Okubo Janice S, Fukino Chiyome L, Mark Bennett
I emailed Janice Okubo yesterday Oct 7, 2009
I got a quick answer from her. I used almost the exact wording Leo Donofrio used and stated it was UIPA Request #1
My Request Email
From: (.......)
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009
To: Okubo, Janice S.
Subject: UIPA Request #1 From (......)
Dear Janice Okubo,
Communications Office
Hawaii State Department of Health
The following request for Government records is made pursuant to the UIPA:
I request a copy of the record (or records) which contributed to the decision of the Hawaii Department of Health (hereinafter DoH) to have indicated that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH registrar on August 8, 1961.
President Obama has made public a “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) which he alleges is an official document printed by the Hawaii DoH. That document bears the following:
August 8, 1961″.
Various public statements made by the DoH have given the appearance of authenticating that COLB as a genuine record originally generated by the DoH.
In this, my 1st UIPA request sent to your office, please understand that I am requesting access to all records maintained by the DoH which caused President Obama’s birth to have been filed with the registrar back on August 8, 1961. Therefore, for purposes of this – UIPA request #1 – I am only requesting (official copies thereof) which originally came into existence no later than August 9, 1961.
Please have your response conform to the OIP administrative rules. If you do maintain a record (or records) which came into existence prior to August 10, 1961 which contributed to the DoH declaration that President Obama’s birth had been “FILED BY REGISTRAR” on “August 8, 1961″ and you intend to deny access thereto, please make sure your response states that you are denying access. If you do not maintain any such records, you are required by the OIP administrative rules to inform me that you do not maintain any such records.
If you intend to send me official copies of the records requested herein, I prefer electronic copies sent by email to, (.......)
Very Truly Yours,
Janice Okubo
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009 4:37 AM
From: Janice Okubo
To: (email not disclosed)
Subject: RE: UIPA Request #1 From (Name not disclosed)
Size: 13 KB
Aloha Mr. (),
I am not sure I understand your request. If you are requesting vital records or records of births, deaths or marriages in the State of Hawaii, those records are protected under HRS 338-18 and therefore the UIPA does not apply to them.
Janice Okubo
How could she not understand my request? "I requested a copy of the record (or records) which contributed to the decision of the Hawaii Department of Health (hereinafter DoH) to have indicated that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH registrar on August 8, 1961." It is obvious I am not requesting actual records of births, deaths, or marriages. I didn't mention deaths or marriages. She stated "vital records" are protected under HRS 338-18. I didn't request a copy of obama's birth certificate. I requested records of how Okubo came to the decision obama was born on Aug 8, 1961. She has parsed my words and twisted the clear meaning. Okubo is telling me any record that contributed to her decision to publish her indication obama was born on Aug 8, 1961 are "vital" and off limits. A lie.
Leo Donofrio's Comments On His Blog To My Comment
IP Says:
October 8, 2009 at 5:51 PM
I emailed Janice Okubo yesterday Oct 7, 2009
I got a quick answer from her. I used almost the exact wording you used and stated it was UIPA Request #1
I believe my answer is different from yours. It is more misdirection.
If you want to see the original email I can email it to you to compare with your answer.
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009 4:37 AM
From: Janice Okubo
To: (email not disclosed)
Subject: RE: UIPA Request #1 From (Name not disclosed)
Size: 13 KB
Aloha Mr. (),
I am not sure I understand your request. If you are requesting vital records or records of births, deaths or marriages in the State of Hawaii, those records are protected under HRS 338-18 and therefore the UIPA does not apply to them.
Janice Okubo
Leo's Answer To Me
[ed. she knows what you are asking for. they cant answer the question under the statute. any answer puts them in a bad position.]
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