The FAKE news media wants to crown dementia joe president so bad they can taste it.
The FAKE news media will crown dementia joe president elect some time soon as the FAKE news continues to report on the election totals from various states President Trump had won on Nov 3, 2020. Since then the ballot fraud in several states has been allowed to continue which will result in a FAKE presidential initial result that will proclaim dementia joe as president.
From A New Website:
MASSIVE FRAUD Rudy Giuliani Says Major LAWSUITS Will Be Happening
Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense Podcast
Giuliani Daily Radio Show M-F 3 PM - 4 PM EST
Keep in mind ALL of the below 2020 Election Results are predictions based on
Massive Fraud in states President Trump won on Nov 3, 2020.
At some point all of the election prediction results will predict joe biden as
the President elect.
This will be a FALSE narrative that will be repeated over and over just like you have seen and heard with political ads.
Sometime in the near future the US Supreme court will rule in President Trump's favor which will cause the fake democrate ballots to not be counted toward electorial votes.
This is when antifa/blm will be let loose to burn and loot the mostly democrate controlled areas.
From this date on even after President Trump is declared the real winner of
the 2020 Presidential election on Jan 6, 2021 all the forces of the deep state
and shadow government will riot and cause national chaos.
It will be an on going situation similar to when the FAKE news caused riots
during the summer and fall of 2020.
At some point these riots etc will begin to taper off but continue as the FAKE
news media continues to promote FAKE news about President Trump or anything else
that they think will be to their benefit.
The next 4 years of President Trump's administration will I suspect not allow the status quo to continue for the FAKE news media nor antifa and blm.
I am very Optimistic that President Trump will continue to MAKE America Great.
FAKE News can't and won't win the 2020 Presidential election!
- New York Times Election Results Website HERE (manipulative)
- Politico Election Results Website HERE (more manipulative)
- Fox News Election Results Website HERE (most manipulative)
- CNN Election Results Website HERE (more manipulative)
- Green Papers Election Results Website HERE (least manipulative)
- Decision Desk HQ
Election Results Website HERE (least manipulative)
The best thing anyone can do right now is rally to the president and the flag. Many are scared, disoriented and downcast because of the FAKE news projecting fear. Trump has this, pray and organize Trump MAGA Votes Matter rallys all over the nation. Show your support for President Trump and fight for your vote. Don't let the democrates steal the 2020 Presidential election in states that President Trump won on Nov 3, 2020. Listen Live To The Tara Show 6 AM - 10 AM EST
Listen Live To Rush Limbaugh 12:00 PM - 3 PM EST
Listen Live To The Bobby Mac Show 3 PM - 7 PM
Listen To The Mark Lavin Show 7 PM - 10 PM Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense Podcast
Poll Worker Gets Mad When "counting" votes Twitter
Windows Covered Up To
Hide Election FRAUD In Detroit’s absentee ballot counting center
Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are trying to
steal the election
Mysterious all-Biden vote dump happened in Wisconsin on Nov 4. Biden miraculously overcame a 4.1-point Trump lead in the middle of the night thanks to vote dumps in which he got—you guessed it—100 percent of the votes and Trump got zero.
Something strange happened in the dead of the night on Nov 4. In both
Michigan and Wisconsin, vote dumps early Wednesday morning showed 100 percent of
the votes going for Biden and zero percent—that’s zero, so not even one vote—for
In Pennsylvania, the Democratic scheme to steal the election is a bit different. Rather than vote dumps that impossibly go 100 percent to Biden, Pennsylvania is relying on the Democratic Secretary of State’s plan to count indisputably late mail-in ballots as though they were received on Election Day—even if they have no postmark.
This plan was of course rubber-stamped by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which cited the need for “equitable relief” to address mail delays amid the pandemic.
Note that this isn’t just about ballots that come in after Election Day, but about ballots that come in after Election Day that don’t even have a postmark—that is, there is no way to tell when the ballots were mailed, or from where.
Unless election officials in Michigan and Wisconsin can explain the overnight vote-dumps and, in Michigan, the “typo” that appeared to benefit Biden, and Pennsylvania officials can explain their rationale for counting ballots with no postmark, the only possible conclusion one can come to right now is that Democrats are trying to steal the election in the Midwest.
Twitter, Facebook and other media will tell you this is not valid and they will censor this information.
Trump Campaign Sues Michigan After Access To Midnight Ballot Counts Was Denied
The Trump presidential campaign is suing Michigan, saying Republicans were denied access to observe and oversee the opening and counting of ballots in the state.
Trump Campaign Demands Full Recount In Wisconsin
President Donald Trump’s campaign demanded a full recount in Wisconsin Wednesday where Joe Biden holds a thin lead of just under 21,000 votes.
Big Tech Censorship Is Proof That Media Are Trying To Steal The Election For Democrats
Since it has been established that Big Tech’s censorship often targets the truth, its clampdown on discussion of electoral integrity indicates it is indeed a concern.
Joe Biden Says Democrats Created ‘The Most Extensive And Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization’ In American History
Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden recently bragged that Democrats have created the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said. Over
100 Online FREE Calculators FREE
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Voting in a Presidential election is important and is an American's
Constitutional right.
Stealing your vote in a Presidential election takes away your Constitutional right to vote.
If you voted for President Trump your vote will not matter if you let the democrates steal the election in various states.
Your freedom will be taken away if you don't do everything you can to
stop the democrates from stealing the 2020 Presidential election.
My Blog And Comments
The 2020 Presidential election is being stolen by the democrates via mail in voter fraud
President Trump you are NOT alone in your fight to win the 2020 election.
WE THE PEOPLE will NOT allow the democrate election FRAUD to prevail.
We know the "deep state/shadow government" is doing everything to suppress the truth and steal the 2020 Presidential election.
We like you sir will NOT allow this to happen.
We know initially the FAKE news media will tell us joe biden is ahead and
will win.
We also know the FAKE news media will PREDICT joe biden's election as president
and proclaim him the winner.
From the first week in November 2020 up until your various democrate vote count
fraud lawsuits are heard in the US Supreme court we know that the 2020
Presidential election will be decided then.
Joe Biden and the FAKE news media will promote him as the President elect.
The President elect final result will be validated on Nov 6, 2021.
On Nov 6, 2021 you sir Donald J. Trump will then be certified as the winner of the 2020 Presidential election and dementia joe will go back to his basement or a nursing home were he belongs.
Live Mon - Fri 6 PM - 9 PM EST
Listen to The Mark Levin show live 6 PM - 9 PM EST Mon - Fri
Mark Levin is a talk show host and lawyer who goes into detail about how the FAKE news is trying to deceive you.
Most of the national and local media is FAKE news just as President Trump has said over and over.
If you listen to the national media you will not hear the truth. You will hear only lies and deceptions.
Mark Levin is also fighting the fake news media everyday.
If your want to know exactly how the fake news media democrate mouthpiece
national media is deceiving people listen to the
Live Mon - Fri 6 PM - 9 PM EST
Listen Live To The Tara Show 6 AM - 10 AM EST
Listen Live To Rush Limbaugh 12:00 PM - 3 PM EST
Listen Live To The Bobby Mac Show 3 PM - 7 PM
Listen To The Mark Lavin Show 7 PM - 10 PM Listen To Rush Daily 12 PM - 3 PM
Trump Campaign Demands Wisconsin Recount
RUSH: The Trump campaign has now made it official, demanding a recount in Wisconsin because there are more votes that have been counted than there are registered voters in Wisconsin.
Listen To Rush Daily 12 PM - 3 PM Institute For Creation Research King James Bible Online
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