Senior official in the State of Hawaii's Department of Health, Director of Communications Janice Okubo, in her comment on the purported Birth Certificate image that appears on the Obama "Fight the Smears" propaganda site: "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."
Janice Okubo said, "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."
A senior official in the State of Hawaii's Department of Health, Director of Communications Janice Okubo, confirms that the image published and circulated by the Obama campaign as his "birth certificate" lacks the necessary embossed seal and signature. Backing away from a quote attributed to her that the image on the campaign site was "valid," she told the St. Petersburg (Florida) Times in an article published yesterday Jun 27,2008: "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."
Janice Okubo Director of Communications Hawaii's Department of Health has "doubts" about obama's colb posted on the web. She unlike Dr. Chiyome Fukino has not stated she has "seen" obama's original birth certificate. Okubo publicy stated she has doubts about the amended colb that obama posted on the web. It would be interesting to email Dr. Chiyome Fukino and ask her if she too has DOUBTS about the colb obama has posted on his web site.
(story reports) I feel another email comming on.
Hawaii Revised Statutes Vol 6 Title Chap 321-344 html format
§338-16 Procedure concerning late and altered birth certificates
Obama's original birth certificate could reveal it was issued 1 year or more after his birth or was altered because of the requirement of 338-16; "shall contain the date of the late filing and the date of the alteration and be marked distinctly “late” or “altered”. If obama has a birth certificate that was filed late or altered the original would be marked distinctly "late" or "altered". This would explain why he has not released the original. (Very Important Fact about obama deception to "hide" his true identity) StoryReports
Ask Hawaii per 338-16 the follwing question(s), plural using Op.No. 84-14 instructions when filing UIPA requests.
(1) Any INDEX DATA evidence of a summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the acceptance for late filing or the alteration.
(2) Any INDEX DATA evidence kept in a special permanent file.
(3) Any INDEX DATA of a statement of disagreement included in the individual’s vital records ‘on file with the agency.’
(4) Any INDEX DATA indicating the dismissal of an application which is not actively prosecuted.
§338-16 Procedure concerning late and altered birth certificates. (a) Birth certificates registered one year or more after the date of birth, and certificates which have been altered after being filed with the department of health, shall contain the date of the late filing and the date of the alteration and be marked distinctly “late” or “altered”.
(b) A summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the acceptance for late filing or the alteration shall be endorsed on the certificates.
(c) Such evidence shall be kept in a special permanent file.
(d) When an applicant does not submit the minimum documentation required by the rules for late registration or when the state registrar finds reasons to question the validity or adequacy of the certificate or the documentary evidence, the state registrar shall not register the late certificate and shall advise the applicant of the reason for this action.
The department of health may by rule provide for the dismissal of an application which is not actively prosecuted.
(e) As used in this section, “late” means one year or more after the date of birth. [L 1949, c 327, §20; RL 1955, §57-19; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-16; am L 1972, c 66, §1(2); am L 1997, c 305, §3]
§338-16 Procedure concerning late and altered birth certificates. (a) Birth certificates registered one year or more after the date of birth, and certificates which have been altered after being filed with the department of health, shall contain the date of the late filing and the date of the alteration and be marked distinctly “late” or “altered”.
(b) A summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the acceptance for late filing or the alteration shall be endorsed on the certificates.
(c) Such evidence shall be kept in a special permanent file.
(d) When an applicant does not submit the minimum documentation required by the rules for late registration or when the state registrar finds reasons to question the validity or adequacy of the certificate or the documentary evidence, the state registrar shall not register the late certificate and shall advise the applicant of the reason for this action.
The department of health may by rule provide for the dismissal of an application which is not actively prosecuted.
(e) As used in this section, “late” means one year or more after the date of birth. [L 1949, c 327, §20; RL 1955, §57-19; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-16; am L 1972, c 66, §1(2); am L 1997, c 305, §3]
Hawaii revised Statutes338-16
§338-16 Procedure concerning late and altered birth certificates.
§338-16 Procedure concerning late and altered birth certificates. (a) Birth certificates registered one year or more after the date of birth, and certificates which have been altered after being filed with the department of health, shall contain the date of the late filing and the date of the alteration and be marked distinctly “late” or “altered”.
(b) A summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the acceptance for late filing or the alteration shall be endorsed on the certificates.
(c) Such evidence shall be kept in a special permanent file.
(d) When an applicant does not submit the minimum documentation required by the rules for late registration or when the state registrar finds reasons to question the validity or adequacy of the certificate or the documentary evidence, the state registrar shall not register the late certificate and shall advise the applicant of the reason for this action.
The department of health may by rule provide for the dismissal of an application which is not actively prosecuted.
(e) As used in this section, “late” means one year or more after the date of birth. [L 1949, c 327, §20; RL 1955, §57-19; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-16; am L 1972, c 66, §1(2); am L 1997, c 305, §3]
How to Apply for Certified Copies of Vital Records
Letters of Verification Is this what obama is using as proof of his birth in Hawaii? Letters of verification may be issued in lieu of certified copies (HRS §338-14.3). [Was obama aborted and born alive?]?
Letters of verification may be issued in lieu of certified copies (HRS §338-14.3). This document verifies the existence of a birth/death/marriage/divorce certificate on file with the Department of Health and any other information that the applicant provides to be verified relating to the vital event. (For example, that a certain named individual was born on a certain date at a certain place.) The verification process will not, however, disclose information about the vital event contained within the certificate that is unknown to and not provided by the applicant in the request.
Letters of verification are requested in similar fashion and using the same request forms as for certified copies.
The fee for a letter of verification is $5 per letter.
Interesting Message:
From: (.....)
> Date: 02/02/07 17:13:55
> To: hihonolu@rootsweb.com; hawaii@rootsweb.com
> Subject: Re: [HAWAII] [HIHONOLU] Ulukau genealogy
> indexes
> Hello, Jeanne, and thanks for all your information.
> I have indeed ordered
> many certificates from Oahu; they wouldn't give one
> death certificate I
> wanted because I was related through the spouse, but
> it was also not 75
> years "old". I have had good luck with that office
> for many of my requests.
> There were a few where they returned all my papers
> and checks because I didn
> t know the district (I thought they would look in
> all districts if I had a
> pretty narrow window on the date, but they
> wouldn't).
> Where it gets difficult is if one is "pretty sure"
> there was a marriage but
> can't find it in the indexes. Sometimes going to the
> actual sources yields
> something missed.
Verification copies of BMD (Interesting information on getting a record from Hawaii)
Download Request For Certified Copy of Birth Record Hawaii
Download Request For Certified Copy of Birth Record (pdf)
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