Powerful Real Comment To Heed!
Posted by Andrea Shea King at 10/09/2009 07:21:00 PM
Researcher Dr. Paula Gordon, author of Eligibility Questions. com, called my attention to something that attorney Mario Apuzzo and lead plaintiff Charles Kerchner said during my radio program last night about the Constitutional eligibility of both John McCain and Barack Obama. Something that I found of great interest. Evidently I wasn't the only one. Today she writes to me in an email:
I have now listened to all of your programs this week. Great contribution to efforts to get to the truth of these matters and to keep up with legal developments.
FYI! The last few minutes of last night’s program seemed to me to be extremely significant. I suspect that you were well aware of that as well. John Charlton has been posting on matters relating to Senate Resolution 511 as well as Linda Melin. Thought you might be interested in seeing this e-mail that I just sent to him urging him (and Linda Melin) to listen to last night’s program.
I followed the links she included, and one led to another until I got to this, which is the golden nugget, the key that explains how this usurper came to be in the White House. They knew all along he was ineligible. And they laid their groundwork well ahead of the election. Who are "they"? You'll find out.
Oh. my. God. Pour yourself a stiff one. Then read this excerpt of a post written yesterday by John Charlton at The Post & Email:
Now if one were to forge a conspiracy to get an ineligible candidate in office, as President of the United States, and were considering how to eliminate any possible legal challenge to this usurpation, it is obvious that one would have to carefully examine the D. C. Code, which has specific provisions for challenges regarding usurpation.
That is why this little know provision, of Section 1541, quoted from the acts of the 56th Congress, p. 1420, is so important.
If the candidate who ran for the other major party was eligible for office, then he could as relator immediately bring action in D.C. court against the usurper, on the eventuality that the Joint Session of Congress would unconstitutionally confirm the usurper as President.
But if the opposition candidate was also not eligible by the same requirement in Article II, Section i, paragraph 5, of the U.S. Constitution, then he could not challenge his opponent with this statute, since he would have the same defect in law.
Other requirements for such a hypothetical conspiracy are as follows:
1. Collusion of the Main Stream Media, to run flak against discussion of natural born citizen requirement.
2. Collusion of members of Congress to disregard requirements of Article II, Section i, paragraph 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
3. Collusion of Electors not to be unfaithful to unqualified usurper-to-be.
4. Collusion, at least passively, of all State Secretaries of State not to question ineligibility.
It is clear that only a joint action from the centers of power of both parties could have managed such a conspiracy. And that means that citizens should be investigating the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee actions prior to 2008.
Linda A. Melin, a citizen-researcher who blogs at Constitutionally Speaking, has gathered evidence to prove n. 2, in the above listing. The Post & Email wishes to publically praise Linda Melin for her excellent work documenting the conspiracy in this matter.
There's much, much more to learn about this. Don't stop with this. Let this be your starting point to find out how these legal minds are piecing it together, uncovering how they implemented the fix for Obama to assume the presidency. They are digging, researching, putting the pieces together. This is not a "birther" movement, as some derisively sniff. This is a crisis to our Constitution, one that has been perpetrated by those who have much at stake, everything to lose and much to gain by smoothing the way for a usurper to gain the White House. It is ugly. And dangerous. It's your worst horror movie.
The truth will come out. And when it does, ask yourself this: are you prepared to do what is necessary to save our country and remove the usurper and those who knowingly placed him there?
Dear God... pray God you are. And pray we're not too late.
Posted by Andrea Shea King at 10/09/2009 07:21:00 PM
Andrea Shea King
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