvement in wars and conflicts has now been almost completely stripped from Congress and handed to the United Nations.
AR 15 for American Self Defense
(If obama or some other regime gets your guns you will be defenseless and at their mercy. The ONLY thing stopping obama and his regime from putting you down is your ownership of guns. It is a fact the regime knows you can protect yourself from the regime and fight if necessary for you freedom if you own a gun.
Red Dawn was a movie about a foreign power killing Americans and putting them in camps.
If they resisted they were killed, if they could not defend themselves with a weapon.
Those with guns could defend themselves and others.
The 2nd amendment of the peoples constitution gives you the right to defend yourself against anybody.
If your don't own a gun, buy one.
If you can see they writing on the wall get ready.) Story Reports
The Chevy Volt hoax has been exposed
Don't believe this used car salesman, he is a LIAR.
Chevy Volt Electric Range Drops to 20 Miles in Cold
The Chevy Volt hoax has been exposed
Mark Modica
A recent study by unveils yet another drawback of General Motors' much-hyped Chevy Volt. It appears that the environmentally-conscientious, affluent owners of the vehicles who drive in cold weather will get about half of the electric range, on average, of those who drive in warmer climates.
Fleetcarma charted real-world data displaying an average electric range of approximately 20 miles for Volts driven during temperatures of about 25 degrees Fahrenheit.
The owners of President Obama's favorite car who were under the impression that they would be helping Mother Earth by saving less than one gallon of gas a day at the expense of taxpayers also should be aware of the fact that the Volt needed to burn gas at conditions of under 25 degrees, further negating the supposed green benefits of the car.
The Volt's range improved to an average of 40 to 45 miles at temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees. Even under these ideal conditions, the benefits of tax subsidies for electric vehicles like the Volt are questionable at best.
Consider that a recent government report predicts that EV sales will remain in the 1% range for years to come. Assuming average annual sales of EVs of 150,000 for the next several years and a federal tax credit of $7,500 per vehicle we can expect a five year cost to taxpayers of over a billion dollars for a negligible reduction of US gas consumption.
The limited benefits of the Volt lead to another important question for GM and incoming new CEO, Mary Barra. Why in the world are they doubling down on the Volt technology by offering a Cadillac version of the car at twice the price?
The Chevy Volt hoax has been exposed. Buyers have not flocked to the car despite taxpayer subsidies, price cuts and marketing hype that presented the car as a savior for the environment, as well as for GM.
What makes GM think that people will pay twice as much for the Cadillac ELR?
(The chevy volt and obama are products of the media. Both are advertised as something other than what they are and what they produce. Obama produced a totally FAKE PDF "birth certificate" that until this day cannot be validated by the public. Hawaii will not allow the public to validate obama's citizenship! He is advertised a a US citizen but the facts exposed obama as a HOAX that has only produced a cut and pasted PDF document, that has been proven to be a fake tricked up PDF file. The chevy volt is advertised as a car that is the answer to gas prices and "global warming/climate change" etc. In fact the chevy volt costs tax payers $7500 for each car produced and the volt doesn't deliver on gas milage because the battery gets only 20 miles per gallon in cold weather.
We are living in a facebook/twitter fake world of propaganda and misinformation. What you hear on the "state run national media" is hype and misinformation. Ignorant uninformed people believe this propaganda. Its not the real world.
Hitler said: Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
Chevy Volt Electric Range Drops to 20 Miles in Cold
The Chevy Volt hoax has been exposed
Mark Modica
A recent study by unveils yet another drawback of General Motors' much-hyped Chevy Volt. It appears that the environmentally-conscientious, affluent owners of the vehicles who drive in cold weather will get about half of the electric range, on average, of those who drive in warmer climates.
Fleetcarma charted real-world data displaying an average electric range of approximately 20 miles for Volts driven during temperatures of about 25 degrees Fahrenheit.
The owners of President Obama's favorite car who were under the impression that they would be helping Mother Earth by saving less than one gallon of gas a day at the expense of taxpayers also should be aware of the fact that the Volt needed to burn gas at conditions of under 25 degrees, further negating the supposed green benefits of the car.
The Volt's range improved to an average of 40 to 45 miles at temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees. Even under these ideal conditions, the benefits of tax subsidies for electric vehicles like the Volt are questionable at best.
Consider that a recent government report predicts that EV sales will remain in the 1% range for years to come. Assuming average annual sales of EVs of 150,000 for the next several years and a federal tax credit of $7,500 per vehicle we can expect a five year cost to taxpayers of over a billion dollars for a negligible reduction of US gas consumption.
The limited benefits of the Volt lead to another important question for GM and incoming new CEO, Mary Barra. Why in the world are they doubling down on the Volt technology by offering a Cadillac version of the car at twice the price?
The Chevy Volt hoax has been exposed. Buyers have not flocked to the car despite taxpayer subsidies, price cuts and marketing hype that presented the car as a savior for the environment, as well as for GM.
What makes GM think that people will pay twice as much for the Cadillac ELR?
(The chevy volt and obama are products of the media. Both are advertised as something other than what they are and what they produce. Obama produced a totally FAKE PDF "birth certificate" that until this day cannot be validated by the public. Hawaii will not allow the public to validate obama's citizenship! He is advertised a a US citizen but the facts exposed obama as a HOAX that has only produced a cut and pasted PDF document, that has been proven to be a fake tricked up PDF file. The chevy volt is advertised as a car that is the answer to gas prices and "global warming/climate change" etc. In fact the chevy volt costs tax payers $7500 for each car produced and the volt doesn't deliver on gas milage because the battery gets only 20 miles per gallon in cold weather.
We are living in a facebook/twitter fake world of propaganda and misinformation. What you hear on the "state run national media" is hype and misinformation. Ignorant uninformed people believe this propaganda. Its not the real world.
Hitler said: Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
Monday, January 6, 2014
dogs prefer to align on the north-south axis when dumping

Dogs prefer to align on the north-south axis when defecating
dogs prefer to align on the north-south axis when defecating
Amina Khan
Scientists studied 70 dogs of 37 different breeds as they defecated (1,893 dumps, to be precise) and urinated (a whopping 5,582 times) – data collected over two years. The researchers found that dogs prefer to point along the north-south axis when they do their business – as long as the magnetic field is stable. When the magnetic field shifts – say, because of an oncoming solar storm – it becomes more difficult to see the pattern, Begall said.
“We were quite frustrated, because we couldn't find a clear preference for a certain direction,” Begall said. “Then, we sorted the data according to the prevailing [magnetic-field] conditions at the time of recording, and this analysis revealed a highly significant and predictable effect.”
Both male and female dogs took this north-south stance when defecating, the study authors said. But male dogs took slightly different positions when urinating – probably a result of their leg-lifting behavior. How that leg-lifting – right or left? – affects a dog’s alignment is “currently under study,” the authors wrote.
The authors caution that more research is needed — in part because ‘normal’ magnetic conditions occurred only in 30% of the cases studied for this work.
(Congress/obama and dogs are much alike. Most of the time congress is misaligned as dogs are. When obama and congess are aligned they (CRAP) on Americsns by passing legislation out of congress!) Story Reports
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