Request for copy of Op.No. 84-14 from the library of the Attorney General in Hawaii
I am requesting a copy of Op.No. 84-14 from the Library of the Attorney General in Hawaii. This 48 page document sets out the procedures and policies that the State must follow when an individual seeks to amend their birth certificate or other personal records.
Thank You
Please email it to me or mail it to my address:
Why am I requesting this?
This document lays out the rules for requesting records of obama the imposter. Specifically using the corrct procedure using Op.No. 84-14 I can find out the following information as can anyone else requesting it.
I can confirm the amendment was filed using this document or confirm an 'Statement of Disagreement' is on file with the Hawaii Department of Health. An amendment to obama's original birth certificate and if the amendment was rejected and a 'Statement of Disagreement' if obama wanted to refute the fact Hawaii has REJECTED his amendment to his birth certificate.
We know he filed an amendment. We don't know yet if he filed a "Statement of Disagreement'. If he did it would seem this is one area where his shadow tactics won't work.
From the DoH website:
“An amendment includes changes, corrections, additions, deletions, or substitutions.”
Amendments are defined broadly contrary to the very narrow list also found on the DoH website. In fact, it seems that virtually any change can be termed an amendment, even clerical errors.
To Recap from my last post, I asserted the following:
“Had Dr. Fukino had answered my question with a straight-forward answer and without the extraneous points about “..born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen..,” it would have looked SOMETHING like this:
‘I…have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health…I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.’
AND, we would have seen clearly that:
1.) There ARE amendments and submitted proof: “Vital Records” (plural)
2.) The vitals records are NOT “on record in accordance with state policies and procedures”
3.) The vitals records are NOT verified to be on record by the “Registrar of Vital Statistics”
4.) The vital records and proof offered to amend are insufficient for the State Registrar and, therefore, Fukino states they are “maintained on file.”
In other words, the support to amend his birth place is pending acceptance. Furthermore, if we break her statement down further in context of the assertions made within, we see this:
“I…have seen the original vital records…verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen…“
For most people it takes ONE (singular) ‘vital record,’ an ‘original long form birth certificate,’ to verify these two things. For our President, it took more than one.”
A few people have asked whether I think an amendment exists or not. Honestly, the timing and relevance of her statement to my question alone made me pretty confident that the use of the words “original vital records” (plural) had something to do with an amendment to Obama’s original birth certificate. However, I wanted confirmation so I began to write UIPA requests for records hoping to get it.
All this means is obama the IMPOSTER is slowly being exposed as a FRAUD!
How can you help expose the imposter obama? By sending requests to Hawaii that are correct in nature so that the Hawaii doh must answer your requests. Every little piece of the IMPOSTER puzzle helps solve it quicker.
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