Free Leo Haffney
We are still waiting to find out what is going to happen to Nashville attorney Leo Haffey who was arrested on suspicious affidavits, denied bond in a hearing by presiding judge Gloria Dumas, who received a lengthy formal complaint from the TN Judiciary for illegal and unprofessional behaviour a few days later. Is Leo Haffey a political prisoner?
“Who Is This Guy Leo Haffey I Keep Hearing About?
My first contact with Leo the Lawyer (Leo Haffey) was back on March 27th of 2009. I had discovered a post on a forum that struck me as “brass tacks” straight line reasoning with inescapable conclusions. I posted it on my blog “The Steady Drip. It was awhile before I knew Leo’s real name but that evening I got this thank you note.
Leo the Lawyer said…
Thanks for posting & hosting!
Love your Blog!
Leo’s article is archived at Two ideas to empower Patriots-by passing lawyers if you would care to review it. Here is a short excerpt:
People tend to either credit lawyers and judges far too much or discredit them to the extreme. The truth is lawyers and judges are greatly restricted by the privilege of license or of office. The people who are patriots have far more freedom of action and far less restrictions in our society.
Did you know that any citizen patriot can bring a criminal case against Barrack Hussein Obama in the County in which they reside? You do not have to be an Attorney General to indict a ham sandwich or a Barrack Obama. If a patriot had evidence of a crime committed by the 2008 BO campaign and that patriot presented said evidence to a sympathetic Grand Jury with a charge of conspiracy to commit said crime against Barrack Obama, that patriot could get BO indicted like that proverbial ham sandwich.
I had been blogging about the power of Citizen Grand Juries to directly counteract the conspiracy of the government against the people. Leo quickly understood the legal theory and the supporting Constitutional Provisions and case law.
The very next day this blockbuster headline grabbed my attention: Barack Hussein Obama Indicted in GA. Carl Swenson at http://www.riseupforamerica.com/ had scooped everybody and without warning had empanelled a Citizen Grand Jury and acted while the rest of us were still arguing legal theory.
From that point forward Leo and I corresponded on a regular basis. I became National Spokesperson for American Grand Jury and Leo advised me, and collaborated with other leaders in the Citizen Grand Jury movement while writing some of the early motions.
On April 29th I got a cryptic email from Leo “Where the Bodies R Buried in Tennessee?” The email had a link to a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) case concerning the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Election Commission. This was an issue Leo was working on in Nashville having to do with missing computers from the Nashville Elections Commission. I didn’t understand it, and I didn’t respond.
On April 30th Leo’s next email seemed hastily composed and was confusing: “Mayor, Police Chief, Former VP & Nashville DA. Next Door Neighbor CRIMINAL LAWYER Brent Horst. If anything happens to me those are the suspects. PI Grady Vaughn has more details. Keep the Faith, Leo Haffey.
At least I now knew Leo’s real name. However I was beginning to suspect that Leo wasn’t just brilliant but maybe a little weird. Less than an hour later I got this email “Have surveillance cameras surrounding my house. I have video of Nashville PD and neighbor, Nashville CRIMINAL lawyer Brent Horst, harassing me, my wife and my daughter.”
My day job is as a psychotherapist. My red flags pop up when people start claiming that folks are out to get them. Yet Leo made it clear that he had video evidence of police harassment. Next Leo sent me several news links along with this message: “These seemingly petty burglaries are to the Nashville BO Campaign what Watergate was to the Nixon Campaign.” Since delusions of persecution are not reported by the news media, I decided I should start paying attention to the corruption and police intimidation situation Leo faced in Nashville.
At 8:54 PM on May 2nd I got this email from Leo’s 11 year old daughter: “my dad was arrested and he said if he was, that i should email you.” At 4:05 Am I get this email from Leo: “Don’t report this because I don’t want any Grand Jury members to be scared off by this Police harassment, but please add judge Thomas w. Brothers, Brent & Tracy Horst of 6953 Highland Park Dr. Nashville, TN to the list of co-conspirators along with, Mayor Dean, Police Chief Serpas and District Attorney Johnson. Those are the people for the Constitutional Grand Jury to indict, along with BO, in Nashville. Keep the Faith, Leo P. Haffey”
One could easily forgive Leo if at this point he reacted to the intimidation by keeping his mouth shut and presenting a low profile. Not Leo! The next email said: “Please have the Grand Jury Foremen in Tennessee contact me. I want to present evidence against all the co-conspirators in Tennessee that I know about. Keep the Faith, Leo Haffey.” Leo might have been brave enough to testify to a Citizen Grand Jury in Nashville but there wasn’t one in existence. It wasn’t until June 18, that I was able to announce
I told Leo that there was not Citizen’s Grand Jury in Nashville yet. Rather than thinking he was out of ammo, later on May 3rd Leo asked me to post this message on my blog:
Co-conspirators Tom w. Brothers, Karl Dean, Ronal Serpas, & Torry got my neighbor the CRIMINAL Lawyer Brent Horst & his wife Tracy to file false charges.
But it backfired on all of them. My daughter is doing fine. Isn’t she Great! Thanks for your help! That is all I can say at this point. Other than:
It is very important that Patriots know to do this:
1) Find the CROOKED politicians in your City or Town that supported BO.
2) Link these CROOKED politicians to crimes committed by the BO Campaign.
3) Charge CROOKED politicians and BO as co-conspirators in the commission of campaign crimes, and you have a Criminal Case against BO that can be prosecuted in Court in your County Seat.
4) Of course, you add all the other Crimes that BO committed elsewhere to your INDICTMENT also. But to prosecute BO in your State, you have to link him as a co-conspirator to crimes committed in your State.
I have a stat counter on my blog. I was able to detect the hits coming from Nashville. Leo was really rattling the monkey cage of some big monkeys. Over the next few days I got dozens of emails documenting the evidence and suspicions Leo had about corruption in Nashville. He asked me to act as a depository for all of his evidence because he wasn’t sure he would be able to protect his documents, and he had some serious concerns about his own life being in jeopardy.
Over the next few days there were reports of unmarked and marked police vehicles parked outside Leo’s house. I didn’t realize it, but Leo had also been working on the child abuse and molestation activity at a local mosque. Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs really blew the lid of that case, but nothing was done and children remain in danger. Go here for a review of the various Crimes and Corruption Leo the Lawyer Exposed in Nashville.
I posted this notice on a blog in Nashville:
The power elite in Nashville are perverting justice! The police, politicians, judiciary, and administrators of government are conspiring against the citizens. Citizens have the constitutional authority to investigate corruption and establish justice.
All citizens who have evidence or reports of crimes, violations of oath of office, or sabotage of justice by elected or appointed officials are encouraged to report their information to the Nashville Citizen’s Grand Jury. Those who wish to serve as members of the Nashville Citizen’s Grand Jury can contact xxxxx
Honest public officials who faithfully serve “we the people” are expected to support the Nashville Citizen’s Grand Jury.
A member of the Tennessee Bar will act as advisor to the Nashville Citizen’s Grand Jury.
That last line in the notice might have been a mistake. Of course, those who knew the situation immediately guessed who the “member of the Tennessee Bar” was. By May 13th Leo was back in jail. We heard from Leo again on May 20th was able to send this email: “Help! On the 13th, I was arrested again by the Nashville PD without Probable Cause and falsely imprisoned, first at the Metro Jail, then I was taken to Nashville General Hospital where I was physically and mentally abused. My blood pressure medication was withheld from me for 38 hours. Then, I was taken to Middle Tennessee Mental Health Institute where they repeated tried to force me to take anti-psychotic medications.”
I live in south Florida. I felt powerless to help. However, I was able to determine that the Mental Health Professionals did their jobs according to the book, and Leo was released as “not being a danger to himself or others.” However, Leo couldn’t go home. Leo’s neighbors had contacted Leo’s wife right after he was arrested and told them that the Neighborhood Association was going to place a lien on her home and take the house away from her if she did not file a restraining order against Leo so that he could not return home. Leo took up residence in a Holiday Inn. Things were really getting nasty.
Leo was rearrested in September and this time his bond was revoked. This is where he remains:
HAFFEY, LEO PATRICK Facility: Criminal Justice Center
Unit-Pod: 2-E
Security Level: Minimum
The facts are being hidden by the authorities. We are using private investigators to find out what we can. We will not release our research until it is nailed down tight.
The “unconfirmed and unofficial story goes like this:
Leo is an entertainment attorney in Nashville.
Nashville is a liberal enclave in an otherwise moderate to conservative state.
Leo was an active Democrat and worked on Democratic candidates campaigns until Obama came along.
Leo has acquired some powerful enemies by being anti-Obama and attempting to expose local corruption.
When Leo began his anti-Obama activates and began advising Citizen Grand Juries, his enemies amplified their animosity toward him.
Leo had some marriage problems which his enemies exploited by pressuring his wife to file abuse charges against him.
After Leo was arrested, Leo’s wife had the integrity and courage to resist, and decided to “out” the people who had pressured her to file the false charges and sent this email to the Nashville DA:
Nashville Obama supporter Brent Horst THREATENED to SUE me if I didn’t help him get an Order of Protection against my husband, Leo Haffey.
Also Nashville ADA Bottoms pressured me to get an Order of Protection against my husband, Leo Haffey.
I would appreciate it if you and Nashville District Attorney Torry Johnson would investigate Mr. Horst.
I am in possession of further documentation about Leo’s wife being pressured to file false charges and my wife and I have interviewed Leo’s wife thoroughly.
The people who are trying to harass Leo are neighbors. They used the Neighborhood Association to threaten Leo’s wife that they would file a lien and take her house away if she didn’t file a charge against Leo. Leo’s wife is now being represented by counsel, so she isn’t likely to fall for that kind of pressure again. Leo arranged for her to have counsel while he was in jail.
· The charges against Leo were dropped, or soon will be, because Leo’s wife withdrew her allegation.
· Without skipping a beat Leo, was then charged with molesting his 11 year old daughter. One of his neighbors is a social worker, and I suspect her of involving the authorities. Child abuse accusations can be made anonymously without the accused ever knowing who the accuser was.
· Both the wife and daughter told the truth, and these charges were dropped.
· One of Leo’s enemies filed a false charge of vehicular assault – This was the same woman I suspect of making the false charge of molestation – no witness – no injuries – but they managed to get Leo arrested have him admitted to a mental health institution. Leo properly refused all medications without being informed as to what the official diagnosis was. There was none.
· The doctors said he wasn’t a danger to himself or anyone else, and released him
· Next he was re-arrested on the vehicular assault charge and they revoked his bail
· That is why he is in jail now. Leo continues to resist their attempts to administer drugs to him without a diagnosis. This has an uncanny resemblance to the plight of political prisoners in Russia back a few decades ago.
Caution: I live in Florida and my only sources are Leo, his wife, and his daughter who I communicate with regularly. I may not have all the details straight.
Leo needs simple help from a lawyer in filing a Write of Habeus Corpus, to get him out of jail. Once released, Leo can participate in his own defense.
Leo Haffey defense fund
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