Hawaii Obama Short Form redacted "birth certification" is not the same as a "certificate of live birth". It has 27 less birth questions displayed. Because of this obama's 'certification of live birth' CANNOT BE VERIFIED IN ANY WAY. No hospital name. No doctor name. No signatures of Parent or Informant Item (18a), Doctor or Attendant Item (19a), or Date accepted by Local Registrar Item (21). Obama wants you to believe he was born in Hawaii. Obama has offered proof that CAN'T BE VERIFIED. This document was DOA and still is.

The problem with obama's 'certification of live birth' is NOTHING ABOUT IT CAN BE VERIFIED!
(6C) Name of Hospital or Institution, If not in hospital or institution, give street address.
This is critical information that obama will not reveal. Why? Where was obama born? According to Hawaii law he could have been born out of the country and Hawaii would still have issued a birth certificate. So this is crucial information that would reveal if obama was born in Hawaii or not.
* In 1982, the vital records law was amended to create a fourth kind of birth certificate for children born outside of the Territory or State of Hawaii. HRS Chapter 338 was amended to add a new section authorizing the Director of the Department of Health to issue a birth certificate for a person NOT born in Hawaii either as a Territory or State, upon sufficient proof that the legal parents of such individual had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth of such child.
*( This means obama could have been born in Kenya or anywhere else)
**This also is possible scenario for obama. Obama could have requested a certificate of live birth HIMSELF years later. Any ADULT could have requested a colb also. It just says ADULT. It doesn't say relative. So Hillary Clinton or ANY adult could have requested and been issued a colb for obama if the Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii was satisfied.
**If a child born in Hawaii, for whom no physician or mid wife filed a certificate of live birth, and for whom no Delayed Certificate was filed before the first birthday, then a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth could be issued upon testimony of an adult (including the subject person) if the Lieutenant Governor was satisfied that a person was born in Hawaii, provided that the person had attained the age of one year. (See Section 57-40 of the Territorial Public Health Statistics Act in the 1955 Revised Laws of Hawaii which was in effect in 1961).
***Any ADULT could, upon testimony, file a "Delayed Certificate", of which an endorsement, item (23) would be required on the LONG-FORM CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH which obama rufuses to produce. A summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the ACCCEPTANCE for delayed filing. This EVIDENCE must be kept in a SPECIAL PERMANENT FILE. Also a judicial or administrative body or official before whom the certificate is offered as evidence must determine if the evidence is valid. Who if anyone reviewd obama's evidence? Who determined it was valid if he or someone filed for a 'delayed certificate'?
***In 1961, if a person was born in Hawaii but not attended by a physician or mid wife, then, up to the first birthday of the child, an adult could, upon testimony, file a “Delayed Certificate”, which required endorsement on the Delayed Certificate of a summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the acceptance for delayed filing, which evidence must be kept in a special permanent file. The statute provided that the probative value of the Delayed Certificate must be determined by the judicial or administrative body or official before whom the certificate is offered as evidence. (See Section 57-18, 19 & 20 of the Territorial Public Health Statistics Act in the 1955 Revised Laws of Hawaii which was in effect in 1961).
****(6C) Name of Hospital or Institution is only on the 'certificate of live birth' long form original. This is not indicated on the 'certification of live birth' obama says is his evidence he was born in Hawaii. Because obama has not provided valid proof of where he was actually 'born' it is just more evidence of deception. No hospital or address where obama was born but on the original colb. But as I have indicated above, ANY adult could have asked for a certificate of live birth from Hawaii and if only 1 offical determined it was valid documentation for a delayed colb it would have been issued indicating obama was born in Hawaii. So the CRITICAL information. if it exists, is in a "a special permanent file". THIS IS THE INFORMATION THAT MUST BE REVEALED TO EXPOSE THE IMPOSTER OBAMA. Also if the a 'special permanent file' contains information on a rejection by Hawaii of the delayed colb documentation. A disagreement letter or file. This MUST BE REVEALED ALSO TO EXPOSE THE IMPOSTER OBAMA.
*****(18a) Certification of information, Parent or other informant. Only the 'certificate of live birth will reveal this signature. Who's signature is on obama's original colb? Maybe his own? It could be ANY adult. Anybody.
******(19b) Certification of attendant, a doctor, midwife or "witch doctor". Again only the 'certificate of live birth' will reveal this signature also. Who "birthed" obama? This is the REAL "BIRTHER". Who is this 'birther'? Only the "birthers" know who attended obama's birth.
*******(20) Date ACCEPTED BY LOCAL REGISTRAR. The long form original 'certificate of live birth' indicates this information. What is his or her name?
********(22) Date accepted by Reg. General. This is just another indication the original colb has been accepted. What is the date on obama's original colb?
*********(23) Evidence of delayed filing or alteration. This is the mother of all questions obama will not reveal. What does his original 'certificate of live birth' reveal?
Has his original colb been altered or filed on a delayed basis. WHAT IS THE EVIDENCE?
Obama's 'certification of live birth' does not indicate this information therfore the colb obama posted on the web CANNOT BE VERIFIED IN ANY WAY. It is an empty document to match his empty suit.
*********(3,4) Does obama have a twin? This would indicate he has a brother or sister not yet revealed to the public. A possibility because the public has not seen obama's original long form colb. If he does is he/she still alive? Who is he/she? (This would only be a bombshell if obama's long form indicated this and obama assumed the 'others' identity.)
Otherwise it isn't important. :) (A little birther humor here.) Down the "rabbid hole on that idea".
Who is Eligible to Apply for an Amended Certificate of Birth?
As provided by law (HRS §§338-17.7, 338-20.5), the following persons may apply for an amended certificate of birth:
* A person born in the State of Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed with the Department of Health and
1. has become legally adopted, or
2. has undergone a sex change operation, or
3. a legal determination of the nonexistence of a parent and child relationship for a person identified as a parent on the birth certificate on file has been made, or
4. previously recorded information in relation to the person’s surname and/or the father’s personal particulars has been altered pursuant to law.
* A person born in a foreign country who has been legally adopted in the State of Hawaii.
Summary: 4 pieces of critical information to determine who obama really is:
(1) original certificate of live birth, not a certification of live birth. Because item (23) would indicate if the colb was a delayed colb. This information cannot be acertained from the limited information on the 'certification of live birth' obama has published on the web.
(2) The 'special permanent file' information, if it exists.
(3) The name of the hospital or address where obama was actually born. This is only indicated on the long form 'certificate of live birth'. But remember this information is only as good as the documentation contained in the 'special permanent file', if it exists.
(4) The information indicating obama's 'legal parents' had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth of such child. If this happened. Evidence must be kept in a special permanent file. The documentation provided to Hawaii is all important. It doesn't matter who submitted it obama or "ANY ADULT". Any certificate of live birth issued by Hawaii is only as good as the documentation backing it up. If the documentation is FLAWED obama's colb is flaed and not VALID. This means obama is a FRAUD or IMPOSTER. No one including obama has proven who he is or where he was born up to this point.
( IT IS AMAZING TO ME OBAMA COULD HAVE BEEN BORN OUT OF THE US AND STILL HAWAII WOULD ISSUE A CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH.) Therefore if this has occurred the original colb must be made public to assertain what path obama or ANY ADULT has taken to prove he is a US citizen. Obama's online certification of live birth does not prove obama had a father or mother or where he was born or when. Because it has NOT BEEN VALIDATED. It will only be valided when we the American people are allowed to know what files Hawaii maintains concerning the birth of obama. Until Hawaii reveals critical HIDDEN records of who obama is no one in the world can validate obama's online colb.
Its not simple. Its similar to what clinton said, when he said, "it depends on what is, is." Is obama a US citizen? Is obama a natural born citizen?
Is you is or is you ain't a natural born US citizen.
Is you is or is you ain't my baby?
The way you're actin' lately makes me doubt
Yous is still my baby-baby
Hawaii Birth Certificates – Overview.
1. In the State of Hawaii, back in 1961, there were three different birth certificates that were obtainable:
a. If the birth was attended by a physician or mid wife, the attending medical professional was required to certify to the Department of Health the facts of the birth date, location, parents’ identities and other information. (See Section 57-8 & 9 of the Territorial Public Health Statistics Act in the 1955 Revised Laws of Hawaii which was in effect in 1961).
b. In 1961, if a person was born in Hawaii but not attended by a physician or mid wife, then, up to the first birthday of the child, an adult could, upon testimony, file a “Delayed Certificate”, which required endorsement on the Delayed Certificate of a summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the acceptance for delayed filing, which evidence must be kept in a special permanent file. The statute provided that the probative value of the Delayed Certificate must be determined by the judicial or administrative body or official before whom the certificate is offered as evidence. (See Section 57-18, 19 & 20 of the Territorial Public Health Statistics Act in the 1955 Revised Laws of Hawaii which was in effect in 1961).
c. If a child born in Hawaii, for whom no physician or mid wife filed a certificate of live birth, and for whom no Delayed Certificate was filed before the first birthday, then a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth could be issued upon testimony of an adult including the subject person) if the Lieutenant Governor was satisfied that a person was born in Hawaii, provided that the person had attained the age of one year. (See Section 57-40 of the Territorial Public Health Statistics Act in the 1955 Revised Laws of Hawaii which was in effect in 1961).
2. In 1982, the vital records law was amended to create a fourth kind of birth certificate for children born outside of the Territory or State of Hawaii. HRS Chapter 338 was amended to add a new section authorizing the Director of the Department of Health to issue a birth certificate for a person NOT born in Hawaii either as a Territory or State, upon sufficient proof that the legal parents of such individual had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth of such child.
Every now and then I hear "spin" covering up the IMPOSTER obama. Today George bush sr said his son and obama have endured "attacks". Is any valid point an "attack"? No. It is just a word to use for DISTRACTION from the facts or the truth. It also can be lies told about someone also. When I state obama an IMPOSTER is is not an "attack". It is a FACT because obama cannot and will not VERIFY his birth documents. I have explained why the "certification of live birth" is not a validation of who his is, who his parents are or where he was born. It is in fact an empty document because it has not been VALIDATED by anyone. Any "verbal statement" validation is just as empty as providing no documentation validate. Just because an "offical from Hawaii" said she has "seen the original records maintained on file" means nothing. Until America validates obama he will be a FRAUD and IMPOSTER.
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”
Could anybody tell me Why obama will not release his original vital records? There is only one reason. He is a FRAUD. A fraud hides behind the cover of illusion. Obama's illusion is his "certification of live birth", it can't be verified without seeing the "original vital records maintained on file" in Hawaii.
A statement by an offical in Hawaii about his "certificate of live birth" is the same as a statement by obama while he was campaigning. Its just a statement.
A statement becomes fact when it can be VERIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!
If a statement CANNOT BE VERIFIED by the public it is USELESS.
The statements by the 2 Hawiian officals CANNOT be verified therefore their statements about obama's "birth certificate" are useless and bogus.
If an official in Hawaii had released obama's original long form certification of live birth and it was verified then the statements could be verified.
As of this date its just talk. The statements by the Hawaiian officals are not legal evidence obama was born in Hawaii.
Only the original document could verify this. Obama will not reveal his true identity to 300 million Americans.
Obama cannot reveal his true identity because obama is a FRAUD.
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