An Achilles’ heel is a fatal weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall. Obama's 'achilles heel' is part II of the Hawaiian UIPA.
Leo educated his readers on the relevance of §HRS 338-18 and the general rule of UIPA as well as on the finer points: the provisions and exceptions to the general rule.
DoH Reverses Course – Releases Index Data For President Obama, Stanley Ann and Barack, Sr; No Records For Maya Exist.
However, Linden Joesting cited §92F-13(4) in her cover letter denying me access in support of §HRS 338-18. This section refers to ‘Exception 4′ of UIPA and agency records that must not be disclosed:
“Exception 4 The Law or Order Exception (§92F-13(4))
An agency may withhold access to records that are protected from disclosure by a state or federal law or by a court order…”
Given that Linden Joesting herself told me twice that the agency should inform me if the records I requested did not exist, and that the UIPA rules on responding to my request includes a necessary option to tell the requester if a record does not exist, I feel pretty certain that the President filed to amend his birth certificate based on that statutory admission. This is based on the facts as I understand them and I believe that’s reasonable. Ms. Joesting has never attempted to correct or back away from any guidance she provided me and so I believe what she said to be true.
However, I have since remained undecided and uncertain as to whether the filed amendment that I believe exists, has anything to do with the ‘Date Filed By Registrar’ language found on Obama’s COLB. My gut says it does, but that was based wholly on the comparison of Dr. Fukino’s statement on July 27 compared to the language on the COLB and also the fact that now we have two ‘irregularities.’ In both you find the reference to ‘filed’ records. Neither include language indicating the record(s) were accepted, registered, recorded or anything of the sort by the State Registrar. Other credible Hawaiian COLBs found online use the more formal language of having been “Accepted by the State Registrar.” And the fact that I asked Dr. Fukino specifically if the State Registrar had seen and verified that the “amended original birth certificate” was on record with Vital Statistics was, for me, a red flag because the answer seemed to be “no.”
Op.No. 84-14 Part III Letter instructions for those individuals who file UIPA requests. The ‘statement of disagreement’ is expressly not to be recorded [with the State Registrar], but to be maintained ‘on file’ at the agency with the locally filed records.
The letter was written in 1984. TerryK indicates to get a clearer picture on how the administrator handles this process we would need to access the Vital Statistics Administrative Rules. However, they are being updated and are currently inaccessible.
This is similar to what the "health care bill" is in that no one has seen the final rules.
Where is the the obama ‘statement of disagreement’ filed? That question is up in the air. Its seems the imposter filed one but there are only "old rules" to use as a guidelines to know where the record is filed and at the moment we can't know where to look. Its like changing the rules in the middle of a game. Leo was right, this is a "game changer".
Its a shell game. Leo Donofrio and TerryK are good playing shell games and can guess correctly under which cup the obama statement of disagreement was filed. Once in hand this would prove obama had his amended colb paperwork rejected by Hawaii and prove the colb on his web site is BOGUS. This would tell the world obama is a FRAUD and IMPOSTER. (Story Reports)
It seems a possibility obama could have tried to ammend his birth certificate generated after his adoption. What this would mean is speculation but could be he has a different father or mother than indicated, he was born somewhere elese than indicated, his birth date is different than indicated etc. Story Reports
“An agency is only required to provide access under part III to an “accessible” personal record, which generally means one that is filed by the person’s name or other identifying information, or which the agency can otherwise readily find.”
Send in UIPA requests to Hawaii. Help expose the IMPOSTER obama
You can use this as a guide. They’re very easy to file. I’m sending mine today:
“ Dear Dr. Fukino
‘Under the Uniform Information Practices Act of the State of Hawaii, “…the people are vested with the ultimate decision-making power. Government agencies exist to aid the people in the formation and conduct of public policy. Opening up the government processes to public scrutiny and participation is the only viable and reasonable method of protecting the public’s interest. Therefore the legislature declares that it is the policy of this State that the formation and conduct of public policy—the discussions, deliberations, decisions, and action of government agencies—shall be conducted as openly as possible’
1.) I request an electronic copy of President Obama’s “statement(s) of disagreement” on file with the Department of Health.
This request is a Hawaii UIPA (Uniform Information Practices Act) request under section 92F-12. “
Send your request to: janice.okubo@doh.hawaii.gov and chiyome.fukino@doh.hawaii.gov
If such records do not exist, they must tell you if they don’t maintain that record. If we approach things this way, perhaps we can narrow things down more–so be clever. I figure there must be a well thought out reason for this requirement because UIPA is a pretty wonderful bit of legislation, in my opinion.
If you are denied, citing the records are protected, that’s a statutory admission that the records exist. I’ll paraphrase the point Leo made (“An agency can only deny access to a record it does actually maintain.”)
I sent a UIPA request Thursday and Friday and Got an answer from Hawaii
My Request of Records:
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009
To: Okubo, Janice S.
Subject: RE: UIPA Request #1 From
Please understand my request in that I am not requesting any actual birth record.
I requested a copy of the record (or records) which contributed to the decision of the Hawaii Department of Health (hereinafter DoH) to have indicated that President Obama’s birth had been filed by the DoH registrar on August 8, 1961.
I am requesting records of how the doh came to the decision obama was born on Aug 8, 1961. I am requesting only these records pursuant to UIPA.
Your statements:
Dr. Fukino, Director of the Department of Health on Oct. 31, 2008:
“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”
Dr. Fukino, Director of the Department of Health on July 27, 2009:
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”
Very Truly Yours,
Aloha ( )
If you are not requesting copies of vital records, the department has no records responsive to your request.
Janice Okubo
Hawaii State Department of Health
I guess I did not word it correctly. I did say I was not requesting any actual birth record. It also seems Okubo thinks I wasn't asking for copies of vital records. This is exacly what I was requesting. "I am requesting records of how the doh came to the decision obama was born on Aug 8, 1961."
Did she tell me obama has no birth certificate amendments because they are not considered vital records?
Obama Shell Game
In the shell game, the tosser lays three half shells or cups face down on the table and slips a ball or pea underneath one. Then he or she slides the shells around while the player tries to track the shell with the pea. So is there any way to win these games? In most cases, no -- the games are rigged so you can't win. In many shell games, the ball isn't under any of the shells!
In most cases, this sleight of hand is actually the simplest part of the scam. Most card and shell games are very elaborate operations involving several crew members. In addition to the tosser, the scam depends on a lookout,(ie Obama thugs) to keep an eye out for the police, a roper, (the state run media) to bring in potential players and one or more shills to get people to play. The shill, (ie liberals) blends in as part of the crowd -- in fact, the shill will appear to be the opposite of the tosser. If the tosser is wearing a dirty T-shirt and a baseball cap, the shill might be dressed in a suit, carrying a briefcase. The shills job is to act as a player or an involved spectator.
Before others join the game, the tosser, (ie obama the IMPOSTER) lets one of the shills win a couple of times. The tosser doesn't switch the cards (or ditch the ball), so the game looks easy to any spectators. When people see the shill winning so easily (or losing by making a dumb choice), they want to play themselves. Another shill might fold a corner of the queen card while the tosser is looking away. This boosts the players' confidence because they think they're pulling one over on the tosser. But when the tosser picks the cards up, he or she subtly unbends the fold in the queen and folds the corner of one of the black cards.
Even armed with all this knowledge, you still can't beat this game. If you see the card switch, track the right card and put down money on the actual queen, one of the shills will just put down a higher bet on another card, and the tosser will decree "one bet at a time." Or a shill might bump into the table, "accidentally" knocking it over, voiding the game. Or the tosser might suddenly spot the police, (IE American patriot), and pack the game up. So in most cases, there really is no way to win these games -- the crew is only out to take money, never to give any of it up. THIS IS A PEFRECT EXAMPLE OF OBAMA AND THE LEFT WING RADICAL SOCIALISTS IN CONTROL
Obama is like the pea under a cup in a shell game. The state run media keeps moving the, "PEA", around to trick the American public. When America is able to beat the shell game the jig will be up and obama will be exposed as an imposter. Watch the hands of Okubo and Fukino closely and Send your request for information to: janice.okubo@doh.hawaii.gov and chiyome.fukino@doh.hawaii.gov
I sent additional requests for information today. I send requests and get answers but not the answers I am looking for. It seems the questions must be worded like a key is cut to a specific lock. So far Hawaii does not like the "cut of the jib" of my requests. Just like a woodpecker i'll keep on trying to carve out an answer to expose the IMPOSTER obama.(Story Reports)
This original post referenced work done by terryk or misstickly. She originally seemed to be creditable but her post on 10/22/09 revealed a dark side. She as does Orly Taitz have a creditabilty problem. I will no longer refenence her work because I don't want to promote anything other than someone who is a "walking the line" when it comes to exposing obama. I see why Leo didn't want to be associated with "misstickly" any longer.
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