How to Open a Coconut
20,000 fine for Taitz acting like she is on obama's defense team
So you've got a coconut, and you're dying to get at it. Opening up the shell can be quite a challenge unless you know the trick to it.
It is clear the "shell" would never be cracked by Orly Taitz. Leo Donofrio can "crack" the shell as can TerryK. They know where to find the "seam".
Barack Obama and State of Hawaii on the ropes.
Orly Taitz has been slapped with a five-figure fine for “wasting the judicial resources” of the Middle District of Georgia, where she’d filed one of her numerous lawsuits demanding that President Obama prove his citizenship before deploying soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan. The judgment, which calls Taitz’s case and tactics “delusional”:
I said a few weeks ago that something was wrong with Taitz. Something is very strange here. It would seem Orly Taitz is is acting incompetent. It was just a matter of time before Taiyz would be sanctioned for her misconduct. She acted incompetent. Although most of her other documentation on the FRAUD obama is solid. Because of this she playes into the hands of the FRAUD obama. Orly did not use the solid facts she had, instead she filed
documents improperly. (Story Reports)
Mission Viejo lawyer Orly Taitz filed the document, which claimed to be a registration of Obama’s birth. The filing was part of a complaint Taitz has in Santa Ana federal court - filed on behalf of Alan Keyes, Buena Park Pastor Wiley Drake and others - alleging that Obama is not U.S. born and should be removed from office.
Judge Nakazato 's comment in his "Order Striking Filed Documents from the Record" reads thusly:
WHEREAS, the documents listed below were improperly filed for the following reason(s)
Lacks proper notice (L.R. 6-1, 7-4); improper form and format (L.R. 11-3.3, 11-3.6); Counsel failed to identify her Cal. State Bar No. (L.R. 11-3.8(a)); description of motion conflicts or differs from that which counsel entered on Court's e-docket
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the documents shall be striken from the record and shall not be considered by the Court....
Taitz filed documents improperly. Really STUPID.
The courts seem to be in obama's 'court' anyway. Taiz had the ball but could not move it passed the 20 yard line. I don't think she wanted to. I do think she was and is a spoiler acting to be there first with the worst. Because of her "incompetence" act she has succeeded in effect covering up for obama.
Counsel Orly Taitz is hereby ordered to pay $20,000.00 to the United States, through the Middle District of Georgia Clerk’s Office, within thirty days of the date of this Order as a sanction for her misconduct in violation of Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Judge Clay Land makes the toughest statement about Taitz’s antics here:
The Court finds that counsel’s conduct was willful and not merely negligent. It demonstrates bad faith on her part. As an attorney, she is deemed to have known better. She owed a duty to follow the rules and to respect the Court. Counsel’s pattern of conduct conclusively establishes that she did not mistakenly violate a provision of law. She knowingly violated Rule 11. Her response to the Court’s show cause order is breathtaking in its arrogance and borders on delusional. She expresses no contrition or regret regarding her misconduct. To the contrary, she continues her baseless attacks on the Court.
And here’s the time line of Taitz’s appearance in court:
Counsel’s frivolous and sanctionable conduct wasted the Defendants’ time and valuable judicial resources that could have been devoted to legitimate cases pending with the Court. When she filed the Rhodes case, counsel indicated that it was urgent that the matter be heard because her client was facing imminent deployment. The Court rearranged its schedule, took time to read the legal papers, and conducted preliminary research in preparation for the hearing. The Army had to activate its legal team on short notice, sending a Major from the Army Litigation Division in Washington, D.C. and a Captain from the CONUS Replacement Center at Ft. Benning. In addition, the Assistant U.S. Attorney had to accompany them. Like the Court, the government attorneys had to prepare in an expedited manner for the hearing. During the week preceding Captain Rhodes’s deployment, the Court was in the midst of a jury trial. Therefore, the Court had to alter the trial schedule to conduct the hearing during an extended lunch break, thus affecting other counsel and jurors. The Clerk’s Office was burdened by Ms. Taitz’s inability to follow the Court’s rules regarding pro hac vice admission and the Court’s rules for electronic filing. On five separate occasions in a short period, the Clerk’s Office personnel error-noticed counsel for her failure to follow simple rules. At the hearing, counsel failed to make coherent legal arguments but instead wasted the Court’s time with press conference sound bites and speeches.
Judge Smacks Down Orly Taitz For Abusing Court
Strange isn't it.
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