One Action A U.S. Citizen May Take!
If ’you’ believe that the United States Constitution was violated and Obama’s eligibility warrants a public inquiry, please consider writing, in your own words, a letter to the proper authorities, politely and respectfully asking them to bring (or permit a third party to bring) the matter before the DC District Court. You may write to Acting United States Attorney Channing D. Phillips and or Patrick J. Fitzgerald: Fitzgerald is probably the best way to go -
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
United States Attorney
United States Attorney’s Office Fitzgerald
Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division
219 S. Dearborn St., 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 353-5300
Fax: (312) 353-2067
Both parents need to be US citizens for a child to be a natural born citizen, but the parents don't have to be nbc themselves or even born in the US, just that they were US citizens at the time their child was born on US soil.Leo Donofrio
Letters to us attorney District Of Columbia
The Constitutionally proper way to challenge POTUS eligibility is via the DC Code quo warranto statute.
If every person who was troubled by Obama’s eligibility wrote a letter to US Attorney Phillips and got on the same page, perhaps there might be enough of a public outcry for the US Attorney to move on this issue. But the forces are split up and divided. Much of this has been intentional and many have been duped.
Leo Donofrio quote
An example letter to send to US Attorney Channing D. Phillps District Of Columbia Another Action a Citizen May Take.
United States Attorney Channing D. Phillips
United States Attorney’s Office
555 4th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Mr. Phillips,
I am writing to you out of great concern and fear for the future of our constitutional republic. As I’ve watched events unfold since the 2008 presidential election I’ve learned about policies and actions proposed and/or taken by the executive and legislative branches of our federal government that are in stark contrast to the authorities and limits granted to them by our Constitution.
Witnessing this usurpation of authority on a daily basis, I grow increasingly concerned over the nagging questions regarding Mr. Obama’s allegiances and his constitutional eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States and serve as Commander In Chief of the military. As you should know, I am not alone. Numerous members of our citizenry and now some of our military members are publicly questioning his eligibility to the office and his allegiance to the Constitution. Some military members are even joining legal actions in our courts questioning his authority as Commander In Chief. It appears that these legal challenges, both direct and collateral, will persist until the questions are answered.
It is especially troubling when we see that our active and retired military are becoming involved, which has the potential to disrupt the military chain of command thus risking our national security. This is a mounting crisis that could have unfathomable consequences to our republic. I have even heard and read predictions of bloodshed and civil war! This is a serious matter and hopefully you agree that this crisis must be addressed sooner than later to preserve order and to protect our Constitution and nation from further damage.
I understand from the research by Attorney Leo Donofrio that this can be addressed legally (in accordance with the Constitution and statute) and peacefully by a quo warranto action by either yourself or the Attorney General. I quote the following from Mr. Donofrio’s open letter to you dated March 19, 2009:
“Since you are the main law enforcement officer charged with enforcing the District of Columbia Code, and since you are listed in 16-3502 as one of only two people who may institute a proceeding – upon their own motion – in quo warranto to investigate any United States public office holder’s qualifications if the office concerned is within the District of Columbia. I respectfully request that you bring such an action before the District Court for the District of Columbia as soon as possible.”
I too respectfully request that you bring such an action before the District Court for the District of Columbia as soon as possible. I fully understand that such an action will be highly controversial and will focus critical attention on you and your office. However, I believe this is exactly what is needed to quell the growing public concern over the eligibility and allegiance questions. It must be understood that the action is necessary to protect and defend the Constitution.
We must know if Mr. Obama is indeed a natural born Citizen as defined by the historical perspective of the framers when they included that specific eligibility requirement in the Constitution. It appears to me that it had a specific meaning to the framers. The qualifier “natural born” means that one’s “Citizenship” is absent of ambiguity – meaning both of your parents were US citizens at the time of your birth & you were born on US soil. According to the writings of the framers of the constitution, this qualifier was put in to avoid any allegiances to any other country and at the time in particular, England. The meaning of natural born Citizen over time perhaps has been obscured but the term has never been removed or altered by constitutional amendment. As further explained by Mr. Donofrio, the 14th Amendment has no effect on the natural born citizen clause.
If it is determined that Mr. Obama is constitutionally eligible, then his title to office of President will be cleared of all doubt and our nation can move ahead. If it is proven that he is truly ineligible and is therefore usurping the office, he must be removed. Either way, the matter will be resolved. This will be in the best interest of the nation and specifically the military chain of command.
It is not my intent to convince you with more details and citations as to the constitutional ineligibility of Mr. Obama for the office of President of the United States. It is only to convince you that the matter is indeed serious and is showing signs of reaching a boiling point. My great concern is that the longer it goes unresolved the more it puts our nation at risk of severe damage. I pray that you will have the wisdom and courage to take action on this matter and protect our Constitution and nation from such damage. God help us!
Contact Link For US Attorney
Channing D. Phillips District Of Columbia
Read the Minor v Happersett case. Identitfy the "doubts" SCOTUS had regarding nbc status. There are strongly opposed opinion on what a nbc is... SCOTUS expressed doubts that people born of foreign parents could be nbc... that is the most relevant decision in US Federal law and as such it remains controlling on the issue. Leo Donofrio Quote.
Additional Information That Throws A Dark Shadow On obama
We need to determine what passport obama used to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel was forbidden to US citizens.
There was a break-in at the passport office last summer; questions should be asked to see if it involved trying to hide his passport information. A man associated with that was found dead.
There are improprieties on his Selective Service Registration and print out and evidence that seems to show an insider helped to forge his registration to make it look like he registered at 18 when he did not. As a foreign student he did not have to register at 18, but needed to look like he registered when campaigning for president.
THE FEC only verifies a candidates eligibility to participate in public funding, which, Obama did not participate in. Again no verification of his citizenship or anything. Do you remember this?
Barack Obama II knew he could not pass an eligibility investigation: He rejected using public funding when he told the voters and his fellow candidates, John McCain and others, he would limit himself to public funding. He found FEC must verify candidate's eligibility to participate in public funding.
"In the Berg v Obama lawsuit, the FEC has responded to the suit, asking to be removed from the suit as it is not the responsibility of the FEC to verify a candidates eligibility. THE FEC only verifies a candidates eligibility to participate in public funding, which, Obama is not participating in. So, we now have the FEC washing their hands of verification, as well as the FBI washing their hands.
What is Quo Warranto?
In the year 2008, the United States knowingly elected a post-1787-born President whose parents were not both U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. In Minor v. Happersett, 1874, the Supreme Court stated that there is a legitimate unanswered question, or “doubt”, as to whether a U.S.-born child of a non-citizen parent is a Constitutional natural born citizen. Until the Supreme Court answers this question, it is by no means “settled” that Barack Obama is Constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States.
The DC District Court has the authority to investigate the eligibility of a sitting President. The DC District Court received this authority from Congress when Congress passed the Federal Quo Warranto Statute in 1901 and revised it, in 1963, to its present form.
A Quo Warranto inquiry is not a prosecution. It does not accuse Barack Obama of breaking any law. The inquiry is a civil proceeding, not a criminal one. In a Quo Warranto inquiry, the DC District Court would say to Barack Obama something to this effect (loosely paraphrased):
Mr. President, you are being asked to show, beyond reasonable doubt, that you are eligible to hold the office that you are currently holding. Please be advised: 1) You bear the burden of proof. It is up to you to show that you are eligible to serve as President. 2) Constitutional questions will be heard and settled by the U.S. Supreme Court. 3) This Quo Warranto proceeding has teeth. It operates under Congressional authority. If you cannot or will not show the Court, beyond reasonable doubt, that you are eligible to be President, this Court has the power and the authority to remove you from office.
The DC District Court would determine (by jury, if necessary) the relevant facts of the case — Obama’s birthplace, his parents’ citizenship, etc. The Supreme Court would then decide the Constitutional legal issues, such as what a Constitutional natural born citizen is and whether Barack Obama is such a citizen.
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